PAGE BIX. m i WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Baby Peggy WEEK END SPECIALS. Local Killed Milk Fed Veal. Shoulder Roast, per lb. 15c Loin, per lb 20c Fillets or Veal 25c Bulkley Valley Steer Beef. Hound Done Pot lloast, per lb 122c Fresh Killed Chicken and Fowl. Maid of Clover Creamery Huttcr, in bulk, 3 lb. for $1.15 Malkin's llest Jelly Powders. Special, 4 for 25c Atbcrla Cooking Kggs, per dozen 25c Cairns' Pure Juni in glass Strawberry, Mack Currant or Raspberry, per jar 25c Van Camps Tomato Soup. Special, 2 for ..... . 25c RuperlTableSupply Three Phones. 710,211 ,212 if ST E PRICE Or CIOTHES The price of our dry cleaning nit down the prir of clothes. Dainty Dorothy says thai she has found out that we lake most excellent care of the garments entrusted to us and that our charges should make friends for this house. We use the lalest approved methods and the best .material. 'Dry PHONE 8 VfoyV 60X392 PRI N Crr-fRX, pE RT Cash & Carry Creamery llutter, 2 lbs. 75c Lard, Swiils" Silver Leaf, 3 lbs. 55c, 5 lbs. 90c, 10 lbs. $1.75, Strictly Fresh Eggs, 2 doz. 75n Ontario Cheese, per lb. 25c llciuz Sweet Mixed Pickles, per pint ,. 40c Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 Farmers' Tea, high grade, 2 lbs. for $1.25 drape Nuts. 2 pkgs. for 35c A fresh barrel of Ginger Snaps has arrived and with each order over $5.00 we will soli 5 lbs. of Ginger Snaps for 50c. Farmers Market in 'The Law Forbids' A luimun document of love and life. An episode of modern family life. A love pirate had stolen her daddy, a green-eyed ntonsler had taken possession of her mother, hut brave little Peggy took matters into her own tiny little hands and saved the situation. A revelation of a man's folly and a woman's jealousy and the inner lives and emotions of Hroadway. A picture for every member of the family. INTERNATIONAL NEWS. CAMEO COMEDY "RAIN DROPS." Admission 35c and 10c. CANADIAN NATIONAL emir at Western Region. Sealed Tender will be received at llic orrire gf the Chief Entriiu-er, Winnipeg, Manitoba, until twelve o'clock noon, Tuesday, the 5th day or August, 19H, Tor the clearing, (trading and installation of culverts on the following; lines: Peebles, South two miles; Dunblane, Sotith-Kast forty-two miles; Loverna, West fifty miles; Ilanna to WSrden, sixty miles; Cowlchan May, eight miles. I'lans, profiles, specifications and form of contract may be seen and form ul tender obtained at the ofrice of Chief Engineer, Winnipeg, Man.; Iilstrlct Engineer, Edmonton, Alta; District Engineer. Saskatoon, Sask.; District Engineer, Vancouver, B.C.; District Engineer Victoria. rt.C; Division Engineer, Iteflna, Sask.; Division Engineer, I'rlnce Albert, Sask.; Division Engineer, Calgary, Alta; Division Engineer, I'rlnce Hupert, B.C.; Canadian National Hallway Agent at Moose Jaw, Sask. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied by the Kail-way Company and accompanied by an accented cheaue on chartered bank enual to five per cent of the work, payable to the oroer 01 me treasurer, cauauian national Hallways. The lowest or any tender not necessarily cccptcd. A. E. WAIillK.V, General .M onager. Wlnnijieg, Man., July S2nd, I9JT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ANYOX SCHOOL. SEALED TKNDKItS, endorsed "Tender for One Itoorn Addition to Anyux School," will be received by the Honourable the Minister of public Works up to IS! o'clock noon of Tuesday, the IStli day or August, 1924, for the erection' of a one room addition to the present four room School-house at Anyux, In the Atlln Electoral District. B.O. plans. Specifications. Contract and Forms of Tender may be seen on and after the 28th day or July, 1021, and rurther Information obtained at the Department of Tubllc Works, Parliament Buildings, and at the offices of the Government Agent, Vancouver; the Government Agent, Anyox; ana me Government Agent, prince unpen, B.C. Copies of plans, specification, etc., can be obtained from the Department on payment of a deposit or Ten Hollars (tto.uO), which wll be rerunded on their return In good condition. i The lowest or any tender not neces sarlly accepted. p. nune, fublle Works Engineer. The Department or Public Works, Victoria, B.C. July 15th, t9H. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCC RUPERT. In the Matter or the Estate or Robert J Wallace, or Atlln. In the County or Prince Hupert, In the Province or British Columbia, Deceased, who died on the 1st day of April. 1623. NOTICE is hereby given that bv an order if ills Honour F. McB. Young, Judge of the County Court, dated the 17th day of April, I Oil, the undersigned was appointed amninisirnior in ine estate 0 me auove named deceased. And notice I hereby further given that an persons navmg. claims against tne saio estate are required to file such claims duly veriried under oath, with me on or berore the 15th day or August. 