TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and wail Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, wlh newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT For rales, apply to Boston MATT VIDECK, Prop. Grill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO. 211. It, '. PRINCE RI PER'!', H.G., MONDAY, SEPTEMHER 8, 1U2..' -lurd.,-. cireui.tion. strM, s.,f&7, PRICE FIVE GENTS. " EEVATOR ENGINEERS TO BE HERE CIVIL WAR IN CHINA IS CENTiKINi, M PEKING: ARMIES ARE Engineers to Two or Fred Stork Mahes Announcement on his Return from England by way of Ottawa: HALlBUTCoMisSlOlUS COMING Two Ministers Expect Mackenzie King Next "Engineers niid architects may lie expected here within two or three weeks tu make preparation for the construction of the elevator which is to he ready for the handling of the 1.125 grain rrop next full," staled Fred Slork, M.P.j who returned to the city last night from Ottuwu. The elevator is to he limit by the Department of Trade and Commerce with the collaboration of U,e railway company with respect to location, type and convenience. Another important aiinounce.nent with respect to this port was made hy Mr. Stork when lie slutM that tt';coiirml8ioii,rrqi Washinulon, D.C..I was at Uawa Alien ho left there conferring wilh i he Canadian authorilio on the lulled Stales duly of -'c on Canadian halibut entering the Stales. Olluwa i very hopeful that the duly will be taken off. Canadian fishermen have been advocating Its removal ever since l was put on. The commission I already on its way West and will jt Seattle, Vancouver and Prince lliiperl to Investigate the. cost of halibut iirnducMnn on which Mages the whole question of duty. Resides Premie. King, there will arrive in Prince Rupert on October 12 a parly consisting of Hon, hr J. II. King, minister of public works, Hon. P J. A. Car-diu, minister of marine ami fisheries, and llnl Mr(iivern, M.R. for Ottawa, Mr. Stork stated. They will be accompanied by members of their staffs and will take the opportunity of spending n day or m here in the course of a wcsl-" (our. They will arrive by rain froni Edmonton and will proceed soillh from here. Mr Slork has been away from Wnp for seven months. He 'lnl fjvo months al Ottawa at-I'Kling the long parliamentary WMinin Then he went to the Wembley Exhibition at London where rained steadily fdr tho four weeks- he was there with Mrs. Stork, They visited France "d also Liverpool, England. (Hail be home, Mr. Stork hopes that hp will be able to remain here fdr while without being disturbed "y his dtilii's as representative which were arduous enough at Ollawa. The Empire, Exhibition is a wonderful show, says Mr. Slork, n"'l the Canadian building and l'"hlbils are outstanding features wliii-h, f inkpn away, would in-''"d leave ji ldg hole. Hundreds f thousand, of people havo jam-n"'d their way jnln Hie Canadian 'Gliding. The exhibits and their arrangement depicting Canada liHlustrially, geographically and roin the point of view of natural wnllli and scenic attraction are ""thing loss than marvellous and rmn l)Mn Mu.u i,om,f H,ould ''"hound on (he Dominion. Mr. Slork says that there have 'Pen excellent crops In Krnnce nd England this year but there difficulty jn getting them li'irvcsted on account, of (he con. "IHerilly wet weather that has " Prevailing: there ihU fall. be Here Within Three Weehs to Take Survey for Building Elevator to Accompany Premier on His Visit Here Month. TWO YEARS ON EIGHT COUNTS Sentences Passed This Morning on Cecil Rutherford Will Run Concurrently Cecil Rutherford, charged on eight counts wjth obtaining money under false pretences by massing bogus checks, was found anilly and sentenced to two years al New Westminster Penitentiary on eacli charge the terms io run concurrently, hy Judge Young in Ihe County Court this morning. DISTRICT EXHIBITS HERE FROM INTERIOR Prince Ooorqo, Hazelton and Terrace Agricultural Displays Arrived at End of Wook barge district agricultural exhibits arrived for the Fair last night from Prince Gorge, Hazel-Ion and Terrace. In charge of Ihe Prince George exhibit is R. ,f. niackburn, A. R. Macdonald is looking after the Hazelton display and that from Kilsuinkalum and Terrace is in the hands of F. V. Holder. Mr. Holher also has his usual large number of individual exhibits and he is accompanied by Mrs. Holder and son. PRINCE JOHN TOUCHED BOTTOM BANKS ISLAND Slight Damage Done Is Bolng Repaired at Dry Dock today and Vossol Will fot bo Detayod Early Saturday morning while coming in from southern Queen Charlotte ' Island points, C.N.R. steamer Prince John touched bottom- in the fog near Hanks Kinn.i tfiisf'niiiiug slight damage. On nrrivalHere, Hip vessel was surveyed l.y'Capl. K. McCoskrie,' harbor muster, and yesterday she was taken up on the dry dock Ihe bilge keel It for a patch on Is expected she win