... Twnniber ??. 19.1 8Tun. tvtniNG TILL 10 P.M. ffoleproof ffasiercf GIVE IT THIS CHRISTMAS YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKE fcfh'Ai win', .- , h . -1 1 1 if ., (till lor wiii', wccllicurl, 'Mi I tier ill lliileprniil. Ntiu r.m'l gu wrung! , w.mII.i'i It-i - .i wcik Ur liiiiiiliiul hosiery. And c vv irm ii prefer l..i-j.r.i. fur il diirubiiily a well . ; it II oirtwear older Imi-htv aiul otilliiits mo K,U V'l il 'hiiuluics. makes il appropriate for (, , m;t giv nig. Agents for .Holeproof Hosiery Jabour Bros. Ltd. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 645 HEADQUARTERS For Christmas Gifts In the following lines: HANDKERCHIEFS LADIES', GENTS', CHILDREN'S TIES GLOVES FANCY LINENS TABLE LINENS LINEN TOWELS BOUDOIR CAPS BEDSPREADS SILK UNDERWEAR DRESSES See Our Windows SILK HOSIERY SCARVES NECKWEAR XMAS CARDS DOLLS FANCY APRONS PEARL NECKLETS SWEATERS COATS, Ac. Phone 9 H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ayeund Fulton St- Pnone 9 FLATS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK STARTING WASHDAY ivith the hardest part done. That just what our "Thrif-T-ser-vk .offers. This low priced service dowjl ,jhe washinR the hardest Prt of your work, and irons the flat work besides. You can pack your bSfler and washboard away in the attic and when it comes to ironing you'll have only the wearing ap?rsl to do. And the cost is hardly more than for Wet Wash service it's only a few cents a pound. Tkrtf"T'servicc c ti pound Eq.Poc Pound Plus 1o Per H , . Ploco CANADIAN LAUNDHY AND DRY CLEANERS. No more of this Wo more of this -qg No more of this lust J this I I I THE DAFLT NEW3 PAGE FIVF. ii WEEK AT THEATRE li Monday and Tuesday "llrundvvuy iifli-r I lark," .luck Uempsey in "West of (In Water lluckel." International New. Wednesday and Thursday Id'liy I la If i. ur in "Moid Kinly." Mack Scnnelt Comedy "'riii! Hollywood Kid." Fox News-duel le. Friday and Saturday Hloria Swanson in "Her Love siory." Comedy. Hal Hoaeh' llas- t'ul in "Hacksliige." Topics of I lie Day. ' 1 I'liMlurams." 1 :! : ENGLISH COMEDY SUCCESS IN FILM "Word Em'ly," Being Presented Here on Wednesday and Thursday Is Novel Moid l.m'ly, Ihe hip Knglish i I'Mini'ily succe, opens al tlie 1 j est holme Theatre on Wednesday. Moid F.m'ly is one of the I greatest bits of recent years. 1 1 1 a v in;-' met willi Iremeiidons sue-I re, m ii OhJ Country. II is the story of a young Cockney s'rl, j wlm lie in Pandora Mews. Murd Fin'ly find il necessary to se-rinr a position a an 'ousemaid nenerul. and there the fun cum- IIII'IICI'S. I Mord linds herself, in t lie ser-virr of ihree prim obi maids, wlin. to uie her own expression. uni' her the limp." Moid has .nun- hilarious and cyclonic ad- M itiiret as a servant Kirl, but hi'. Is herself utieiiial lo sliek-M'K il. and fnrthw-illi she does u l-niik. which land her once more among! her old friend on the ,iw.ii-ih mad. Here she once 1 1 1 1 ire iihm-Is her Idoke. Haltling Tni-y llarili-n. who bus earned liiuisi'll a reputation a box fialiier or no mean ability: and fiu a while Mord is happy. Iteinjr us .in- i imw "kerb'se b the am' what -he luve." Hut furl her ailvenlnres u.waft Muni 1 in and after several in lj. s ;iinl carefree ecaiotes .In- mil- herself "hticciueiilally inul iniiiriirliinnlely 4iliilerned" in Hie Woiei sh-r reformntory but im en Ih'i-c the sunshine of Mord l-in'ly - (n i -iiiiully is shed over Hie nnl.H Itiiuite iiiliiHles. and the iiedii-i-uiCal anthorille are suli-iei-i ' 'lie iiiniisiup and daring nraiiks or the Cockney pirl. McMiiwhile Murd becomes fed ii .ih Hie lilotimin' reformatory unit sli.