Ml I PAGE TWO. TWB DAILY NI55VS: Saturday, August , i$jt .1 BlueRibbon Tea Good house-keepers are careful to specify BLUE RIBBON when ordering TEA. They do this because they know they will get the best tea in the market at the lowest price that the best can be sold for. There is no tea in Canada so good or economical as BLUE RIBBON. The Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince Bupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year '. $0,00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ..$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion..; 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ..15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Hands of Entertainment Committee to Arrange 98 88 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day prs-ceding publication. All advertising received' subject to approval, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION GIVE DINNER TO SIR HENRY Saturday, August 2, 19?t. ing tli e board, asking that meet ings be held by September 1 if possible for the purpose of get ting into closer I ouch with the meeds -of the district and for re ceiving suggestions at first hand from traoners. fur traders. Board of Trade Leaves Matter In sportsmen and others interested. It was suggested that meetings be held at Hazelton, Smithers and Burns Lake and, that the public At the meeting of the board of he notified through the press in trade last night it was decided 1o leave the arrangements for the, dinner to Sir Henry Thornton in the hands of the entertainment committee of the board consisting of S. K. Campbell, F. O. Dawson, and D. Thomson. No representations will be made to Sir Henry in regard to local affairs but a num'her of matters will be taken up by the heads of depart ments and especially the freight traffic department, whose heads will be here. The trade ami oom- merce committee consisting of 0. V. Nickerson, F. fl. Dawson and S. K. Parker will join hands with the railways and navigation committee consisting of C. II. Orme, W. H. Tobey and E. C. Gib bons. They will, meet and draw up a memorandum, and will discuss the matters in an interview which will be arranged. GAME BOARD ASKED HOLD MEETING HERE advance of the dale of the meet ing. E. C. fiibbons moved that tho request be endorsed and that Prince Rupert be added as a place at which to hold a meeting. I bis wns seconded by J. W. Scott and carried. PURCHASE COAL NOW Railway Association Urges That During Slack Season Winter Supply Should be Put In At the meeting of tho board of trade last night a letter from, the Railway Association of Canada was read in which it was urged that fall and winter supplies of coal should be purchased now before the railways became busy. Last year it was done to a large extent with good results. It was pointed out that there was at present available for the busi ness 0,500 locornoives, 169,000 coal cars, 138,000 box cars, and 51,000 other freight cars, repre- Resolutlon of Smithers Board ofsenting an investment of over a Trade Endorsed and Prince ibillion dollars, now standing idle Rupert Added The gamo conservation board while soon there would be a shortage. By purchasing now the (traffic on the railways would be is to be asked to hold a meeting lightened at the busy season. nere mis summer. At the meeting of the Board of Trade last night a letter from the Rmilliers board was discussed. The Smithers people said they were writ- fi. J. Stevens of the Beaver Bottling Works returned yesterday from a ten day trip to Vancouver and Victoria. University of Toronto Toronto Conservatory of Music with which U amatraiaated The Canadian Academy of Music COLONEL A. E. . G00DRRHAM Ch.lrm... Board .f G.T.rM A" 8 V0CT' M- Principal. HE A LEY WILLAN, Mua. Doc, F.R.C.O., Vlee-Prlnclpal. ,. . A NATIONAL INSTITUTION Tin moat cemprehenaWel equipped Srhoal af Maale ia Oie Dominie. Faculty at International Pre Ufa. RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER l.t, 1924 Well-appointed Reeldence far Yeunr Woman Student,, . MAV ENTER AT ANV TIME. -n. Tht o Con.arv.torr Yaw Book. Annual Sfll.bu. and Women Realdanca Calendar ant to any addreaa on request. LOCAL EXAMINATIONS FOll IMS lll be held Ihrootnout the Dominion, according ta locality, In May, Jane and July nait ADDRESS Ret Utrar, cor. Collet. 