Monday. January 21, 102. Have Your Pictures Framed For Safe-Keeping '. T Tln,Mi Picture yon - lime luiil awuy 1. 1 i..,. i. ii... . j .'W'"" - ""ItJ! IR'llIT inillll'll. 'jlM Jl"ir present 4nlu they are unseen and unappreciated hud unlet carefully Mured will mioii Jojo their value. Hriiiff Ilium in lo tiff. . We specialize in frHfiiiiiK (iml our price are reasonable. Ak lo sec our- special frame for .Masonic C-Hifieales. McRae Bros., Ltd. BONDS "Are the Best Investment e rc omnif ml Hp- .ollowiiitf u being safe, saleable ul of Ian return : City of Vernon V,', ilue I. "illi June, llKIX, ut l8.0,. Yield 5.70 ; City of Duncan 5 Mine I H May. 1053, at IOt.:fO. Yield 5.70 , City of Prince Rupert ' ilue KHI to !.M. nl ?il..ti. Yield 5.90 ; Order- ni.i lie wired at our expense, interest seemed ,f ilv ol .. die nl nm-t - ailileil. We pay deliverx charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Offlcei VICTORIA, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Oporating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machlniils, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant i eipnppctl (o handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. SOMETHING NEW KYANIZE SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL. new mill iliiTereiU rmisli for floors lliat is viisnible, f niiiuuy anil exci'cdiuglv lough uuil ilur.dilr. Ak rur color H'nnlf' Pints 00c f Quarts $1.60 Half Gallons $3.00 x KAIEN HARDWARE CO. ,;CX?Mil? Wo Do,lvcr Box 1 046. Shockley's nmJBk Hole Agents for Royal Mills, Hnnall, B.C Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co Hardwood Fraser Mills Fir Venoer Dihiension Lumber, Fir, Spruce, and Cednr. Spruce mid Cedar Sliiplap. .Spruce Planking. Sash, Doors, -Mouldings. 0ns. Shingles. Fir Veneer. edar Piling. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings WE SELL FOR LESS. 1L v( pay you to consider tin fuel, when you ur planning i to buy Furniture for Your Home Is your time worth 250 an hour? Kit la, the ftric 70a at paring In doing your own laundry la atravagant. For our Wtt Wain ervice will taka all tbia worry and work out of the bouaa and latum your family bundle awt-I y claan, ready to atarch and iron or hant; on tba Una. Juit pbona our rtprtatntatlva will call. Wet Wash gc a pound Minimum Charge, 75c. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. Sentf". etfU 4- A. fc? a JUSTICE HOLDS ALL J'assporLs secured and tickets issued via White Slar. Cttnard and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. formal ion at Cily Ticket Office. it.anadian Nalioual Hallways, 528 Third Avenje. Prlnco Hupert, H.C Phono 2G0. Prosperous advorUslntr mean reirulir einllnnnu ndvertUtn?. THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE THREE. Local iaodlPersoial H.C. Undertakers. 1 - Phone 41. Hayuers. Undertakers. Pbone 361. tf Basketball. Three games tonight, Elk's Home. Try NANOOSE-Wellinglon or Tclkwa: Coal. More heat. Less hooU Philpott, Kvill & Co. tf All Klks arc if.jui-.-tcd to al-Iciul election of oilicern and baniuel, Wednesday, Jan. 23. 18 ' Union freiKhler Chilkoul, Capt. Hcoi-grestju, arrived In port from Vancouver at 2.15 Hits afternoon. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 625. tf Mr. A. Lionel Itollby will be al home 011 the afternoon of Friday, January 25, from 3 lo G p.m. iy John Dickson Moore of Fort Fraser has been appointed xlipfiiiliary masistrate for llic county of Cariboo. Mr. M. 4icobcii, formerly of Prince ltiipert, recently underwent a serious operation in Hie Provi'deiicts hospital, Seattle. All Knights of Pytbii rc-ipjcslcil to alleiid lodj:e at 8 i.m. lonighl. Husines iuslal-lalion of oilicers. W. W. Wood, C.U. The "Fordor" Sedan and other new Ford 'model are now on display at Parker's .Salesrooms. Ask about the easy payment plan. Fnion slcaiucr Cardeua, Capt. A. K. Dickson, northbound from WOMFN AS FflllAl lancouver lo f;'wrt and Anyov -Xw. . 'Mlrklnm l..l. C-.. I. n1l.. n..tiig.ii wm,,o ill WIIMIUII There Must be No Discrimination I.ANStNU. Mich.. Jan. 21. There mutt be, 110 discrimination lKteM "l.mkt tea attendant and scrub-women, nr lie I ween so elej) ttonnen and MaKdalenes, in the appliivtiion of the law. Jus lice (irant 1 f Ihe Miclii. Kan Mii'ii-nie rotirl. held in nil oi'inioit made public recently. The opinion whs rendered in a ut fur damages brouj;lit by Mrs. Niua l. llennelU of Allctran enunly .wlio rbariced that several men mid women, some of them iuakeil, visiled her Iminf" in June 1021. pulled tier (hroijph a iKir. cow window, slood tier nfc'aint a wall and pelted ejr' at her. Affuininp Ihe decision of a lower court in fnvor of Mrs. Hen-nelt, Juiliee Fellows declared Ihe defciiiUnls "by able and tulrnit eoiinsel moIiI ,li liemircli Mrs. Hennell-! eharaeler." llie community look Ihe law into lis own Ir-.ui.l In ailminiitcr il aniirdiiiff lo the ethics of llie slone aite." he said. "II Is our proud boast 'tlial all are cipial .c-fore llie law. If we devtale from tins w tnusi ailupl one mennrei of ilainanes for Ihe altendaut of was In port Ial evening from 8 lo 10 o'clock. . 4 Cliier Constable' Spiller of Hie provincialpoliiu returned last nteht liyqie Canlena from a trip of inspection to Ocean Falls and Hetla Cliola. 1 Iouas .ullierland. customs broker, and W. D. Vance, commission agent, have moved their olliers from Seventh Street to 021 Second .Avenue West. F. C. Irons readied the city by the Princess Mary on Saturday Jafternoou ifrom Fairbanks to lake the Canadian National Hail ways iiore for Minneapolis. . - Mayor .Newlon and members of the IS;t Council, school board and police commission were sworn in Ibis arieinoon al 2.30 in Ihe cily police court bv Mnar- islrate McLlymout. The council will have il.s first nieeliittr of the year on Thursday evening this week. . Mrs. Simon A. Swanson, Hays Hove Avenue, lias received the sad news uf the death of tier iuil her, Mrs. Maria tiray. at Bradford, HiiKlund, on December -I. -Mrs, vatison and sou were pink tcas and ttiiotlicr for llio "' llhn,7iu."1 ,aH1 ""'""wr visilinp ' " 'r "ray Ueatli was iseriilwonian: one for ihe soeioly, vv..nian and another for Ihe Mnir-l,u,,u """I'ccieu, tluleno." OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS The (irccn A.Hray (iralu Co., Ltd., u rain, dealers, an extra-provincialtcoinpany willi licad ollice ii I'.ethhridRC, Alberta, and Willi 1 t.C. .ollice at Vancouver hn. Just been incorporated. The au- Ihorized rapilnl of the company The Canadian National Hallways N 910,000 and the paid up capi niaKc iiireci eonncclions with ll ?00, acconling sleaineis of these lines. Full in-!Jaxelle. lo the H.C. The H.C. Hazel te contain Ihe regulations Issued by Ihe Provincial Secretary in regrrd lo the licensing of, clubs with the form to be filled out when applying for a club license to bundle liipior. Then: are a large number of searching questions lo be answered and sworn to on allldavil before a notary or commissioner for taking oaths. GREAT WAR VETERANS A smoker in honor of Major Mcliregor, .C, will be held on Tuesday eveninc Jannm-v 22. nf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTKIi, Kxperienitd wait- Apply Uoston drill. It fe-t tpi y MRS. HARVEV AND ! W. N. HOSS WED Both Are Well Known Here and Will Receive Congratulations of Many Friends W. Newlon lloss. niaintetiancc engineer for Ihe Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. and a inenibe-of the North I'l.C. Ilcgimeiital Hand, and Mrs. Catherine Harvey were recetilly married by Hev. lr II. II. Orunt. II0II1 bride and groom are well known here and will receive Hie hearty congratulations of many friends. They will reside on l-.isHith Avenue West. BILLIARD TEAMS The teams in tonight's liard games will line up as lows : Pyle ;.W.V.A.) v (Klks) 41 1 O.W.V.A. Thompson Fenelon (OAWWA.) vs. W. Halasno (Klks) at (i.W.V.A. Jcbson (C5AV.V.A.) vs. Kassou (Klks) at Klks Home. May (O.W.V.A.) vs. Mitchell Klksi at Klks Home. Col. McMordie ((i.W.V.) vs. C. HalaKiio (Klks :t l, Hupert Milliard Parlors. WATER NOTICC, (Olaarilon and Uaa). nar. .