- I'olminales her escapade by mnkins a darinp escape from the reformatory rijzhl uinler Hie eves nf i tie law: mid llien she has i riulit merry lime for a sex. l-'sex und Wessex. The Hoioiiler is a prohibitive favorite over Mord I'm'lv's sweetheart, and the fiubl is conceded liv nil to he nothing but a -lanutdcr. but yoiins 'I'nry Har-ten ha a few tricks of his own In display, and win n the hi houl Christmas cuggestions Plum Puddings, in and :i II.. bowls. Christmas Cakes Christmas Crackers Christtris Stockings Mired Nuts Mhed Candles FRUIT DEPARTMENT .lap Ornnixes Apples, till varieties (rapes. Hanaiias Orapefruil. I auliflowei'. Celery, Lelluce. Tomatoes, Sprouts. Parsley. Cranberries and Sweet SpinK MEAT DEPARTMENT Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, ChlcVen and Fowl Pi Lowest Market Prices. Ruoart Table Supply 3 Phones, 210. 211, 212 LAST THREE DA YS of Holiday Buying Specials In our Toy and Fancy Goods Department at staggering prices We are determined to clear our stock our many patrons the benefit of Cash Prices. All we ask is that you imped our stock. Prices are con and give jive Carpet Squares in Axmin-ster and Wiltons .Sizes 0 feci l by !, tr by . ami '. by 10 feel 0. Sec lhee for quality ami designs. Our prices lower than ever before- Ak fur .uur special salesman who' will show' vim our bel value in -lock. CHESTERFIELD SETS Construction tiiiarunted. Tapestry Sets, Mohair lMusb Sets and Cut Mohair Sets al price per set $215.00, $240.00, $2EO.0O and $275.00. These sets are new in design and Hie very l-a-t word in durable wear. SHOO FLY ROCKERS last special price Third Avenue." or Hie evening is called at Uic London Lust l.ud HiiXin Cluli.ihc public is due for the surprise of its lire, for the fiaht turns out 1 t till lift il i.r Hie L'icatest bouts ever pulled ofr in the history iliul same athletic club. GLORIA SWANSON IN whil" kc.'iin! away from the wiifrhr.it ee of Hie vnrioiis eop-i (Moriu Swaiison scores iinotlier i ei's However. Mord nlways was i, success in her picture "Her an mil nl dodtrer. ami everythin. ,,,vt Story" that is com in? to ii fiis nut well on that spore. die iWestholnv Theulri ill Hie Meanwhile . Mor.r I'.m'ly's ,.j 0f (his week. The synopsis hopeless from the Tirst, especially when her rather. Hie Archduke, decides the Princess would make n siilifyiiiirUueen for the reprobate Kinc oT Menrovinn. a iieiKliboriug counlry. The Arch for the wee duke hopes that such a matTlnge will (ireutly enrich him. Hoping to avert l ate. Hudi and the Princess are. sccrelly mar ried by a jjypsy. s0 when Hie duke ones while Jhey $2.00 FRENCH IVORY, 20 per cent reduction. Long Handled Mirrors. Puff lloxes, Huffcr, Jewel Hows and Travs. Scenl Hollies. Hruhe, Combs, Manicure Sets, l'bolo Frames, etc. COMMUNITY SILVER PLATE FANCY CHINA AND DINNER SETS del our Special I'rico and save by clo-e buying. vincing facts. TITE'S STORE ENDEAVORS TO GIVE THE VALUES TO GEORGE D. of -with her huband and child. Capt. 'itudi rails on his kuees and iep the tjucen's forgiveness for any ! doubts In- may have hnd con- ''"r,""i ""' l"e mirn I fttIC CTHDV" ,UI1er- HER LOVE jlURl . ouide. with their child, leave Tor .i neiuhliorin' country and luip- Popular Star Scores Anothar pine Hit In Picture to be aecn Here at End of Week BROADWAY LIFE IN TONIGHT'S PICTURE Scenes That Beggar all Description Presented In "Broad- waw at Nlnht" swcethcarl is (,reprinsr for the f this interesting story is xy hiKk-est fmhl of his rHrerir where-; follows ' I drf with the old love, in he will tackle Hie Hrislilonj dloriu. hs Princess Marie of ttn with tin? new. Honn.ler. the rhamidou of Sus-tK. inv Halkiiu kinfrdom of Via- That seems to be the motto or. tavia, falls deeply in love willi , Uroadway. where pampcreu sons t:apt.' Hudi. handsome youtiK or- ' or wealtli. actors and chorus ri if Hie KMiiu's uiiariN. It is airN sensation seekers of all descriptions throw off oil restraints ami so in for the wild: fliiies that make Uroadway no-i torioiis. n' theme for fiction, ii; pieccn for nil who wish lo so.e; lire with a, capital L. Speed and zip. neekinp purtie. sludio nrfairs- all Ihe nicbj JHe if the a real Hulit-flaininjr slreel lives in "ltioailway After Hark." Ihe screen version of the Owen informs tils diiuchter. slie