PA8B TWO The Daily News I'iu.NCK HI "PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Piilili.-lit'il Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince llupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. Pl'LLRX, Managing Kditor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 SIIRSP.RIPTION RATES; A the meelinp of the hospital board last night lenders were opened for the fire protection provisions which haxe been asked by the fire department of the cily. They were as follow: Michell A Currie, 2.2H. John S. Nelson, t,ti5. Oeorpe Scott. 2.985.5(l. , Scott's tender was the onlv one accompanied by a certified check ttU iH'Ouesled by the advertisement. H whs felt, however, that in'itiA. A ni.i..' ... i i iu-'r ill his -vwrt" rrniiniin- hihi Tftrfti!i- v.- l.l !!. i.uiini 4ii-i'iiijru iiiiiu. i jir pre'at iiffeence between the teui-ders was the subject of remark and Hswas left for Hie executive committee to lei the contract to Ihe lowest tenderer provided be was ready lo proceed and comply with the provisions of the OUR Christmas Cards this yenr are the nicest we have ever had more color more variety more designs and made Up better than ever before. l Prices range from .'e each for the ordinary ones to .5(1 each for the large hand-painted ones. ' (Jail in a-ul make your choice today while the selection is best. xtta: ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggist The Rexall Store Third Ave. A Sixth St. Phones 82 and 200 I SONSOFCANADA WON OVER ELKS Grotto Beat Regiment In Intermediate Basketball League and Junior Colts Lost to Tiny Tims In a splendid panic wliieh was Transient Display Advertising. .. .81.40 per inch per inserlionl'J, )V,,11 ';la"1 ,as " s 'iphlly rn " t.1. i:.:.,.. liV.?,,! - IO lil) non ii,f rnteslril, Hie miiis of l iiiii ri imi i i"iii i . .,."" ' i I I oil." Ml. lining . i , . ; i ir i ii - fii i '" l.e Wk by Local' Readers, per insertion. 25c per lima' Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word ?T7 2 ,'" f ""'" 'd "'"r Basket. llJl" " Il v..lla Notices, each ,!. insertion i.eISnn Ifie lfic nee per ngale rli. line Legal Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. !)AfI.Y KDITIOH Sal unlay. Nov. 22, 1921. Milk Supply For City Threatened. The taking off of the daily train service, it is said, threatens the fresh niilk supply of the city. .Milk can he kepi sweet for two davs hut not fur three, according In milk authorities. Ill has Iicsmi the hahit of local milk dealers to gel milk from outside points along the line of railway hut now under the present schedule there is a long lireak from Thursday to .Sunday. What the milkmen are asking is that the railway company hring their time freight into the city on Saturday so as to fill the need on that day instead or having it arrive mi Sunday as at present. This would make it possihle to give lh' Prince Rupert people good fresh milk all the time. What Ihe objections to this change may he we do not know, but we do know that it is very important the peoph and especially the children of Ihe citv. should have fresh milk of Ihe best quality and plenty of iL If it is possible to give it Uiem, even at some little inconvenience it is important that it should be done. Which Verse Of Anthem Is Best? The Parent-Teachers' Association uses one version of Ihe song "O Canada" and Ihe Holary Club uses another.' At the Kuiglils of Columbus banquet Ihe P.-T. version was used, but Ihe city school and the Notary Club use the other version. In order that local .people may judge'of Ihe two and in order that they may express their opinions of them, we use them both herewith and ask for reader to lei us know wbat they think. The first is the one used by Ihe Parent-Teachers and the Canadian Clubs, the second by Hie cily schools and Ihe Notary Club: O CANADA! 0 Canada, our heritage, our love, . , , Thy worth we praize all idher lands above. ) From sea lo sea, throughout thy lengjli, From pole to bonlerland. At Britain's side, whnteVr !'tid"e, Unflinchingly we'll stand. With heart we sing. "Cod Save Ihe King," (luitle thou the Empire wide, do we implore, 'f. And prosper Canada from shore to shore. 