L .Ir.y November if. 1024. ilh lltina I never tasted sue f CfwcotateCahc heore' n J icing 'mata from aker's By all means the i most satisfactory , chocojatc for cook ing and drinking. KAOC IN CANADA tr lallerBuker&CaLlmiled t utri ifoo tinlaLCanada DorchcilttMasj. soor.li of Oiotci nomuuilMt NOTICE. u.oi ilMrurl ruw, in fxi in width. Min. I:. Wann Inter, i ! nn. miixwil Mm (In ! ri l.lljr." Oil-'...Id krown," "Tmii 'knit iinrr'' ni l All nill, ilw i j ' -ii r Tik Arm in :nin DimtKm. Cmmai f Brill. h ColumbM i n i.,rr Unr or lln' :ti tiiH n-ri trr for thr ; r Ir.An Im i.umfKlijr'. Winn ll xrr In lh irtHlBd '1 b lb taglueri -. : ttinr. Atlln. B.C. thl i f Hit. AIDIirW SOSTAO. ' nrii"r 0l1 Vlw- I M Inf LAID AUT. Clurtott ll4 L4 DiAUkl. D'lfltt of Print Hvptri : iiai I. MiimH simiMwm. " i Ml :! finbrnntn. In- ' rtiui..n l im i ;l kinil i 'Unnxwint i lie .. iiif roriWr ol I tj llpm '. rhjin. n In III" in 111 '. t D ' ' ::.) i finl UtriKV rr ntlxrlT n rima. ' -f 'Mamfiicffnent I rrr Bi'.rr or letti. Iin SIlMrSO. AprHrtnl. "ur , . trinnUr, I Ml. I WOX CARD PARTY X v 2- The mem-M r i.i,,i i, at,. iage4 UVL-yJ i """mu"u ncci wnicn in trie Uthitl ,ource ' Prince Rupert', prosperity vM i I'll'1 Imlihul rinse season i,-now 111 tiii-iT mill Willi (In- exception ii uii Canadian bout, i in Seamaid. I In- Auosrican mtil Can-iiillan halibut cbooiier liav- ill-- charged Hi fir final catches fori ItCM. The American boats have gone south In Hieir home ports 1 Tew day of fishing on Ihe deep 'sea ground were hee with i-x- ! i I'lMiifly rugh wealder and itianv jsklper report encountering j -nine of llie dirtiest a in llieii j 'liinir Mprinw. Willi lli cle New Yank Boats Th len A Sund Machine Works, Seattle, are rontiHirMn .i 67-ft. louK-line halibut schooner. Ihe Zenith, for Iverwin Hron.. acrorrlitiir to the I'acifir FIhT-man. She lias a,lA-fL, taut and M-ft. ilepih, ami la powered with a UH li.p. Washington Ktp.iHesel "iigine. Willi a gurdy and cable wineli inanufarlured by 1tie Ul-son V Siinil hop. The Zeinlh will have her trial trip sometime in January nnd will come north .-(nl card url (Tor the open in of the halibut (beir hall on si one taking lre w k. when even and ten table-ui'i'-d lite enrd is being, Mr. F. t J IV Haffner. 'I ai inns wenl lo -on ami F. I!. I'at-F 'i whit, Mr. ur H SI l and w ere a t r..'rs being Ia i n and l l.ann prince (Seorgc ftotel TORONTO ll Centre of Shopping nd Buiiness District 2M ROOMS EUKliPl A M HI AKl INI.l f TMOMPtON. MAN O. DIR. 1 fieblii season nest February The ' aaae rominy is also starling work on a ?S-ft. halibut boat for Khler Hrtis. , Arm-Irong. She will have a 17-ft. beam with an H-fl. depth and be 'quipped with a W li.p. Wah-nglon F.lep diesel emtine. Olson A Sunde winches will' be installed. Till schooner will also fish on Ihe northern ImwU upon Ihe opening of Ihe eaon in February. Fish Business From Mnnday In Friday 733.-Ofiit .oiiiiils of halibut lias been marketed Ho' Fih Fxchnnge. Amn 'i-nuft weie lngli at ISc and Or and :-w u i 1 ' ' jfd Or i:an- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coat Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY Vancouw, Victoria, and Seattle tor Nov. 7, 21 J Dec. 5, 19 or Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau, Skagway Nov. a, ii ucc. i, ii a.S. PRINCE88 BEATRICE. of ButedaU, Swanson Bay, Eait Bella Bella, Ocea.i in, Namu, Alert Bay, Campoeti mvor, anu ouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamihlp Llnr Full information from W. o. onr.MAnD. Qeneral Agent tnr of 4th 8'reel and 3rd Avenue, Prince nunert. B.C. IF IT'S ON OR UNDER THE WATER WE 00 IT. Diving, ering, Heavy Dredging, Liglit-Coaling Ships Lifting, fieneral ami I Im majority (if the boats Salvage Work. Pumping comprising Ihe local i t up fur Ihe winter. fleet in-; Tin' lafti a Speciality. VANCOUVER DREDQINQ AND SALVAGE CO. LTD. COW BAY, Phones: Green 259. Green 487. eaoa, H' flMnni lutve taken j , - 4 due 1vll.ttH III ilidulff ill ""'j and rMiwallini. A lane number of the Knot., nnu ...H ,,f It., fi.l.. ' Were liigli at 13.Cc and . iiik enlcf, have heefl prexoed iintii liunlHnr I rip ami wide ileitis are iminr explored In gn.