PAGE SIX. STOCKTAKING SALE Corset Week All lliis week the entire Corset stock goes on Sale at Special Prices. Gossard Front Lace Models, values to $0.50. Sale Price . ., .. $3.75 Elastic Girdle Models, in various styles'. Values (o .$1.75. Sale Price ... ... ... , ... $2.95 60 Pairs of Corsets in Sport or ordinary models. Sale Price per pair ... , $1.25 All Other Corsets at 20 per cent Discount. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. Phone 9. Telephone Specials For Tuesday, January 22nd, only. SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. I.lbby's Tomato Soup, 2 for . 25o I.ihby's Asparagus Soup, 2 for 15c Malkin's lies I Sweet Wrinkled Pea. iThe finest line, on today's, market. Keg. 35c. special . . 30c 3 tins fur . . 85c Ayreshirc Hulled Mild Cured ltiicou. Tuesday special, sliced per lb. , . . . , . 35c X-llay Stove Polish, special 5c Evaporated Peaches 2 lbs. 25c Olympic Pancake Flour 35c linger' s fiolden Syrup, 5 lb. tiiis i ft .... 55c Spaghetti or .Vermicelli, imported stock in bulk, per lb 15c Heady Cut. Macaroni, 3 lbs. for 35c firogan's Hipp. Olives, reg. I0c. Special 30c Falcon llratid Table Salt 15c Old Country line, packed in litis. Watch this space Tomorrow Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Sec Phone 84 Cash & Carry 1J.C. Fresh Eggs, duz. 5c Creamery llulter, per lb. 45c Sugar, per lb. . . 11c Sugar, per 20 lb. sack $2.30 Sugar. 100 lb. suck $10.50 Telfer lliscuils, per 2 lb. litis 45c Ketchup, per hoi tie .... 25c We also carry a supply of Fresh Meat. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. Always ahead in Prices and Quality Our Window. All marked lower. goods Orders $5.00 and Over Delivered. IN PROMTS. THE SUPRSMI COURT OP COLUMBIA. Ill the Mailer of the Estate of T). Kerr, late or the city of ITlnce litKM, in the frovlncc of British Columbia. deceased. ALL 1'CrwjiiJ bavlnr claim aralnsl the Kslalc of Maruus O. Bfr. of Ihe Clly or entire Itiiprrl In the I'ruvlnre ot British Columbia, who died al llic city of Prince ilutwrt. I'rorlure aforesaid, on the I3tli dav of September. A.l. ISS3. are required tu sella same duty verified to ttie undersigned solicitors for Ihe executor of the dewased'on or before Ihe 8th day of February, IV4, arier which date Ihe said estate xxlil he distributed among the entitled thereto bavins; regard only to the nanus oi nnirn ine eserutor snail men have had notice, and the executor will not be liable Tor the, said estate or any part thereof to any person of whose rlalm the executor shall not then have received DATED at Pr nee Rupert. B.C th a 7 tti day of January, IR?4. XX ILLI.X.XIS. Jt.XSO. ti OO.tiZALF.S. Solicitors for the Executor. Prince fiupert, B.C. IN PROMTS. IN THK SUPREME COURT OF DEPARTMENT OF LANDS. NOTICE. . BRITISH COLUMBIA. In Ihe Matter of the Administration and Oaltrastea Trade Mark Act; in the Matter of Ihe Estate of Francis M. Wade, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that I xva appointed Administrator or the EMate of Francis XI. Wade. Deceased, and thai all' parties havlnfr claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same duly verified to me on or before the tStu day of February, vn. I9l. AND Fi rm IER TAKE NOTICE that all parties Indebted to the estate are required m pay ine amount or inetr inaeDicatiess tu we forthwith. DATED at Pr lire rtunert. B.C. this 8th day of January, I II. I9i4. THOMAS XV. IIERE,. Official Administrator. Prince Bupert. B.C. ESTATE OF ALFRED WVNOHAM CARTER) DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that Probate of the lt will or the above named deceased was duly Issued out or the Victoria Iteglslrv or the Supreme Court of British Columbia on the 3rd d.iy of January, I Of t. to CAIIOLINE .MINES I EPPEI. CAIITF.K or Victoria, the Furcutrii therein named: all ri-.iiMiAs having claims against this estate are requested to send In such claims in writing- duly verified to the undersigned: a .m nil 1 1 mi Akt .MiiiLt inai on and after the First day of March. 1 09 , the Executrix will proceed to distribute this estate having rerard only to those claims of which the shall have been dul notified: DATED tlili tth day or January. Ivgf, CKEASE CREASE. Sotlcitor for the Executrix. 410 Central Bulldlnff. Victoria. B.C. Application far Bratlng Parmlla for th aaaon ot isz. Applications for permits to rme live stock on the Crown ranee within each trraziiiir district or Ihe Province of British Columbia, must be filed with the Olstrlrt l-orester at Cranbrook, tort ueorp-e. kain-loopH, .Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, xernon, and Williams Lake, or wim tlie CommlslHK-r of Oratlnir, Parliament hultdliirs, Victoria, H.C., on or before Mann ittn, 191. Blank forms mon wh rh to submit tri plication may be obtained rrirfn Hie trlrt Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands at Vic toria, D.I.. G. n. N IiEN. fienutv Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, vicioria, u.i:. January Mh. 1t. bbbbbbbmbbbbVVbbbbbbbmI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbubbbbbbbbmV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrnWaafuJ? fl LbbbbbbbbbbTsSILbPbbbmW BBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBM At the End of a Day As the roll unwinds, music works its magic. Gone are the cares of a work-a-day world, A dear old tune touches the chords of tender memory brings back boyish dreamsstirs the fires of inspiration. vx naiever your moou as you sit down before the Culbransen registering piano you find it sym pathetic, responsive. For it Is as ready to reflect the exuberance of youth In the latest and gayest of popular tunes as it Is to free' the majestic music prfsdned in the score of a com poser's maslerwork. We Invite you to our store to day and try the Gulbransen reg istering piano. A few moments will reveal the pleasures it offers. We wil( gladly explain the ad vantages of Its many exclusive features. Walker's Music Store Ltd. fore returning to the Old Country. They arrived here by the Canadian .National Hallways from the lias l last Muy and have not yel been in the south. They do hot wish to return to the Old Country without 'being able to say that Vancouver and Victoria have been included in their extensive travels in the north and on the Pacific Coast. Marly last August, Col. atu( Mrs. Stewart left here for the north and travelled by the or dinary means of transportation to Dawson. There, they pur chased a gasolino boat and drifted leisurely down the-Yukon Hiver to Fort Yukon, 100 miles down from lJaxvson and the most northerly point on the great river. ' III Killed Much, Game At Fort Yukon commenced one of the most interesting incidents of Col. and Mrs. Stexvart'strip north. The log hospital at that point was being moved and the doctor in charge asked them if they would kill the winter's supply uf meat, wild game being the only meat available there. This Col. and Mrs. Slexvart readily consented to ilo. itiey xvenl back up the Yukon Hiver and killed caribou and two moose. With the assistance .of a native, a raft was built out of driftwood on which was idled the game IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA. In the Matter of and IN PROBATE. MrLeod. tiwcascd. BRITISH the Matter of the duunlstratlon Act: and In the Matter of the Estate ot Anton Myren. Heceaed: Intestate. r-. L c viti.. . 1. . . . - Administrator of the Estate of AntonlPIonUllllles lit Myren, dereased. and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me, on or berore the I tth day of January. A.D. 10! I, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay Ihe amount or their Indebtedness to me, TIIOS. W. IIEIIN'E. orrictal Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated this 0ih riar or neeember .!. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Mailer of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Amanda Bolden (or Lanmkln), Deceased, lu-trstate. TAKE NOTICE thai In Order of his Honor F, Melt. Younr. made this 4lh day of January. A.M. 1071. I was . appointed Auiintii-iriior or me t.ium or Aiuanna Iloldcn (or lJttiiikln deceased, and all parties havlnr claims aralnst Hie said state are hereby required to furnish same, roperly verified to me. on or before tlie 7th day of February. IBf I. and all Iartles Indebted to t!w estate are required 10 pay iw aiiKiunt or their indebtedness to uie forthwith. THOMAS XV. IIERNE, ifflclal Administrator, ric Motierl R r IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF COLUMBIA. BRITISH the Administration Ait; III the Matter of the Estate of Murdoch TAKE NOTICE that I was aonolnted Administrator of the Estate of Murdoch Mru-od. Keci-ax-d. and that all narllcs havlnir claims aralnst the said estate are tieretiy required to furnish same duly veriried to me on or before the luth dav of February., m. AMI Ft IIT Fit TAKE NOTICE that all (unties Indebted to the estate are' required la pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me rorinwuii. DAT Ell at Prince lluoert. B.C this ath oay or January, vn. mi. THOMAS W. IIEnNE. Official AdmtnlMratnr, Prince Rupert. B.C, A Manufacturers wile who cooks ill jVAPOtTt A woman, whose husband is a inaiiufaclureiv in Vancouver, writes a letter of congralula. lion lo us because, she says, we are producing canned milk that is "far and axx'ay Ihe best in Canada." We know, of course, that Pacific is higher quality, but most of Hie credit is due to the piod milk supplied by Jlrillsli Columbia dairy herds. Pacific Milk Go. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, Factories '-hi Lsdner and Abbotoford, B.O. THE DAILY NBnrVB. Monday, January 21. 1934 Colonel and Mrs. Stewart had Wonderful Experiences North Travelling 3000 Miles or More After a trip of T to months throiiKh Yukon 'IVrriliirv mill Central Alaska in Ihe course of which they travelled well over 11,000 miles by every mot hod of transportation in the Far North steamer; train, 'launch, raft, poling bout, dog-team and hore-sleigh Lieutenant Colbnel 11. X. Stewart, O.B.K., .l.(i, mid Mr4s Stewart oT Kinlochmoidart, Invcrnesshire, Scotland, are back in the city. They arrived from Kelchikuii on the Princess Mary Snl- nruax aiiernoou anil plan on sailing tomorrow eveninir hv lbt steamer Curdena for 'Vancouver to tour al lasl a portion of southern nrilisi Columbia be- for its 120 mile trip back to l'orl Yukon which was safely reached uboul the middle of October. lly this time tho weather xvas getting very cold and during the first week in November" the Yukon Hiver froze up, lor five weeks the thermometer never rose above 10 below zero, the lowest point reache'd being' 03 below. Col. t?tewaii's nose was frozen but, apart from a few minor inci dents of such a nature, tic and Mrs. Stewart enjoyed the besl of health throughout the long (rip and (here xverti no mishaos. The hunting trip undertaken by Col. and Mrs. Stewart delayed their time table. Their original idea had been to go by dog sleigh up the Porcupine and Old Croxv Hivers and down the Firth to llerschell Island in the Arctic Ocean. There was. however, no dog feed at Hampart House and the plan had to be given up. Instead they went by dog team to Circle, then to Chatinika by horse sleigh and thence by rail to Seward xvhere they took learner for Ketchikan and then on to I'rince Hupert. Opinion of North Col. Sfoxx'art now owns two gas boats In tlie north tin; one which he left at Fort Yukon and the Vaiiuero which he used for cruising the coast here last summer. Col. .Stewart is not very en thusiastic about gold mining in the north. A'persou can do little more than make a living al it, he says. There are better Ihe silvrr line, however, he believes. Fur traders do well but high' nrices are de manded by I lie trappers for skins, 'the scenery in tlie nortli is wonderful" and it is a fine healthy country but there are few young people living there. Of all the 'methods of trans. porlntion employed by Col. and Mrs. .Slexvart,' dog sleighing was found to be the most costly.' Hogs cost nothing under 00 ' apiet-e in Ihe norlh and it lakes $1 a day lo feed each One. In addition lo this if it is necessary to employ a driver he must boj paid ? a lay. I lieu I here are the possibilities of delay on account of weather. Airplane travel would almost bo cheaper, Col. Stewart says. There is already one machine al Fairbanks, he says. I.asl summer it made flights in (he district charging M a minute. This year it is to carry mails, METHODIST PARSON BACKS UP MANSON PIKER STATEMENT Dr. Clem Davles or Victoria Says Ministers No Longer Little Tin Gods A Victoria despatch to the Vancouver papers says: The attorney general was right when lie called the ministers of Vancouver piker, declared Hcv. Clem Daviessln Centennial Methodist Cliureli. A minister of Ihe gospel k no'longer Ihe little tin god of former times, declared the paslor. .N'owudays they are the same, as other men, and have the same besellhig sins. "I've been called a piker-lots of time, and I was one." admitted i Miv Davles.' Too many ministers call down public men, but when they do anything which they agree with they never praise Ihem. The attorney general has had a tryingMime. I hold no brief for hiiii. I have not even met him, having only spoken lo him a couple1 of time on the telephone. What with the brew ere, the preachers and the opposition, I wonder thai he does not pick out some nice warm place in hell .in which to have a good lime. I admire Mr. Manson for standing before the ministers and telling them what