0 Canada, our home our native land, True Patriot Love Ihou dost, in us command. . We see lhee rising fair dear land, The true north strong and free, , . J And stand' on guardj O Canada We stand on guard for lhee. 0 Canada! O Canada! O Canada, we stand on guard for lhee 0 Canada we stand on guard for thee. By BATTALION ORDERS Lienl.-Col. J. W. Nicliolls, Officer Commanding, 1st Hatln. North B.C. llegimenl M 021x1 Hn. C.K.P. Parades "A" company parade Monday veninp, Nov. 21, at H p.m. for company instruction a per syllabus of traininp. Iterruif traininp on Monday, 8 p.m. Serpt. llorrobin in charge. "Ii" company parade Wednesday eeriing. Nov. 50, at 8 p.m. for company instruction as per syllabus of training. s .-ipnai ecumi Mpnal , section parade . under Lieut. Barnsleyj iTiteAd'ay eveninp,. Nov. 25. at jR l' ., P Minialjire Itanpe Hanpe pfaC tire Thursday eveninp at 8 n'm! special All member are requested In attend meelinp of the regiment at Ihe Armoury on Monday eveninp, im)rlant bus-hies. S. I). JOHNSTON, Major and Adjt. AIM. J si lln. Norlh B.C. Rcpl. CONTRACTS OPENED FOR HOSPITAL FIRE ESCAPES John Nelson's Bid Very Much Lower Than Either of Others ball Leapue. II was a cloc match all the way and at half time the Sons of Canada wpre ahead 12 to 10. Italph Smith made an efficient j-eferee ami Ihe teams lined up a ftdlows: i:iks M. lludenieh, A. Howard. W. Lamliie, A. Smith, I). Balfour, and (icorpe Shaw. Sons of Canada II. B. Skinner, V. Memies. II. Menkes, A. Mitchell, Oeorpe Blylhe and fienrpc Shenlon. Intermediate League In the Intermediate Leapue, the (initio team won its first victory of Hie season and rele gated its opponents, (lie hoys of Ihe. Itepinient, to (he cellar by a core of 32 In 1 1. II was easy for Ihe winners. Dave Balfour and Lee Dell re-fereed. (he teams taking the floor as follow: Orotfo W. Oray, II. Berry-nfan, V. Cavalier. Oeorpe Bill. Dido Ourvich, and V. Meagher. Itepimenl W. llorrohjii, S. Barelt-Jone, C. JfeKenwn, Albert Palmer, 1C Floyd. T. Houller and A. Cadwdllader. Junior League The openinp Junior Leapue pame wa played between the Colts and Tiny Tims, the lattpr winninp by 15 lo 0. There were four, in minute period and Mike Budenich refereed. The line-ups: Colls s. Ourvlch. II. Macdon-ald. J. McNully. D. Stalker. II. Ileilbroner and F. Macdonald. Tiny Tims T. Kalsiiyama. P. Baisler. F.. Dingwall, I. Katni-yama, C. Thompson and II. Walker. There wa a pood attendance lv wltue the games and. Ibe fans were well satisfied. Iea?ne slamltpps to dale V'W? ' Senior Leanue - YV. Son's of Canada ... 2 inks. .. .. .. .. I L. 0 1 Colls f ... 0 2 Intermediate League (.oils 2 0 Orolto llf'Pimenl n 2 Ladles' League Maple Leafs 2 0 Oil's 0 2 Junior League Tiny Tim n Colls o 1 KETCHIKAN LUMBER fol- PIs t 2 n The (up Chief and barpe Trader were in Troiii Ketchikan yesterday 'lischarpinp ."t.000 feel of spruce lumber from Ketchikan for delivery 'In New York over the Canadian National Railways. VALUE OF RADIO ON RAILWAYS ATTESTED T. H. Johnson Tells of Entertainment Received When Going East; Many Points Visited The value of radio as a means of enlerlainniinl while aboard Ihe train wa testified lo by T. II. Johnson to Ihe Holary Club at their luncheon Thursday afternoon, when he 'told of his visit Kast and of the way in which the lrfodern invention relieved I lie I tedium of Ihe journey. On the I journey outbound they sat in the; smoking room ami heard Hie re-! sulls of the world series baseball pam'e and in the evening afler dinner listened to a dpllghlful concert. When on oilier railways Ihe absence of the radio was par-i Ilcularly nnliced. Mr. Johnson complimented Ihe, railway man-i apemenl on being up to dale In; Ihis respect. j Speakinp of Ihe Rotary lunches: he had attended elsewhere, Mr. Johnson said.tliey seldom had nsi pood a spread as was given In Prince Rupert. He visited clubs j al Ottawa and Chirapo and at Ihe former place heard mention! of Ihe shipment of Prince Hu-J pert fish to the KnsJ by Ihe Express ' Company. At Boston Mr. Johnson watched' the torchlight procession when 2n.nn0 lorrhes, were carried amid Ihe wavfnp of banners, all with a view to aiding in the election of OLD 11 Calvin Coolidge as president. The procession si retched as far as Hie eye could see and was a very imposing slghl. At Chirapo Mr. Johnson watch ed a hip football match at which .0,000 people were present. All j.i. u , . S!Cn 0reat SC the tickets had bee, ,,d