tr Was Ym WmI A TAX1QQ in a hurry Phone tt Beet Car and Best Servloe In tht Olty. Itatea Reasonable VOL. XIV., NO, 25. residlnif at l,os Angeles and was north on a business trip. KQYPrS NEW PREMIER ho FIFTEEN INJURED IN TRAIN WRECK TWENTY MILES FROM CALGARY 0AI.OAIIY, Jan. 21). Fifteen persons were Injured, five seri ously, when the, (J.N.H, passeiiKcr lain Number 0 en route from Winnipeg to (Jaltrary, was de-lalled and thrown down an em bankment near I.yalla. X0 miles northeast of hero Monday aHer-imon. A Hpread rail was tho cause, Nino or tho Injured persons were brought here for ho.s-I'llul treat men I . CAIRO, Jan. 2tf. ZchkIouI ltflflliii II... Kf .. I I.. .... It .1 nv uiiuna isi ivii'i'.ni r, ' Jay De uir premier of Eftlt. " P TDK 10. Jan. 20. While forces in Siberia have seUed I ho occasion of J.eninc's death lo proclaim a free, ululu for Amur province, tliey have Interrupted the: railway operations lo Vladivostok and other eastern points. Ok l MUCH OIL STOCK ON EXCHANGE WAS SOLD VANCOUVER, Jan. 2. -Tliere Is a flurry In F.mpire, oil stock here. u Saturday almost fifty sales of slock were made on the local exchange timl prices slif- I. 'I'lie ro were buyers lo lake exerytlilnif that offered. SWEDEN WINS CURLING CIIA.MONI.V. Jan. 20. The rirst match i tho curllnn coin ...liiion vestcrday resulled in Doclslve Victory Over Sweden, 22 Goals to Nothing, Today's Olympic Qames CIIA.MONIX, Jay. 2i Canada today won her second hockey match of lhc Olympic winter sporls series here, defeating Sweden by the decisive score of 22 goals to nothing. This followed the even greater victory of yesterday over Czecho-Slovakia. In Hie second series ureal llrilain defeated France, Hie score being 15 lo 2 for the DOCKERS DEMANDING HIGHER WAGES AND Sweden winning 18 und France annually GUARANTEE OF WORK I.OMiON, Jan. 2l.Tlio dock ers arc demanding an extra two shillings ii day and guarantee, of a week's work, tho lolal amounting to two million pounds UMUrte ti II. lu- is feared ty lo eHult. thai Montreal and Toronto Syndicate Purchases 255,000 Shares at Market Quotation McOuaijr Hros. A Co. of Montreal, acliu for a stronu Montreal ami Toronto syndicale. have purchased 255,000 shares of In dian Mines Corporation treasury lock. While the price is not announced, il is understood to have been around C5c or 0?c. (he market limitation. The purchase is evidence of the fact that big things an expecled of Ibis near shipping property. AUSTRIAN WOMAN FIGURE SKATING WORLD CHAMPION CIIAMOMX. Jan petitors place. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper lMUNCK HUPEIIT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY .20, 1021. VttUrday't Circulation 1M StMtt SalM 4Z&. MR. A. E. WARREN General Manager, Western Region, Canadian National Railways Who is epecl"fl lo arrive here tomorrow lu pick out a . site Tor Hie proposed grain elevator. First Snag Struck by Labor in Carrying on Government of Britain; Opposing Forces there 2". Madam; ting an election. Plant or Austria won the figure I skalng competition yesterday, the nDITT A I IT7 IP llritish and United States com- nit 1 1 I Ul ,1 I f lN sliarint' the second! SHOP HOURS QUEHEC, Jan. 2U. A rorly four hour week alTecting 100 men In the Canadian National shops may le Instituted Monday addititf $0,000 tu the monthly payroll. PENSIONS SECRETARY LONDON, Jan. 20. William Mulr, .member for Glasgow, has been named parliamentary seerelary for pensions. Aid. S. P. McMordio Is sailing on Friday morning by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a brief MEN'S CHARGE Chief Engineer of British Ship Voreda Accused by Crewi Assault Also IIOQI'IAM, Wash., Jan. 2t). Complaints that 23 members of tho crew of Ihe llritish ship Voreda that Chief Engineer Plotlgh of that "vessel treated them brutally, will lie heard by Charles Smith, U.S. Commis sioner, here Ibis afternoon. Two of the men alleged that Plough assaulted them On the high seas ami their case has been referred to the llritish Consul at Seattle. Sub9or!be for the Dally Nevs, , 1 lu an interview given the Daily Province at Vancouver. K J. Garland, member for Edmonton in Hie Dominion Parliament, is reported to have poiut- ed out that Vancouver i Tha Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food -Good Service, private Hoxes for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PniCE