PAOK TWO. For One Cent Tom may obtain 3 cups of SALAD a II H40S AaK for a trial package today. Delicious I Economical ! The Daily News PRINCE HUPERT - IlRITISfl COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon,' excspt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per .month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the Rritish Km pi re and the United blates, m advance, per ysar ",4 . IMO mile To all other countries, in advance, per year INDIANS HERE 20,000 YEARS So Says John P. Harrington of the Smithsonian Institute That the Indian of (his continent ha. I an anceslry common villi llm Mongolian tribes of isiheria ami crossed tit Alaska lover lie Mering sea are conclusions of John 1'. Harrington of tin Smithsonian inlftution. lie fixe the disco, cry of the Ameri- n continent by I ho Indian at ) more than ;n,ooo year ago. V.x 'plaining his belief Ural the In. jdians went directly to Alaska across the Ilcring sea, install of !over the rhain nf Aleutian islands at a lime when the islands may have been an islhmu connecting the two continents, he says: "From a long strip of Silerian coast 'the Alaskan shore is in plain sight across Ilering .strait. which at one point is only 00 in width. The two small . . $7.50 ijnnicile island r-,.. 1. . , '. .. - break the passage. also help This strip of transient uispiiiy .uverusing . . per men per insertion water at time is froien over. transient Afivenisim? on rront rape. 4. Local Readers per inerlion. i Classified Advertising, per insertion..... Legal Notices, each insertion ,15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subject In approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION . .5.u per inch an, could have been crossed . ...2.c per line'piiiipc n the ice or in Imals C per WOrtl ;.-liih u-nrt tnnilA liv llie Iriilifirw gID Wednesday. April 30, 1921. Politician Is Important Factor. "For the work of free democracy Ihe politician is essential," says David Lloyd (lenrge, one of Ihe greatest politician- of Ihe age, in an article published ome lime ago. Politics is the M'ience of government, and it needs training just as docs, any olher science. In his article Mr. Lloyd Oeorge says that tu make a success of political life a person needs "at least every quality of capacity mid character which is necesary lo rommand success in any other walk nf life. Like any other career, politics demands intelligence,, insight, imagination, con centration, industry, uprightness hi life anil cnnducL een at the earliest times. "From my studies of the Indian rare of the Pacific coast, I believe that the Indians, after crossing from Siberia, gradually spread from Alaska down the Pacific coast and thence over -all North and Smith America. This is baei on the singularity of physical characteristics. the widespread recurrence of customs and rTVylhs. and an exhaustive stintj- of the language." STANLEY TAYLOR IS BEING MARRIED TODAY Popular Young Lawyer Weds Miss Marjorle Nixon of The marriage takes place in Vancouver today of S. W. Taylor of this city and Miss .Marjnrie Nixon of Vancouver. The couple r.rrj.wui soemi ineir nonevmoon on a lapse is a handicap which weighs you down in the race and slack-;nWor trip in Washingjon and tiess of every kind is in the end fatal. The rotten branch soon Oregon. and will arrive in Prince breaks under the strain of nolitical'life. You mv win n..n.,la-lRu,cr, parl' npsl mnnih ,rt iy h., wi,uui za: wte real qualily.' Courage Needed In Order To Succeed. Itrilaiir former premier View. Mr. Taylor is a member of (he law firm of Williams. Manon & (onzales. He is secretary' of the els courage as the firt attribute r,,ro ,'luh anl Pr'"re Rupert leailing lo siiccess. Politicians' work in an atmosphere of crili- . rro""' A'",M"'atinn- The bride. ci.m and censure 'There are men engaged and organizations ZAZ ioi .......,-.. ,r uic purM,se oi iii.wraging, iiuuing ranll and many .bowers and olher affairs ...Humming .Huniciaiis ineir principles, ttieir words, their ac- " southern cily recently uons. r.vcry ueed and phnise is scrutinized by (rained eyes with microscopic minuteness ami blemishes and ir not exaggerated, are at least presented in Ihe dimensions in which they appear through the microscope." The