PAOK B1X SILKS-Special Prices Black Peau De Sole o() Inch, heavy quality. Mess. $0.30 yard. Special per yard . . . $30 Black Peau De Sole Lighter quality, rieg. !i.o0 yanl. Special ' per yurd $2.50 Colored Silk Poplins III Navy, drey, Urowu. Ilescda, While, etc. Iteg. 2.25 yard. Special, per yard $1.25 Pailetto i Ufl inch, Navy, Hlaek, Henna, I'ekln, Sky, Urown, etc. Iteg. $2.r0 yard. Sale Price, per yani . . $1.95 H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD Agents for Pictorial Iteview Patterns. Phone 9. Cor. Fulton A Third Ave. THIS IS THE TIME When you feel like having Good Dessert specials fur this week only: Pears, 2 lb. tins 3 for $1.00 Peaches, 2 lh. tins 3 for $1.00 Loganberries, 2 lb. tins 3 for $1.00 Illackberries, 2 lb. tins 4 for $1.00 Pears, 2 lb. tins 4 for $1.00 Jam, i lb. tins 90c Oranges .. ..4 dz. $1.00 Lemons . . . . 4 doz. $1.00 ECONOMY STORE Phone 84. 417-5th Ave. East. Let Us SUPPLY YOUR SPRING WANTS in Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Garbage Cans Garbage Palls Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Spades Weeders Trowels Grass Shears Sickles Scythes Spading Forks Garden Seeds Kaien Hardware Co 608 Third Ave. Dozens of Tel. 3. SPRING First and Foremost The Smart SPRING SUIT The. suit is (he indispensable foundation of any Spring wardrobe and each reuisile of fashion for the allractho costume is hero observed and fulfilled to a satisfying completion. Oar. inenls so exquisite arc seldom so moderately priced. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Spring Coats to choose from. Sizes 10 to 40. Kxccllenl CoalH at Lowest Prices. BEN T'S Third Avenue. Opp. Bank of Montreal. TIMBER SALE X 5853. St-ak-d Tender will be recrht-U ly tli hl.trlrt I'orrtliT, mil later than noun on tlw tli day of May. Iit. ror Hie pure-Daw of Llceure X JuiJ. war keinaiio Bay, mirth aide of liarditrr Canal. C.K. 4. la cui iw.uuv ijijil or Balaam, uiiuim , sprure. Cedar and Fir savior!!. Two Si years will be allowed fur removal or timber. Further particulars uf Ibe Chief Forea-ler. Victoria, ur the lUMrlct Foreler, 1'rlm-e lluwrl, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5958. Sealed Tender:) will be received by ll-District FureMer nut later than ikjwi un the IttU day uf .May. 11. fur the imr- Irhate uf Licence X 591)1. between 1-uH 6tv and X. klllniat Itlter, . to 'rut iio.'iou fjj.m. (inure ur Irs; uf spruce. Hemlock, BaUatu and Cedar Saw-Slur. I Twk t(i year will be allowed fur re-iinuval of timber. ' Further particular uf the Chirr Furr-iter, Victoria, or tlie tintricl Furenter. ITincHuicrt, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5622. Seated Tender will be received by lite MlnUler or Land, at Victoria, not later than noon on Ibe 13th dav 'or May. l. for the purchase- ul Licence X ittt, to rut I.Tig.ouo reel or BaHaui, Hemlock, sprure and Cedar, ou an area fltualed on the we.t aide or Jatne I .land, Urirrin Pais. Itanre 3, Coa.t District. Three (I) year will be allowed for tr-DMival of timber. Further particular of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria. B.C., or Imtricl Foreter. l'rinr iiirpert, B.c. TIMBER SALE X 5897. Sealed Teiidera will be received by the liUlrict Forr.ter, not later than rxmii ihi the tin day of May. I9i. for the purchase of Licence X S8V7. north lde Dunda Inland, S. In rut 60.OU0 lineal reel or Cellar l'lc and I'llinr. Two ( yeara will be allowed ror removal or Umber. Further particular or the Ciller Forea-ler, Victoria, or the bl.lrict Forealer, Prince Imperl, B C. EXTRA 8PECIAL. Cho) ce Winesap Apples Wrapped stock, all sizes, For Wednesday and Thursday Selling $2.45 box llhiibarb, 5 lbs. for ... 25c liol house Cucumbers, each 35o l-trxe Sunkisl Oranges, size 17tVs, special, doz. . . 50c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones: 210, 211, 212 FARMERS' MARKET Ituiliu'rC Heef, per lb 8c Put Itoast, per lb. ... 10c Oven lloast, per lb. 12'2C Itib Sleak, per lb 15c Choice Hack Hacon, per lb 42c Choice l'ea Meal Hacon, per lh 43c Choice bide Hacon, per lb. 41o Swifl'a Premium Hum, per lb, ... ..,. 34c Old Country Ayrshire Roll, per lh 25c Quaker Peas, i!'s, 3 for 50o Quaker Corn, 3 for 50o Quaker Tomatoes, 2Vs, 3 for ... ... 50o French Peus, per tin ,. 25o Sliced Pineapple, 2'n, per (in f, ... ... 25o I'ure Honey in jars, per lh 25o Illue Ribbon Tea, per if). 