r pp. I mnif iff l nirnm Nn : MAKKtl Prime Itaby Beef, Lamb, Krmli l,ork Fowls and Chicken, Fresh Fish, etc, fresh llomc-Madc Sausage Daily. il Phone 871. .'..I YIV Ml (I ' . ' ..,, "Mo.. . Tin' Soiiicrville (-inner) (in., of which Ftuiiri Millerd, V : ,i:r. ii Hie ji!iiiipal, ha taken an option to purchase i. ji I near Seal Cove formerly owned by the Pacific Sea Pro- ; L mid tl it the inteiilioii lo buve in operation there lln I unnery which will operate the yeHr round jiarkiiig sul-1 i : the summer ami rtum ilnring the winter month. Thi r I":? announcement that wos obtained, by the Daily New llii' ig from W J. Jeffernii, manager ? Somcrville (ginnery. -r Torrlngton's Horse Was Outsider, Betting Bolrg 100 to 6 Against H'MI.M IM)XS. April ' iwnni Uy Lady 1 oirinulon, "he l itv ami Suburban llan-11 '-n T ri.iHMi or a mile and n C roure line loday. Lord C ini,y Yerilicl, five lo. one at;:' Nn-omi and Lord Oueen-l,; .ii t (Jreek flaehelor. cihl wa Ihird. ' It: wa an SLIDE IN BULKLEY oulib'r. Ihe k aaiiil I.oIhk tou to (i. ' CANYON ON C.N.R. Train Traffic Has Been Interfered With Durlnn Past Few Days as Result , A lurk mid mud nllde came "Juwii over the main line of the iidlaii National Itailway I"" n New llazellou and llulklcy ' -uiyiMi uu .Monday nixlit ami lnii inicrferlnjf with train Iraf. 'luce. The tniin leaviiiR hero '" Hie Ki Miimiay ii i It I wan ""' ll; lo kcI ,in,h until Uil "neriHMHi and (he train hchedul " in leave for Ihe ea.t at rt.ts j?"' "aht wa held hem unlil 5 ' inornlriK, Tib? train duo llt"'i Hie i;ul at 1.30 thl aHer oii i repi,M riv0 hour late. J l expected thai Ihe lld' will ln cleared up early (hi lf-''"'oi,. wns CHUS,., by ,e iim"' Wui"'" wealher and wa , 0 tv.cl long ,y 35 feet deep vcri,K both rail. Subiuibe for Hie Dally News. Laura Whalen ir Victoria Ial fall and wa now eonxerlinif il al Vancouver into ii Tloaiiu;; oan- nery which will be taken to Ma-rtl early in July and put into operation parkin;: pink. Hi' Laura Whalen i a nail .'i.o feel lom.' and of lt feel beam. She wa ImiIII in 1 1 I K ami wa ued la-1 wfuler Mill In hei riu mi Iterklry Sound. Vancouver I- laud. YOUNG STRIBLING IS EASILY WINNER OYER BURKEJF NEW YORK NIAV YOJIK. April :io. Young Stribling easily defeated Mike USK IN FAVOR OF OLOF HANSON TO BE LIBERAL CANDIDATE I'SK, April ao. - At a meeting of Usk Liberals last night Tor the purpose of choosing delegate lo represent them at (he Llh-eral conxenlion lit llazol-tou on May 15, delegate were inslrucled lo vole for Olof Hanson, who was the nnaiiliimus choice of Ihe meeting hi Liberal candidate lo conlest Iho Skeena riding at the forthcoming election. u Hie city comlm ling negotiation with Ihe Canadian . a CANADIAN LADY LOST FURS IN UNITED STATES Nnlional Hallway for an rxlcii-.ion of leae on Ihe l(e and with ; t rily for power supply. I Construction Work White II i rxpeclrd Dial ar. dial mutiiii- of fall brand salmon BUILDING PERMITS TOTALLED $17,000 will .lurl tin. autumn, il wlll.wnlh ' AP"" Sees Considerable prolialily ! nexl year uelorr operation will commence on a full wale. Cuofiderahlr build. . ma otilruclloii and iiiMallalioii lu, winiams layior. wue m ()f mac,lfn.rj. bc under4kMjPU"l juel Cnral Manager Bank . of ,,,,, IlMtK ,ir n,M i,,i,.r..TmKn Montreal, Victim of jprov a uccrful a expected. Robbery iiwralioii will be extended from - tb.e initially planned. Another VV VOHK. April II). Jewel. the around for nlrutly lt,t)mi year .......... , . ... J a.M.A.I n I lies ' -. . inm. ii i the elly will le proviilcu. sjj.otio. the pro.rty of Mr jpfft.r. wu, ,M)l wHittr i W .am Taylor, wife of ,u uwkf uny pnHluii a to