io " this (I fl AKI1 IWt II III I line lo make her sailing for northern Island points on schedule time. ' Advertise in the laily Kews. BOY KILLED ONGASBOAT Fell In Fly-wheel Pit on Southern cn route Ketchikan From Saxman KETCHIKAN, Sept. 8 James Stash, tho three year old son of James Stash, was almost Instantly killed when he fell into the fly-wheel pit of the gas boat Southern on Its way here from Saxman. The little fellow was attomptlng to pass the engine when ho was thrown Into the fly-wheel by the lurching of the vessel and was killed instantly. BUCKLEY BAY LUMBER SCHOONERS TIED UP El Clcuta, El Codro and El Abcto Havo Discontinued Lumbor Carrying to Los Angeles The Los' Angeles Lumber Products Co., which recently closed down the mill al Ruckley Hay on Graham Island, lias laid up its three steam schooners, El Cicuta, El Ccdro and El Abeto, at Los Angeles. There are fifty such lumber schooners laid up at Los Angeles at the present time. CHICAGO MURDER SENTENCE WEDNESDAY CHICAOO. Sept. 8. The fate of Nathan Leopold and Richard Loch, scions of millionaire families who kidnapped and murdered Robert Franks is already settled and judgment will be delivered Wednesday by Judge Caver-ley. Only lawyers and press representatives will be admitted to court. JUDGES FOR FAIR ARRIVE IN CITY Dutloa Will Commence Tomor row Morning and Will be Over by Tlmo of Formal Opening, It ,1s Expoctod Provincial government judges who will officiate at the Exhihi-I inn here Ibis week arrived in tho city on Saturday evening from up-river Fairs and are registered at Ihe' Prince Rupej'l lloteh Their dulie,s will commence tomorrow morning after the exhibits have been finally arranged in the Hall und it is expecled they will be through by the time of tho for mal opening in the evening. The judges who arrived were: li.(P. '.Murray, Victoria, government - liortieulturalist, fruit and flowers. II. " Heid, department of agri culture. Victoria, poultry. Mss 11, E. Lander, Kniuloop. department o f agriculture, doinsjic science. .l.' Ii. .Munrn, icloria, department of. agriculture, field crops anil-Vegetables," ' J. Mackje, Vancouver, RIGHT HON. W. L. Premier of Canada who next Exhibition To Open Tuesday Evening With Large Display and Many Distinct Novelties The twelfth annual Prince Rupert exhibition of the North ern H.C. Agricultural Association o clock, tomorrow evening by I-red Stork, M.P., supported by .Mayor S. M. Newlou. It will be in progress until the end of tho week and will offer features that never been excelled by any exhibition in the past. The Fair Hall is now a hive of activity with agricultural and commercial. exhibitors giving the Three wonderful district exhibits and Hazelton are being assembled i and the tables fur the various; classes give promise of being loaded. Insufficiency of space is proving the main trouble and everything available is being, taken up. Of course, the Fair Hoard is anxious - about the weather which today seems very unpromising. It may mean the difference between success and failure from the financial point of view. The crowning of (he carnival queen, another of the big features of the week, will lake place Wednesday morning following Ihe street parade at 10.30. Miss (trace Crate will bo invested with the honors of the occasion by Fred Slork. LEYINE ACQUITTED ON THEFT CHARGE Judge Young Took View That Caso Was Framo-up on Part of Star Witness For Prosecution Expressing Ihe belief after hearing the evideuco that the case was a frame-up on (ho part of Rose Hoffman, Ihe snr witness for Hie prosecution, Judge F. McH. Young dismissed the chargo of Iheft against H. Levine in County Court this morning. Levine, who had been comnfilted, elected for speedy trial and the hearing was finished Ibis morn ing. Witnesses for the prosecu lion were Rose Hoffman, who was alleged to have been robbed by the accused, ami Charles An derson. Leylne took tlio sjnnd on tils own behalf. . ' E. F. Jones prosecuted ami 1 W. Patmoro defended. MACKENZIE KING is lo visit Prince Rupert month. t will be formally opened at 7 the Fair Hoard believes have final touches to their space. from Terrace, Prince George .. ... rrrrr. . n. EXHIBITION ATTRACTIONS' Opening ceremony will be performed by Fred Stork, M.P., at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening in the Exhibition Hall. t Judging of Exhibits. Carnival Ground Attractions. Selections by Kiliinaat Native Hand. JOLLY PARTY LAST WEEK LAKE KATHLYN J. A. Finnerty Gives Party In Honor of Two Ladles Who are Leaving Smlthers SMITHERS, Sept. 8. J. A. Finnerty was host to a most jolly party ield in the hall at lukc ivauuyn on inursuay nignt, the occasion being the departure of Miss F. MacDougall, Post mistress, and Miss Mellon, nurse at the. local hospital. " Among tho numerous guests could bo seen Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. J. S