~ ' j Photographer Makes Suspect 16 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, August 12, 1959 LOUISVILLE, Ky AP) — Po-; when they saw him Man “Who I lay Houdinj dice dene: t I ; ver the After consider: United States are taking their) Reeves came up j hat ff to Frank Reeve hats-'| identifier as the ecomes — imsel R on meth f criminal identifi- | problem A Ce Tt ay i By BOB THOMAS the stud pio é y va of son the “eg I Fr é - f HOLLYWOOD (AP)-—-Amateur tricks. } 4 ly ce more the 20 gs i : y MS, DUl | : sa ck ae ; magicians and people who dO | apout it. 1 ges | card tricks have always been @),4q,, , y o sre mounterc n a large sheet of added value if : Oe ee ee mr . bore, but my interest quickened ,, PeOpit transparent plexXigiass . ; : doing the tricks » ‘ : t tony Curtis went into hi A y seit F dentifie os George London, who » ee of hat the «a Tak cnn | a manager for Thy r ha n poli yee . " aon ’ "ae Now I take this red ball, and | stone ana oti . that | Wearing then the hat is placed ‘ i ; a Meek Breas tha ot) a ne Agr —— suddenly, it disappear Oops, | expressed g ver th » on the suspect's here it is.” ability ' al I itiy eat Re es makes the hats to . d v Why 5 fit the h ize of photographs And 20 8. DU? 8 oe eee h : é used b different polics multiply invo many Ted ball mo new ricig a +? force zr} ievice N bad. Then he did a routine to work o Camde } Ww Ds ising his devic will feed rings, pivked) said “ 'g, : Reeves’ hobby is photograph- W omy d ring pick said i; a ‘ € ! ; nolicemer His } ome playing cards out of the alr Le le tr t coul Loui ice” cont i and made them vanish Houdi +t yf crir ; n ; ix s Of more than 500 local police- How's that for a beginner manship Fe nen, FBI agents, U.S. marshals i Curtis asked proudly H a> Re i and private detectives His perfomance was part of his | Chinesé 7 } | : the A eC tographer built up his | homework for his role in “Hou- | seif to be kl ; ti 0 0 t Wfferine tn make free aii in Which ne ii impersonal headadc Ne ae ; eo portrait if law enforcement the famed magician that i t ; * ae er _— )fficers. When an officer comes SERIOUS WORK Ht at fgton, K in for his free photograph “I've been practicing magi Will Time igal h 1id,| Reeves makes an extra print for for a week and a half already,” | ed in the fil “ e€ esses hesitate Over a| his own “gallery.” he explained. “I come to the stu Oh photog I Reev offer is made on dio for three hours to lear? Houd th h as the lan which he hands out under George London, then I) jno g but f ] ertain be- on small photo of him- work at home for four or five t} ¢ g hat {self and this inscription hours, And I’m not even on)! yj j -~ ~ WALLACE'S Mens Shop— it's New! It's Smart! it's Reasonable! WALLACES DEPT. STORE BERS ZEGSERRREREREASCRERCRRE RPC “eR RRR RRR Salary yet That abou doesn't matter. I’m s0 t this part that I to look like a magician. I Willie Weeps While Pouring Liquor In Drain BAYONNE, NJ. (AP Bar keep Willie McGraw wiped want KNOW Today 7 - 9:09 “ARRON SLICK FR PUNKIN’ CRICK STARTING TOMO] THE, INSIDE S19 OF A GREAT ALE CLEAN: cow MILEAGE” i Ford ‘s -ton pickup 1—1949 Studebaker Sedan tudebaker ‘ton {1949 Austin Pickup ' 1—1949 Morri 1—1939 Chevrolet Sedan TRUCKS !