Advertising and Circulation Telephone, Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86, All advertising should lie in The Daily News Offief on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject Id approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDJTIOIV itjro Monday. I tee. :??, 'I02I. The Citizenship Of Doukhobors. The .-Irange rumniiinity' of Donkbobors thai gathered in conclave ill Brilliant, elected a spiriluat- leader to succeed Peter -..ii.rin wliiisc aci'iilcnhil death left it willmnt a head after he had led thesu people fr thirty-eight years a the Manitoba Free Pros. They have chosen Peter Lordly, a sou of Verigin. lie is nnderslood o he a Itussian, in the prime of life, and is said to lie educated. The report oT the proceedings at Urillianl state that he was in Canada for ix mouth some ten or twelve year ago and that, he is now in this country on his way to accept the leadership. The hold Peter Verigin had upon tlujse people ha heen more lenacioos than has lieen anv sum ar association m this country. Will thai of his uccesor he as close, as unbreak-alile, as iiiidcfiahle? It is strange that so little should he known of these people They have lived here a ipiarter-cenlury and yet are as iiiscrul- aide as when they first truck the prairies, or very nearly so. They have not heen allowed lo mix hut have heeu hemmed in liv itriinr;iiiri' nf lMiiLrii;iLre anil coin Mums. 1 liev liave lieen so hedged, tbev could not hreak out, and Canadians could not gel in. Vcrisrin had it o. The only .approach had to he made through him, or one of his chosen Mipporter.. Kven the govern meiit of Canada could not get at the heart of these people for thev were Unapproachable so long as Verigin willed it so. Whatlivill lie' the attitude of the leader who has heen chosen? AVill he maintain his anomalous isolation or advance gradually hdo Ihe common cilizeuh'ip;' The answer will depend upon I lie' manner of man he is, and more particularly, on the relationship m which I he community will hold linn. I hex Miav reeard him as they regarded Verigin when he will hold a sway over them that may continue to add to their vast prosperity hul divorce thni more than ever from the citizenship which protects them. Communism Cannot Last In Russia. The future of Miissiau politics may lurn tn a large exlenl on the success or otherwise of the allcmpl now heing made to banish Leon Irolsky, who, with Ihe lale .Nikolai Leiiine, was in strumental perhaps mure I hrui any oilier in pulling communism actually into effect in ltussja. Now that the System of sovielism in ltussja lias heen in .Iteration for onle ix years, it has heen given a good try-out. II has heen found that Ihe principle of nationalization of industry will not work. With private enterprise stilled, production ha decreased. Mussja has been trying to develop foreign trade Intl. under the -leni of strict communism, it ha heen fully i ascertained that the country cannot even produce enough for ils own demands much less for export. l.cjiiiie ome three years ago moderated the policy of slrielly chjlective bargaining ami instituted a temporary measure permitting of private trade. TJie country immediately he-, gan to benefit hut the "new economic policy" was gradually put out of business, again. Trotsky was in favor of restoring private trade again to a certain degree but to this his fellow governors of Hiivsja were oppoed. Ilenee the move that has now developed to oust him. It will be interesting lo note if the Red Army, which h organized and wliich is solidly 'behind him, will allow his deposition. If Trotsky does go, strict communism will be vogue perhaps a little longer but, no matter what happens, it cannot last. The Hiissjau peasant agriculturalist, ami most of the .Hussiaiis nr such., is by nature a private trader. As lotig as he is not pinched, with want, he may stand for epmniiinism. Communism is pinching him, howeer, and if the old order is not restored governmental!)