but e PRINCES SUPPORT CYRIL IP jH jjj jl SMOKING TOBACCO IS FOUR TIMES SEALED The outer wrapper of ivater-dndmoisfure proof pjrjffin paper-. TiereMr'fld Chum'ujrapper sfiotuind name j rid trademark The heauy tin foil The heavy rrtanith paper ismotao I f to bring you the full richness and mellow sweetness of this FASCINATION FOR MEN PROVES A CURSE IN ' "LILY OF THE DUST" manaprtl lo el the use of one "cular and Fmollonal 'al had been purchased by a per-1 Picture i on who was unable lo attend' , " winp to illnPijH. The slory is of a woman whose ! faseitlulinn flip moil Im a iMirkn Ia 'jier rather than a weapon is told iV "IMjr ir o ol I Mia lie lgsL? i;gsi,7 .41 al tha lha. , : 4 C'QUUIHS. (iermanr, 'ov. 2t HVeslholme loniphl. Caught In ,ira,,Uj!i,-li"' !TiMr .lOissla. who '", k,n(t of 'i'1 wbere everylhing .Ulna I urn! i I (v.. ...J.A.iU..- 1 ,1 inisllOa Kat lnn tk an mi am I mu r n,, railllllI-- If) 11, , - ..... w . . w, world lhal he conxidrrcd himseir "nc ,r,e Mln and again to pet he rightful heir lo Ihe throne of npw fool hold and start afresh, the Itussian czar, has sent cop- "l" v,,n npr afTeetions and kindles of hi proclamation to the ,"'""' lread snares for her. 11 Irt Itussiau pramf duke who are,'",,ni ,Mal lo ,ni woman, love above 21 year of ape. ,0 h' omething soiled and , Hi "chancellory" now reports 'Ira!rled, until in Ihe end. It Is that I.I of ,e r. princes haveij;'v,,,','J ,n ,"r ln' mipht sut noles or lellers. approvinp ,av' DPon y "till be. 'f hi contention. I Perhaps Ihe greatest scene in - ''c whole picture is that where ;Pola atlemnls lo ennvinc. 11. NOW FOR A Wool Dress "DEMERS" HAVE THEM IN FLANNEL, SERQE and 8ILVERSHEEN. $8.50-$25. HOSIERY IN SILK AND WOOLPURE WOOL !S I. .L. I. . . iim-ir 1 iihi no is linen lo Dei'iime I'reir wife. Tnder Ihe intliieiic.. f wine, she again hecome a reckless creature if I ) mlii Thinkiiip she is wliiniup hmt Mi" uncle, she resorts lo eerv iniol ense of enlerUifnilienl. and when il is loo late realizes II111I lm r, revealed her very sntil lo Prcii ;uid his uncle. The Duel The duel between Prell and Hi" Colonel is a b tlirill. l.iW-'Pola MgrP love alTaii- with Prell Is the mol beautiful iliin.- in her life wliieh has always l. drali and colorle-. There are colorful' cafe and banquet -l em x wild, house parlies, etc. "I.iiv pif Hie Dnsl" is one succession of big scenes. The arrival on the "field of honor" of Lily who has heard of Ihe duel, is n moment of tense drama. She reaches the place lime lo find i.nlv Picll - r.,i, ,,h, coat on the ground, ,!io i. led in an agony of doubt as lo winch of the men was the victim. I he picture shows how hopeless is her al tempt to live in a re instable way. She i branded as Ihe divorred wife of an army nicer. Final Scene The final scene bHween l)e. necke and Idly show the triumph mrr of his belter nature oer (hat which ia bae. The fact that he hat nearly Inst I.Hy makes htm realise what be rnaUy means in MhMI Temlsrs saarmH Itlint simI 'Udorwd rot I ho ixl Kouplinriit f iw ' 1 1 forty f''l Vowr itinrn win ir rri V...wiih aih mil Hlas. .iMTiriralliMin and fnfin nf imlr "HlfM I Tobacco of Quality a- Nanufacturcd by IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED MOil a Well Hie oilier d.iV V Uieaneo) feeling I me wu' niiirnlns. I M i l ('hrlslinas card i i' of cour was l sort of lovely kl Ut t...,m MtrfmmM I.i- ,lT.i. lnfS. I OUM TOIIV f nuwriag- and lh afiwM fit A - the finest productlD Jola .Vg.u '" i's er beet. .. n in. , ,ff r- had I- ja lot of mil jiv w jlosl. I ileleriuir to ihsim.Uf.j"ling of Hie I -'.-'."If'lCMrisliiui. uf m Jtima, fMMise m bf I'Msnwti ai ilw off i.e. of V nor nrlvale all' sunshine as well "ilrr. tU.i.ti ihuiv. ViiMHinir. met Hi' tie '!"eieil at b nislrfrt l..ii-.t.r. I'riiirn Hnperl. mi () . 1 . i0'- t-' PU 1 lu.u Mra lll t rfun1n. i.aiia , Miurill f ..n ids return or ptn stut ppriririti". ransn ul nioilei.11 rlly lit .rct)i.(i. .I'lini Will lie O II HM'l.ll I ... t,i. n Dl-MltV MllH.IlT llllll "I 'I' I . IU'1 " ' J - I Hills Undjerwood London Dry Gin The standard of purity for over 160, years. $3.25 A BOTTLE The Gin you will auk for aealn it I ; 3 no HE SURE FELT MEAN BUT MENDED HIS WAN Tins advertisement Is not publiihed or displayed Itf lW hnjuor Control Hoard or by (lie Oovornment o( Hritish Columbia.