WfMn Ym Want A TAXI ii a hurry 99 ' 'n tht City. Rates Reasonable , f.t. NO. 17. h- Atlc region with a view to! a; Ming laud to the Uuilcd Niarr There in an unexplored a of a million iuare miles '"11.1 I.. II. m ltfilln.1 mnlo. .iw .... a. ......i.. v, ,. ..I I....IIWHI iiallonge. "If we don't make the shf thl miiiiiiit the vthole A Mr legion Mill he pholo- :i aphftl and iuiiip'd by another l' wer wIIIihi the year FISH ARRIVALS HEAVIER TODAY Seven Boats Sold 238,000 Pounds of Halibut at Eichange TnuiFiirlioiii til Hie l i-li I'.x. hauae lhl morning ntuie In a higher lolul Ihiin for several HPI'La l:l.l S.vill IiIIIiIm Klltd i.. ok i o- ,..,.1 siiiL rH (Kid. day. Aldlng In Fighting Olvorce ' Proceedings MOM Hi:.I-. Jan. S. Freil leauai. hi atlonify auiiouiiee. one Mr. Auue Stillmau for! 7.G2i to roiniMMi-iile him. for ilime lo-l in iiidinif hrr in fight ing the divone ruil hniuhl by her litihainl. Jume.t Stillmau. former hanker. Iteauai. who i an Indian cuide. wa iiami'il ro-ropomlenl lln I lie uil which nlo Involved Hie paternily of baby (iiiy Stillmau. EXPECT TO BUILD CHURCH THIS YEAR Presbyterian Congregation Will Consider the Matter at General Meeting of .:iH. ) ,i,iiii.I -rivo American At the lerian Cliureli having ZOiJ.tilin mid two . Caua.tul niahl Itev. II. II. tSraiil. I ).!.. 'Iiaiii. ;tj.0l)() pound. Price were auiiouncrd thai it vvta Ihe hope well MjUnei wilh American or meinher or Hie chiireii fo have fnii. Imvinv i. .li.ilni-L mlvaiilnuo ti new church building erected . . . ...,..r in the bidding. Arrival and snlet: American Tom ami Al, 05.(111(1 pound' at thli year but nothing had yet been ileflnilcly decided. The matter. would be dicued al Ihe LABOR VOTE IS TONIGHT Baldwin to Speak "With Oloves ofT" In British Commons ' LONDON, Jen. 21. The passage of Labor's no confidence motion In the House of Commons tonight will mean the disappearance of what political observers predict will prove to be the last purely Conservative Government In Britain, ushering In a new era In British politics. Among the chief speakers In the final debate are to be Premier Baldwin, Lloyd George and Ramsay Mac-donald. It Is reported the Premier Intends to handle the situation "with gloves ofT." The division Is fixed for eleven p.m. SEVEN DROWNED IN OIL AT PITTSBURGH Fell From Ladder Into Tank When Plant Caught Fire I'M TS1U H(lll. Jan. 21.- Seven men were drowned in oil. three cougreKiilloiial meeting Wdiie-;caplaiii and four hoemen or Hie lie, personally, favored go- fire iloparlnn'ut while righting " " UIKI I'll Ull'l ll"l - I 1 " ..'.!. ... ... ..... pound, al 15.5c ami IH l tlio , i'ixr ahead H they got mtrnclenl.rire al the Atlantic lleriniug J'ih & t'old Storage eiieouracemenl. Whije time pany' plant. The hodie were rj0 (were mi d lo he not very good, ho recovered n'fler the. fire wa cou- ilelgelaud 52 000 pound, al did nol Jlilnk there should he, I rolled. The monetary los from 10 Ce iiml e in Mm I'ncific Fih- 'iiiiicuiiy in raising ine lumis ine neiruciiou oi uie piani win ,,rjCJ,t for Ihe church, Kalalla, l2,ouo pound, at t7c " " and tic l the Alliu l lherie. POUNDS AND bKANlS vvooiiiow. iu.uuo iiounii. v I7,fic ami tie. to Hie Hoolh Fineries Canadian Co.. Canadian l.ivitiBftlonc. 