-. j (,oner or later will lie by revolution. It is perhaps significant that Hed tendencies have been emphatically repudiated in the l uiled Slates and tireat Urilain Blue Ribbon BAKING POWDER .Hrnd 24j. lo Illua ItiUuin Ltd.. V innllwc. (ur Id IUti );iblmn 'ook hixk baiuixlln bif AiMclli 1h Uvt eoi;k liook lt,t rvcry My um n mi-rn Wwi, Next time you order baking powder say "Blue Ribbon." Then give it the baking day test. You need have no fear of the result. Try it. Music Featured Services Before Large Congregations Yesterday Christmas was generally ob-sened in Ihe city churches yesterday. Sermons were iippro-priate, special miie was . mid the churches were all elegantly decorated. The weather being auspicious, the attendance is almost all crises was large. The service at Ihe Methodist tin roll included special Christ inas music ami anuiem ny ine Imir, the church being filled tn capacity. Ilev. . (I. Packer in hist Christmas address. "A Merry mrisfina and Then Some" jioke of tlie generosity of poople it Christmas when they, would give and do things which they never thought of doing the rest of the iyear. lie urged Ills roiv- gregalion to endeavor lo carry out the spirit of l.hrislmas llirnushout the year. feature of the service was the playing of Ihe orchestra mi ller the direction of II.-A. Pryre I'his orcheslrsi rendered "Simple Confession" by Thome, and "War March of I lie Priest" by Mendel ssohn. Iloth were sJeint i.lly ex ecuted. The orchestra Included II. A. Prvre, conductor; A. J. Lancaster (organ . Mr. Martin Miss Osborn, P. Mlack jr.. K. Wallers. Krie Dingwell, Frank Cumeron. II. L. Mann. Mr. Kalon Mini. (ay. JVei tmv .,. TVr,E TWO 19 The Daily News I'hinck nui'Kirr - mtmsii colu.miha Published Kvery Afternoon, oxropj Sunday, Ihe Prime Huper! Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . II. I. Pi'U.KN, Managing Kdilor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Transient Display Advertising SI.10 pCr inoh pep Insertion. Transient Advertising on J'ront Page 52.80 per inch Loral Howlers,, per insertion. ..v .2.'c per linn ('lassifiefv-Adverliiiiff, per Jner'limi. . . i .2e per word Legal NofTre. e,lrli insertion... .'. . . I So per agate line Contract Hales un Applirnlinn. XMAS SUNDAY W. Kirkendal. J. Hawthorn. D. Monro. VO .M. Iln. V. Derry and W. Drown. Miss h. Jonei ing solos arcmpanie.1 by A. J Lancaster at the organ. Salvation Army The Salvalion Army hand play ed for the first time on the city .1 reels last night. The hull was well filled for the service in Ihe ,-itailel that followed. Those who sntke were Mr. Martin. Miss K. Mumford and Mrs. Ilea. The hand rendered "Winchester Old," Ahide Witli Me." and "t iler most." The While lesson on the unwise men was rem! by Capl lien, "tlie follnwiug young people, were enrolled as junior sobliersl under Ihe Army flag: Annie s'liiilh, Doris Sinilh. Carl Smilh. Henry Sntilh. and Jack (lawthorn. I'siial services look place in the morning and at Sunday schnol in the afternoon. Baptist Church At the Itaplist Chinch Ihe ser-iee took I lie form of spec in I Christmas anllienv by Ihe choir supplemented ' by , Chrislnuis carols and hymns. S. Wylie gave n special Christinas address, taking a.' his subject. "Christmas" W. Vaiiahiin Uavies presided al Ihe organ. Central CJty Mission Special Christmas services were held al Ihe hrone of Ihe Fourfold Cospcl presided over hy Pastor J. W. Knighls. Instrumental and vocal solos were rendered and Chrislma carols and hymns sung. In the evening Pastor Jwiighl look a his subject "A Christ mas Message on the Individuality of Ihe Oospcl." Presbyterian Church A children's Christmas service was hebl at the Presjiylerian.