1021, after which date I will proceed to distribute me assets- or me saia estate among tnr persons entitled thereto having regard "nly to the claims nf which r shall then have notice, and I will not be liable ror sain assets nr any part thereof, to anv person or wVe claim I shall not then nave received not re. ' Dated at Atlln, B.C., this SOth day or I C. L. MONROE ofrictal Administrator WATER NOTICE. (Diversion and Uta) TAKE NOTICE that ilurne ft. Bablnirton, whose address la Masselt, will apply for a licence to take and use s.ono radon or water out or an unnamed pond. The water will he diverted from the pond at a point about 20U reel north or the north-east corner of block oa O.U. 7, plan 046, Oueen Charlotte Islands, and will be used for Industrial purpose upon the lanJ dt scribed as block It n.l.. 7, plan 910, Queen Charlotte Islands. This nollce was posted on the ground on the I Oth day or May. t4. A copy or this notice and an application pursuant thereto and lo the "Water Act. I OH," will be filed in the orrice of me waier ueroraer at I'rlnce Hupert. Ob-lect.ons to the application may be riled Iwlth the said Waier Recorder or with the i.ompiroiier or water nifrhta, Parliament Uulldlnirs, Victoria, B.C.. within rifty days arter the first appearance or this notice In a local newspaper. The date or the rirst publication or this notice Is May gflth. H. n. BABINOTON. Applicant. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to Laait Land In Oueen Charlotte Islands Land District recording; Distort or Skeena, and situate In front lit lllurk 10 hi i mm am lOueen Charlotte Islands, l Take Notice that Hume B. Bablnxton or jMasseit, occupation cannery nianairer, In- u-iiiin in apiuy tor permission to lease the rulliiwlnir described foreshore: a pi if II mst planted at the Common VlttlWt isninti about 800 reel to low water mark jtlirnre northerly along low water mark n a point west 33 deir. south or north vest rorneror Block 10: thence easterly to injiuiwrm nintrr or iiioi'K 1U; llience 'snulherlv alnna- Wirh water mark to post. oiiii wminiMing- ay news, more or less II, U. IIAIIIPiOTO.1!. Name or Applicant LANS ACT. Atlln Land District. District of Casalar. Take Notice that Helnn!d Brook, or Atlln. occunatlon miner. Intn1 in annlv for permission to pnrrhaso the rollowlnr descrlbed lands: Commencing at a post planted one hundred yards to the east or the month or Bupert Creek, one mile east of Oolden Date on Taglsh Lake, thence snilin Iwentv rrmlna tnann t&'uat In ihnp. line, thence along shore line to point or . "MMiirurrilirul, , BF.niNAi.n nnoiiK. April 81, tCS4. I CHINESE RAIN GOD BRINGS MUCH NEEDED AID TO PEASANTS Tablet Is Brought To Pekln And At Once The Welcome Showers Commence. PKKIXO, July 25. The llrst rainfall of any eonseutience in Peking and vicinity during the present year occurred May 21 It rained again May Ti. Tim drouth was the most prolonged for several years. There is little of the unusual in the above facts. Springs are apt to be dry in north China. The noteworthy feature is the fact llutt the rainfall coincided wilh a solemn ceremony performed in Peking to Yu Shcn, the god of ram. Sent Invitation. Prompted by the distress of agriculturists whose crops have been all but, ruined by the drouth, Peking official and relig ious bodies issued an invitation lo the officials of Shantung to send lo the capital a historical iron tablet of the Ming Dynasty which is said lo have a record for producing raiir. According to a story which is widely accepted by the Chinese, a magistrate of Uantanhsien, Shantung, in the flays of the Ming emperor, became so concerned over the suf ferings of his people because of droiilh that he cast himself into well as a sacrifice lo the gods. On die following day rain fell and the droulh was broken. I Out of gratitude for their de liverance the people built jx tem ple ami enshrined .in il an iron lablet inscribed wilh the name of tho martyr and a record of his deed. The then emperor, when the facts were related lo him, was so impressed that he confer red upon the magistrate's name Hie title of Yu Shen. In the years following I lie tablet has been brought at intervals to Peking when the necessity for ap pealing lo the rain god became tcule, as. in the present instance. Placed In Chair. A day or two ago the lablet arrived. It was reverently plac ed in a yellow sedan chair, a relic of the imperial days, and with much ceremony borne lo a SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS 'Vacavnt. unreserved, aurveyed Crown lands may bo pre-empted by British subjects over II years of age. and by aJlena on declaring intention to becomo British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, and Improvement for agricultural purposes. - Full Information concerning regulations retarding- pre-emptions Is flvsn In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series. 