-l of iwild iiilrtHHl and w Mined jttame. While Cow Hay is crowd- : un nitt:n thirlv dAr.!'''! HU hottln the deep sch ' , Ai'."'.v. ''"V' are practically all Ued up l Ihe Dry Dock which offrro we" protect I'd water. The follow mi: Amrriran clmonr, bavia uSiloadml Uiir final 1921 catch, proceeded south tin wek. Scainlia, (Columbia, Itudio Akulan. HeAolule, Kanalak. nu. Xorlh. Wireletm, Atlantic. Majentlc, Purilock. I'olarU.fyroy. Albatross. latiKioh. turdensk-iidd, Norland and Sitka. The Canadian chHiiiers l.ykil and Tramp have been tied up for tke winter. o.oc and low at I if unit oe. nati- iiut anivwU were heavy on Monday when .'itll.diiO pouniU wan itiarkrlpd an Mys l'ili Mxrliaue. Pricr remained firm around I tr nnd 6i for American and I3r and fir for Canailimi, Real Humor j A fisherman clamboreil. aboard I tie American schooner Scant I ia one day this week and uked to be srtown the radio oulit, with wliieh the boat is etiufpiieil. The radio oiterator was sm exfilain- Intr tfte ilifferenl KHilpils to the ready questioner in the following manlier. "You se it's quite easy . All you have lo do is to turn this knob and you srel Seal He, or you turn lbi knob and you net San Franc ico if they are nriMorasiinar. lion l you think it is a wonderful iuven lion?" The fisherman gated in lently for a wiiile, and then ex- claimetl. "Well, to tell you Ihe truth younK fellow I don't see anything at all to it." Heachiutt In hl ptiekel he pulled out a tin of "sntMiee" sayins "AH I have lo do Is If lap Ibis ltd. lift it off and I get "Copenhagen." Lance Indisposed l.anre Potter! on. mechanical superintendent of the llooth Fisheries, is limping around like a one.legged bre, as the result of treading upon an upturned nail in the box making shop. The nail pierred Ihe bone in his left fool necessitating medical attention. However. I.ance is now able lo gel about and is keeping a watchful eye on the left-handed nail driving lunl A Qreateless Hunt A splendid hag of deer, ducks and geese was reported updo the return to tort of Messrs. Hubert Ward, Juek Minimi, Dr. Tail. Capt. CoRllliurst, II. . Crewe and Charlie Kvill, last Friday after an eight day hunt aroum! Kil- kalla and the Serpentine situated at the head of Kltkalla Inlet The only thing lo mar the pro- feedings was the hejiuvior of tin1 weather man who did not smile with favor upn 1he nimrods for a single ilav during their absence On the oiilwnrd Journey lnay "ens wero encountered i i'hssii g the mouth of Ihe Skeena w ih the result that the buller i;ovfd how slipiiery it was by sliiliig over Ihe side inlo lite ;d I'huck. Hubert said he never saw a few pounds of butter go Mich a long way In nil bis life. Jack llinlon demonslraled Ihe way in which to drain Iho creeks of waler. II i simply done by siMin down in Ihe waler and IHlisorbing Ihe aqua pura inlo (he rlolhing. Major Sadd, representing Ihe firm of Canailtan-I'eiier l.til.. Vancouver, who has been demonstrating n V li.p. seiui-deisel engine of hi firm's manufacture lo local boat owner, relumed south on Thursday lasl. The halibut schooners Klliel June, Omth, and Cape Swain are on Hie McLean w ays for general j overhaul prepaiory to nemgiieo up for Iho winter. The power boat M.T.3, Capl. Iteggie flreen, arrived from the (ieoiRelown sawmill on Thursday innrntng hnving iif low a scow ol box lumber for Hlg Hay Lumber THE DAILT rvEWS lnp FTVTt I The first fur arrival of the' i season were landed in port this