8L and UnWer.lty Aa.. Terente. BXS PRIDE IN HER FOREST ENTERPRISE UNIQUE OPERATIONS DISPLAY WORKINGS OF HER BASIC INDUSTRY Goodwill of Public Sought In the Solution of Economic Problems Admiral Field. of II.M.S. "Hood," after a visit to a British Columbia logging camp, and see ing its operation, declared it was one of , the m'ost unique sights ho had witnessed during- his great world cruise. When any illustrious strangers reach British Columbia an inevitable item in their program of public or private entertainment is a visit to some operation illustrating the unique character of our forest industries. Of all her wonderful assets, this province is perhaps proudest of the great industry that cm-ploys one-fourth of her working manhood. Yet the people of British Columbia, anxious as they are to exhibit to their honored guests the vaslness of their basic industry, are far too much inclined to take for granted many mlatters in which their keener interest would be of essential value. To compliment an individual operation upon the comforts of the camp and the efficiency - of the equipment is a very pleasant way or rendering mani;s 10 British Columbia for its forest industries. A stbily, however, of the difficulties and problems other than mechanical of an in dustry that fools a third of the province's payroll and furnishes a third of its total revenue, should be a prime duty of our citizens. There can be no thinking inhabitant of British Columbia who does not realize ttiat the economic problems of lh,e forest industries are very m'uch his own and that his active good will in assisting their solution is worth more to the lumberman at this juncture than any other form of ervice. This scries of articles communicated by the Timber Industries Council of British Columbia. BANK MANAGER LEAVING HERE A. T. Broderick Is Superannuated And Will Be Succeeded By H. H. Little, of Hazelton. A. T. Broderick, for the past fourteen' years manager of the local branch of the Union Bank of Canada, has been superannuated and will relinquish his duties at the entl of this month. He (will be succeeded here by II. II. iLitlle, manager of tho branch at Ha.elton, and S. J. Winsby, for merly accountant here and more recently manager of one of the Kdmonton city sub-branches, will take charge at Hazelton. j Mr. Broderick, who is at present the oldest manager in the fservice of the Union Bank, assumed his duties here in October 1910, coming from Manitoba. He succeeded K, K. Slrathy who went to Winnipeg, Though he .owns property in Prince Rupert, Mr. Broderick does not intend to remain in tho city. He ihas not definitely set out his plans for the future, however. Always obliging but possessed of keen preceplion whero business matters were concerned, Mr. Broderick has conducted the (affairs of tho hank here in an (efficient manner and has gained esteem and popularity among the ' i ? 1 1 i i. , ii. iipuuy clients ui tiic jiuiih ami mr business public generally. Ills departure from the city will he much regretted and the best wishes of wide circle of friends will follow him'. PARTY OF SCH001 TEACHERS TO BE IN CITY MONDAY Knroule to a convention in Vancouver, fifty members of Die Canadian Teachers' Federation from Kastem Canada and a few points in the West, will bo here on Monday night, arriving from 'Ltl Iki CLAKfr KittkiU A fine food for boys Clark's BEANS vry tin I lie Hast by train and proceeding south on the steamer Prince Hu-pert. The party, which is making a three-day stop at Jasper Park, is travelling in three spe- rial Canadian .National sleeping cars. A number of Edmonton teachers joined the party, which made a brief stopover in that city. TAXI CHARGES ARE DISCUSSED City Asked to Investigate and If Necessary Pass Regulations to Protect Visitors At the meeting of tho board of T BIG RAILWAY trade last night it was decided tovav PARTY COMING Sir Henry Thornton Will be Accompanied by Many C.N.R. Executive Officers The Canadian National Hail- ways presidential 'party which will visit I lie city next week will consist of the following: Sir Henry Thornton, president; Lady. Thornton; Mr. Thornton, son; Mrs. Sullivan, Miss Mc. Arlhur S. J. llungerford, vice-president 'in charge of operation and maiu-jtenance, and Mrs. llungerford. 