FIVE CENTS. BRUM RAILWAY STRIKE SETTLED TODAY RADICAL SUPPORTERS OF LABOR FORCING HANDS MACDONALD MINISTRY CIVIL SERVICE ! BEING PRUNED; Department Deputies to Discuss Reductions With Commit- i slon: Cut Expenditures OTTAWA, Jan. 2l. The gov r ::fiMMil ha 1 1 cc I a red war oil wute ami ncedle rxpendlMirr in he administration. II an -i: )tn-ri II will lief in liy making riurloiii in tli - Si service rjarliiirnt deputies lmr bec Miiiiiinril I" inecl member of the cull service commission K .!av , They will be atril lo liow cause wh- reduction in lift: laff mihJ oilier economies t:?;ild nol be effected 'lid' rlum('i an now under odcralioit for ubniiioii lot I linmriii ami it it m inm' "il :r all branches -of expcmllf urc beir.g mt in (he bone DOUKHOBORS TO ! LEAVE CANADA! Afur Havlnq Earned Seven Mil" Hons In Saskatchewan Colony 'Is Moving 'to'RussIa 4- WIXMpEo. Jan il. Three ' :uuatid Doukhobors Ironi Kam-mi :t, Saskatchewan district arc implollng a deal for Hie sale tf llieir properly preparatory In emigrating lo Russia. The party- rrr( lu sail from Canada for Odfa within a iiionlli in n k at chartered for lhc (rip. II comprise Iboul one llilrd of the -dependent Dnukhuhor colony. The remaining six Ihoiisand pcr- Intend In follow within n Kar Tim prrseul parly will 'air with Ihrin seven million dollars earned al fanning in Saskatchewan. 'Miry are telliic their land lo a tinted Slatci syndicate. PROMINENT ALASKA BUSINESS MAN HAD STROKE ON YESSEL Harry S. St. (const', a prominent business man of Fairbanks and well known through-oul Alaska, was tnken off the. steamer Victoria al Juneau a Hie Vessel wan routing south thl week, and admitted lo the hospi-al there utter siirfering from n paralytic Mrokc. Hi" entire nil hi side was pnralyf.ed and ho jiju SIR HENRY W. THORNTON. K.R.E. President and Chilrmin of the Hoard of Directors, Canadian National Railways Following All Night Session of Emoloyers and Employed Railway I.OMiON, Jan. 2'..-- The ruilroatl strike here lias lieen sellletl. The men decideil In rejuni li wtirk immedintely tin agieeni 'iil was rctielit'il al a jinnl rtuircrence Itelween Hie niein-hejs. of Hie Assueialeil Sneicly or l.oeoinolive F.nineers and Firenieu on out) side ami Hie railway officials oil Ibe other, which begun al leu o'clock last uiglil and lasted until t.:i() this morn- Til" slrike slnrletl a week ago Sunday followinir n decision or an arbitration Iniunl adverse In Hie men. The railway services of Hie country were partially lied up and the people everywhere wit? much inconvenienced. Motor Iralfic to a large extent did lhc work of the ruilwuys in the emergency. was uiirnutcinUH on the slcameri before she crossed the Hulf of Alaska ami remained so until after he arrived at Juneau. Mr.j. SI OeoiRe since, IUIU has bcenj AMUR PROVINCE OF SIBERIA DECLARE FOR A FREE STATE CANADA WINS . SECOND GAME SCIENTISTS TO TOtJR CANADA I Will Come West After Meeting of 1 British Association In Toronto Next August j Memlierx' TORONTO; Jan. of the llriti-ili .oeialion for (lie jadiaiireiiie nt lils annual i Ibis year, wi (close which mud week in of tciruce, holding lectin!! in Toronto, I lour Canada al t lie f will be in the cc- Auuuxt, and many will co a far went as the Pacific! ci'at The (parly will inelud!! Mime of the lnol no led scietil isls i In Hie world 'and a number of the ,ni(il proiiiiucnt men, it is cx-pei'ted, will be 'ien opportuiii-ties to fpcakto public bodies and will be heartily received eery- Iwberc. The last meeting oT the asso-ICialion in Canada was at Winnl-ileir In tlOUuid it is difficult lo juxer stale he iiiiMirlauce to Canada of the coining mcetinsr, nol only llirfn?li Hie ureal popular value In 4thmilalin? scientific) knowledge and llumiilit tlironcli-onl the Oomluiou but berause of Ibe Opportunity Ihus afforded the leadinc scieii'tisls of llrilain for Utudyiust at first hand Canada s 1prlbnr, orwliieU -twrhajx Ibe nio-l fiisislenl is immigration of Ibe right lype. This mectlii will be under lhc (auspices of the L'nhersity of Toronto, which has already a strong (committee at work, presided tner !bj Professor J. C. McLennan. As the aims tif the asso ciation are popular in the widel educational sense, a local pub. licily committee has been appointed under the chairmanship of Professor II. Wasleneys