writer or the article refers In the criticism which the politician has lo undergo ami he sifgge-ts (hat if other professional men were lo 1 criticized similarly, an eminent surgeon might read after an operation: "We are.lolh lo dwell on Ihe horrible scenes lhat were enacted yesterday at (he operating Ihealre of SI. Blank when Sir Ruthless Culler informed what ought to have been a perfectly simple oiratiou in a manner which would have di-graced a mere novice. We, hale lining Ihe word butchery but the Knglish language in all it opulence can fur-nMi us wilh no olher equally appropriate." Discount Both Praise and Blame. The British slalcman says he doubts if ,., methods nf carrying ,, the busine r the country are Ihe best po-Mhlc. They arc not encouraging, nerving, agreeable or helpful.' Intensity or ho-ldity on the part or opponents muses inlenMly of in-erest on Ihe part or supporters and the politician has lo discount bolh praise and blame. Thus only can a politician preserve- his a"haniy tribe1"1' "l mai,y Wh" H,niv ,",t lbn w,, ,,, are. Reward Of Best Is Opportunity For Service. The reward ut Ihe politician is that he h give,, lo serve his conntrv. i ,,e lest of success. Vltmg inlo ornce is simply an opporlimily for service. Some of (he grealeM politicians held office very little. Often Ihe renowl Llojd (.eorge says Ihere .s ,, lher ,.sirPer t . K j a man who ,s filled for it and devotes his energies lo it iJiS K can do more for mankind. When Damp Grass turns the toes of your brown shces white, just apply "Nugget" Dark Brown, until you have restored the color. Shoes won't discolor if you use "Nugget." It is water-proof too. Shoe Polish BLACK . TAN . TON IV Rrn OARK. BROWN. ALsSVlllTE STEWART The Stewart Service Club gave a dance on Foster Monday. April SI. in the Stewart Opera House. The music was excellent and everyone Ihere as reed ifoai it was one of the most enjoyable dances of the -e.i.on. The Women's Auxiliary of the SI. Mark's Church pave a whist drive in the Stewart Opera lloii.e fnpril :. At intervals durin? the evening vocal and instrumental selections were rendered. Those takin? part were, vocal, Miss Muriel Crawford, Miss Mildred Klrkwood. Mi Daphne Workman, Miss Ida Watson; pianoforte. Miss Mabel and Miss Joan 'Mellor. The ladies first nriie was won by Mis Kdilh Crawford and the ?enlcmen' first prize wa won by W. J. Crawford. After refreshment Ihe Door was cleared for danc-gni. Ceo. Clothier was in town for several days leavinp lad niyhl on Ihe Cardena. AUttARM The f! ran by Co. is now employing' 10 men in its Inirginsr operations here and Hie. AI.Im.Is-ford LogKin? Co, r.O men. Krnie Armstronsc lia returned to Stewart after petidin;r several days here. H. II. ?liockey has returned to Prince lluperl after spending a Aeek here Oil business, , I ' ' Morris Peterson has started construction of a fiiie resilience near Ihe tennis courts. Another ninety Inns nf ore wa shipped from the Kt-perania mine to Ihe Anyoi finelter lust week. TIIE DAH.Y NRWa The Man in the Moon SAY9t- I WHAT is Die iisi of feelina like a million dollars when you lack Ihe necessary lt'..!.!)9 to make you a millionaire. RECENT visitors lo the city hive heeu asking- why the O.W. V.A. are starling out so early to alerlise their next year's annual ball. ' V u - , I K.N'OW j ojL of families where they ilo not 'need to put in a loud speaker for their radio outfit. Till way lo rTe in the world to act on the level. r A DOCIOIl when asked lo see a sick doll diagnnized the case a lihysical b reiki town and prescrib ed a careful application of ntuci- fa ire skilfully atplied. THF. road lo. success i fitted with sleeping cars. tailor. Mihlei. can look like if you jo to Ten Years Ago In Prlnc Ruprt not OXCK more the joy is In. Ie taken out of lifefor Ihe dunntrs will begin to arrive through the mail tomorrow'.. . YOU lollars a million Ihe right WHAT is bothering a lot of people in prince Itupert today f considering how it would look a - -a A concentrator ts tiadly needed in the llazellon .district .says K. H. Wilson, well known mining man of S;m Francisco, who fs looking over mineral development po.