tells Oavis play schc.lulcil to tnaKe an ; him she is already married to iippearanee at the Weslhulme, Itudi. Ilu.li.is sent to join a resi- Theatre loniabl and Tuesday. ment in Australia. The duke i- Scenes thai Vev;ar deserip-' nores the exislence of Ihe uypsy Hon. episodes more bUarre llian' matiiaue. and tlie royal wedding those round in (be Arnbiaii fakes place. .Thousand and One Nights, a A child is. burn lo the Oiiceu venlal'le nuryltiml or mtiinifriu Itudl's child. The king cole-jadventuics are found in this ro-brales tlie birth of his "heir." ; mnnce or the ireat While Way. The Oueen. loo honest lo live a' Itesides un all-star cast in the lie. tells him the boy is Iludi's 'picture uppear scenes rom Hie The King keeps the wy but or- fit t nous Actors' F.iuily Hall, ul lers the Oueen ronfinoil in an old which Hie following Uroadway e!itli Itoill lelnrns and helns stars appear: V red and Dorothy tlie Oueen lo escape. jSlone. Mary Falou. Uiiymoiur Later they hear of the child's Hitchcock, I'dsie Ferguson, Flor-1 illness nml go to the easlle. jence Moore. J'ttTues J. tioibelt.i Itudi holds off the King's guards, John Sleel, Fraifk Tinuey. Haul while Hie Oueen escnoes with her Whileman. Irene Caslle. Husteri son. In a .slorm she makes for West, and a Ihousand others. the castle of her father. Slie ... . find Unit the old man's mind i j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, gone. A physician tells lliein who have been on a (rip (o Van-that the boy is in tin danger. corner returned home on Ihe The Kinit die, ami Hps boy isjl'sirdeim ycs'e'il.'iv 'I'tei-noor Horseman Dolls Spei hi! price- ior Hie last three days for the celebrated lior-enini Hull-. ThisjJoll is the best eonslriirleil doll mude in I In- w ide world. GENTLEMEN'S SMOKING OUTFITS MILITARY BRUSHES at Special Prices Until Xmas DINING nOOM AND BEDROOM FURNITURE Our complete slock is of the very latest in style and construction and the appreciated gift for the benefit of the household. Peices for complete sets from $115.00 to $300.00 LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS Fancy colored und while at the spe -ial three day values. Special for Tuesday Ten Only. China Gerry Set3 of Seven Pieces Colors: Uloe. Yellow, ilreen and I'iuk. Regular price Hf'-i.'TK Special Xniiis price $1.50 a set. First come, first served. , SKOOTERC, WAGONS, and KIDDY CARS SPECIAL 20 PER CENT REDUCTION MERIT YOUR re THE QUALITY HOME FURNISHER. -phVrfV20. about to occupy the Ihroite when the giieen makes Hie start ling unniioiKviiicnt Ilia! the child is t'.apl. Iluili's, and all she asks is lo he able to leave the country Il ill PATRONAGE P.O. Box 1647. USEFUL GinS for Christmas DRESSES NIGHTGOWNS GLOVES BOUDOIR CAPS SCARVES SWEATERS juWf" P.O. Box 327 l-TTMlJ CAMISOLES HOSIERY BRASSIERES VEILS HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR EMERS" Phone 27 (MMAHIAM DATICIP A II WAV fl.i . Coast Servicei MSS1' failings from Prince Rupert PRK4CESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle Nov. 7, 21 ; Dec. 5, 19 For Ketchikan, Vvrangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 3, 1 7 ; Dec. 1, 15, 29 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Fj- Rutedale, Swan-ion Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceat Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Age.tcy for all Steamship Llr. Full information fruiu W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent C..rrr of 4th reel and 3rd Avenue, THnc Rupari. W. GIVE USEFUL GIFTS Hoover Siu ln'ii Sweepers Savage Kl iric W.ishers llolpoinl Klectnic Irons ... : . . ... . Midpoint Klei'lric Toitslers llotpoiut F.!e I'lric Cul'l'ee Peccolalors Liberty F.I. In.- Ibd IM.ile $62.00, $75.00 $185.00 $7.00 $7.00 $12.00 $3.85, $6.25 F.vereiuly Flashlights .. . $1.65 to $5.35 Tools, Clocks, Knives, Aluminum Ware KAIEN HARDWARE CO. ti ) u I. II It ;t il it 11 I it li !' i. ,( 'J I w i! n I! ! :! I! tt . ' It i; M t. M J