( Church in Ihe morning, the choir of id' children, under Ihe leadership of Mrs. II. II. Crant. singing "We Three Kings nf Orient Are," and Ihe primary class, Luther's cradle song, "Away in a Manger." Several Christmas carols and hymns were, also rendered. Ilev. Jr. II. II. Orant gave an appropriate Christmas address en-lirely Tor Ihe lillle folk. The church was artistically decorated in green floral and poinscliht effect. In the evening special Christ-s music was rendered. The choir sang Ihe anthem, "Let Csj .Vm-ym J.ven I'nlo Itethlehem, and various Christinas carols and hymns. A ipiarlette consisting of Mrs.JnrvIs MrLeod, Mrs. McMillan, John Currie and A. Uapperinu - sang ::Sleep, Holy! Ilabe." Mrs. It. A. Harlow was' accompanist.. Special services will take place in other cily churches on Christmas lay. Ml nulli nix arrivr.l In lhi rily ycMnrriny aflrrnoon nn llm Canlrna from rw Wrslminnlor. wlicro hIip has a position on the iiihli(' school MlalT an n ilnmcs- tlr Krh'iu- Inslrnrlor, Mo ponij ui i.hrlsimiis mill cw Yoar. vacation with Jut pnronln. Arrh- rloaroii and Mrs. (I., A. Hit, Apf-now Plarn. Advt-rlUe In the Dally News. HERE'S WHERE YOU SAVE MONEY Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Store open to 10 p.m. until Christmas Christmas Presents for all at Sale Prices BOYS' DEPT. MENS' DEPT. , SUSPENDERS .. .; l5o.lo45e COLLAR CASES CAPS C5C 1'VJAMAS ., :;: ,,M PANTS S105 BELTS BATH ROBES WAISTS 05c $1,65 MACKINAWS - $W5 $5.95 : ERS GAUNTLET GLOVES 45c u, o 05c , $10 46 to NECKWEAR 45c SWLATERS, SHAWL COLLAR $295 m WcMW0 JtKMlYb and $1.35 SILK HANDKERCHIEFS 65cloll45 HOSE, ALL WOOL 65e and 80c NECKWEAR 48c l2'45 SUITS 25 per cent off SLIPPERS s1 05 to 45 ;ALLW00L - overcoats ; ;;$:;;los;3.45 B00TS $3.75 RAINCOATS l7M BE 45c CLUB BAGS AND SUIT CASES ;.. LADIES' DEPT. . V- "ZZ ,r- LADIES SILK HOSE -W ;; - o ; - LADIES' SWEATER COATS $3J5 ; PANCY CHRISTMAS BOXES FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE Acme Importers MANY CLAIMS TO VALUABLE LEGACY Correct Use of Famous Title hat Encouraged Pretenders Alimil Ihr var 188(1 hr pinnrfr prospnoiors of Ilrit awl r.nlumhia ilisroi'rril a; mknhU'' r-mil.. After many iriala ami li"ls was posilivtfly-lhhli 'l Dial Ihis r;oal rt'iirffdPiilPd Ihe nunc of rconoiny, rfficii'ncy ami romfori. To Ihi fnol Ihey ttnw the nmvj Tamoiis nain" of "Nnnntmo-W H-linploii." mprfMntliiu all dial was heal in ooal. No sooner whs II fonnil llial t lie politic InnUlcil nn (rMluiif thU WondT I'nel than olliorj cnnl1 wcr" put on Mi market under vry nduilnr iiHino. So murli fn Hint tlm puhlic were al a lns to say whirh whs Hip gou-nflie ami which Hie Imitation. Of course it wan eauy after a trial n ilnle sank will prove il more hulititr nuil more powerful heat from n few shovel fills, harrtly pny a(h. no clinker or rock, nil these point slnnil on I when yon mftkn a practical lest In fnrnnce. fireplace, healer or ronk-slove. "Tills famous Nanaiino-Wnl-linslon coal l fold only hy Albert McP.affery In wlinm all order should lie p'lonerl direct. I'rompt delivery service given by their own team ami trucks: Their plmne number are 11 rt and 5M. , tf CANCELLATION OF RLSCRVK. . mu:r. is iimikiiy aivrN iimt iw "nn'iinir t.nt 4 4 n . (iiihi p. Irlii, in I'dhiollril. i n n k Mij'.M, fwpm, Mbh-iit 'ir i.antl-I.ni1(- nfp.vjncnl. Vii'inrm, nr . lOlh DcUHmljer, 1034. 4, if, . .j $30,000,000 Canadian Pacific Railway .Company i 20-Ycnr .Sinkitiir Fund Secured Note Certificate -Dated-December 15th, 1924 Due December 15th, 14 .ji ' Denomination: $lobk J500, 11,000 ' and upward " . - V u. aji 1 1 iii ii r i ur i -iii'iiii'iii i'Va ;$!..f Pacific Railway should ciiMtre 'A- 'P the success of thin, the largest" ' h f trnnstiction in Corporate fin an- ' l!. t ; ciiiy in the Jiitory of Canada, i. f'j Z Price: 92.25 und Interest, Yieldlngtlj?!' -"? ". . ., ... tiffft , , 'H Orders vtop ie,. placed throuili your usual) dealer or .'. 2rt. . .tt:.Ji....i i ,r . i , -A ' J u.y iiunerea isank. , i i V 1 T