—1946 Dodge 2-ton Truck 1—195! Austin 5-ton Truck i194! International *%4-ton Panel uperior Auto Service 3rd Avenue w. LIMITED Phone Green 217 20% DISCOUNT ON LUGGAGE For that vacation took smarter with new luggage. Win SETS, GLADSTONES, CLUB BAGS and TOURING CASES See our tear from his eyes and yured U S, CRIMINAL 150 bottles of whisky down the ow. i F INVESTIGATI ie stood behind the bar of O'Donnell tavern as ! did the tilting It took two for very Dottie in the pines vas MMOL RGOD 1 ary id the bartender was a eee 1/17/81) part-time employee with a ¢g i making sure Willie followed hi ‘Cue instructions to “take LT liquor and pou down the f jrain , Then he tied up Wi _— A OER ROSH PE Willie wa hese open the sevalcinns { WSO, Chie of the U.S SE eee PR Shows 7 - 9:02 CAPT 1 broke tarted*a hunt for the employes Willie said hr out why the aversion couidl worker to liquor figure took such a sudden COLUMBIA CELLULOSE FOREST OPERATIONS Terrace * morning hou Some 200,000 feet of logs arrived yesterday by _ | A ea a : a. a a ca ww i aca Cha cha Latil eiianen there nied demimeet On te Watel tetas, 17 ty eee Teen Wee ee oe } are un 2y again after the 45-« woodworker strike, bu | ilat the pulp mill where they are dumped in tl r to 0D ce ictic ( rT d | Columbia Cellulose Co. had about three month ipp ft log t aking logg hazardous except during early n hand when the strike began Today and Wednesday — Evenings 7: -% STS TET SPY PLOT AT LABOR CONVENTIONS Wages, Living Costs, Likely Top items by JOHN LEBLANC ; Winni f the main bodies of Canadian!C asure and OTTAWA—V¥ + the TI Cc. eSsiol Guting th? labor. The T.L.C. last year pulled Ale x Ma auslane a Vice pre i-| ) VV y € 1 i tne cost OR 4 : ha a EER WAWag aa eek of Aug. 18, The C.C.L. will out of a co-operative set-up witn| den Holiday Land of il 1 x pe Le te noid # on ‘ Tp “of . sata nee ‘ . ‘, ‘ ‘ 7 a a eet in Toronto pag” 29 other groups. The C.C.L. would That fieht may stir up further “Radie Condons” teks ee ed can b ,| Besides the wage id livine- like to see that restored—and injechoes at the comfng C.C.L ent i nad two big id if g i : ogi ae k ( 7 ci y Augu and cost issues. both conventions will fact wants full organic unity O!) session. At all events, the issues avoor cong SSES i g i j } ; me ; “ devote ¢ attention to all labor—but nothing positive is| underlying it—A-tug-of-war for os r : ce W + } ing the qué otal security. 4IKEé ly to develop this year power between varicu functions E M With both congresses Naving i ‘ ‘ rit I Emphasis may be ¢ ; - On the ed front, Communist will I ome influence on pretty. well cleaned up their in-| Emphasis may be on a compre he R ed ron om pi Feild Menai: Susana te? obler ith Communist ne 1 ealth nsurance plan, activity in he congre inions | tne yrobl vith nmunists,} %e! mn if ; , esmen like will! reg as the neyt been largely choked off in ok n likely wil , step in has t n to nwre immedi- social-security pro-, the last few years, and this yeai ‘tical matter f the action around that issue is likely 4 ul i £ 3 . O1 vile pay envelope and what its con- ) g problem wil fr “0 be secondary ten buy these days ip edate bot! river POSSIBLE De ( the resumption|and there likely will de 1s STORM CENTRE of I ys i ome form are ex-| [k wvernment-subsidized lowe However, possible repercussion d nad from both t ii re t construction - in aehecunyt ar the re it Af 00,000 - member . BF id | IMMIGRATION PROBLEM a recent Red clean-up in th °C ‘ te eid rt a Both’ conventions normalty. T&.C’s- United Textile Worker 350,000-membe j cheb spine © ee . i ie TY} ee ; ; ne Ba og ' ) themselve with it ae Amé ica. The h ase leanir — t Recently. the Federal brought in anti-Red Sam Baro CURRENT NEGOTIATIONS Gavernrient moved to some ex teemer Canatiian chief of the MA ( t} big ons ) ten n the directio f ja rg CCL textile group, a Can- LY dst of protracted! wishes on