Ihe j. iuannKrr i .or it1, f xmti ,t mialit lie ex- al. wrre Moien iiy i.ur- lfctrH esprccd hU ciprcla t raided lhi home of ,u( it wtmJ(j CJPi.w n,Mr-.v II.KK-.M-k near P.harlolle.W , pMr, I( i,c Va wiicre l.ady Taylor "j0e.Me cannery at Ihe oiilel. The plant will be operated elec ULULU WINNER RACE AT EPSOM .1 trically from elly power. I hi aflenoMoi Mr. Jefferon I fur-1 Hier roiiferruiK with the city ulililie roiiimillee. Pinks at Massett Mr. JeffemiMi ii!m aiinoiiucvdj thai Ihe Soinerville tannery o. hail boiishl Ihe womlen Mdiooner Activity In City One New Business Block Nine buildlii)f permil were i- by the city duriuz the th of April lo a total vnlii" of 1 7,doo. The most luiiorlanl IIpiii i a lore huildiu? on ScoihI Avenue for l"r Sam coil Ihtr ? lO.ooi) (o be occupicl by Tom i.ee A IU. Iteidence ami repair make up (he balance. The lil of permit for Ihe month a a follow i: J. MaVlin, ilwellin. Fourth Avenue KhI, S,500. W'eleiihaer llro n'liair lo building fouinlaliiMi.. iilli Slird and Second Avenue, I(U. W. Itobiuoii, addition lo rei-leiiri Llevenlh Avenue l'-il. 75U. P. WeriiiiK. adililion lo dwell- Ill Nlnlli Avenue Wel. $200. Lee Sam, lore building on Second Avenue near Highlit SI. 8I0.0UO. .1. W. McKinley. addition lo ieliny on I'ourlh Avenue P.ad. $30(. O. liuedjia. reldence on Third I Avenue near Ninth Slreel. ?l,5ul. (i. Coluoi. ilwelliu on Nlnlli .Wetiue Kal. ?l.500. Ii. S. Suidal, poultry houe on Kilihlh Avenue l.al. ('.'oO. RUPERT GIVEN FULL TARIFFS Recognized as Port of Shipment to Orient by Conference of Shipping Men Ihnke of New York in a fast six Word ha been received here round encounter, winning thcjhy , MiMiinif nil, superintendent imlue ileciioit by taking everywif the Canadian (iovernmcnl round. Merchant Marine at this port. lhal at a recent Pacific wcsl-houml conference Prince llupert wit added lo Ihe tariffs govern ing local huiness lo Iho Orient a well a overland business In respect to all commodities, the sanve a Vancouver, San Francisco -anil other southern ports. Hitherto Prince llupert has received recognition only In regard to shipment of lumber products, wheal ami flour. STRANGLER LEWIS THROWS MIKE ROMANO CHICAGO. April 30. Strangler Lewis relaiued Ihe world's lieavyweighl wrestling champion- ship. ib'Tcnling Mike llom'auo, Ihe Italian, 1i1 two-out of Ihreo falls. mix PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHIXCE JtL 1'KMTi B.C., SVF.DNKHDAY, APIUL 30, iUSM. Rumpus in Legislature at Jamaica and Request Sent VMUrtfif't Clrutloo 1M2. Tin hiiKe bobc is .-nd lo be the rirt of ln species lo ev r perform over the ether wave. He recently entertained radio funs who were listening Hi on hi program broadcast from a station in Los Angeles. . 1 1 That Governor be Recalled KIMiHTON, Jumaica, April ISO. A political crisis developed when u majority of members of the Legislative Council WTted to slrikcMrum the budycl the salary of the director- of Ihe railways in protest, il is alleged, against unpopular management and faorililii toward a Canadian construction comouiiy. MUCH DAMAGE BY TORNADO Three Gulf Slates Suffer Loss of Life and ATLANTA, Georgia, April 30. A series of tornadoes swept the country north of the Gulf of Georgia today doing immense property damage and causing loss of life In some cases. South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama have been the chief sufferers. Up to eleven o'clock this morning the known dead numbered sixteen and seven were missing and there were 42 injured. Nine deaths occurred near Anderson, South Carolina. THIRD READING "FOR CATHOLIC EPISCOPAL CORPORATION BILL OTTAWA. April 