of Ibe Medical Faculty. - nin nnlf lit Hint l ! mine inLrtJuiAi oiuun COMMITTEE TO START DRIVE Whirlwind Campaign For Pres byterian Church Building Next Week A whirlwind campaign has been decided upon by the board of managers of the Presbyterian Church to raise 1 0,000 in order to proceeil with the construction of a 25,000 church building. The canvas will start next Monday ami is to be over by Satur- iday. A commillee of 22, in teams of two, has been selected lo undertake the drive. This commillee will meet on Friday nigltl lo make it final plans. The eominillee consists of the following: F. CI. Daw-sou and (Fred Slork; (icorge Rorie and 'Thomas McClymont; Jarvis Mc- Leod and J. R. Mitchell Sr.; John Currie and Eddie T. Smith; I).' C. Mcilae and Thomas McMeekin; J. R. Mitchell Jr. and D. II. Marines.; S. Darton and W. H. Robinson; J. W. McKinley ami J. G. Steen; C. E. Starr and I). J. Matheson; Rev. Dr. II. R. Grant (and George II. Munro; S. D. Mac- donald and IJ. C. Stuart. KETCHIKAN SCHOOL TO BE ERECTED IN SPRING Building Is to be Erected oy October 1 and is to Cost $129,000 KETCHIKAN, Jan. 29. At a special meeting of the cily coun cil last night a cmn'mittee was named lo draw up a contract wilh the Warrack Construction Company for Hie erection of the new school building to be built in Ketchikan this year. It is the intention lu s'tarl tm March 1 to wreck the old building. Tho iconiracior agrees to navo me new building ready for the rail ilerin by October 1, l2t. He said LONDON. Jan. 20. Premier llamsay Macdoiiald will i't'iHc thought il would bo ready by cunipelbd lo go slower in regard lo Hie recognition of Russia, according lo reports emanating rroni well informed political circles. The Daily Telegraph says cabinet members such as Lord llaldaue and Lord I 'armour ravor the pacification of the whole European continent through (he l.eugu? uf Nations. They wish the recognition of llnssla lo be accompanied by a promise by trie soviels lo accept the principle uf the league covenant. Some labor iuenib?rs are impatient of delay. Neil Maclean. an advanced laborile siding ror l.iasgow, says in me urrau. tttttttttttttttttl...,,.........,, .,, e . nai is ims nonsense auoui in- evitable delay? Five "days suT- Heed to recognize Greece after Vcnixelos took tifrice. This would also be possible in the case of Russia. If the officials think otherwise their action must bo stopped ruthlessly or the govern-1 ' ment is damned." j Already there is a movement to, oust Baldwin and secure a Con- servalive majority by precipita. PRINCE RUPERT MAY SOLVE TROUBLES OF ALBERTAN FARMERS had competition on the AMATUCD PDIfC DCPHOT mated-that in Prince. Rupert I lie farmers of Alberta might find a solution lo some of their present problems. FISH ARRIVALS Setdember I. bul he did not like, to bind himself lo that because of the possible unforeseen things that might happen. Gordon C. Mitchell, superintendent of schools, with the school board last night conferred with Ibe council. Mr. Mitchell outlined the plans he had in mind for the the .work or tearing down the old building starts. It will be ueces- sary to press into use several other buildings, but it was shown that they are available. According lo the bids submit- led, the Warrack Construction Company agrees to build tho structure ror ?12J,000, which is approximately $10,000 less than any other bid. . IS BEING PREPARED VICTORIA, Jan. 20.-4Somo of the Yieloriu ministers urn nre- paring a report on the work of Dr. Price in thai city. They say the doctor was much misrepresented in Ihe Vancouver report ami they propose, to counteract . 'its influence. Two American halibut schoon-, Thert, nr aIso a minur here ers marketed catches at Iho Fish who Ullnk lho prico neport ' L'.. I. ........ II. I .... 'I' - cAv-i.m.o hiis muiiim. m, BO rar enough uiul one police were lllO California, 1 l.OUO rmnmlsslonpr ! nl,l In linvn ri.-" pounds. and Adeline, 2,500 marked that he would not be" al-pounds. The Canadian Fish & w,.( i0 i,(t meenKs in tho Cold Storage Co., bought both cy .,( j,ul woll,i ho excluded fares for 1 7 tic and tc. HOCKEY SCORES Vancouver 3, Regina 5. Saskalodit 3, Edmonton I ' ' - .'tie i by Ihe commJssion. PROHIBITION ENDED LONDON, Jan. 20. Prohibition in Turkey ended on Sunday ami liquor has been made a tu(ii u.v. . .opol;-.