PAGE TWO. n Everr leaf of delicious SALADA GREEN TEA " is sealed in air-tight aluminum. 300 Cups to the Pound. Try it. The Daily News PRLVCK RUPERT - .BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily ew.. Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLF.X. Managing Editor. DAILY EDITI05 Clad To Know That Swanson Bay Operates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City iJeliTery. by mail or carrier, ier month 11.00 By mail to all part, or the British Empire and the united 1 a3 ?s Thursday. March. 57. 1921. .Some Work While Others Criticize Sonu- people work while other make It i god new lhat Swan -on Bay mill i lo operate tr.riy and it i rumored lhat there i a poibilily the pulp plant . i-iH, .ifain nan up oeiore wry long. Any actjvitie in lhi ' iieighlMrboMl are appreciated by Ihe people of thi city. We wain io ee everlHmg moving along -leadilv al all point for it -in; mi uuiiiuiru artaii) mm we can hope lo nrceed . Swanoii Jtay i vilal lo the iicce of Ihe north. "Worth $100 to Me Believed Eczema and Piles" Mrs. Peter A. Palmer, Saltburn, Saik., writes: "Dr. Qute't Oiausent hat compltttly relieved me ( eczema acd piles. I !so med this Ointment for ny baby, who broke out in eczenu. A lew appjicationi were all that was aeceuary ia her cm. Dr. Qiaie'i Ointment has been worth a humlred dollar i to me, before aiiag it I had pent a great ileal more than that in uniucceMful treatment from doctors. We have alto toed Dr. Chase's other medicine, the Nerve Food having restored my heakh after suffering from severe nerve trouble when a girL" Dr. Chase's Ointment 0 eta. a !i. all dratrn or I'-iUnaaMin. IUtr A Co, Toronto MEETINGOF known. Stale, in advance, per year;.-rani To all other countries in advance, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 93 86 'Thomas McCJymont Delivered Address Last' Evening Playground Collectors Receive Prlxes Isealinjr with lhf three "-hlp" rilixen-hip. frien.t-htp a a. I yaw I fellow-hip. Tbonia- MctHy-jutoat delivered an a-Mrr-- In-fore jibe Cjw llhtb la-l nizbt wbicb (wa both eloquent awl rinz. Mr. MrT-h tvobI oiliiiaol the tre element f Ike three attribute- and refrre.1 to Irw preat heneffl lhat wa derived by mmmMnitie thrwisli their peer UeHomenl. Sertiee club af forded a sreat incentive towanl -Itmuialins ihem. he dcelared. The. -praker putarlualett bis a.t- Utre with ninny- pEtanl wtlli-ri-rti al which til. alrilily i koolli; Hem on Ibe evening" wa the tre-elat ion of Ojpelie lo hiffh men in Ibe reeetil j4aysrond eamiaijrn. c;yn It-'reetor rSldJe Mann wa awarded :ih prise offered by "Serrelarv 'Slan Taylor whieh ttt ibe form of a kattd-nme fountain pets. Thi jvva far the srreate! Mini turtieil in. Oyr Xnrri Priate. who individually collecte.! the laryr! amount, received a pM Kr- -barp pencil preeled hy Ihe Hub. it their bu-ine-- lo. Pre-blenl. Milton llmalf as. rrilH ize tho-e who do thine. J nl mm- the liyro Club i- loin? nouneed lhat- the Rotary Clb to d -omethiag for Ihe young .eoplr of the city and there i,'nermr weaM be liyro vttel at not thai -Biril of helnflilne- -howri which miehl have been ev-i1 xi Mf"' n""- . rA. L ' - .... . , . tioe-l Af Ibe lijM Qub taf u. i Br men naif m ineir JWIU? guru ume aim money anajniyb! ww t,,,,,,,,,,, Mrl3yt. are prepared lo give even yet more effort to e-lalli-hiiig a pU-'K. II. Mortimer, h. A. Harlow. Dr. ground for the children. Only a few of lhee men have children jw. T. Kersm. W. K. W illiam. W of Uieir own bt they are working for the beuefil of other. The;- " and Itryrnl. rily roonrit t gnrisr Ihem ?oI ro-oferalion and it i to 1h-W hopl that they will ee their way to making it as full and cimiMete fwible. The cirt of grading a patch of land for Uw play gwimd wmild not If verj- high and Ihe work would i-Plrecaied by att wbo hae ch'rWren and by many wlio h none of tfeeir w lot who waKI like to help the mugler?. Marriage And , Citizenship. , The problem of wnm&n and her rigM- ami iliaIitiUe i al wiin o. Ir many, year hewt a chattel ImiI .pne-Jy '' In clia- of her bondage have been dropped -and' bwfay be .me- Try near lo reigning upfrme. One little relic of Ihe fa-l i the regulation by which a woman loe her dtizenbip when he marrietl a foreigner. If Canadian woman marrie an Anverican he immediately by thai art lo-e her Brili-h nationality and become an American, mi far a the British coiMitiilioti i concerBcd. The me i trne ill sin- xnarrie? a Frenchman or a .Norwegian. The fart that -hei rotitiHtie to retkle in thi conlr" doe not affect Ihe eae. There srv a nunrber or wom'n who were l-orn in Canada and who married Anferican in Prince Itiipert and who are a- a re-nil not Canadian citizen. They have renounced their citizenship bv the very fact of iheir marriage. .Should the man leome a Bntrh eiiizen all i well. She return to her alb-gianre bill wilh-hiI b-r biiland he cannot do o. Clad To Receive t , Aid Or Progressives. Pnuce lUii-ert people will b glad to receive Ihe aid of the I' trailer or of the rank and file of that party in their n?T ior an eievaior. I ney wtii lie gtaij lo receive any kind of jkI that eem likely lo gel reull. I i the elevator they want ml Ihe manner in which it i -em red ih,e not lolher Ihem in the a-l. For lhat rea-oo it wa wilh pleasure fieople here read of lor n.,rl lhat Robert Forke. Ihe farmer lender, wa o give :iid tbey were uUn pleaed ,ear that he wa- in touch wilh lb- arttvie of the memlrer for Skeena. High School Competition Closes This VVsek. The editorial comjtition Ur the leu doRar prize offered by ll' T. I). Palliillo for the bel editorial article .written by a high irtipil do-e thi week. Alreadr a number of arli-ei,. have been ibmitled and it i expected the winner will be rJ anu me winning lriicie rrti.iihel next wrekv The ronifrf-lilion ha rrealed a great deal of inent among High TELLS OF FINDING KALUM LAKE MINE H. Glynn Ward who was In Ter race Recently Writes Article and Extols Town Mr. Howard who- pen name i Hi fitynn Want rw!iy ti.iImI Terrace ant in la.