30. - A bill lo Incorporate the Human Catholic episcopal corporation of Prince llupert was given Hs third reading in the House of Commons yesterday. "LONG LIVE KING" IS OMITTED IN DENMARK COPKNIIAGKN, April 30. - Al Ihe opening of parliament Premier Slauiiiu read (he King's speech without winding tip wilh Die traditional "Long live the King and Constitution." Instead a Labor member shouled, "Long Live Demn.'ark." LOCATED BODIES WIIKKLING, April 30 llescue workers located 45 bodies of the III entombed miners up to last riijflil. MACLAREN DELAYED FOR FORTNIGHT SAYS INDIAN NEWSPAPER AI.I.AIIAI1AI). April 30. The Allahabad Pioneer learns that Sluart .Mac-larcu, Ihe Itrilisli round Ihe world flyer who was forced lo laud al llarlu, India, last week, will be delayed for a fortnight. CHURCH BUILT AT EXHIBITION Was Consecrated Yesterdaf by Bishop of London; Mountles on Guard LONDON. Apr. 30 The llishop of London yesterday consecrated Ihe Church of SI. George in the grounds of Ihe Knipire. exhibition. The building is of bungnlow type to by 20 feet and includes a veslry. The total cost was $11,-500. For the protection of the Canadian building mid lo give it a Canadian tone a posse of Iloyal Canadian Mounted Police on duty there have been sworn in as special constables but their powers of arrest and detention are extended to the Canadian buildings only. CITY AND SUBURBAN RACE AT EPSOM IS CHIEF EVENT TODAY LONDON, April 30.-mTIio prin-eipalcvcnl at Kpsnm today is the City and Suburban Handicap over n mile ami a quarter course. Ku-trles numbering M Were, received when the lists closed in January.- Australia. U-Mt (tlM 421 NUMBER OF PRIZES DAILY NEWS ESSAY Forestry Articles Must be This Week In Order to be Considered hir Leslie Probyn, the governor, declared the mailer to be """re "a" ,,ccn l,l,a' c,,n of puramounl iiiiKirlanie and Ihe voles of nine couiicilmeo fusion a lo Ihe prizes in Ihe elected under the constitution, were oveiridden. The nine rouii-:"a''y K..ay Comjelition ! 4 prize ?I0 in cash and in addition J there are five other 4 five dollars each for , mention essays. Th Latast In Restau rants. GRILL Third Avenua. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boxes for Party Use. Taka Her to The oaton." PRICE FIVE CENTS. NEW m PACKING ' PLANT FOR THIS CITY ' 1 - -" SNOWDON'S LABOR BUDGET PROVES POPULAR IN GREAT BRITAIN TODAY New Packing Plant to be Operated this City Site Near Seal Cove Plant was Formerly Operated by Pacific Sea Products Under Option for Cannery Purpose. CUP TO BE GIVEN SCHOOL FROM WHICH PRIZE WINNER COMES OTTAWA, April JO. Hon. Churl! Slcwart. miniMer nf Hie interior ha authorized Hie precn-laliun nf a haiiiumc cup li be presented ly lie Uih.tiiiihmiI of Canada In Ihe -i IkmiI lal attended by the winner of the grand prize for all Can-ula in I In' Save (lie Pure At cay Competition. Tin- mean lliat if a Util oT Prince IUicrt school win the grand prize, I ln school which lie or she attended will ! prei'iilrd willi a iii to be kepi a a memento of I lie event. British Budget is Popular but : Conservatives Object to Dropping ! of Imperial Preference Policy LONlJON, April 'M. This morning's newspapers of all shades of political opinion generally concede that the budget iiulioduced by Philip SnowtJoii, chancellor of the exchequer, is a very clever one, and one which on the whole is bound to be dis- .tinclly loptilur throughout the country. J The Conservative press gives expression lo the fears that the dropping by the yovcrnnicnt of imperial preference will be resented by the Ikiminioiis. The Morning Pol says it is a staggering shock lo Ihe Knipire and