lie thought of them. Tlie preachers generally In Vancouver have not done a single thing about tho drug traffic" : : BAVARIAN PEOPLE NOT FAVOR AUTONOMY I.O.M.ON, Jan. 21. An over whelinjng majority of tho popula (ion of . Ihivariun Palatinate is opposed to ft ho so-called nutouo iiious government in the opinion of Hubert Clive, after four days inxestigatiou on the scene, the House of Commons was told by Hobert -McNeill, under secretary for foreign affairs. Uixe is the llritish consul al Munich. REGIMENTAL ORDERS 1st. Bn. North B.C. Regiment 102 Bn. O.E.F. Orders by Major J. W. .Nicliolls commanding; Duties Orderly officer, Ideul. W. Mason, week ending Jan. 20. .Next for duty, Capl. II, W. Camer on. Parades Monday, Jan. 2 1st, H p.m., rrriill training; Special drill instruction under rj.M.I. (W.O.I) Younginan. Wediies. day. Jut. 23nl, H p.iiu drill in truclioti under S.M.I. (W.O.t Younginan. School of Instruction Tho Provisional School of Instruction will be carried on as usual each evening under S.M.I. (W.O.t Yooiigmau. Candidate arc urged not to miss these parades. All ranks may attend the lectures and drills during (lie course. Miniature Hanpc The General Officer Commanding has author-ized the construction of (he min. iature rifle range, which will be completed as soon as possible, to be available for practice this winter. It. I'. PONDKIl, I.ieul. and Act. Adjutant. Notice The Commanding Officer thanks and congratulate all ranks for Ihe splendid appearance presented at the annual Inspection on Thursday, January 7. t2l. Suhcribe for the Dally News, LAND ACT. Nolle of IfltanOon lo Apply to Laos Land. In Skeena Land District, Hrrordlnr District of t:oasl. and situate on Zayat Island, Take Nolire thai Oeorae kerr. nceupa' lion butcher, of I'rinre rtuperl, ll.r.- int lends to apply for permission In leas the rollnwlnr desrrllMHl lands: Commenrmr al a pwt planted about riNir chains north of Jacinto point on Zayaa Island; thence fol-lowlnr the sinuosities nf tlie shore line at hirh water mark around the Island and retiinilnr to point of commencement, and contalnliia" J.oon acrci, more' or leas, GFOIlGF. Is F II It. Name of applicant, IIOOMtS k', rilF.tMA.N. A rent. FiveRoses FLOUR When MiiylitK Flour ask your Orocer for "FIVE ROSES," I he World s Best - John L. Agent. Gristle COAL The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sites. STERUNQ Stove and Egg Sixes. We deliver in sacks or bulk, l'lione us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Sort Drinks Wo havo a pleaftauL hack ruom. Come In and mako yourself at home, W. M. Whiting, Prop. Phone 376 The House aaaMaaiiaiM'-JMMBtMMaMaaMaaaaiisM r Phone 376 of Quality MACKINAW Coats and Shirts . BOYS' MACKINAW COATS. or nil xx uol, in fancy check dcsiaits. Sues ti i-.'li, ld.g, v I.Ull. oxv .( $4.50 MEN'S MACKINAW COATS. il 112. all wimiI. Sises.'WMO. Itt'K. t0.U). Now S7.M MEN'S MACKINAW SHIRT8 XI 02. all wool. 8laufiebr make. Iteg- ?7.r(l. Now $5.83 UNIVERSAL TRADING Cfl. Phone 376. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 BETTHOMPSON In "The Woman with 4 Faces" It's a Melodrama, but the Melo liu kid gloxc mid !r drama is Iciim uud holding. The story of a yutithfjlt. b -tiful, skilled, roiinimni.tte girl crook' with a charming t souality. who captured Ihe heart of axotiiig di-lricl ultr;)r lictly in four distinct h rai teruatious lo riilhrull mid i: lify jou, Tli" prize xviiiiiing rniok play of lhe . Itichnrd Dix and strong ral. MERMAID COMEDY "BACKFIRE." jntermUonal Newi. Admission 35c and 10e. 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion CE.F. ' Recruits Wanted Ag limit IS lo ir. Young men fnuii KMu i w joiil with i.irviils' coiiseiiL Coiniiii'iii'iiiK Wednesday. January tllli, i curujirrKeii sive six week. rourse of military training will he roiufiicled il nut-r a regular army inslriictor loaned M ,ej llWglnit'ut for this purpose. . I'hysical training and boxing under iiiiiillfbd inslruc tors. . Recruits will be examined Mondays and Widndyi at 8 p.m. " ' PURDY?S , e i , The Autocrat of the CANDY World We "are sole agents for I'mdy's I'aiiious Cliocolnlt's nud Candy, Mmle in Vancouver. There is iiolliiiig' flmT Jn Ihe world. A box of Purdy's makes a ilsllglilful gift ul "II limes. Htart the Naw Ycnr in the right spirit and fti'' your mother, nislcr and sweetheart a bhx. , ALL 8IZE8. ALL PRICES. THE CANDY 18 DELICIOUS AND THE BOX 18 BEAUTIFUL. , Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE .11. '-,4 Third Avenue. We Cash Cheques.