LADIES' jWeek t,y native from Hartley "Headaches, Bilious Spells, j II ay and llie Naas river districts, j The catches included some 'plen Are Now All Gone" COATS um speemiens of marlen and mink. The pells were, sold Mrs. John Ireland, Nobleton, OnL, writes: All our Stock of Ladles' Coats and Misses' Coats at 20 Per Cent Reduction. All This Season's Goods. H.S. Wallace CO. LTD. Cor 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. Phone 9. i. Capl. ireen left immedia tely after delivery of the scow for Slpwail lo Jjiiiif down a scow load of park horses, owned y Mr. Ilawlf, which are lo ho turn ed out lo winter pasture in the iMlknlla ilislrtcl. 'Ihe pfiwr .oat I'.lt.T. formerly in this tow- .eijr service has been laid up for he winter. TRAPPERS 1 I will give you the highest prices for raw furs. See me before you sell. I want you lo make money. W. GOLD JLOOM, Second Ave. Real Mean Another big ulnry on Ihe waterfront this week if about Scot sman in the fishing game who lost a bride through his meanness. The coplc were lo be married and Ihe bride-to-be Aaiilfd the marriage ceremony iierformed in Ihe morning. To his the Scotsman strongly ob jected and insisted that the wed- ling lake place in Ihe afternoon Tfie result was that neither of lie contracting parlies would omproinise and the marriage lever took place. Upon a friend asking him what the idea was in insisting uiion the afternoon marriage the Scotsman replied 'a Xa! F.flernoon fer me. Gin we were nrerril then she wad ied anil her meal at bame." The halibut ffhooner Gaygeon Oal. "Handsome" Jim Morrison 'eft on a prolanled hunting Irlj in Ihe norlherti wild on Thurs lay morning. 'I he party includ Ml Cecil .Morrison, Herbert Tay lor and Sydney Hunter. Clam Hunters Busy A number of Ihe local fishing ixmls are putting in a remuner ative close season period in clam ninling for the Millerd Clam iinnerj. The latest boats to oin the clam fleet are the Mayflower, Capl. Hob Thompson; the D.S.T., Capl. Jack Morrison and the White Lilly, Capl. fleo. He-lere. The power boat Viner, Capl. Jimmy Thomas, brought in it) tons of clams this week for 'he cannery and over 1,1 Of) cases if Iho delectable shell fish have already been shipped. BENT'S LADIES' Winter Coat Sale IS GOING STRONG. Beau'.lful Winter Coats at WHOLESALE PRICES Ileg, fi5.00. Meg. 5ti.50, Iteg. StiT.no. Ileg. 15.00, Jleg. S5D.50. Ileg. ?79.00. Iteg. 70.00. Ileg. $09.00. Iteg. $75.00. Now $52.00 Now $47.50 Now $53 60 Now $36.00 Now $47.50 Now $65.00 Now $65.00 Now $55.00 Now $60 00 BLACK LEATHERETTE RAINCOATS Sizes nr.-iG Third Avenue $9.50 "BENT'S" The Prince lluperf Hoalhouse launch Myfanwy, Capl. (lefT Lamliley, accompanied by his hroilier Lorrie a engineer, left port on Tuesday morning witli . (ioldldooin "(lie trappers friend." who is making a leisure ly trip of I he roast sonlli of here! in Ihe interests of hi. fur bnsi-; ness. Beware of Deer The schooner Alliance No. 1. kippered by Jim Kelly, has just returned from a four day hunl- iltlf trip to Stephens Island. Jim wan accompanied ly f!eor?e Cook and F. Low. IMenly of irame and leer olfered find the hafe' secureiW was all thai could he desired. In fact Jim says that If you ihm'l yet the deer they will j?el you as the. island is alive with them. The permanent staffs of the llooth, Hoyal and Pacific Fisher ies will he kepi busy during the close halibut season on overhaul ing machinery and Ihe making of fish boxes. Capt. Khorl laid the keel of his lew :t(5-fi. deep sea salmon lrol- ng boat tins week. The boat is icing built on Cow Hay creek. HEALTH TALK ANYOX PEOPLE Parent - Teachers' Association Hears Interesting Lecture ANYOX. Nov. 22. The regular meeting of the Anynx 1'arent- SENTENCE PASSED ON TWO btj MEN ASSIZES T ESTEHUAT BY JUDGE MACDONALD GOT' NINE MONTHS. .continued from page one ucler and antecedents of accused and ahy extenuating circum stances there might be. Mr. Jus-lice Cregory slated that he fell inclined lo give elTecl to llie sentence suggested. Police are Friends i "I lb ink possibly I myself; might not have found you guilty; tbeen convinced that you were the nfiAiil I tin i n ( rv i n 1 1 1 f nh n nrriiil n i iii in ti it j u 1 1 1 1 1 i.iiu,ijK-j with you. You men ought lo realize that the police and the courts are your friends and not your enemies. II was-nol manly to hold Collins while MacDonald punched him. It was not giving him a fair show. So one would reacher1 Association was held In, have complained more loudly I. V CI I 'I' I I.. ... ... iic .ic .u mi iui-..iij neii-iinan yourself at such treatment ing, Mrs. L. McAllister presiding. Principal Holier! son, of the pub lic school, reported that arrange. otents had been made to hold the ohool concert on December 17. t was decided to co-operate with he Community League lit Ihe However, I am. going lo let you out on suspended sentence on your own recognizance in Ihe sum of 1,000. Hemeinlier if you misbehave - again, you may be sentenced lo prison. Constable Collins deserves natter of bringing lecturers from credit for tlie fearless way he luisnie points uuring tne winter. went at the thing in this case, nonths. It was also decided to You chaps acted like coward stablish a lantern fund to pro- rather than like men.' Perhaps ore necessary slides for use in 'you were so dnink that you for-he magic lantern. Fifty dollars jjni yourselves." .as voted for this purpose. At. MacDonald's Sentence "I wai s great sufferer from tevere headaches and bilious spells. I tried a number of remedies without obtaining any benefit until I was advised to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. These completely relieved me, and made roe feel like a new person. I am very grateful to Dr. Chase's Medicines for what they have done for me, and you may use my letter for the benefit of others." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills li eta. a box of SS pills, Edmaiuoii, nates & Co., Id., Toronto I USE STMONDS ii SAWS 5J -9 14 Their teeth are of a toughness which maket them hold their keen cutting edge under every uiage. SM M S110NM CAHADA SAW CO. UMlTtK V&MOWVEN MOMTRCAt tf..OMM. M.B. on the evidenee,'" continued His Lordship, addressing MacDonald! ,j,py naV(, already done a, much as well, "though I might havei.jme as you you not only greviously assaulted Constable Iguilty man and fell the same way (:i,,s but you pounded him un mercifully. I think you were pretty drunk and you are apparently handy with your fists. You mul. remember, however, that you will not be allowed lo beat your way through Iho world. You acted in a eowardly manner in striking when Ihe policeman was down, ou could have been sentenced lo twenty years for one of the counts in tli indictment again you. I do not' believe you are bad at heart but apparently you have got off oil the wrong foot. You must bo punished, however, on account of llie serious way in which you hurt Ihe man. I sentence you to nine months with hard labor in Okalla prisgiu-frtmu-tke. day of your aw1?, August 23." His Lordship then excused all jurors from further attendance and the civil action of Sidener vs. ne conclusion oi ine Dusiness vh inen,i,r,i,i ...,n. in ... i - .u I1H1II Willi i-iiuiiiit-hi:i-u. .. rIliriey i essoin, the president called up- risoners dock for sentence lo he : nn Hi Zi nTtiiiin c In a .lit ri Ilia . . ' " " ."c.j,),,,,, ol, m Mr jjastiiiou meeting. The doctor gave a most jask1,, ,,,a, ,)P ,,,, SPIll,.ncP(i ,0 ,he nieresnng taiK. on ueniai n-,iime thai he had been in prison, jeine. He dealt with the import-Hp was a y0un man aild had aU Mice of keeping llie mouth , Fan.u. i,a.t i,,,r.i ti. ilean. which was more vilal than ,,,US of juice might not be mmaculate necks and ears. It .i :.. i.