-1 SoaiSay ancoovfT Sua IHI of tlae- Kajd ins f tbe KahAn 1-ake Mine. She ay: When Cha. A. Soiilb. pro- peetor. of Terrace, came in from Kil-umkalam lake and annanine- eil that he ha4 laled -onse ynM claim and bavin? unk a obafl had fnund tbem w and wa jminp tn Seattle to tWm a noui-pany in onler lo finanee furlber deveopriteHl I be tM".pIe of Ter race bavin? faith in Smith awl Iheir own iiKwrnfains -aM mt why go to Seatllef We'll rinanoe you fizhl herer So' ri?bl away they formed a company lo be known a- The Kalum I .ate Mine. U.. Terrace i- its mile ca-t of Prince Itupert on Ibe f&nadian National railway, ami i noted for il trawMrriei and tlx delphinium-, it mile of wble -Iraiptil road. and ihe neatne of it bnilca-low ami the way the hotel kcrii-cr lotkii after hi viilnr' eom- lon wiuioui puninz h oown in the bill. Lucky Find KiliimkalUiii l.nko i mile norlh of Terrace. Three yrar ao Charle A. Smith wa walk-In arouixl the lake ilurin? a Chinook wind which wa Ibawins oul a very heavy fall of miow and be plrke.1 up a piece of oru which had broken I..p in a -liile. He lil not think very much of II al the lime, but when lie went hack lliere in the vuininer with loot ami Marled Ireiicliin. be found Hie It'dge ami flatted it a linimiiorlaiit, -c he caolied hi tool and went away. Liter nr. he ami hi wife rowed arro the lake lo MrU ihe fool ami Mr Smith Ih-hvj of a more ojilimi-tio turn her lml;in.. bewail -earchinjr around uulij lie cnm on n Very valuable pietv of cold. The Smilh had Marled lioti-r-keetln? nl Crijiplc llreek. Iolur-ado. mi Mr. Sin i III know ore when lie"or il. Stakes Claim Smith ulakei) Hie frl cliilm on I hi Krnuji two year atro mid lal xuinrm-r he (ind aiiolhor opened up cut and Ireiiolie. The main vein Marled in a little lreak one- inch wide anil nfler inkinK a liaft of ;tl feet, Ihe vein had widennl oul to three feel; no far they are uncerliiiu how iiiucli wiiler il I. The provincial Kovorn meiil ininin? reiHrl fur ha lhal the aeruye ore here would concenlrale nlmul 10 In I and produce a concenlnile inotayliiK THE DAILY 2CEW& Tbnr-dar.. Mareb. FfiUIT TREATMENT GYROCLUB. f0B CONSTIPATIOH BjTikici,Fnfrt-tiTiJ" What a cIocmmm frriUf it M to t : Vtut a nUrl Ui ( tn of railunirv ult, Uxitim aj rcr-titet lUit uwrvlj- f jn He eoii-faitua aaJ are aapte-i.'aat tw uX iM o nVraiar; ia tbeir eCert.' Wlut a WitetMM la Loi tlut ttw jaieeifap4e,onGre,6riBJ mims ifl aUJalrlT aat! petau-aeatly rrTr cBurfiM. Ik a rerum proce, tbe jiee of tbevr fruit caa I eoaeeairateU a4 roeiUanl a ill toairtaaA it i tivrwr iatrositiol Trait jaice tiut rwrrrt raastipitioe, rrlirte telebe aal laaas taj male oa aril at iee yoo aell. "yrBil-a-tiTe' are sold etery- ber at 2V. aa.1 3V a box or aeat poatpaij by Trait-a-titr lUautett, lHUa,Oat. from ISn l 00 a tow. The qaarlf rarrie pyrlle im baal-aal 11efninal'l. -Mne rbalc- pyrile arul traee f rrey mpfirr. Tbe Man k tbe Mom SAYS. THL differeiier tleen a boot lT2T anl a laxn r U tka! ibti. one bamtle hi-k-y ay ibe Ul He Ibe oibr bandie it by tbe ea-e. WHO'S lm J an after mar- rtare uiasUnn l-ui il - u-wallr etlled befrw the etmxesnenl i Wsnsitee4. MUX will be aaen. deeianM Ibe M anant, wbesi -b wa ti--e m Ibe dark by Mi-take. IK a -by lift! kand yu re trr-snisled ! -ene. Wilk a WM4erful -oflne boat If, I yoo I bosk yeu roajbl drop H. Wilk nner a !