'How to Pre-empt Land." copies ot which can be obtained free of charge y addressing; the Department of iands, Victoria, B.C, or to any Government Agent. Records will be granted covering inly land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which is not timber-land, l.e, carrying over 5.000 board feet per acre west of the Coast Range and 1,000 feet per acre east of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are, to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division, In which the land applied for is nuuieu, una are maue on prime forms, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five rears and Improvements made to value of $10 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. For more detailed information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price of flrst-olass (arable) land Is li per acre, and second-class (grazing) land $2.60 per acre. Further information regarding purchase or lease ot Crown lands is given in Bulletin No. 10. Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions including payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LEA8E3 Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acres, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land haa been surveyed. LEASES For gracing and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding (40 acres may be leased by one person or a company. GRAZING Under the Grazing Act the Province Is divided Into grazing districts and the range administered under a. Grating Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are Issued based on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Stock-owners maj form associations for range management Free, or partially free,' permits are available for settlers, ampere and travellers, up to te head. HE W'Ji mvs Monday. July 28, fti Optician and Optometrist ir troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think It over. If not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment Just arrived. Moderato prices, latest designs. lax He I broner Diamond Specialist lemph: inside the Forbidden Cily. There a ceremony was enacted before il with incense and kowtowing exaclly as was done in the imperial days. Officials of the Hoy Kmperor's court and of the republic participated side by side. FIREMAN'S HOUSE ESCAPED FROM BLAZE Attempt To Set Fire To Place Did Not Materialize Yesterday Morning. .Youthful depredations at Ihe home of J. W. Moort'liouse, f2lli Kishth Avenue Hast, yeslenlay niorniiifr were nearly attended with serious cniisefjuences. Cily Police Sergeant A. II. Ha I ley was iiolilled by phono that someone was' allemptiiifc' lo tiro the house while Mr. Moorehouse was away at work at 1 lie l'ire Hall and Mrs. Moorehouse, was at a picnic. The olTicer investigated and found (hat (lie house had been entered' through a window being broken into. Curtains, blinds, the floor and woodwork in a bedroom .were found to be burned and there were also burns on matting in the kitchen. The water was running in a lap and outside a gasoline lurch was ly ing on Hie ground. II is believed that boys had entered the house with the torch and set the place afire, later becoming frightened and putting the lire out themselves. When the olTicer arrived there was no one around, but the prints of shoes, about size six, were pViinly discernible. GIRL DROWNS WHEN ROWBOAT UPSETS KDMONTOX, July 25.-While boating Willi another girl on Shoal Lake, about sixty miles northwest of Edmonton, Miss Inglik Nelson, sixteen years of age, was drowned, when the row-boat filled Willi water and sank. Her friend, Miss Alaburd, was rescued by people on the shore. The two girlus were only about thirty yards from I lie shore when their boat collapsed, and every effort was made to save them. Miss Nelson's body was recovered, ly a search parly later in the evening. . LONGEVITY IN MANILA. MANILA, July 25. Nineteen persons more than 100 years old died ill Manila during tho last year. BIRTHS. A ilaugli(er Jwas born on July 21 lo Mr. ami Mrs. William I'ayv-cliuk, 528 Ninth Avenue Kast. A son was born on July 27 lo Mr. and Mrs. Hoyakawa, Seal Cove C. N. l'irhy appeared in Ihe city police court this morning before ..Juslice S. P. Macdonald, answering lo a charge of as saulllng his wife. Adjournment was taken until tomorrow. QnV4M.lhA f. Vwe TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PLKASUltK HOAT FOR SALE 28 feel long 5 fool beam. C I... HeindH. Cold Store ire. tf Gandhi Wonderful Figure in Life of Hindoo People In accordance with the custom of his people (andlii was mar ried at Hie early age of twelve, says Iloniaiu Holland, the Krench author, who has written a book about his life. When he was ID his parents sent him to Loudon to study at the London Unixcr sily his mother not consenting lo let li itti go till sit had bound him by a threefold vow, of ali-slincu from meat and from uiue, ami of complete chastity. Here for three years he gave himself up to a life of strict discipline and severe work. It is interesting to know that (iainllii is a lover of l'lato, that ln has translated Hiiskiu, that he admires Mazzini, and that Thoreau, speaking from the green fasinessca of alden Pond, found a ready listener in him. Strangely " enough it was while in London tluil he first came upon the Hhaguvad (iila, and it was lo him the fountain of living waters for Which his thirsty soul had been crying out. (iiimlhiVs faith is the keynote of