rd,y( yovtmbcr 22, 1021, MI8S QUDMUNDSON. hurch Notices DON'T :? a plays for 15 minutes Sunday eveiuiiK er-f ' w d by tiriuhl ouj ser-V :il and instrumental I'ap oi J V KiiIkIiIs. ;r lomai h I- out nt or- r . . ill. -ly t e n inijif ;. ,,(, ,Ua, ' (,.,) .rvlee. burning niir .lomti-h DENNI80N ART CRAFT INSTRUCTOR Cumiiifiii'iiiK Monday fiiorniiiK at U u.m., is prepared to give FltF.K instruction o nil appli. rant for i tliiys M.jii- lay, Tuesday, Wcdiies-lay ami Thursday thin week. TliU in n rare i. 1'orliiiiily for the people f Prince ltiiort. A Chance In the latest ideas. Make up your Xnins (ijfl. The ttitt made with your own hands i u. Kjfi appreciated, mid the cost a mere trifle. mil off your ld. Come Monday mid oll ii re if vim vii.li Itui come .Mommy aim see wtiai the Demonstrator ha to wffcr uu, .Make rt start Monday and lake home. Come kick Tuesday fur further instruction, etc., etc. Come Monday Have a look. For further information Phone 0. fMmSmJk ii it Peter s Denial. Preacher, Ilev II it. (iraiil. D.I). Lutheran Church St. Pauls Church, Metropolc Hall. Third Avenue. Iiiv n v Cntrl City Mission Hai-ler. M.D., pai.r. Sunday ::i of 'lie Fourfold Uospel, '"J"" le II a.m. sermon loiic-Six Ii Avenue und Fullon j Jospel of the J si Sunday of ' Sf.-vi''es ami sulijecl for'"' hrrli year. Sunday School i as follow: Sunday. SI f I . Kvrnin? service at 7.30. Wslup. i l i Siiiulay ctiKMi lopic: "The Lord s Share; 7 M p.m. Four straight ''' ed." Annual every memher .: to Jonah. Ve.lueiMia.v j1"'' 6 p.m. : r'uur loyal iuellon frtun Salvation Army ,i. ; Knday. ..m. Ymtn?! V,, !'clal meeting toniuht a. ... tf .. ... j f I ... ? iiieeuiip. I lie Mlr.ion ' " nome 10 ii. ami .Mrs. hm.ll and vitiliiu oflirers. Con-rerliita solo hy ..J. J. Merrell id several musical 'items by heal youn peui.le will be a special allraclimi. Come and enlov Pribytrln Church ;mi liieeliiisr. hunday al 1 1 a.m. ir worship at II a.iu.;Mr!'- KH 'H In chaiRe. 3 h :ol of Hie Salvalio.ijP "'- '-"dure by Cd. Km.lt. .Sub-.jiiday School ai I :i0. " l t,e H"'y Land lwfore and ii e rl hI 7 HI, Subject: uttor ll,c War." Ills Worship i Mayor New Ion will preside. 7.30 'p.m. Salvation meeliu?. 0 YOU KtlOW? , , Wethodl.t Church - w .-Miituav iiii.ru 111 7 hi 11 a y rrr tail) tut UE m M . I.ieiil. Colonel Oei. A. I'lillliin i.' h j.-To u preacli. 7.30 p.m. "Oct Ac Preacher Ilev '. $U'. 10 J-Ta IM4 I"- Hacker. Come twice! tin. Whv stay on the washday treadmill! No matter how long you travel on a treadmill, you never get anywhere. For the treadmill carries you back as fast as you move forward. It's much the same with the weekly washday. You spend a day or more every week getting the clothes clean. Then the next week you go through the same thing all over again. Send your family bundle to us. Our prices are as moderate as our services are varied our work is always thorough, careful and reliable. Call us and step.ofT the washday treadmill forever. MINIMUM CHARGE 75o CANADIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS SUlh Avc.-ue Wel Phone 8 tntha if - Local and Personal U.C. Undertaken, l'lione 41. Uuyner, Undertakers, Phone 351 You'll like our coat I Consum er Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Nothing better" SUl'HF.MK " Colfee. .Sate the cououns. tf Hoyal Purple liazaar, Wednes day, Deceinhcr 3, F.Iks 'Home. Ilridge- Whist drive am dance in the evening. tnion steamer Venture, Capt. A. Johnstone, southbound from .nyox and the ,ass lliver, was in port at noon today. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kd wards of (he W'estholme rooms sailed litis) afternoon 011 the Princess llealrice for Vancouver. J. McKechuie, the local contractor, sailed on the Princess lleatrice this afternoon for Van comer on a ten-day business trip. Once more we can supply the famous r.dson coal in any (juan I tiles. Phone OB. Prince Huperl reed Co. tf I he iue.siou of providing MirMmas cheer for the indigeir. (.alieuts at the hospital was lef in the hands of I lie House Com mittee by the Hospital Hoard at Its mecliii? last nisht. AI the meeliiiK of the hospital ImiuiiJ last iiilit il was deeided to put blinds on the windows of (he nurses home, the secretary to make the purchases at the lowest possible price. At the meeting or (he Hospital Hoard last uighl II was reported thai the X-Hay transformer had arrival ami was now ready for Use and the instrument would be able lo do good work. AI the meeting of the hospital board last night, il was reported that W . (iohlbloom who had re eeiilly !-cit a ualienl in the- hos pital had made a donation of ttjn dollars uliich will be suitulil acknowledged. Cancellation of I ease I To house builders and boat builders Owing lo cancellation of leae, we have for sale at greally re duced prices, dimension and iouble dressed lumber. Stock must be sold at once. hokley Planing Mill, Cow Hay. tf Herbert Hampton rej.orletl a I the meeting of the ltalepaycrt .Woclaliou last night the pro lest against I lie removal of Ihe plunk roadway on Tail Street Section ?, had b.en tak.'ii up with 'he city solicitor who had slated hat nothing could be done as (he lifetime of the plank roadway in question was up. 1 1. .1. Hergin. locating engineer for the provincial department of public work, left for Victoria on Ihe Princes llealrice this afler-noon. Since coming from the interior where he was engaged ou Ihe Hums l.ake-Fndako road. Mr. Hergin spent several days in the local hospital suffering from heumatisiii. In her report lo Ihe hospital hoard lat uighl the lady super intendent staled Ilia! everything was going ou well at Ihe local Institution. The training class was making progress and Ihe slalf were all doing good work. She referred lo Ihe fact Ilia! Ihe ladies auxiliary were redecorating their room. Two pupil nurses look the II. N. examination on .November 5 and 7. At the Hireling of the hospital: loard held in Ihe city hall last night a reporl from the Women's j auxiliary showed that work to the' nine of 9155 had been done, all Ihe hospital. Also it was in-llmaled that the auxiliary pro-1 posnl pulling linoleum ou (ho! Honrs of the wards. This wasj leasing news lo the Hoard and Hie auxiliary was ordered thanked for their good work ami interest and il was decided lo arrange for Ihe proper caslors on (he beds in anticipation of Ihe new flooring and also to repair the floors. ANNOUNCEMENTS I.ulheran Haiaar, December 2, Melropole Hall. train. TnB DAILT NEWB FRUIT JUICES FOR niii Amazing Results from the Fruit Treatment "Fruit:a-tiyEs" Here Is the whole story of the Fruit Treatment for Ilhcumatisra, told by a jtentlemtn who suflereU live years with this terrible affliction. Mr. James Dohson.of lironte, Ont. Bays: "The KheumatUm was in tny right hip and shoulder; the pain was almost unendurable. After six months' Fruit Treatment with "Kruit a tires", I was completely relieved and am now in first clas health". It is a fact proren by thousands of cases-that "Fruit-a tires", the Fruit Treatment, absoluU-ly relieres Kheumatiim, Pain in the Hack, Neuralgia, chronic Headaches due to stomach or liver troubles, and other forms of Kidney Disease. 