-mfw. Well, maybe m ratajld. but I itoeM H. If a ftair of reaf ftyi are vfiorn. eat lo ytrnt ira. U'ilb im otw to x--ip aboasf rt. .t iwa bray for etktwranrf In bave Um abme Well, maybe ynw but ' I itxoM H. ... MANY a mm think much abotrt hbne) lhal he feyH latMir ht heislfbor. A MAN vklm ha a launeb never jnerd nnder wkeref bi young on teamed that ltcklnsr binsrH-a?e. A ISIKL once went a wttmnlng Ami oHiieone Mole tier clothe Hal jnl what happed after lhat 1y. ffoodne...wnly know. . When tier mother i In Ihe parlor, tbey lt I.IKK THIS Hut afler mother retire tbey LiKirniis Ami Milnetime they all I.IKK THIS i - TIIK dead Ial i lerHblylary. II refU-e to bury il dead. I 1 Ten Years Ago in Pi I nee Ruport OF PIMPLES .rf..n.l). I. . n I . . . i, . - .... n . . i March 27, 1914. Many nomination- liav already been receivcil f..r the ub-rip-lion coniel wlin-h Ihe li.ii.y New i roudllrillig. The laiuirli Kavex ha been re- AN AWFUL ATTACK ALL OYER HIS FACE rlnif brMtlar out oo tlw far aa4 iAhtt l-tl nt br tx4y la a Hire Mr tnat tbe tkxKj l not in tmprt hap. White the Ikln It the ofcjrt nt t lark tS ml rl fT Ihe 41-rt-r I la hf tliml on aromnt or u rntlre elrra- tattrin beiat pulwinrd. Dunkirk tlll Bitiert avlrtlr ta4 il-1 1 ii. "j iiniir mi an 'nirr !- kln dia-M it rr rirM m Hi nm of the tronttlr by rleanOnf twl r1rtll. (lh Moid. I Mr. Cairad tn-r.. krlflrM. ak, jwrtlra: " j-rar am 1 l! aa amfol al-ta k ot pimiiUi. TVy broke wit all otr my fare and I muld im4 trt rM r ll-m ,ln any otw dar "a froad t.M bh jatioiit yur Bunlirt ihhm lunar aid M 'nm hao a Imllk lir hail lo pare. Aflrr noaif II I nottrxl a rhaore. o I trfrM tlhre- m. hnlile, tixi an I i't kiwvr thr la Mirh ihint a p)n(4," ll.n.H. I manurarrel ly by The T MUhiirn c. Uiuiiwi, Torooto. om, !rrile.t by the. tpart;ct of Marine ast KIWert a a patrol boat . . .. FranV Smealber and IMMy lirv.wn i.tik rnle iheir Uainl in a tVit ImmiI al Ike Weihotme T:o-atre. Hefeiw Hh llarae ?'- a ilraw .lN-itn. I RUSSIAN MUSIC WAS STUDIED BY LADIES OF MUSICAL CLUB ftMian trni-ir wa I to- uh- Ijeet laWen mo by Ike Ijk.lir- ;4ay after mei at Ike fenH of Mr. J. .. HintHM, . itik I A. Mr. U. WoJ-rtb ra.t a fcij-r -i lbe career HaWeln land TrtMiar ly. Ibere a a readout by Mr. A 4aaa Marlie m "Rubealen Pb)ytB anl Mr- S. Ikarl.Hi al-. re4 a paper on Mu-iaa i'Jinlma Mu-rr. Yh MtoH-al fr-'2ra e.itle.t of a voral -.4... Riibi-nlftai "Mfr in y. h Mr-, i P. MrMllUn . pmnu 4.. IM-Ii4iiili' "Itar. rarttile 4-..' by Mr. Hubert Wirtl. -Hertton by tfe llrrbe. Ira Ru-i4ii IUIM a'xl j .! Ynn-ier- t, Mr. MrMlll.itt SECOND MESSAGE TO H S. TOURISTS BY CN.R. RADIO! MO.VTRKAL. March Il i- naliketv Ibal a -i-eakrr tu ha- t-livered an atee. over Ibe radio I .flen ake by meMWr- nf hi- ainlierire I.. anotber adtfre a cactv a Mibf. Pauil rtMnplitfwnl bowever. wa paid lo Mr. H H. Metaa-wi. Tetsermt pa-eirer Ira Mr maa yrr of ibe Canadian Nalbxial rladwa) by eversl bsMdred ratlin fan in Ike t'nlle.1 Stale, wbo li-lened in m bi f1rl me a;e ttVitveret i naae wek aro on ibe allraHheK- of lnada lo Ike UMril. Folbin? Ibal aibtre, Mr. Melan-on reeeive. eerai tkJaH applau-e eanl rio 1 1- fnasn ero ibe border and uhmm? Ikem ere -eeral bntsdm) reqtelfi2 hint to iW liver anotber -perb al an early dale. In re-pne io ltee mHei Mr. Velan-oti ntl lo Ottawa )eirtay and tal niaht thnnteh Ike raMtn -la Ikon I'.KCII of Ibe Canadian National Itailaay re. hmaleal anolbec rne. are dealioz wtlk w of the atlraction- of (Una. la In Ihe -umnter louri!. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnes Rupert 1 1. L. lairk. A. Field. S. K. 11. Smtth. K. ti. lanzley. T. i. Pear-on. J. F. !lMhrieM. I. r. Ilar.lll. It. Knot. W. II. lron aid C. Prevoi. VanctKjver; 1. N. O Hryne an. I Walter M. McKay, iitsmry: J. Ahman. Smllher; H. W. lUiamtr. Inveme; it. K. Haywanl. tldmonlon: llev. arul Mr. P. K. Hal-ter and -on. Ja. II. I Make and Jnhn A. Smith. Vie. torta; It. Maeamaebie, l.irv-1-ay. Onl.: A.J .TtioiHp-on. I'-k: II. II. I'n-i. Neon; II. K. Car-etJ. Montreal. Central S. Ibdieri-on. Kdnioninn; P.. MrFee, Jaer: K. !.iee and O. I. iirn. Vancouver; N. McKiiinon. cily. "or y T iUntt For mtdium It Jtdl fitrtt. try trm Utl tcitk ilonu tnurtitonr iHrt. firm AVwa BriV remfriKnVm sm front ittrtt iktrttr than tvrttl UP ofiif ditit '. DiatrnoJ Unn trtoUt ''ft' Hit eerr ebJtmtn. HkU f fink tvulil; tiut W onh bw4w t axar mvmml it M tMMt br.Hk rrwrmrM. aawrBMalaJuHinsaUu. ! iTtiirB Hwit rtft uy Maovn aaos. U ky or BIOS, Ualua. TtrMU Buy Your Milk With the Groceries M r. 4ttm Ikl .l..ri rMtval mt tlkt. II Ol I W k. II. m0ttmm -Ilk r-r. vllk. rrw Many thoatae4 ol Cansiaa boatewftes have, tearard iht coaienieafe,' r economy ast tbarocgh satttfatio ol aw( Carutiaa Mstk fw titry mik rtoairemeM of rtttr faatWwt Tbey ok Carnitld Milk U caatc it l4t si rata at oedkMry aailVecawc t ta-T to fo4 in ctttfee. 6a crtr. on fruM aad ia cooking, l: alaaya ctraa, tct, v - ' ? esled Ut-UkU Ha aaal - . aic by MeraVaatMaX Tkete beMc bay Car aitoo wish lbcr R"-r I ttry are svestf uM u adk. No delay ot 4tMsn t Mimik. Yur ararer ba M' rr 4 m4 la (4a CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO LTD. 14 Abbott St. Vancouver. H C SMART SWTS Decidedly different in style developed of Vie highest quality fabrics, finest workmanship and latest designs Prices mosLteasonatilt VENUS HOSIERY IRIS BRASSIERES "DEMERS" Pkont 27 ,0. Box J27 ELKAY'S STRAW HAT ' DYE Make old Straw Hat look like new. It i pern' and waterproof. Ia-y to apply and dhr quickly ?P-a ing finih . In All The Popular Colors 0RMES LTD; The. Rexall Store. Tha Pioneer Dru98l,L CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings fromPrinceRupert 8.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vatncouvar. Victoria and Saattle, March 11, 21, April 1, Hi For KtUhlkan, Wranaall, Juneau and Sbagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18,-2 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For luUdala, Swanton Say, last Bella Balla, 0ce Falls, Namu, A I art Bay, Campbell Rler, and. Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. OR0HARD, General AgerrC Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C- LTD. ninrs rrwa rrloca Unpen, I? JL- rae vasicovvta, vicrosna, 0mm rnt, sm mu T,I- VI; far eaNCOWVfR, tCTOrU, Hltr Bar, aM trMioa Bar, v mvok, alicc a ma, STtMraaT, iiav enMae f roar SHjesoa 4 Nt Km anaarlaa, rrMar - P Stl SDH Alrno. J. baraalay, L ff1S' ""t"-