ASK FOR SPECIAL THI8 WEEK. Tumbrils Underwear FOR GIRLS AND BOYS. Union Suits or Separate Garment, priced from U5c to $3.50 SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT ON ALL LINES. tallies' Fleece Lined Bloomers in While, Pink or Mark. Values to 1.50. Special this ve?k $1.00 Pair. We Carry Pictorial Review and Indies' Home Journal Patterns. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Cor. Third Ave. and Fulton Street. TEA AND COFFEE Here are the lowest prices obtainable on good qualities Keonnmy Tea, per lb. . . 60c Kconomy Coffee, per lb. 45c liiue Ililibon Tea, per lb. 68c Lanka Tea, per lb 67c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, per lb 50c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. per 2 lb. tins 98c Weddinjr Breakfast Coffee. per lb 48c Fresh Ground Coffee, per 3 lb $1.30 Chicory, 25c Fresh Meat Always In Stock. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. Elevators or not WE SELL FOR LESS. 1 lb. Harvest CoKee . I Utse Milk any kind Take the two for $5.95 Delivered. . 50c $5.75 Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Woodland "The Best Butter." There Is None Better At Good Dealers. Dr. E. S. T AIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, IUI. Phone S. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. CANCELLATION OF KISCRVC .NOTICE IS lltlltuy CIVtN tint I lie irire eilsliur urr Lot 411, Ouitn Unr-Mte Islaud District. I cmctllrd. G. M. .YMJE.N. Deputy Mludler or Lauds. Lands brparinxMit, VlciurU, B.C. Stb January, H. LAND ACT. Hoik of Intuition to Apply to lull Land. In Skrroa Lam District, Rrrordlnic District of Coatt, and situate oo Zayas Island. Take Notice tbat Grurrt Kerr, occupation butcher, of rrlnce Ruprt, B.C. In- Iphdt la anrtlv tar nermissliin ta lest th. f r.l 1U' 1 n w l.nsl., runnumnti. mi! a post planted about four chains north of Jacinto Point on Zayas Island; thence fol-lonlnr the sinuosities of the shore line at hlrb water mirk around the Island and relurnlnr to miat of commencenient, and contalninr 3,oon acre, more or less. CEoiiGt verb. .Name or applicant. II00MES K. rtlEENAN. A tf Pi- SKEENA LAND DISTRICT Of QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Take Notice that I. Arthur Robertson, of I'ort Clement. Brltln Columbia. Intends to iiiplr for a leaeover the following de- M-ritM.d larul.- riitnrnefirliir St m iwmI inljiited it tlie iu,rth-et rorner f,f l-nl ai therlr. to low water mark, thence 160 rtulns easterly, altar low sirr mark; thenre rire rlialns southerly to point r commencement, coiiuinint forty acres. nsre r less. Located January IMh. tK. UITIILB ROBERTSON. LAND ACT. (Notlc or Inttntlon to Apply ta Laas Land in nanre i. arena um District, rordlnr District or fat. Take ollre that Charles . Murphy, or fprlnce Rupert. B.C.. occupall'm Enrineer. intends to apply ror perrnMsmn in lease I lie follow Ins described lands: Cnmmen- rlnr at a ril planted at the most south- eaxerly point on Channel Island, near the mouth or Cardner Canal; thenre following the slnullles or the snnre line at htirn water mark ansind tbe Island, relurnlnr lo point or commencement. Md contaln inr seven hundred acre, more or lesa. CHARLES 5. MIRPHY, Name it Applicant. 1, SAM JOH.SOS, A rent. Tuted oTnler t?th. tilt. Telephone Specials For MONDAY AND TUESDAY. SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. B.C. FRESH ECGS, Pullet Kxtras, 3 Doz. for $1.25. MAID OF CLOVER CREAMERY BUTTER, In Hulk, 3 lb. Lots $1.35. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 RveRoses FLOUR When Iluying Flour ask your fJrocer for . N "FIVE ROSES," The World's Uest John L Christie Agent. the great construct I 4 PAGE BIX. TUB DAIUY NfcWa Monday. February la, 8J, TWO VIEWS ON LABOR VICTORY isnop or London and George uansbury Writes on the Situation ily in man. There was 'a glory In those days ot heroism, and we must sen to it that it does not lie out hi the light of common day. Humanity was seeii to be capabln of a self sacrifice and a power of uniting together, and a contempt of comfort which would have seemed an impossi ble miracle in softer days. Why I lien should we -think it imnos- iblc to kindle this spark again? and why should vc 'despair of the Itcpublic!' because, a Labor iovcrniiienl will for the first lime in our history lake in hand poveniins the .State? Why! these are the very men whose com rades died in their thousands for their country, and who, most of them, if the matter was looked inlo, 'did their hit with the rest. It is quite true that they will especially need our prayers in what In an nnlricd task to many. but they should also receive our Kcnerotis sympathy and a fair trial." Wide View of Labor j eorjre l.anshury, one of the labor leaders Who was overlooked by Premier Macdonlad says: "1 have always held, and In fact in discussion with tanin when in Hussia argued, that our British Labor movement whs different from any other Labor movement in the world, inasmuch us within our ranks are to be found men and women of iwrtn cuasi or liranam isiana; inenre lew every Class, WHO are aiulllz Us in main vtrrirrij ; uinirr life riMiiis ikit' Two interesting view on the labor situation u.i seen in Great Hrituin today are from the Lon don Times. The ltishon of I.on. Ion says: "The war, with all its horrors:. did briiip out un.susneelrd nobil. task of striving society. We He-ii... .i ;.. it .it..,. ..t n... n.... iiuiiii in tin nuiAiiif. in . iiic uuit slitution should be scrupulously fair lo Mr. MacDonald and 1114 colleagues in order that we may once and for all demonstrate that the Hritish constitution has the nation, and not for the perpetuation of a class. Ill Us- Matter or the and In toe Mailer or I lie KsUle or llolialon ll'f.aed: lllterlale I Indian decidedly IN eROSATf. IN THC SUeitCMC COUKT Of BHITISH COLUMSIA. Aclllilhl.lnlMl Act: Wallace TkK MiTICK lliat I was antxilnted .Vilmlnlstrator or tlie Ottte or Wallace llouoton. deeeaied, and all parties tiavlnr claims ayalnst Hie said Kslale are hereby renuireii 10 same, prorrijr sen-fll lo me. 011 or before tlie I6II1 day or Msnii. A.l. li). ind alt larlle. Indebted lo Ihe i:tale are ruiulred to ply the aiiiuiiiit or tlielr Indelitedness to me. fortti- Vllll. TII'iMKS W. IIIRMC. orriclal Administrator. I'rlnee lluperl. B.C. Hated Oils ICih day or rehruary. Id I. Last Few Days of Sale "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING YOU LIKE AND NOT HAVE HEARTBURN )n all cases of heartburn there Is a rnaalnr and burnlnt naln In tne almnacn attended by l disturbed appetite, as when' made too much rood It taken Into the stomach, II It liable lo termeM and become ei-ireiuely aour, vomltlnt occurs, and what It thrown up itneraily mar and bitter. When you are In this condition you will ! CollcKe rind tbat M Ileum's Lava Liver nils "ljluhif) - j iviki mm awaj. Mr. Joepa II. MartKauld, CbrlsUnat Island, .VS.. riles: -Two years au I uttered all tbe time rrotu bearUiurn. I tuck one vial or Mllbum'a Uts LKer Pills and bate never been troubled slucr. II l very Dire to be able lo rat any thine you like and not bate heartburn any more." Limited. eratic on Hie market. For I uflllie.k ..II VV A.I ,,a .1 tlx. i1ll..lfl TRANSMITS THOUSAND WORDS IN A MINUTE BY UTILIZING LIGHT LONDON, Feb. 18. StrlkliiR evidence of the advancement In invention during 1923 is found in the recent exhibit of telegraphic and Jollier Instruments at the Hritish Imperial tion ni the nuirkel was bid 3314'. with stuck offer at 85 1. Sales link n Miiittt.l h. i i. I 111 it Itilrt t of Science and Tech-'t he most notable de velopment is in telegraphy; do-luy in submarine rabliiiK has been largely eliminated by utilizing the action of light on selenium, which responds so J rapidly that the signal sent out Is recorded even before the full current haw puscd over the wire. ft at. a I . i f JUlburti'a Uta Llter nils are tie a I "tKiiciic ii-iexropiiic iiruiii sill at all dealers, or nulled direct on re-.recorder l shown, capable of celpt of price by Tbe T. VllUum Oo-.siieedillK tin lllfseaste lo 1.000 Toronto, out. .'words it minute. This N effecled ihy a current of the iucontiiig slg- n-1 .... , , i , . , imi (.iimk inniugii con con a rapidly revolving Iron drum , ... mid Itirnliig it inlo a magnet for a brief spare, this u I tllsatT l UIUUII'I Ul !' ' ... .i t . m , 'r roil, Traders are skeptical of explana- " ,rar " f "m "cfc 01 .i....