this subject by order- adian head of the rival organ 1egotiatic These include the|ing curtailment in the winter iation CCi | workers, of{ten| immigration of workers, It may 3aron was one of the storm f the next step in be asked to go further in regulat-' centres of a turbulent C.CLL. coi i25,000 members ing the intake of immigrant vention last year, He is knock f he non-operating railway Expectations are that this year,ed off the C.C.L. executive as iniens belonging to both con-} will not see much activity »~ part of an involved fight that led “— / oresses al closer co-operation among to O the resignation of Pat Conroy, + deta Sashion Footwear | Balkan Clash May Have Serious Result Prete aa aoe ena ee ee a aa te ee ee! ; ell Brin former chief of unea retchin rom the,along or near the Bulgarian bor . i AP eau in Tokyo, talked Mediterranean to lias Sea.\der in thrace, from whence any ., to lead yf Li n Greece and Behir them are the ma ijland assault would come > 5 l"Purkey last November during 2 force f the West and East The Bulgarian army is esti : y | first-hai irvey of western But most United States of-|mated to total between 11 and 15 . § | Bur pean countries, and has kept ficiais in Europe believe that a| divisions of approximately 10,000 * : $\ C10. . 1 With the situatio. border incident would mushroom ae each eee are oe lear . _ » | SINCE w0L10N,) into major conflict only when}modern Soviet equipmen ant , | the Kremlin decides on a bigger) at least two divisions are believed famous since Md ° & | by «USSELL BRINES gamble than it has taken‘so far. | to be armored. o NEW Stock of *| WASHINGTON (AP) The Nevertheless, the . ¢ ’ * ¢ MODERN LAMPS COME IN AND SEE TREM TODAY Northern B.C. Po wer i o. Ltd. Besner Block — Phone 2 Prince Rupert, B.C Pa NER “ae Stewart, B.C 3 eee ste aoe eS oe ee ee ee Peat oM a! { incident|-- —————-_— spearheads of nearly 300,00 well- highlights the status of the ex- I 750 armed troops face each other plosive Balkans where the first} jacross the Greek medatidin bor- shots of the first World War were 580 Cases of | : der, where irmish was fought fired almost 40 years ago eoL MEDA ¢| for an outpost Greece one of the newest mem- Deedee end ne 5 | Greei Bulgarian soldiers bers of the North Atlantic Treaty Polio: 3) Die dramas mnt % | have been mobilized along the organization, is one of Russia’s | idiot prepa ? border for years, Both sides are | veteran opponents in the ¢] global | EDMONTON () 1952 polio oosrccens 2 | ready to fight. hot-cold war, The Greeks fought|©ou"’ ‘ four western provinces ¢| The skirmish was over tiny and won a bloody campaign |tonight stood at 580 cases and #| Gamma Island in the Evos river against Communist guerriliag,| 32 deaths. . | which forms the berder. The) ending in 1949. The United States| Satkatehewan leads in total |Greeks, who claim the i§land, since 1947 has supplied arms and| cases with 209, followed by Al- | said the Bulgarians have invaded training to build a modern Greek} berta 158, Manitoba 147, and {it, and opened a mortar attack) army. | British Columbia 66 } } |to drive them back. This force totals about 10 div-| Alberta reported most polio ” i Any clash between these hos-’ isions—nearly 150,000 men with | deaths—10; naka tease ane his sdrectigeures is not published or displayed by the te Cont rar tile le neighbors could have re oe air and naval units,|/ British Culumbia have eight | by the Government of British Columbia, hey form one part of an‘ Pieked - army units are stationed veach, and Manitobu six Vga ee oc