1H. (Kid pounds, at 5.5 am 8c. to the Canadian Fish ,t; Cold Storage Co. Pair of .lacks, 1 pounds at 15.5c and 0c, lo llio Atlin General Trend of Exchange Rates Is Reflected In Figures of Local Banks Hue (o political condition and more recently lo the railwaymen's slrike, sterling exchange has been dropping steadily, city banks ro- The exhibit car of Ihe Cana- nort. Two moiilhs ago the ralo (Han Fnreslry Assoclalion which was I.5H. pound sterling. Today ha been atlracllng a great denial i 9 1.3 1 94 . Since Saturday or alleiillmi (luHng Its slay in (he there has been a drop or two cily leave loiilghl for Terraco'cenls, ' whero it will he shown loinon'ow.) Franc also go down locully, 'I will IIich proceed to other. having dropped n cent iluring the poinU in the inlcrioi- and laler lo nnt month. Today's ralo Is foutlieru 11.(3. It is on n fuurUrtc. be great. The dead are Capl. Kdward Jones, dipt. Itudolph llliske, llosemen llarry Prasier. P. Ah- M nnWN HF.RF. ALSfi.t'tt. H. Smllh. J. Markham; S. Hollinger. The men fell from Ihe ladder into n tank. B.C. PACKERS PUT" UP MOST SALMON Gosse-Mlllerd Second and Canadian Fishing Co. Third In Production Last Yep The llrilish Columbia Fishing A Parking Co.,. Ltd., which owns Hie llalmoral, Dominion, Cunningham's and Naas Harbor can. neries in Ibis district, headed nil olhcr companies, in iuantily of solmon, packed last year. OossO luoiillis' ti,. ot M, ,.0viiicc ac- United Slates and lion Kong.Millerd Co., owners of Sunny-'oinpanled by derahl lllyth, as- exchange remain steady. Thotsido, were second and Ihe Cana-"Jslaul accretary ot the Canadian runner I U-10 per cent and ill&n Fishing Co, whose biggest I 'ore iiry ,h,oi ictioi . the lat oi. '0, lani is a' UuHdale. were third. will) : ' , i PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINCK RUPERT, H.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1021. Siturday's Clrcvlitfen 1721. -Jt. ts" J niuivhera at The Pas are DOG working hard to get their teams in trim for the next an nual Dog Derby which Is to be held this year on March 11, Shorty Russick. winner of last year's race at Banff and second to Morgin in The Pas event, is on the ground training. The Morgan team, winners last year, will be driven by Bert Hayes; Billy Grayson, who drove Morgan's dogs last year, will anve a team belonging to Tom HOCKEY SCORES Saskatoon 2, Hegina 4. Hamilton I. Ottnwu S Patrick , Canadians ICt AT cnTHLANQ, K-HBgjfel Xi l.iV.L, tBfifBBJ1 awjl bbbbbbbijiBbPIbbbbh energetic committee is at work driving to make the 1921 Derby bigger and better than anything that has yet been staged at "The Gateway to the North." This year will see also a "Queen of the Carnival" contest In which beautiful young ladies from all parts of Manitoba will compete for the honor of being Queen of the Carnival or members of the Carnival Queen's Court. Entries in this contest are beginning to reach the Crelghton. Winterton, another old I committee and a lively contest for TA.. T 1 -L ... . . I ' 1 l ""i. "ii"f uiuBiicr, win enier a ' ine carnival nonors is assured, team. The Bancroft-Dupas team! Carnival features are being .ar-Is in harness and Jack Bacon has ranged for the enjoyment of oute 5aP tc,m tr,in.,nS tor the aiders visiting The Pas during the j-OO-mile non-stop grind. Several period of the Dog Derby and efforts .,1 An. ia . J!mtoba are being made to provide amuse-are expected to test their speed ! ment for everyone visiting the and endurance against the northern l ambitious northerners during their Vrkics and their drivers, and anl annual winter fun festival. Canadian National Will Enter Alaskan Business with Steamers Prince Rupert and Prince George VANCOhVKIl, Juii. 21. Competition in Hie passenger and freight business is usMircd on the tfkugway run from Vancouver