- ... ,. n.-'shape.! pe.i like like a a horse liorsc shoe stioe I I his cause of the break in the price of "j"'ra,7 1"c1 u iH.arged will, ink causing it to the slock lo;0r from which It has December !e"rd N'" u ' I".' since recovered. In ; i,a',c a " n,M l,at nearly n quarter million shares . . f I w . I . I .. . ..I t ui suits, were nil I nun u runiiK- ing hands at above K0 with ) as the high rniirk. PARSON URGES MORE SYMPATHY WITH YOUNG '- Ten Years Ago In Pilncei Rupart February 18, 1914. Till l.aW .f lis. a .-fll ;J 11. PEOPLE BY THE ELDERS Domuiiiiii steamship Muuroe. , i which eollidttl wilh the steamer VICTOMIA, Feb. 18. The Nanltiekc! recently in the Allan-chasm between the younger en- ,ic Ocean, was a young man eration and their elders will widen "amed Thomas It. Harrington of inlo a hopeless breach and the Hrldgeport, Conn., who saved hi church will loe a whole genera- w'fe t" drtiwning by holding linn of educated young folks un- ler above water by her hair, less something is done lo bridge! the guir. says Dr. :ieni Davies. Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Carey of Involution, according to this First Avenue celebrates! tfheir authority, is evolution speeded golden wwhllng anniversary yes up and the past ten years has lenlay. I hey were married in to re- brought about social and religious I HOI at Dublin. Ireland, divide re volu t ions Dr. I'avtes thinks) Ihosc wlio are opposed lo usjilial have taken the young people W. II. Tobey, the popular rest-more effectively that we oursel- unawares. Many of the things dent naineer of I lie lirand ves are divided. Therefore, it U thnt young people .are blamed for Trunk l'aeifir llailwiiy. arrived imperative that during this coining session, everybody who has a today are brought about by eon- today by Hie steamer I'riiire dilions which their elders institti- Oeorge with hi bride, formerly ted. -Miss Lena ItiriiMnls IIiiihikI. "The thing to do wilh our They were uia-.leil at Sayers. young people is not lo stand off near lloston, on February V. and criticise lli'eni. Tlie worhl today is -a great maelstrom and ;our young people nave ieen been built up for the service of. thrown into the stream and some Not Class Party And ' may I say finally deny altogether that in the sense of the word we of the Labor movement are a 'class' parly. Carlyle once said that I lie only class (hat was not a class was the working class; and as we have founded our party on (lie basis of brain and hand workers, it seems lo me Impos sible lo deal with us as if wo were trying lo establish a das supremacy. As a matter of fact, when our policy i carried out in all its fullness,' class distinc tions, class dominations will bo swept away. hecatifC class will no longer exist. INDIAN MINE SHARES ARE REPORTED ERRATIC TOHONTO, Ferl. I. snares continue 10 ue of them cannot swim and those who can don't know where lo go, many of them and it is a suicidal policy for elders to criticise the solution," Ihe young called "Jawy." says, vii people o by people who ought aling. Some or ecit most of the thinks the pasbr, may he healthy j If turned inlo proper channels. TOWER OF BABEL IN SAN FRANCISCO CITY Telephone Exchange There Has to Cater lo all Dialects or Chinese SAN FltAXCISCO, Feb. IK. San Francisco's "Tower Mabel" is a telephone scl in Ihe midst of its world famous Chinatown. This exchange is tlie only one in America devoted exclusively lo Chinese patrons. The