-utick that VV v c.,ii,.... Indian A mil, h...r adilrcss li I'rlwf lluixrt. B.t;, will apply Tor a hrencc to lake and uc Ju.coo ralluiis a ilav .r ui uui ui Minn unnamru ukp on MrllakatU portion or Tslmpscaii Indian llrsvrve Su , which rinwa vifsicrly and drains Into Puii'-an lUv. alxml one anil a hair miw north of obsenalury Colnt. The water iii ue aiverira rn.m tnu lake at a is.inl aDoui m mile iiortlH-ast uf .Mellakatla ni.iiaii tuiare. anu will lie used for do. inrnllr purpose upon the land clcrrritieil as .iniaaaua Tuwiisiie. Tlinrseail Indian lie nerve, i. J. This nonce wis sicl mi the RriK.ud on llie 30th day of .November. iu. a ropy 111 mis nonce and an ap plication pursuant therrlu and lei the Water Art. IBH," win be riM In the office of the Water llerorder at Prince "..pen. n.i.. i.Djeruons 10 the applira .ion nny ue wlih the nald Water rr-iuer or won me cimipiri.lliT of ier niKnis, raruanient Bulldlnrs, Vic lona, ox., wunm thirty daya arter the first appearance of this notice In a local newnpiiper. Tnc aale or the first publication of this notice is December 1st, 193. VV. E. COLL1SO.X, Applicant. Indian Arent. Areut. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land In Ilanire 4. Skeena Land District, Heron! In a; District of Coast. Take .Notice that Charles S. Murphy, of! i nure iiuprri. n.i... ocrupaiioii tnameer. Inlends lo apply rur ieriulss4on a K-ase the follow 'In desrrlbcd lands: Cmunien. rlnit at a pt planted at the most south-easlerly piilnt on Channel Island, near the month or Gardner Cinalthenre foilowlnir Ihe slniioslilcs of the luirt line at htajti water mark around the Island, relumin lo point of commencement, and contain. Inr seven hundred acres, more or leaa. 8.II0 in the War Veterans n-,n - P'"-1 vnher .Members will have Hie privitee1 of invitlni, personal friends. 18 CIIAnLES S. Ml'ltlMIY. Nan or Appllcint, 1. SAM J0ll.SON, aVaYaTrararTl tm w a m 1 muii atenu Iiij ra TiWskk la CATARRH ef the BLADDER I SaKSattMiM rEach btaranaroa CapsulaSimvl ltrmno'tnmt?rjHti 25 PER TIN COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Saila from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 16, 30; Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert S.tS pjn. for rni.NCE GEORGE, EDMO.vto.V, Wt.f-MTE0, all points Eastern Canada, rolled States. AOCNCY ALL OCIAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Offlca, S2S Thlra! At, rrlnc Rupert. Pherie 280. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Vancouver, etc., Sailings for January 12 and 19 are Cancelled. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnrs From Prince Rupert, for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocaan Fade, and Swanaon Bay, Tuaaoay, PJH. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanisn Bay, Saturday Noo). For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Welea laland, Sunday S P.B. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlvae Cannarlea, Friday A.M. 6IS Inrt Avenue. i. Barntley, AganL Trine Rupert. B.C Phone 109. Hclgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours; 0 a.m. to 0 p.m. Open Evenings by Special Appointment. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564.