the Daily Telegraph declares that the eiisuiu? disappointment, leiabilterment and dissension within the Knipire must be borne by Ihe combination of parties which fathers thi reversal of' policy. j Sir Itoberl Home, former chiin-j cellor of Hie exchequer, taunted Mr. Snowdon with Ihe readinessl on the part of Ihe government to! have a trailing agreement with Ilussfa but not with Canada or GOVERNOR IS CONVICTED AND HAS RESIGNED INHIANOI'OLIS, April 30. Warren McCray resigned yesterday as Governor of Indiana following bis conviction yesterday on charges of using the mails in furtherance of a scheme. He will be sentenced Wednesday WRITING CONTEST ;'-'"1,19 taken to "'S the Atlanta "? w:n, federal L1 In prison lo serve his sentence. DOISY ARRIVES WESTERN INDIA cilmen Ihen retired from the chamber and sent a request to the which closes at the end of this1 ccrclary of slale for the colonics in London asking lhal the week. The first prize is a Iwo Reaches Karachi Safely governor be recalled. .step radio set valued al 51-0 ami j Row Only Few Miles the second 923 in cash; Ihird I MacLaren and Is From prizes on KARACHI, India, April 30. honorable Lieut. Ooisy, the French airnuni .on his way from Paris to Tokio, The winning essay will be for- arrived here yesterday afternoon, warded to Ottawa ami lak? a having flown about 750 miles Jchanre in Ihe grand prize which from llemlar Abbas on Ihe Per- is a more valuable radio sel. t'Jie sian ("Jul f. He is now not many 4-(Winner of the gnu! prize will re-'miles from the Urilish flyer llurn Ihe other prize and it will Stuart .MacLaren who was forced he given a Ihe prize to the see-ilo descend al Pallee, 172 ond prize winner. miles from Ajmerc in ltajpulana l'says should be sent to the province of western India soon Daily News orfi.ee as provided injafler leaving- Karachi ud at the rules ami regulations pull-which time il was announced he lilied a ndmber of times in this would likely be delayed a few paper. (days. The competition i not con- fined lo subscribers lo Ihe Daily News but is open lo any reader, no matter where located. NORTHWESTERLY GALE DELAYS U. FLYERS Bitterly Cold at Aleutian Islands According to Report From Dutch Harbor DUTCH IIAllHOH, April 30 Hitler northwesterly gales have been sweeping Ihe Aleutian Islands with Ihe result that Major Martin was nol expected to leave for Chignik lo rejoin Ihe other flyers here unlit thismorn ing. FISH ARRIVALS Only Four Boats and They Were Canadians Sold at Exchange Today Only four boats with less than twenty thousand pounds of hali but sold their catches at the Kx change this morning. Those boats were Canadians. Sales were as follows: Malamule H.000 lo Cold Stor age al 10.70 and 5. Dolphin, 0,000 lo Booth Fish cries at 10.00 and 5. Ilanaco 3,500 ami Marguerite .',000 lo Booth Fisheries at 10.80 and 5. CHURCH UNION BRINGS CROWD Sir Robert Falconer Gives Testi mony Before Private Bills' Committee. OTTAWA, April 30. The church uiiiou issue brought to the Parliament buildings thi morning one of the biggest crowds seen here for a long time. The first sneaker before the private bills committee was Sir Robert Falconer of Toronto Uni versity, who staled that as a re ligious man he fell the union would make for Ihe furtherance of religion and us a Canadian be believed it would be of great BASEBALL National League Pillsburg I, Chicago 2. Sb Louis 0, Cincinnati 3. Others rain. American League Chicago, 0. Detroit t. Boston 15, Washington 0. Others rain. , ' Denny Allen Co. Sale com-mencljig May I. Glassware, Crockery", Kllchen Hardware. Kverylhlng reduced 10; Special values in vv ircduw., 107