JEM. DiELT JTIWSL. 'ay i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj Money . KUO MAtCC I II OOCOt- TH.VT t E-Jt-if-? l T-C AJO t rtCNCtHHlO Cl--0 THlTMe U lwrjobTovt?To I tN.rtf TRcccn inT" ftMrrr yjtr c ty orr cPvaxeT ctc-r - Orders j The oicHxrri-ieiT I I or ccu- ocn.s cT i Mi .'-i ncxr' xxjhmkt row i.NTt aug too nil'"' On Niery, Sweden and Dfk at -Current Rate of Eacluaaa. Make yocr rerralioas for Ukat Saamc Vacation t t lie Otd Land earty. For Ticket, Rates and fo format Oliver FIRS Cary 1MSURASCC Typewriters. Safes. ns. i IKS)!' If 1 S ' ' TISv Dybkavn & Haasot Insurance and Steamship Ageocy. Princm Rupert, B.C DRY Birch & Cedar Wood HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 550. Wight or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes -v.',w;? Spina? Pat-'rr: a..d sy!e Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Ju. ar;ved. ''jr slock of 'ardf-r, ar.l F;id Seeds. Oiiwr Se and Fertilizer. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Onr fanv.:. J .i.n f;al in any qua r.: fie Phone St. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' Tie ft and Secondhand Furniture STORE We , it and ejtcbanjfe all Mi)'!- i,l ntrw and second. ll.ll,d f'iHi. 839 Third Avenue. Phone G4. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm lo the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Hlearn Healed Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phono 669. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgsrson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, to 8. Phone M. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. r ' FOOTBALL TIE ,the crow of croop A WARNING m i wn mwtvx Tfcr alrc4l 1 ABLfc li Ul) 1 TO AIL MOTHERS.:" - - - . - cmMpn a Ftal .lwriatiM. Iat stM: May . CaBf . f ! May . ?M f Caa4a !iirri War Yrtrrai.' A Ur ti, 4Jrra War Vrtra' , talMxi . Gallic. May W.xm of FjtztantJ t-. 'm t Cana4a. May 19. Sun- f CatMMta . May T.r.ri War Vetera AiralMi n f Fnslaiwl. May Son of Kv2riii4 I'valltr.. j May 30, '.rral War Vrtrrai' Ar-talti . Sn of J'ailiT4. i Jihm! Callir v. Orral War !lraii" Artalioci. ! Jn S. f Canaita v. f Knyland. IN-CaHW t. m f IJunr (aoada. !irt War VHTa AMnatMii J - J. Btir will rrferrw- I he ivro firl ?air. Rrfrrw Xr Hhe Hhrr g-arnr $ft be rWM 'lalrr. f f(rn fww k b-rn a-, l,inlr.l ?muiilMiaa ffr llr I s Irrml al I fee uiefinz lat nijroi (rr iiry Hill, prl-drni; W. M. UrffWH. vier-pret d-nl; fl. a'. Kijirll, errrlar'-lrraurrr; J. Waton, CaTlir' drlya!.; Frank Virkrr, Sony f Kn?iarid Harry lvr. Son of Canada; F. IUtrri. i;r-al War V"irran' .rriatKn. Sport Chat 8 I Now that Ihe ballim? .raon lia openrd il m liih linie thai omfhinv should lx- lnw lo imprrnr and repair I br facilities al I lie Sail I.ake wlik. ar in a dilapidated if ho! unafe condi- iion at the present limr. Ttie l.ak i in nl of a jrrnral overtiaul lefore wimmin; ea;i airam lr enjoyrvl wllli rtKiifori. and )afrly. Preparation are Mntc rapidly 1 Irouipleled for llir annual prfn? 'jineeting of Ihe Telkwa Joetey Cluh al Telitwa on May Z. For 'lie la two year the elul ha put on fine raein? bill' on, Xic-toria Hay and a eanl i being drawn up for (lii year that will ! First CJty Cliampioashfp Came nam ww r-vac iu mon- rnnrr mm tint mtnmt r B I-Mi, nHUJSv nf a eirnn wa m4t Imr tea bimv. T-v H a scran .-..l, fr w . i.. !- aen t m r W Pl tL Ott am r r cw imp mm prsir M- !fn. hf Ska p Shfi-"1 BRIER Poll K4 Urn M a4 T U a prv- f Mrv x. a. HX tM9 m r V4 Jra h u fctrMr tt ek rHUf 4r; P ay j 7W T. ra Oa the nw-r a4 a cm. t' faa in rsviaee u, a dezree faa Julife fte ftrerie1i0 f a fuf wrr for tnHk f Ifce eoJetMir. JT manif4irf a lor awl will. mzM fnr uusinz tkal matr th Mrm tmr of yrral jHtBlarily ilh hli- fan. "tciiUttUm Iietd I tie erwa i Mipne for Ihe main bu' !-.-tween Tommy Frarr of Pt i i Huprrl and T, O. Martin o Smilber. Tbrfr mid-lieavy in- i (f-rfirrlalion of Ihe jraiae mmid v.rke toe eromil inlw a Imwlin? rwrfl ff ririlp.1 fan who. in ap-ftrerialkm f Hir nrnlid ex-i Jiilitimi. rre IHra) and mifar- ll in Iheir lrlloinif of - firmalioH arxl nroura?emrn. II wa ne ilrni of Ihe Ivtenly on Ibr prosrram Ihal at alone uorfh I Ue irire of adiniiHi. Tftere wa till l to rlwrr iweeri ih two men." .livin, lw.r ! sery 8haky and (10 RHRY fll l 1 1 i(y . I lie drrin2 ronmn )u jare in raHi-r bad ha(e Tt whole 'uiorii-nt at Ihr Sail MAN PESSIMISM AT MAY 24 CELEBRATION VlfrrOBIA. April 30. Plan are lo he pr-rfreled by thr flyrn Club for Ihe proprr ilipaleli on May i of "Old Man l'rimlMri" who lia been ruMin; iwthiux of a dali in certain rjiiarlero of lln city for eome lime paL Al llieir regular Dwnthly meet- in? the tiyroft rlieul Km fm. ibililie of devrlopin? a llllle more oplimiiiii in the eily. Tlie mailer wa broached by Kari equai it not e -. I anylliiny f Kuke. who bal Jul relumed Hie pat. The rare will h) from a Irip In Ihe Kal. where tie tiiimeroiiM and the pure fc'ood. found condilion nol lo hi lik- Iliere in keen rompeiiiion io ili!itiir. He wa orry lo find in lb. 80 nr Man (B wW a f. m.(SI Ifey rl W )ir8ti lr8atr 1. The lr-ii th i"' " OiWr ir. M4. Fitnnrial would he held. thi ECONOMY iuy at Time Uncertain JimI when Ihe efeelton will be ueld i till uncertain, in pile of many indiral un that the ron-' lel will be -ome time durin? ISic Mimroer. probably in July. The uo eminent hl ri en ihr order (hat all Hie otrr' 111 muit tc revid and ready for ue by July I. whirh i taken a a fairly afe be that lh Oliver admin. iotrallon will zu lo I lie eoiinlry Urilhin ih next month or mi. Afler making a erir of nvr ,r le hid'ftnile announcement rexanlin? Ihe K"vernm-nt,i elee lion program and inlimalinx nia i ne wouui hr realy lo zive out 1 1- date in a few'ilay. PrJ. trtier (Mivrr raneelll several peakin? en?azemeitl and otarl lei tor me fai. lie Malci on Ihe eve of hi drjarlure Ihal he inlrndnl lo li.eii a number of rnatW eoneernin? bolh l(i fnl. era! and provincial pnternmenl while in Ottawa, ioelu-lin? Ihe Peace lliver railroad projerl anl the old land-by. freight and ex pre rale, but (here are mem ffc yj" (Also in Pkkagls 154 & 20t) " """ 1 ""- a tUix "" " w - rVc4 mat s- am't kiwMr lkry ' ttankfu'; Kart. I tkNi! ar j mn IV il mS ll vnwtfc iikI.ibi !w bv i a al M fk Ums tk alrtitrf." PREMIER OLIVER'S .r tm Man r Maa'' w't br flym rwnIrvWfitni : l!r annnal Ir. - VISIT TO OnAWA Effort to Create Mystery in Spe cial Story Sent to Financial Post Tr!.ria re Yallrr mk f!t' f4lriT de; Wh it, hi -r1 1 aottrrd. Tfce Ja villi tltTTOtll.s. An! 3. fce eiw-t Mh a htr rimm- uv Dm (rnBt thr rl-U f nmin. frutn all Other. f Wntwh li lle lrrt arr n-rrii. a MMov hn bMl'rbieii t a piar at ?ikf rerefsHy wfcen Ib Hrifvar Rsprri uy ar1iri aiMl m lfr trrarani: W. HJrmart f Prince Roper an ie2 xtrne mtmitM 3hHr wti Ibrre maitMJ af na. fy inirrrlianzei in wbtrli rienr Mylery I'ree ftieatita. to Ottawa. Be rex-ntM the Fe4- eral ea petal a few day ar for a erte nf etmfreaee mith Fe4eral aenMfir ad there are a few polHician in the rMt proriipre who wuld ea?rrty eet an opftorl amity Vf tarn fry- the uhjeet and trend of the eoa rer-alim. Fr tbi i f fcr an eteetkoa year la Hritih tViliiiedria. The laet oafats thai the Oliver ad iini!raitaNi "wd ronlinue ia ffire ttnlil the espiralion of Ha lersa more I baa a year henee.were dielled a few week a?o when lli 'rnvernmenf teri4ed lo eon. till - Utr viter on Ihe question of heer dilrrbuliti and follow. l a tew- day later with an an. Rounrement Ihal n Ihe iiame day the heer plebiscite wa taken general provincial Hrrtbn oi an poiiiicai panic on Ihe roal who wonder if there i nol orne djxr CHUe for Ihe iid'lrnly arran(rcl lour. Some hare wondering whelher Mr. OJIer e 59 tary. Dadly News Classified Ads. 2 CXfTS PES WOHO IN ADVAMCK. Ito A4vrtimnt Takan for L than SO WAjrrre rrsD j IBSTITI'TI: TEAIIMCRS A.vra. Any-! wtklnr U bast- lbtr ttaatr; pteml oa Ikr .nlMtHNlr' levrtwr' Ut. ran 4 o k fr-i saniinz eptaJinra- line U W. It. YA.VX. Serr.' WA.VTBI Faradtir f ererj drftti. HkV1 prim tMiek Priswe Rf-1 Kxebisv. AtjeU8rrr. PImmp MS W AXTEIi. WanJe4 lw bay bn, 4se aa4 mikr turmtfmt. Pareatar and prire l Ht 179 fiolfy .Yew. tt W.UfTEn -Hfn lor t eey. il year R fr the uinaor. Slate rn. Wntr Hos. l? iMUy hoeavnt. Apply lanVie. Al-free! Street and Tenth Avenne. WA3fTKI. Tw wri: dentap rooea and hetsr. Apctty The lalaJet - If ?YA.YTKI -Simrrr Sewimi mach. inc. Prie rea4Miahb. Phone HJ 70. If VA.VTKr.- Yan? man fnr 4e. frvvry ear. Apply Muaten Bro. 0-oner. 103, U'ANTEH. Woman want wvjrfc by Ihe day. Pbon tireen -HT. WAM'FI. Wman Un hoe wnrfc. Apply Svy Hotel. Inl BOAKO. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenne. Phone 1S7. tf AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SAI.F. An Auction Sate will hebl al 1 1 1 Fourth A vena. Wri. n Saturday. May 3 al 3 1 m. cwniling of Oak liimna Rnhi Suitr. carpel, chair. Yuk'oi lrd. braler. Mr-tlary ran?), kilchrn fable, etr. Philpotl-Kvitl A --. I.ld auction err. BEAUTY PARLOR. Complete up.lolate lUauty Parlor. n.bliiny a peela1ity. ilairriretkinff. Hair (ioo made lup. Skin and Nlp Treatmenl Violel Hay. Pricr Reanable. MRS. LOVE, Room 6. sirptini Itltltr over Oenny Allen tU,. Mione 36. Goods AUCTION SALES. Housfht, TAXI Sold Taxi 67 Phone. (Call George or Gust) or Rxehanped H. H. HEMMINCS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Ulack 134 and Red (12 i , Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Dy or Nijbl Stand: lOrotto Cigar Store. Third Ave. ihikih uavr receiver vork rrom chief of Ihe Liberal early at Ol- lawa thai Ihe present i an un propiliou linw for a conlc and whether Mr. Oluer look Ihe hint and hurried eal wilh a view lo fatniliariinn lh hlfrher-up" of (he parly wiih 'oiijiitii on Ihe coast. APPEARANCES DECEITFUL "Doc your wife ever admit Ihal he in wroiiR iir an aru-meiil i" "So; the nearcl die ever comes o it . lo remark Ihal I am no a bi "a fool a I look I lot I on TranvcrJpL "I FOR SALE ' " : u I ti nntmnm FOft SALE. Five rcrned hM MAIL dlHMJULt on Second Avenoe. Itatldia? fm Onscrament wharf rvi a er the East . a new iand. Nine to-aere Mondays. WedueM . tti bat, one l-aere Int at Terrace. day. ekei sf 5 Prbatu Gearai, lot la and It. From the Cast neoea lit; mt to and ll, Moaday. Th;rdyf ! oreVif, IJO om nss aaee. i us; ia; leu wu rs zn ami ana zv. Z.' btoak ll?; let . hlnek I.I. Ady A. C Utiie. Scnew Ate. . 9 FOR SALE Inneb -Star" tl.l Ford enpme roavrtd l avartoe ervtr. Atwalrr Kent' taactmfi. All eoetfroi bnubl to 4erin2 hvlkhead. rlWireef lsta and vearrfclichl. A f ily boat al harxeuti ariee. Appry careiaker. Priaee Rvnerl Vaebt Clem, or phMe 8. Firet cya emmdMina. Lyiitc nt YaeM Club. Price K0.tM. Apply 0. Rorie. Hay llbl?. Phone 37. If IT) R SALfL SS.19 h.a, Slerltai; Acme; Bodi trail mm, enen. lata le and i Deluding emip- Ime. 17-aiH) 34 foot croier. 20 ap. Jaetj vrfauted. toilet, galley., IMM. M. M. Stephen. If' FOR SAI.F.. Ivory Wicker Bade MuaTiy and Ivory Cr, tw-hd norenee eonker witii oven, iroti eeler, mall urwf4rr kaismr Usaied RUSTAURAXT for Sale or J.. Apply ll,x 175 Daily News FOR RENT FOR RKXT. PurnUlird Ikmim. ke.tfir room. 110 Slxlh Ave. liet. I'howe ltltie 217. tf "-naaBBwnainaaananaB-.a FOR RKXT Four room, UKxIera, lieaied afiartmenl. Apply Smith & MallHt. Ud. tf OFFICK FOR RliXT, willi modern nvinir quarler. Wi'slrnhavcr Hros. FOR RKNT.pamrr House for cheap rates and home rom- ' forts. LOST .fST. Iridic ' diamond rlnj? nf pnrucular valu lo owner From Vancouvec Sandayt Wednesday .. Fridays Si!- A I. C P.P.. April ,. is : 2 Yo Vancouver Tday. Mail n tei: n Frhlsy 1 Al iUtardays A.I CVJL Aprti 1 1 ,. t To Anyoi, Alice Arm: Sum, Premier Wedaeedaye . . n M Fl SAI.K. ra- boat "Xadia." From Anyoi. Alke Arm. SU.t-t Six, ftoffar boill. t h ' Premier tnoee. Otantrte with t-r. Fridays .. ki asre IMtery. Ue aad flulnire. 1 To Port Simpson, Atlee t'e Anyox, Stewart and Prmif Sunday t From Port Simpson, Alice ts Anyoi, Stewart and PremUe-Tedsy AY Yo Alaska Points-April 7. 18 From Alaska Points April ll - Yo Qveen CharteUe Island fl Annl IS arwl ?- From Queen Charlotte Aaetf in an.i .t Yo Naas River Points and M Simpson nmrday . t p.l Phaisr ' From Naas RJver Points- IMne 612. tf, Satordaye 1 ' Bai tl fill Collection r oil sale. -- Power boats Bf , " every deerin4toft cltd4ntc nralaa A. Atim . Ideature. irollkut and wrk;.t .lle. Kijbih f. l-al. at reasoruWe prfaee. alh f & Fulton si . Apply X. M. McLean. Cow Hay. wlh u, A l?MMII TDK AKROPLANR ARK. a final I with buc 60t3t for ale. Tbe:,,u' Avr. A fheri.r....k Itou.e will anewer the Htft ! u 3" Spna? or Alir Arm Annly 1 f ,h Av ' ""' llox 177 liaily New ufflre. tflj"1 Aw- Ave 01t SAI.K. 7 b.p. medium .luly oili Ae. A. Hay Itep-ai. in in aorollllon. Hret :ip-lr .4 S50. For pariieuUr rta J.8lh Ave. A tllon s J. Iotaldoa, Prl KlnKtin Uh Ave. A Mflln.l.- S FOll SAI.K. Skeena river -fine eondilion. Snap. Ajplr O. P. Smith, lieneral Oelivrry. Prince Ruirt. lit:. 1 01 FOR SAI.K. New and uel Machinery, float ami Kngine. .Vortliem RxehaHse. tf if i t t Pro. tlov. Wharf ... ' O.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. A In. I si Jrd Ate. A Full-n St. Srd Ave. A !li St. 1 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, April 30. Illfili i - t ;.i .o u l.ow I I a m. 17 ::. r Thursday, May 1 Illftli . I? .1(1 p "i Iw . .. fl;li 18:15 p pl Friday, May 2 lllxli i l?.r,t p.m. Iiw O S I a i' I8:5.t p " IN THC SUeftlMK COURT Of COLUMBIA. I. it.. VJ . A, .1.. .-.v.nn.11.' -i A tf, nd. In llw Mllfr of n Arrn i' Allre Arm UH. l.lnxixl ii I'erwu! I b rtMlwrnl i Ihr In Swiiun IS ' tlx Tiki' miitiii' ilui in n, i ., . . .. Ih-m it iim iMirl l hum i-i '-i Kiaoiv p;n,. .- fH(..;M,;. ,,n Hi.Uv. the lh Hi ions akii N w iiflire Return (o '5- "'.lii HEMORRHOIDS wo nol suffer anoUier day wtth tuhmc Ulainc. or rrouudlna- 7"' pritlcn rxulrU. Vr. Oiane' tr! JJrt,n " Ti at ones ami iluUMUf .'-l- We s boil all uinltwi, Turonio. Kampl Ikix fro. If lion msy lx hennl m lx-ull' J ""'"'"- Ci..ny rr n lid'nr lie reMorwl " i: (i SSlTIt" :1T I- m iumi suits .iiciiwm ltd or Ihe Mill r. . , rl am TAkK notice imi i iw (tie ulil ii'Hirtllnn mill I ,. .ltd i'rllllim nf llie f:roi.pnr ' v P,ini" lh Afnl4ll nf Filwsre' , (, ' wira un 1 Tik rtiy nf April, o- flM. , . ,, (7I jr VI April, nil. J....-. S t T T 'Wil l UM 0. VI I'rlnre litij--rt, n 1