2.x:. and 60c. a box at all dealers or from Fruit-a tivea Limited, OtUwa, Ont. I.. Kvitl, brother of Aid. C. V. Kvill, who has been visiting in the city for the past few days. is returning to his home al (Jlen lamia near BmUbers on touiglifs C.P.It. steamer Princess Mary Capl. C. C. Sinister, southbound from Skagway to Vanicouver. wa in, port from. 7.30 lo il o'clock last night. The vessel had a full list of passengers from Honor! h. The November Pacific Marine lleview has an illustrated des criptive article oil the drydocks of Ihe coast in wfiich there are three pwhI picliirns of the Prince' Huperl dock. Tlii is good publicity fur the city. II. Cuslillou of Vancouver, who was here as Counsel at the Supreme Court assizes, returned south on lUi Princess llealrice this afternoon. The same vessel ulfto look south -several of Ihe wilue in the Ocean Falls assault case. - L. J. Marren laid a complaint w ith Hie police apaiasl several !H.y whom lie 4)Ttged- threw rock at Ihe Auditorium on Sixth Avenue. N Charge was laid in coo. iMWentp having undertaken lo see that there would be no re currence of I lie offence complained of. If ft ha opens again, however, the case will be proceeded Willi. At 1:25 this morning fire. caused by coal falling lo Ihe tloor from a stove, broke out in the Heaver Hot1linrVorks in the lane between Fraser Street an. Third Avenue. A hate was burn ed through Ihe floor about three feel square before Ihe fire depart men t was called. The alarm was sent in from the I .a Casse bakery, one of the bakers having seen Ihe fire from the back dimr of the bakery. C.P.It. steamer Princess Heal-ice. Cunt. II. Thompson, arrived al 3 o'clock this morning from Ihe south ami cleared fgr Van- ouver ami waypwrls at 3 o'clock this a f term Min. The. vessel load ed canned salmon at Ihe Tucks Inlet cannery. Passengers leav ing for the south included: I.. i. Saul and D. .1. Hergin for Vic toria; Mr. Heck. S. S. Perrv. Mrs. II. Kdwards. Miss F. I lurk, H. Cnvaoaugh. 11. llanon, Mr. Kd wards, . Cuslillou, .1. McF.ach-ern. Mr. ami Mrs. Haskell ami Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kdwards for Vaucoiner; A. 1 oil re Ii a Ik. W. Owen and J. M. Hockin for Ocean Falls. Wool Delaine Among Ihe most fashionable fabrics for oer-hlouses, dresses or tunics are these soft drapery;,. delaines in beiUilTrtil do'sIgnSj, 30 Inches. .'. .'.'- . ' , Per Yard . . $1.50 West of England Store SMITH BLOCK. i DR. ARBUTUS BUDD&HIS I FAMOUS BEAUTY SHOP. n ...... . p. . t a . 1 1 1 a . I . la Beauty uoevor mil mrriiw in Town on Wednesday; Great Experience In New York and Corsica I Dr. Arbutus Hud. I, Ihe famous beauty doctor, will be in town oiv Wednesday and Ihursday of next, week under the auspices of H.P.0. 1 Flks' Lodge No. 10 and will re- lata by song and story some of his great 'experiences. The doctor first opened hi Hcauly Shop in Kew York and typical of Hroadway are eight' snappy musical numbers by' bevies of beautiful girls in group j ami morns, ine uocior win ue-monslrale his method of beauty application and of dodging creditors. These, however, lent him more money to allow him lo get lo Corsica where a great estate was left lo his ward. Spanish singing ami dancing numbers al- the cabaret of the Corsica 11 Inn where the doctor stayed will be reproduced, but the estate turns out to be a first class family feud of the kind for which Corsica is famous and the doctor is the only living heir yet lo be killed. Although the undertaker is called in. Dr. Hudd emerges gloriously through the efficacy of his wonderful beauty preparations. The tale of the locti.r's t roubles is just one long laugh. Don't you miss it next Wednesday. NO CHANGE MADE IN NURSES' SALARIES Present Rate of $80 for Gradu ates and $85 for Operating Nuree to Stand The mjeslion of nurses' salar ies came up for some discussion al Ihe meeting of the hospital board last night, D. C. Mcltae presiding, ami ou the recommendation of the finance com mittee no change was made from the present rate. II was pointed out by 'the com mittee thai the Prince Ituperl hospital was well in line with I lie average paid al other insli-utions, the rale here being 80 Tor graduates and $85 for the pperaliiu nur.e. In addition to hal Ihey received board and room, a fine home and laundry free of charge. In Vancouver lie rale '.aid was 7o lo ?80 In New Weslminsler night supervisors got 75 and Ward super visors fn; al the Jubilee Hospital, Victoria supervisors were paid .75 lo '.MI; at Vernon graduates got .". and al Print" iteorge Ihey were advertising for one at s.ll. The only place from which they had heard where the rales were higher was al Calgary where night supervisors were paid lll and ward supervisors '.'