llhis summer. Tlie (3unadian Merchant Marine announces that w,illi Ui 9 resumption of summer schedules next May the steamers Prince Rupert and Prince George will make Ketchikuu and Hkagwny calls. x The (Iraud Trunk liners have not been calling at any point north of Stewart since litis. A new liner is lo be built this year for the Alaskan service and is expecled hero from early in 1023; The company is out In gel its share of the greatly Increased tourist traffic to the Caudiau Yukon and Alaska, DR. CLARK DIES TOUONTO, Jan. 21. Dr. C. K. Clark, 07 years or age, a specialist in phsyrhiatry, mental hy-glen and p'hsychology Is dead. He was a member ot the royal commission in 1 DO 1 lo investigate conditions pertaining lo tho in- ,.ule lli.fis.' OdumtUu. Strttt StlM 42 Th Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue; Uest of FoodGood Service, Private Hoxes for Parly Usev j "Take Hep to The Boston." -1 PniCE FIVE CENTS. BKtflSH RAILWAY STRIKE EFFECTIVE TODAY MEW STRIKE Of SILVER NEAR STEWART PROVES DEPTH OF ORE II) MINE Strike of Rich Ore at Depth in Dunwell Mine at Bear River Near Town of Stewart is Annonuced ti r ' (Special l Daily "New,. ! STLyVAIlT, Juii. 21. Al tfi'.o feel from lift imjiUI or iiuin- ber three In it itel of 1 lie Duuvvcll Mine on Hear llivr high grndej in- lia been encountered showing argentine ami native silver. ' Tlio gives aou feel vrlical deplh and Mil) feet on (lie dip of the em below tlio outcrop. ! This confirmation of Hie extension uf (he Dunwell liigli' grade ore body downward i of momentous importance n il' f nriii"lie proof f I lie ronliiuiily of a high grade ore body fnrj U.S. TO ANNEX TERRITORY IN FARTHER NORTH W WIIMHUN. I .'... Jan. 21 3 r- jti i nn sav imiiiiv in Saturday llioj. niealrblp ;iiip nar uivrr sfcnoti oi ine rnruauu i.auai minci, as ine 'Premier ore My did for the jSalmou Hivcr. Tun Dunvvrll mine l controlled liv Hip Steward Hrolher who have from the first profeicd to have Hie greatest coufidenee in the district when all other gave up hope, and who have declared from lime to time thai the Hear UnlUd States Secretary of Navy Itlvrr valley would prove just a Announces Object of Flight irh an Salmon Itiver of Shenandoah BEAUVAIS TO SUE MRS. ANNE STILLMAN tvJuali ft propoU pour Indian Guide Wants Pav For i lor Hie exploration oi BRITISH EXCHANGE DROPS ON ACCOUNT OF RAILWAY STRIKE NF.W YOHK, Jan. 21. Hrilish exchange broke sharply n a result of the U r i I i h railMtyiiien'.i sir ike today. l-mand bills dropped 2 W cent" lo 1.21 1-H, the lowest point it ha reached since 11)22. Oilier F.uropean exchange yielded . sympathetically. Francs dropped 5 Vi point to t MM. DOG DERBY RACERS IN TRAINING Strike Reduces Service on British Railways and Causes Increase Motors LONDON, Jan. 21. (Jreat Britain's main railwuy.s are being run on skeleton schedules today as a result ot Hie slrike or locomotive crews on all lines, which took effect at midnight.. The slrike was started by Hie Associated Society of KngiuecM and Firemen aHer an overwhelming vole or members against the acceptance or the reduction or pay decided upon by the railway wages board. II is not supported by the national union of railway employees, the big nation wide organization, nor hv the railway cierKS. The unionists claim the loco motive men are coming out solidly, resulting in curtailment or Hie service. Die railway companies ex press I lie hope that they will gel a better service going in a day or so. J hey congratulated theui- elves on having