-iliiliiies in the north. R. O. Steele manapin? dlrecjor of the Hudson Bay Miitinj- Co.. has relumed after, rpendin? several months in Ihe Did Counlry conferring with other directors of the company. An engineer is being brought out from the Obi Country t lake active charge of the rornpany's ontlion. M. J. Christian of the Port Ed ward shinsle mills is in lown. He reports that splendid progress i heintr made with Ihe construe lion of the plant. The main building 10 by 60 is almost com pleled ami machinery lo turn out OO.iino feet per day has arrived. A 100 horse power Pellon wheel i being installed to provhh) power. YANDERH00F A day coach has been convert ed into wailing room, liekel and telegraph office and n freijthl car is Iwing used as freight shed and baggage room following Ihe recent burning of Ihe CkN.n. station here. II is understood thai Hon. A. M. Manson will seek re-election at Ihe forthcoming provincial election in Omineca district. The tinservnlive nominee j -Sam Cocker. Tim home of Harry Have wa burned lo Ihe ground last week. The loss i partly covered by In- u ranee. Miss K. M. V. Day and Cenrue II. Out ram were married here )e.lenlay. The marriage look place here last week of Mis, Alice Anna Murphy, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murnhv'. and Nor- YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING YOU LIKE AND NOT HAYE HEARTBURN ia in cm or Dttrtbtirn ttre it t roivlnc tm burnlnf mid lo ttM itooitrb K bhkd rood It Utrtl Inn he t'murh It Is llibk to reruwi,! tad Itmnm tt-tntiMly wir, WDrtln tx-furi. and tui It thrown up I tftrnUf tour trx! buir. Wbm rou. re lo this rumllli ou lll "M ibal Miurn'i Uu Urn ritli will tle yoa relief nibt tmiy. Mr. Jwfb , MrppakJ. CbrtMrnx IftlafXt. X.S WMIM: "Trt Jrtn Ipi I tutttmi ll lb iiiim fr.ta Itrtrtburo. I Umk um tU of MiltHirn'i ji.,.r Hilt tixl or ba irnnMMf fi0r. It I ry sir to bt ibt lo mi inj-Iblnr ru He ind not htm h'tribnra ny more." Miibnro'f Uu Lixr rill ire tie a ll U til d(Ur(,,r rndb-4 diff-l r-l-t fit prim L Tl T. Mllburn Co- UmUMt, Toronto, Out. " ' y D Wm VICTORIA 1 Krnesl and Hugh Caidy left last week for Saskatoon. , T. I. Conger ha returned to: his farm at Tseheiilkul Lake after spending Ihe winter in Hums Lake. Severt Anderson lias returned tfler spending, a holiday in Van couver. Lloyd Wilon, who has been with the local branch or Ihe Hoyal , Hank ror Ihe pat two year. ha been Iran sirred to Princl Oeorge, having left for Ihere las. j r-uioiaj. I lie residence Of H. Hunt was completely dsslroyed by fire al wreefc. lf. o was 2,3no pr-J liauy covered by Insurance. Rev. J. Mcllelh Millar, former-1 ly of Kingston, Ont., has taken charge or Ihe mission field) soulh of Francois Lake and will; make bin headquarter at Ool Lake while minisering lo thej surrounding points. i Lmmo VANCOUVCi CALOAKT -. . 1 1 . urnifure Sa&nGcrSc am Scus- "SATI.N'.GLOM WORKS WONDERS EVEN ON SHABBY FURNITURE Satin J 4-44 i furniture Is finished In solid MORE colors nowadays than em before. You, too, ran hatethe latrst popular fin Uh on your used furniture, at moderate cost, by Jilting it a coat or two of ".Satin-Glo" the modern eat(nllke finish for furniture and woodwork. Don't discard furniture you hate had for years because it may be a little the worse for wear. . Glre the dining table a new lease of life and service. Just smooth It down with fine sandpiper and apply the desired color In "Satin-Cto." Made In White and eight tints Ivory, Cream. Light Tan Brown, French Grey, Tur-quoise Blue, Green, Salmon rink. Deep Cream all bright, dean, pleating colors you will like, not only on furniture but woodwork as welL ALL THE LEADING PAINT AND HARDWARE STORES HAVE tinGlo COMONTON NCaiNA BRITISH AMERICA PAINT GO. Sold by A. W. Edge Co. and Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. man James I lord of Prince Oeorge. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hord of Untie. Mon'. Ilev. K. It. Arrol ofllcialed and the wif - were Mrs. Aba Xe'-oti and Harry F. Fallon. BURNS LAKE FFHI H iTtTITlTITTTTnTTr ANGER is a Poison and very often is caused by poisons from our food. If you fun) yourelf angry often for slight cause, ok lo our rood. GOOD BREAD " Hie great harnioiuicr. Instead of righling wilh olher food, it gently sooUies. and pro-nudes digestion. Il" nil food. At Your Grocer or it La Casse Bakery jffl