.. Apparently there were no oilier graduates than supervisor employed al many of Ihe larger institutions, the pupil nurses do- ig everything. A suggestion was made dial live dollars might be added for the second year bUi instead of that il was deemed thai if advaucemeul was asked for a nurse of vul-slamling ability il might be considered hy Ihe board. No change in Ihe general rale would he made al present however. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Arsenal 0, Sunderland 0. sinn Villu 3, Kverlon 1. Illackburii It. 0, Holloa 3. Hury 1, Preston N.K. 1. lluddersfield 0, Notts County 0. ' iverpool I, Leeds 0. lanchesler City 2, Cardiff 2. Newcastle I, lliriuingham 1. Nottingham F."D, Hurntey 0. Sheflield A. 2, West Hromwich 0. West Ham I. Tottenham 1. Division II. Uarnsley 3, The Wednesday 0. Mhtckpool I. Manchester t. Hradford I. Southhampton 2. Derby County 2, Stockport 0. Fulhain .'. Coventry 0. Hull Leicester I. Portsmouth 0. Sloke 0. Port Vale 2. Crystal Palace 0. South Shields I, Chelsea I. Wolverhampton 2, Oldham 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Airdries 3, Queen's Park 0. I Falkirk 0, Ayr United 3. Hamilton I, Dundee t. Hibernians I. Aberdeen I. Kilmarnock 2, Hearts I. Parlick Thistles (5, Cowdeu Heath t llailh Hovers 2, Norton 0. . SI. Johnstone I, Hangers 3. 1st. Mnren I, Motherwell t. Ttrnt. Lit iiru I, CYtlit t. OH! GIRLS, HOW LOVELY Imagine her surprise and delight when her most intimate girl friends al Ihe "shower" give her some of the nice little gifts we have suitable for such an occasion. We have Class Marmalade Jars, with spoon and silver lid $2.00 Cups and Saucers, from $1.00 to $4.00 Cut Class Pieces, from $2.50 to $5.00 Odd Pieces in Community and IS 47 Rogers' Silver $1.00 up 'Half IJozen Tumblers $1.50 Silver Hon Hon Dishes and other small things $2.00 to $5.00 Fancy China Pieces, even Ihe necessary alarm clock $2.00 BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. (iuess who wrote this ad? Can you write a- heller one? The lime is extended to November 30. b i--i(t"M- - ;f ft HEN WATCH E "The Family Shoe Store" "LADIES" WE ARE CLEARING ODD LINES OF SUEDES, CALF, AND PATENT, in OXFORD AND STRAP. "ONYX," "SUPREME LADY" and "TRUEFIT." A.I going at 595 Phone 357. ARTIST XMAS PHOTOS TAKEN AT ANYTIME REASONABLE PRICES i Fancy Ouods, Dry Goods and Sundries from the Orient or Kuropean Countries. We Buy Furs, Jewelry and Cameras ECKOFF STUDIO & REGENT HOTEL Cor. 2nd Ave. and Sixth St. Phone Red 69. WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE Effective November 17th. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT MlU from I'rtnre niivrt FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, lultriiH-dlate point racb Friday .m a.m. For STEWART ami ANVOX Wtsliwsday. 11.00 J).ln. S.S. PRINCE JOHN Tor Vimt.uvrr via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, .Nuv. 9, l"ec. 13, IT, Jan. 10. il. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, S.0II p in. for I'rliiie Orurge, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all iinw tavern Canada, lultrd States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offlca, B2S Third A, Prlnet Ruparl. Phon 260. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385