delivered Lon don its milk today. The first regret in connection with the strike is huge increase in motor traflic on the highways. Vehicles of every description are carrying workers lo the city from distant suburb usually served by Hie ralvvays,V jiestriKe as-euecllve m in dustrial ceiilreSr VOLCANOIS SPECTACULAR Pavjelof Was In Eruption Saturday Night and Seen 650 Miles Distant ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Jan. 21. Pavlelof Volcano, on the Alaskan peninsula belched In eruption on Saturday night. Sparks and flames were hurled from the crater and were plainly visible here, 650 miles distant. The' entire sky was red and the spectacle was more gorgeous than the aurora borealls with which residents of the north are familiar. BOYS WERE INJURED BALCONY COLLAPSES;;' PAIHS. Jan. 21. The world's dean ot journalism, Amablc Maillo Saint Prix is dead. Had he lived he would havo been 101 on February' 26. In his last article Saturday Saint Prix spoko ot hi greats age and questioned whether men Were not happier when age deprived lliem ot their 'acuities, leaving them only to sleep, drink and eat. FIRST FLIGHT TO THIS PORT Prince Rupert Included In Points or Call For Round World by Air SKATTLK, Jan. 21. Prince Itupert is included in the schedule oflops, for Ihe United : , State airflfght around the world." It was announced t last night by Lieutenant Iiissell that the following hops would he made, starling from Seattle early in April: ! Miles Seattle to Prince Itupert, ... 650 .Prince Itupert lo Sitka 300 .Sitka to Cordova .. .... .. 475 Cordova to Seward , 135 ISeward lo Chignuk , 150 ; Chignuk lo Dutch Harbor ., 400 Dutch llarhor lo .... 350 Naxan lo Chicagofr .. .i .. 530 ; ROLF IS LOST ALASKAN COAST Five en Escape From Fishing Boat But Spend Two Nights In Woods The fishing boat Holf went shore on Point Colpoy near The lyeopener in Alaskan waters a week ago Salurdax and is Watching Indoor Track and cd a total loss. Her skipper, Cap- Field Tournament When Accident Occurred lain Nelson of this cily, and the crew of four, including J. Lar-sen of this cily. art all sare and Nl-.W 0llh, Jan. 21. Durins,lhe two men mentioned arrived the annual junior and senior here by the steamer Princess Irack and Held lournameiit at(.Mary on Saturday. Itrooklyn armory a section or the, The boat struck about nine balcony 100 teet in length col- o'clock at night. The dorey was lapsed on Saturday afternoon, lat once lowered hud, there not throwing 300 cheering boys to the being room for all. three went floor a distance oT 12H teet. Six ashore and Larsen then returned were seriously injured and six,ror the other two. They were others hurl. Something like a unable to gel any Jood ashore score were carried ofr in ambu-!nnd spent u bad night in tho lances JOURNALIST DIES AGED 104 YEARS WROTE "SATURDAY woods. Then Capt. Nelson and one of the members of the crew 'rowed lo a ranch where they got some chickens which they took 1...-1. i i.. i . . ucitiv linn ruusit'ii over a mo in the woods. A second night was spent there and then they were taken off by the Unrania or ' Petersburg and later got passage nil Hip rpinii nillni fimlll. In .... - . wa.v. .Illll. ,U Ketchikan. Deforc leaving Ihe latinch the men tried lo lash logslo her so as lo movent her - sluldntr .ni T willioul success. She I sup- posed to he a total loss but Is partly covered by insurance. BIRTH A son was born ' lo Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dall or Woodcock, at Die Prince Ilunei-L n