1). C. flrant, vice-president in charge of finance. A. E. Warren, general manager (of western lines,' nnd Mrs. Warden, Winnipeg. ! W. C. .Chisholm, assistant general counsel, Mrs. Chisholm and Miss Chisholm. I II. C. Martin, general freight traffic manager, Montreal. W. O. M'anders, freight traffic manager, Winnipeg. 1 M II, McLeod, consulting of ficer to the, executive and former vice-presideut of the Canadian Northern Railway. A. Wilcox, general superintendent of transportation. J. II. Cameron, assistant general manager, Vancouver. W. S. Thompson, director of publicity. C. J. Smith, executive assistant Ito t ie nresiilenl nnd rnrmcrk general manager of elevators warehouses, etc., and JUrs. Smith I). E. Calloway, chief assistant to the president, and Mrs. (iallo- recommend to the city council) ji q Keeley, Pacific Coast mat (arirr regulations siioui.i e imager of l.e Canadian fiovern formulated governing llio opera- Merchant Marine. lion of taxis in this cily. Com- 0. A. Mc.Nicholl, general pas plaints had come to nwnibers of'SpnjTer agoni, Vancouver. uie noaru mat gross overcharges M.ossr.s. Simpson. Wright, Pir- liau Deen made visiting tourists rip ani nnh( secretaries. aim mis injnre.i uie cuy. u mere Tlie party will arrive from was a scale of charges arranged Vancouver on (he steamer Prince mis wouiu to a greai. e.xieni ne (;.nrge Wednesday afternoon prevented. ' jan.l will proceed F.asl by special ii was poinieu out mat oinr-r train on Thursday, cities had regulations governing! . DEER AND MOOSE ARE that the owners of the cars were, a party to overcharges but some-! QppM AT flllFQNPI IM times irresponsible drivers were dLLn A1 VULdHEL 111 employed who made' money for LIMITS OF THE TOWN uieinseivu.H wim way. i he reasonable charges that QUHSNKL, Aug. 2. Moose ami were made in Ketchikan were re-Jdeer have been seen close t ferred to. lo pass a resolution town on many occasions during would protect those who made the summer. They sometimes fair charges while protecting the come within the town limits. Only cily. Nothing could harm the cily last week a cow iiiose with her more than overcharging those calf wandered on to the me who visited it. It .was finally moved by John Dybhavn, seconded by O. V. Nickerson, that Hie mines of I,. C. Maclure and several other moose have been observed within a couple of miles of the cily council be nsked to look Deer are abundant every the cheges and if necessary .where and have been seen within regulate them, tins was carried, the municipal limits. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Thomas Cole, C. S. Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. II. Harris," Vicloria; K. W. Keenleyside, H. Forsylho and I.. L. Ponsford, Vancouver: II. O. Olsen, Sinllhers;' Mr. ami Mrs. .1. H. Shaw, Riverside, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Menzies, Chili liwack; II. II. Ives, city. Central . .1. Kelly, city; S.' S. Kdgur Spokane; 11. Stevens, Vancouver; K. A. Dawson, Smithers; O. O Ilahaiiifl Waiuwright. ENGINEERS' UNION ELECTS OFFICERS ack Boddle Is President and James Black, Vlce-p resident Meeting Last Night I he Sleam Kngineers' Union met last night in the Cnrpcnlers' tajl and re-elected tho follow ng officers: ;V President, Jac.k.Boddia. . Vice-president, jSnHHr4l)iW:k. Recording' Secretary, "Arthur McF.wcn. , Financial Secretary, Ralph Morln. jjarraoroncia (BULL DOG SIZE) Best Value in Canada 2 25' Monufedurpd by Ctneral 04' Company Limited IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY1 Of CANADA LIMITW Sole Diiribqhr YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, '-boose "Bupert Brand" Salmon, A few tins in the panlry are nlwavs handy. Slock n supply on your boat lhat' a good . i -SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTHING BETTER Tho Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Boxk Solo Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. How to Stay Married! He deserves the best J Give HiiSPElectric Bread I Tca-as it lSP I Should be IffggB IfJ