exchange has 1,103 lines to serve the lu.nuii i;ninese iniiain-tants of this district. The operators are Chinese girls, 13 in number. All must speak, read mid write F.uglish, but more import ant, I hey are familiar with sev- 1 . t ,,, ii-i 1 . erai native i.nincsc niaieeis, iori China as a nation is a great un-1 wieldly empire Ural Is a babel of( tongues. The 13 girls handle uu avurage of 11,00(1 calls daily, nearly all iiler-CliInalowit service, Tlie girls must remember mimes, number and addresses because Ihe hulk of tlie calls are made by name and not by ' nuimVr. All the girls are graduates of San Fran, cisco schools. Loo Kum Shoo, the manager, was graduated from the University of, California. Another peculiarity of the service is that there1, are absolutely no party lines In Chinatown. Though recognized as ncrupu-lously honest, the Chinese is very secretive by nature and demands an tndividiral ine. Tenders arc liislUil rur Hie annual oe true youngsters without offering any ". u K'S: tin tallied 'n aiill-stl4ilii tlie uiwlerslined or tlf today or rrlnce liuprrt how little inclination lo follow (U -7". ZZJLV:XZ Ihe establish,,! social and theolo- i"' gical paths, hence they have been orrir ur Hie undrrsirned not later than 11 llA rl. M"ni, .iirru ivm.- mi, LOilless. Iiappery. ( Btii boats will lie available me In.prr "superficial," and called Vil'i" Vl,,ru,,"r u,e ',n "r irutry. to be; 1' miulrrd ror ciaiiplelioti or suirk ! : I .ll.l...:.. lf i- ll-u. more re syoipauiriK- sympalhrtie and unu di 'ii'irm , cerlirie.1 rliemie roe Itt'A or Ihe aiiHifliil of the tender price and payable li, 11m, llll e nf l..u . Il.l..,t. tendencies letioeiieies in 111 modern moijern youth. yoiiin.iiuui I rnHn.ny tne tender. jivcm, or any leitner, mn neeesiaruy acrrpleU. (sr'l.i J .V. H'JTIIMIW M.I.. Chief In. l-rw or I lerle. noixina nana unir, Vaucoutrr. U,:.. lebruary 4. Il. j; TIMBER SALE X 5626. 1lirr Hill Ik offered fi- sale al I'utillr Aih-ikhi. al issin on tlie nl day of tenruary. ll. In Hie offlre or lite Ills trlct lore.ier at rnnre Itunerl, B.; , Hie l.leelire k Lt.tA li. enl ionium rl Ol l.M. or spruce and Hemlock, on an area excliilllge iiy, riaiim 4, Coat Mod IH.tnrt. Two ft years will be allowed tur loom of Umber. re further parllrulari or the Chief For eler. Vietoria, It (; . or Plstrlct 'oreiler, rrlnce lluperl, II. 0 Local People Know jijn Local people are quite well acquainted with the fact that many Hritish Columbia products have exceptional quality. Such is the information so far gathered by the enquirer em-ployed .by Pacific Milk. A it Is the well-known tendency of human nature to look away from home, this discovery means a great ileal lo our province. Pacific Milk Go. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotiford, B.C. HHBBBBBBflsHBBBBBHBeKBHBBflBBfllBte Phone 376 The House Phone 376 of Quality Girts' All Wool Scr Bloomer s well made. Elastic at hnee. Just the rl kind for school or sports wear Sizes, 4, 6, 8, 10 years SPECIAL, per pair $150 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 OWENMOORE in - "Thundergate" The mysterious .iiiientore ' white in. ailing a u Chinese, ond a I! .'Tin lrne m Hie w The story ol a while gu t who .- i .mte a lavr w t i it intrigues. iN mster,. .mil lis .miiame filled wilh action. tr .n i . d iln .n TniU M.. ' lleanier, Virginia Hrown F 'ire .hkI slniug ea' CAMEO COMEDY "DONT HESITATE." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admlttlon 35c and 10c. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Tort Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Psturn makers, Founders, Woodworkers; Etc. ' ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant it equipped to handle nl kinds ' ( MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. I HAVE A HEART! and Buy Her a Box of Purdy's Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATH Hole AgcnU: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUE