u-tdnt Jay mtm , The Car That Tackles Every Job When a nun nceda a car lor many Job lie lurni instinctively to the ford tourins car. Primarily, the Ford tour-ins U a family car and as such has ettab-linhed a splendid reputation lor tcrvicc and dependability. Dut its useful nets dor not end there. You will find the Ford tourinc doinc every job that cam have ever been ucd for rruk ins the quick run to town on urgent errands takin? produce to market and supplies back home doinc everything fn fact, that a utility cur is called upon to da And itdcxithcm ad quickly, economically and wivtetuuo ana recreation. F. O. R Fori Onurio 144$. Tn rim. See Any Authorized Ford Dealer CARS - TRUCKS TRACTORS PASSCNQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. rnne Rapm 4.41 pa. for rMM I OtORCE. ID" .Tn. wt.. iO pulou tftum Car-4a. I'ntt-d Stale, AOCMCT AIL OCCAD STlAMfMIP LINKS. t Tklrl Offka. tft Tl . PrlM Imh IW. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services rr Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, May 2, 13, 23 For Ketchikan, Wrangetl, Juneau and Skagway, May 0, 10, 30 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full formation from W. C ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. allltifl t- m Prtnn" Rupert, VOOUVIH, VICTORIA. Ocean , Sk.ob (a,, Tlt, S P.. VANCOUVER, VICTOMIA, Alael and "ton 111, tMV-ar No. 'm AN10X, AUCC AN. STIWART Walat laland. SunHa, S P.M. POUT SIMPSON and NM " Cair, rna, n.m. inn 4nu. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service SS. PRINCE GEORGE Sails from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, May 10 and 24 t. areii. i"t If You Are BOAT-BUILDING w nive Hardwood, Fir und Q'.lar llout Lumber. 1 i arc lir-d of Kalomine and Paper, try Fir cnecr , J'aiell.ng. , ' ure Uiinkiiig of linildntfr a l.ou--e. we have any lumher vi't require, ulxo Saxh, Ihioc-. tiluss. SHOCK LEY'S Planing Mills CovvDay. Phone 383. PUBLIC MEETING HEAR PROVINCIAL PARTY VIEWPOINT P.CE. ENQUIRY. Ami Oilier Live !'io.x B08TON DINING HALL (Over Union Bank) TONIGHT, Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Speakers: J. F. Tener, John Connell, Bert Showier. k : 1 4t t a tt THE DAILY RRWB. PAQB TORES. lioas& rniirnrniTiniT 1 tl ar u i in 11 11 i - CONGREGATION a Ajummuirt i mil i 1 1 Local and Personal IS DISTURBED 1 U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 One of Elders and Lady of Con - OadefApLuoTo Hayners. Undertakers Pboue gregation Take Exception to 361. tf Remarks of Pastor Mm. M. 1'. McCalfery will not EXPRESSED VIEWS reei'hc loinorrtw. Preacher Told That What he Was Elks' Minstrel Show, West- irT0BACC0 Saying Was Not According W to Fact holme, tomorrow evening S.15. j J"w Prince niiprt. A.r I Mml CiiiTi'-iiohilrlico KINiiKTON, April 30. It is nol often Dial member of a church 'iigrcguliiMi talk back at the pn-arher. but Hint 1 what bap-IMMieiJ here mi Hauler' Sunday. Two of (In- dh-ih!"h of Goole's i'rubyU-i-iati Chuprh look exeep-I ion to Aoini remark uiade- by Hm'ii palor. lie. T. J. !. Fer-hiimjii, in regard to Church Union, '.hey row from their seal and -h i tlieiiinclvcK in no uncertain term, causing quite a hii-ii'. FfHiiiK run Mali Jiere in rKarl to Church Union amj tin- oim-iiion re very pro-iioiinrfii in their vjewn. Easter Message Mi. I'VrtcitMon had coiiiuirneewl hi KhIit lm-airi. :ni,i ilnrtn? jllif loiirxi- of hi rcniarkit lie jfwitrli.,1 on io Ihf quenlion of Clniirli I'iiioii, in which be i ;er tinirh iiili'reld. He made ivfi-n-iie' to the frl thai Ui iiM-iiil.iTi. of the I'reobyleriati iCIiunh who are opposed lo :hurcli t'nioii lia. eirculatNi -ard ami akei tin: i?nature "f lliow who were in aeeord wilh tin wonliiiir lo hp ilarii on Ihe j"!ir.U an! ifliini-.! lo Ihe imti-iuiiioii I'oniniiltee. The n-nmrko jWlin-li Mr. FTnifoii made in eon- ikmMoii wild thin tie. I ion ilM i iM''al l one of I be elder 'f Ho- liurrli, ami he slood lo ln f.--t ami I ol.l the uaHlor Mtm. liinitt to the effwrt . that llie tatrioeiit, which he had jul ut-lrr.d wnre md eefirdiiii lo fart, and that he did nol ihink thai ialer iin.rniii wax Ihe time lo diM-u i;imreh Union. Expressed Disapproval After lino elder had okrn, a lady wlio Into been a tnenrtier uf tin- rhureh for many year, ttx- i.rf..-ii hT dtoHproat of the alor lakina on the imImii of il hureh I'uion in Ihe ehart-ti ivieu ,f llw- fan lMi all tM mem of Ikf eoiitriratiin were noi .in ai-eonl with In. ipw on Ihe iiiij,in. j Sin- uuKP.lrd lhal Mr. reriMioon llmuirht that the Oburph r ii ion qiiexlion lionld lr eorixitjered, it sroakl le a,lvii aide lor liiui 1o rail a ineelintr for lll- MiiMtu of llinrilaniiisr Ihi li Km. and tial) (hose who uer- tiiii-inlfHl iii Ihe uld( If ro-nt. For a few minute lliore wa- iint an itilre(iii? I nun. toil l.Hkr alnr roll tinned hi. enioii. II in a well- known fael lhal llev. Mr. Per k'liom l a xlnuifc adiN-ale of I'.lmrrli Union and on .i-vrral weaxion in re roiniuir lo Kins-loti li;i e&jireltMml hi vjews trom the iuli o ihe eliurrh. M. mmim After Every Meal TP It's Ihe lonocsMastinn confection you can buy -anti it's a help lo digestion and a cleanser lor the mouth and teeth. U'rlfllcy'a means benefit an well as pleasure. in iio'oiii.i ii-iimuitam euiiio iiiin iiiol lint moiiiiiiB and di 'rlnii-d I-' ln--ci- of mild riirt-.l a I ti- 1 1 for -liipnii'iil iat. i ANNOUNCEMENTS j The l'ri'liylerian IMi.l.T. (Jon-i' i Ainl .1(1. KmiireHM Ihealre. j FUh' fiiilrel Truu). Flmt isliow M.iy I. . .... .t, Itnll-y ll"ine ll.uaar. May I. - l'i i i Itiiiici ' T"tiunt Ululi An nual l'! ;v i:!i lianre. May 2. If - - Mr. U. U. Mill will not re ceive, tomorrow or ajrain until fall. i " Cut Flowere, I'ot l'lauU.' Mr. McCarthy, the Florist, liniad block. if T. McUlymoiil i inuviii? Ills olliee ItxJay (o the new ilorc nexl lo the Jien.un i'lioto Studio 'on Third Avenue. 4. HainJressiiig. .Marcel Waving, iMinomeal (Clawinic l'ack). Mi A. Itorvik. Ily aDuoiiilmoril. Phone itcd OI'J. if C.N. It. Kleamer I'rmec Iluieit, (it. I). Donald, from Vatieouer and way orl, i due in jiort at TiJtO tli m eveiiln?. MOOSIv Iri.lallalion of onieern a H o'clock loiii-'lit. Oj.eii lo rnemlvr or W.O. M.I.. and friend. Social following. Morley oilier arrived in (he eily from Slewarl and Anyox yrerday aflernoon and i rejrix-tered al the Prince Itujiert Hotel. Henny AlJeM fy, Sale t ueek. Cutis and odueefj' from jfi.Kj jcr do. Wakli "window for har-?aini. Sale ewminenciii? May 1. 107 Ve e I.aiiilnuled material? alo Fir Vemrc-r. Unult ux before ItSyioir flaNhin? for your houxe. Albert & McUalTery, Ltd. tf Mr. K. Stiitey had a charge of auU atrataxt wMr. S. ltoloie in Ihe (oliee euurl this myniliip. Tbr eae w-ax ndjinimed until Frhlay. Adoldi Mergnian of 3oiui Hiver. I'orrhw ll(ind. i leavin on louifhlV tralff for New York enroule lo hi old home in Sweden. Jame ilalun, well known A lire Arm pro-neetor, arrived in Ihe eily on ihe Cardona jelenlay anil ix reL-i.tere.l ur the Hotel Prince ltupert. John r. (iarvey of llarlford Wi.eon.iii ix fu rarcli of hi brother Ilan l. (iarvey, who was in Ihe real exlule biixiuexx in thi eily in lyij. lie wax in Alaxka before eominp here. Ir. O. Palmer wa a ui..cufr from ljueeii Charlolle Cilv to lluckley Hay iax.fn? through on he Pnnee John la.l nishl. lie ix lo xiieeeed Hie lale Ir. J. A. Ilrir-. ax idiyxirian for Ihe Max- xeli TimlHT Go. al Huekley Hay. The editorial article written by Mixx Zirka Zulilovirh which won Ihe ten dollar prixe awarded b Hon. T. I. Pallullo. has been i-e- priiited in the Ketehikan Alaxka Chroniele ami ix uxril ax the UmuHiil' ediiorial of I lie dav ii; that paier. Mix. V. H. lobey of Kenue- builkiiorl. Maine, ix a nalient ul Ihe Montreal Ceiieml llo-piliil. iveoenii)r from an aeeideiii xuxtaine.1 on t:,c Joueioy from Prim e ltuterl, where l.e ird Mr. I Toliey xprnt the winter with their j Montreal (Jazclle Tom Hlack. who hax been Ink nit me xcienre' eourxe ul the. t n i ei'xiiy or n itixh Columbia, ix home for liix vacation. He hax juxt completed tin' 'fourth year at Hie Uniu'rsily iiri.l hax one more year to lake before he Kiinlualex. He ix a xon of Mr. ami .Mix. James Hlack of lliij city. - . J. F. Tener of Vernon. Herl Miowier or vaiieouxer and John uouneii or Victoria, -Provincial Parly oralorx, are, in the eily today n ud will open the campafKU for their parly at a meelliiir lo- nihl which will be presided over by T. Hoxx MacKay. Mr. Tener and Mr. Showier arrived from Anyox yexlerday afternoon and Mr. Connell arrived from I In. xoulh today. The campaign will be carried by I lies men from i'rinee lluyrl 'nib the iuleriur. A. Farrow, xleaniboat iiixiieclor returned lo Vancouver on the Uardena lasl evening. Pa.xxeiilr'erx xailiiifc' for Van couver on Ihe (Janlena la t uiplil iiielmled J. S. ('ameroii, Mike Slarfurd, W. C. Mcliilyic. I.. (iardiner, I'on (Jainpliell. John Johtixoii, J. K. McColl, A. K. Itain- bridye, A. Ilmce, J. Hodjrere, II. IJext, Nelxon, A. Farrow, A. C. Knajip, T. A. MefJreor and H. Hale.". WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IMliHY ISLAND. 1'arl cloudy. ealm; liarometer. 30.32; tempera ture, 13; xea xinoolli; -.10 a.m. xjoke xteatiier Prinee Hupert ofl" Wearing Point northbound; 3.35 a.m. xpoke xleamer I'rinee John abeam Lucy Ixland bound for Max,clt Inlet. v HULL IIAHKOIt. (Hear. lisztat ea-l wind; barometer, 30.17: temperature, to; iighl xwell; H .in. Xpoke xleniuer Alameda, llyder for Seattle 310 index north of Seattle; H ii.iii. xpoke xleainer (Canadian Sridli-li bound for Na- iiaimo in Milbauk Sound; K p.m. xpooke luy tiiie Scott abeam Namu bound fur (Kean Fatlx: U:50 p.m. xpoke fleamer Prinrex Kna al lloxe Harbor dixeliarginv: H p.m. xpoke xteamer Hawaii Maru 325 mile from Hxlevaii bound for Yokohama; 8 a.m. xpoke xteamer Canlena in Mil-bank Sound xoulhbound. D11D IK KM POINT. Clear, frexh xoulheaxi wind; barometer. 2V.t6; lemperalure, f, xea iMlerale. Noon DHiliY. ISIM. Part cloudy. light xoulheaxi wind; barometer. JO.Srt; tempera In re, 3; xea moderate. HL'I.I. HAIIItOlt. Part cloudy, frexh .outheaxt wind; barometer. .10.15; lenieralui-e 53; liSlit well. DI1D TltKK POINT. -ItainiiiK freh xoulheaxi wind; ImrW'ieler, 3().un; tenieiature, U; xea rough. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. .Vairr I lirrrby rli ttul llur ITM-rvrt ruiFiiuir llie Uuii riiniterly lirld undrr Timber Llrt-lH-r o. JtJ.V ind 3380 rr rimrlk-d. O. H. .VIUES, OriMity .Miinlrrof Uud. NOTICE. I llilx inalrr ihht a urrk lr iwiir (Ii nni- erulOe e-k. r xliatl il'l'l) lo lltr ltrrltrir of iuiul xt'Hk owiiiaiiirx, V l'-ri. II. Id rliaiiro iur name lo tlul ol WImiIm ik I, ti.MlilKS. I.IMITKD." Ii.m.lt at rrlnrr Ituix-rt. B.C.. tliU 1 1 Hi day of April. Iti. lilt (..IXM.III .OIITIIIII IIISCII. . IIMITLli. LAND ACT. Nolle, of InUntlon lo Apply I. Luti Land. In imi IjmhI I'l.triri, liprordiuir li Inn or Miiiii. and Hlual. and berur Ua IUihI. mi I Ik- Imrlli liranrh if llii- xki-vna rtlvrr. near iinaiilr tiamr). Take .Villi tint I, Ttxmiai Willlaiu Tharkrr. ft Vrimt HuixtI. B.C orctipalkMi l.nrlnerr. Intends lo apply lor oriiilI.Mi ira.tr inr ruiiuwiuc 0-rrllx-(l lan.1 limiiiciicliir al a t planird at llie tin is I Miutherly lnl un Bay IxlanU: llirm-e nnr lli'rlv and mrilrrlr.: Uhmiiy a.iuiiirlv ami rulerly; rolluwlnr llie lnuoilties o. tbr bre line In mint uf rfmuiienrpinpni. and rulitatntntr SiU arrex, more or lexn. THOMAS VV. TIIICkER. Innllranl naled I'eliruary Uth. mi LAND ACT. Nolle ol Intanllon to Apply lo Purchai una. In Skeena Und lioirlrt. Ilerurdinit Dlx-Irlrl ur Coait, and altuate ud Cauiiianla laland. Take nllre that Clart'tim I' lialnirr and iamea Mc.Nnliv. of Print- liuiwrt. n r omuutlull liisuraiire aaciit and LmVrr In. iruu in appiy ror perinoshin lo purrliae iuiiuwiiik urrrnieti iaiHl: (.nnilnen. riiiir at a rHt planted at the head or a bay al the eaM en r Campania Island and atxul oue mile rnmi the aouth end nr the Island: theiire rllnnlnf llie alniKwItlea nr t ie 4Hire line al tilth waler line anmnd the iMand In Ihe iilare i,r ptaiiniiirnni and rontalnlnr a.imo arren. nMire ur le. C E UII.VTin k JIMI.S MrMILTY J .Name or Apnlicanl. . . . .,r.r r- wilu.iji, Arent. lil.t Inrll fnrl I Of I E4fe-Hold;iitt..w? Fast-EasCtrHin simonds: SAWS 8M0ITM CANADA SI V CO. LTD. ONTRIL Sr. John, M0KED FISH M AT m Pf7QT J JL There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Mules are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Huperl Brand is always ue-livered lo Ihe sluris in clean new boxes clearly stamped "Huperl Urand." 2 Wrap in cooking paper, cook in moderate over fur 20 to 30 minutes, remove paper and serve al once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fish and Meal Markets, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Dining - room Suites Range Jn price from $100 to $300 Many styles and finishes to suit every taste. Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Pnon6 123t Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. LMiuii.riinra Underwood London DiyGin H , $3.25 per Bottle. Iiiiiiiiiiii i ii is uuveriisemeiil is not tml.lui,,..! ... .i:....i i .. .. . Liquor Control UoarU or Ly the Government or v llrilish Columbia.