-rnni uy nun mill 111 was the mothers duly lo instil' ,rUon .,, iiari,.Pli POnvicis nto the mind of the child the, ..vh ws i.e arrested" nt. importance oi Keeping tne leeui 0l) Lordship, dean. nn ihkiui i Another mailer the doctor ..-.m stressed was the diet of the' i" VICTORIA, Nov. 22. Ten days ago Paul Homer, a surveyor resident at Albert Head, a suburb of this city, sailed front Alert Hay to go home in a gasoline cruiser. He has not shown up and his wire asks that search be made for Ihe missing craft. The Sedgely put inlo Alert Hay on tho eighth of Ihe month for repairs lo the propeller which It is thoushl took two days. replied Mr. 'Why. that is my birthday,' mother during the pre-natal' iM Hj; Lordship. -( Continuing Mr. Justice (iregory puriuiu urn, inn .hi ie nuuUni,. ... ,. vnllp norlions of the child's body. ii.- : -1 : 1 i . counsel's request and lei you go uiei lor uie growing iiiiiu wa'.i ,.., as n1(. nh. mpn foP ,il-o advisable and the value of he uses of hard food, such as. rusts, etc., was necessary in the) lengthening oT Ihe teeth. Over ndiilgences in candy was depre-aled. Dealing wilh repair, Dr. j inrnrons pointed out how nature tad made provision for the re-, air of all parts of the body ex-j ept the teeth. These had to be paired wilh substances foreign nature. Ilecent examinations, roved that ninety-six per cent if the children of Hie. world suN; ered from diseased teelh. This , omlilion seriously affected the nenlal development of the child. A vote of thanks was accorded lie iioctor alter wnicn .miss r, a.j l.i'iilll in I in ii i l ll' i"1 1 ""is .villi a pianoforte solo. Refresh ments were served and the meet-1 ing concluded wilh the singing' of the National Anthem. ALBERT HEAD MAN AND BOAT BOTH MISSING Search Being Made for Paul Homer and Launch Sedgely A fine food for boys Clark's I tanniwre I CV.. k WT. IW. . W W ASTHMA HEAD and BRONCHIAL COLDS Ha Smoke la Sprays-Mo SmII Jut Swillow a RAZ-UAH Capsule Reatoree normal breathing. Quickly tops ail cnoimg. gaiping nnu in bronchial tube. Gives long nights of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or habit-forming drugs.' 11 00nr bo at druff stores. Send 5c tor (nerous trial. Temple tons, loromo. RAZ-MAH GUARANTEED RELIEF OVERWHELMING MAJORITY IN SILENT ELECTION Prince Rupert Women Register Interesting Vote to Save Monev and Lessen Work . It is a sign of the times that women should demand more au thority in their homes. Not that they want all their own way but that when comfort and economy are at stake they are usually bettor judges than their husbands. They .are at home all day and know more about Ihe things that go to make for the comfort of the home than the husbands who come home at night expecting everything to be just so. This is why so many Prince Buperl ladies insist on javing Nanaimo-Wellington ooal. They have mado a study of coal and have, discovered that Nanaimo-Wellington is far superior to its competitors. Very little lasts a long jtime. If drafts are shut off at i night Ihe fire will be there in the morning. No rock, very little lash and no slack are other points in favor of Nanaimo-Wcl-jlington. This famous coal is sold only ;uy Albert & McCalTery. They have their own loam and trucks laud assure prompt service. Order i direct from them and be sure get the only coal Nanaimo-Wellington. Iyou Their phone numbers are iiC and 50 1. Funoilnin from Prttfl ? i : Neuralgia Theaund of Cslin kv T.R-C's fiv quiekwl mi tunut rUf from Fun. T.K.V. l oiiTviiy i" i --cayMthtpiin. ThyconUmnodnroMor hteit forming firm. iw TwnpUtoD, Toronto. tl OD RK.um.tl.m size N.urltU Lumkag TRCs FOR SALE BY ORMES LIMITED size rin TEMPLETON'3 RHEUMATIC CAPSULES )1 ill