Kennedy, Mis? M. Roberts, Miss E. Doiulson. G. Roberts. P. Hus kins, Mel Eddy and G. Warner. II was a characteristic' Ron Koo" party replete with all the surprises of which Al. alone !s capable,, and after a generous re. past hail been patlaken of duno-ing was In order until Ihe sun creeping over the mountain lops was a remliider that another day had dawned and forced the participant. to return to town und business- -tired, but happy. Declares War Against Government at Pekin General Chang Tso Lin Threatens Military Action to Rid China of People's Traitors I SHANGHAI, Sept. 8, General Chang Tso Lin has declared vai atfu.iisi itic l'eknf government, lie threatens military action to rid the country of the people's traitors thereby removing the jhstacle to national peace. The. general accuses the Pekin leaders of hrihino- nnrfia. meut, or stealing the highest positions and of settling, the rian loan. . ' Ihe Japanese news agency reports that Dr. Sun Vat Sen,-the reputed ally of General Chang, has declared his intention jf starting a northern expedition with a view to assisting in the-overthrow of the Pekin government. HARVESTING IS IN FULL SWING JanPdlan National Crop Report Shows Qood Progress Being Made on Pralrlos. ;iUPKL N?Is-,U Good larvesling nvriilhelf durpfg" tllr ,jasl week hag assisted farmeY' in harvesting crops all over the prairie provinces according to he twentieth weekly crop report issued by the Canadian National Railways. Cutting is in full everywhere, in many cases being from 5 percent to 80 per en completed. ! Manitoba reports some damage :.r n.s, frost and sawf.y but in Wale;; of Sir Esine 'he majority of districts it,,. dated that losses from any orl . I II Ml I I I I a iii oi iiiese causes win oe siigui. Some frost damage to late tops is reported from Saskatchewan. Weather has been favorable and cutting is making good progress. Crops in many districts are turning out better than expected. Second growth and weeds are making cutting difficult for some farmers. Late crops in Alberta are slat. ed to have improved recently. There ban been some frost, but not enough to 'Cause damage, it is reported Weather has been cool and 'ripening is slow al though cutting by this dale is fairly general. Crops are looking well and in some districts will run 30 to 35 bushels to' the acre. High winds have caused wheal to shell out in some areas. Rilllcully in cutting is being ex perienced due to second growth and heavy weed growth following recent heavy rainfall. CRATE FAMILY FAMOUS Slstor of ..Carnival.. Queen was Only 100 Per Cent Baby In Show Last Year Mb3 Amy Grace. i-ra.e, yueen of the Carnival, Is not the only famous member of the Urate family. Her little sister, Miss Hazel Georgina Crate, took first prize at the baby show here last vear and was declared lo be the only perfect, 1 00 per cent baby In Hie contest. She is entered again his year. ASSIZES HELD HERE ON NOVEMBER NINETEENTH VICTORIA, Sept. 8. Courts of assize wilt be held al Prince Rupert on November 19 and at Prineo George on November 20 for the trial of both civil and criminal eases. SOON GATHERING Armies of General Tso Lin weiy sweeping down frpm Manchuria towards Pe"kin today to create a neVv front in China's cjvil war. Refnre, many hours the area from Shanghai to Pekin should be one connected conflict 750 miles long. No decisive bat- p113 ,,uve yel 1,00,1 ioui hb FOR NEW YORK BOSTON, Sept. 8. ' -American ,.,,, fli . ,., ,1 " " 8.m o t e iCll.cumnavlBan of lh Rlobe Ar vn. , V huge crowd awaits them at New YPk- nmnr, i.i .... E7 JANET SMITH I FEARED COOKl Dairy of Vancouver Housemaid" Produced at Inquest Today r Was In Love " VANCOUVER, Sept. 8. Such was I lie terror of Janet Smith of Ihe Chinese cook in the Raker household that for three days,-prior to her sudden death she dreaded going into ' the kitchen where he was, Jlary Jones, nursemaid and bosom friend of the dead girl, testified1 al the second inquest today. The diary of the dead girl was introduced by counsel for the Tong of which the Chincso. cook was a member. It showed that she had been happy in the; companionship of young men and'-had believed herself in love on several occasions, v Ii) this con-" neclinu, (lie names of Carl and. John were mentioned in tho diary, the former being mentioned as "my villian," Another entry in the diary said "Poor Wong. Ihe must be in love, He gave mo nightie , Ie !U and- two cami soles." At the jury's request F, L. Raker is to be recalled to the stand and the police report of the tragedy wi be. produced. KELLY OPERATING 5 LOGGING CAMPS MORESBY ISLAND The T. A. Kelly Logging Co. is operating five logging camps on Moresby Island and a total of about 150 men are employed. There are two camps at Uum-shewa Inlet, two at Lagoon Ray and another at Logan Inlet. Tho logs are rafted lo coast pulp mills.