his whole being, he Is a man on lire wilh (5od, on lire with love. A Hindoo of the Hindoos,' the truth has come lo linn Ihrohgh the channels of his own religion, but lie knows nothing of cxclusivism. i All Divine Books. "I believe," he writes in I he Hind Swaraj "thai the Hible. the Koran and the Zend-Avesta are as divinely inspired as the And again, "All religions are! diirercnt parts leading to the same goal." II was in the New Testament, lie says, that llrst he found that ideal of loug-sulTer- ing and of meek endurance to which has been given bis lifelong allegiance, the ideal which leads, though maybe through death, most surely at last to Victory. "Christianity 1 part of my theology. Christ was a resplendent revelation of Hod" is his testimony. He dreams, as have dreamt before him so many, saints, of (lie great day of unity, the day when Mas I ami West and Xortli and South will stand side by side, and with faces unveiled, in the Kingdom of Ood. He would fain hasten with a sweetness and gentleness which no harsh' treatment has ever been known lo shake or rulTIe. His heart has' learnt its pity from the depths of, the dnfalhoinable idly of (2od,l and his ears are ever open to FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon J Btrrnucr V$ 5313 Even in the blouses of two-pUce frocks the bell is as silent as His in other styles thai follow the. present narrow tube lines. The two-pifce frock with a straight skirt scarcely widened by its groups of plaits makes an extremely useful Summer costume for the young girl. The skirt Is mounted on a long body lining so that it can also be worn with other ilip-on blouses or sweaters. The blouse is frequently in contrast anyway in the models one sees in the smart Fifth Avenue shops a skirt of white flannel, for Instance, will be shown wilh the blouse in scarlet, powder-blue or almond-green flannel; or. the skirt will be of tan wool jersey and the sleeveless blouse of brown jersey with i tan cut lax. Extraction of Teeth During llic .summer months il is advisable to K,ve the TEETH that should lie extruded removed mid pr piira lion will be made for PLATES or BRIDGEWORK before Hi e winter mouths set in. Pniii will lie eliminated, I need no recommendation to you. Your friends and neighbors are my patients. ASK THEM. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Phono 575. Get Your Appointment Today. Smith Block. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. the cries of Hie oppressed. With the Outcast. The sorrows of Ihe pariah Hbove all others like iron have entered into his soul. "I would rather," he wrote with passion "lie lorn in pieces than not recognize my brothers of the outcast classes. I have no desire for re-inciirualiou, but should I be reborn I desire to be reborn amongst Hie pariahs, lo share (heir insults and work for their liberation." In ilcllanee of caste prejudice he has indeed lived amongst them, made himself om with llieni, has fought for their rights, has filled them with new belief in themselves, and never rested till he succeeded, in awakening the conscience of his country to the intolerable evil which is the shame of Himlooism. IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE IN THEIR AUTOMOBILES Several on Hies of AmerieaiM i i-(ii;iiru ii i iii ijiiiiiiiiifiu iiy rur during the past week, and after having been supplied with information by the Dominion' land ociee, proceeded on the quest of boinsleads. Joseph Hansen cairn' all Ihe way from Seattle by road, as did also a man and his wife from California, ami anolher prospective settler from Nebraska. The immigrants b-inf word thai things in l.os Aiuebvs at the present lime are in had shape, while Ihe crop enndilion.-in 'the middle west are reported lo be "only middling." Edmonton Journal CORK LEG SAVED MAN FROM SUICIDE NEW YORK, July 28. Mussel! H, Ilayward. 31), Is alive today because he has a cork leg. Home, less and despondent, he attempted to drown himself in New York bay at Hallery Park, recenlly, but bis cork leg kepi him afloat long enough lo interfere wilh his plan. The leg also interfered witli his rescue, when .lames Weiber dived aTler Ilayward, who was lloaling with his leg in llio air. After a struggle In which Weiber, fully clothed, had the worst of id .lie overpowered llay ward and' then caught, a line from an excursion hoijl. Follow the Crowd On ! i fill Avenue II to the I-i i'ii itny s Fop One Dollar Vmi get i nine and tn We sell for less anil keep the best SUGAR. tOO s. sack $8.7S ;)0 lb. sack $4.60 20 lb. sack $1.85 10 lb. sack 95c Lump. 2 lb. box 25c Icing sugar. s . . . 25c EC0 STORE 417 Firth Avenue East. Phone 84. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Eastern Canada United tales Trlanglo Tour to JASPER NATIONAL PARK EDMONTON and CALGARY. Ono way via Vancouvor. Wrlle or call: City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avo., Prlnco Ruport Phono 260. DANCE At tho Auditorium Friday Evening, Aug. 1st Easson's Orchestra. Mefrcslnncnls served. Gcnvlemon $1.00; Ladles 600 Phono Hlack -149. L. V. Marren, Proprietor.