65c Ripe Tonuitoos, per lb, 30c Quaker Cornflakes, 3 for 35o Orders of $5.00 Delivered. Phone Blue 428. BAZAAR WAS SUCCESSFUL Ladles or Catholic Church Held Affair In Metropole Hall Yesterday Afternoon A very successful sale was held by the Ladies of Catholic Church in the Metropole Hall yesterday afternoon. The proceeds were brought to a close with a card parly in Hie evemnir. The various departments al the sale were in charpc as laitcy .work Mrs. S. Hatcher and Mrs. II. McKwen. Cindy Mrs. Hubert Ward, Miss Allies McQuillan and Mrs. V. II. Kinkade. HalTles -Mrs. J. M. Campbell. Home Cookin? -Mrs. A. t. liil-lies and Mrs. James MeNully. Tea room Mrs. J. Lome Mar-Laren, Mrs. W. (iraltou, Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mrs. Jack Kcefe and Mrs. .McManus. CashierMrs. I). YV. Morrissey. Raffles Result . Hcsiill.s of raffles were as fol lows: Table rhdh. worked by Mm. (eorve Holmes, won by Mrs. .1. Lome Marl. ami. Table centre, donated by .Mrs. Olier llesner, won by Mrs. II. 1. (ilassey. Pillowslip, doualed by Mrs. !. II. Mcdonald, won by Miss Pul- iii i ra Aslori. Silver Spoon, donated by Mrs. .1. Pills, won by Mi M. Lawrence. Aluminum utiee pan. donated liy Mrs James MeNully, won by Mrs. S. Italcher. Luncheon set, donalel by Mrs. rv Hatcher, won bv Mrs. Louts madio. Pillow shams, donaled by Mrs. A. S. Lewis, won by K. M. Ilailey. Cushion, worked by Mrs. J. M. Campbell, won by Mrs. N. P. Murphy. Pin cushion, doualed by Mrs. U. 11. McDonald, won by Mrs. .1. H. Meapher. i Itox of oranges, tlonaled liy K. Van Uastel, won by J. ll.'Meali- CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. TAkF. MlTICE THAT: t. The Council or I lie i cirrall'Hi r tlie City or I'linre ltuert Intend to roulriirl a Iveiricnl rirtcru reel wide. cinllln or a maltrex or limber over which will be placed a larlnic nriiir a depth at lite crown oi irn inriiea cnixivHj oi oroteu lonc and "and. on thai portion or mil Avenue comiiieiicliir from a point al the InterM-rllon or 81h Avenue. (Ill Avenue and CotiHii Avenue, ihence alonr slh Avenue to the lutererlloii of HHWn street ami Mh Avenue and thence alonr th Avenue to a point Iwelye feel went of Ihc Centre Line Intej-MM-tlon or JlrlirluV Street and Cth Avenue, accord Inn to the rrade nhowii. on the plan and proMe filed In tlw tifflce or the City Kuriiw-er, a a local Improvement, and Inleiula to ierlally ne the co, I upon the laiwl abulliur directly on the work eirept ucli portion of the cint a la Incurred al Street In- terctlon and al ScIhwiI l'roterty. f. The rllinatert rout or the worn H III ' or -sahlrli al.tl7.SII U P be paid by I lie CorporathHi, and the estimated annual rierlal rale per root rrontare U V.wycat. iih iieriai aeiiieiii v in ue nald In 10 annual IikUIiih-iiK. 1. rerMHi oeinnr vi ix-linoo aianiM uiHlrrtakliir Hie work inn-t do xi on or lerore the. nd clay or June. iyri. c.lly' i:'ierk. Iiateil thl mh day i.prll, m. TCNOER FOR LUMIER. Temlera will Im reeelvedby IIk- under llioed up to 1 p in. Mirtiday. JCIh lul.. for the aupply or the rollowlur. !'.". II. Prince liuerl. Sale Tat Paid: lT.oi n. i w - ri. Hourh V. I r.MiniHpii llefui.K'k. Jt.iioii H. H.M.--v 't Aur ilHi tirade. tli'A liMr to lie ID H. Iriiir. Iialance Iwtweeu li ainl It Feet. It. J. MTIIFON. i 1'iirrhaOur reiil NOTICE. TAkE OTICE that after Publication of tills notice once a week for four concern. live weeka lint we shall apply to the 10-riMrar or Joint Stork Coiniianica. ic- rla. H.c, to cnanre our nam io mat or ' BllV.T AMI OHFUI. I.MITKH." IiATKf) at 'run iiuiKirt. H.C.. tint litn day or March, tilt. IIIIT.V.1 I.HMF-lll. Ullir.ll. Home Cured Old Country Style Bacon, Hams, boiled and boneless, Blood Sausage, Liver Sausage, Ayrshire Bacon, Back Bacon, Weln-ers, Pure and Compound Lard. Highest Quality. Reasonable Prices. On Sale at B.C. BUTCHERS and GROCERS LTD. and FARMERS' MARKET. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. er. TH1 DAILY WWa Skilled OPTICIAN (lasses scientifically and accurately fitled by A. V-Ireland, a graduate optician, who ha had 25 years' experience and can handle the most difficult cases. 7 years with W. W. Munn X Co.r Toronto, one of the largest optical houses in Canada. You run no risk hero as Mr. Ireland will be here permanently to check up any work. We absolualely guarantee satisfaction in ecry case. Any lens duplicated any lens repaired. Eitra special prices for the first 2 weeks. Kveniii,: appointments. Max Heine. Jeweller and Diamond Specialist Home made randy wen by Mrs. (Slasey. Itox of chocolates doualed by I'.. V.. Confectionery, w"" "J r- Webber. There were, about 120 persons present al the vliit and hrilue drive in the e'eoins and the win. ners were as follows: First ladio whist, Mrs. C. F. Kemp; first men's whist, Joe (iaroii; firs! ladies' bridge. Mr. Thor Johnson; first inen'.s bridge (i. i:. Culick. Mrs. J. C (iaxigan was in charge of 1 tie sale of lickels and the committee for Hip cveiiinsr affair consoled of Mrs. i. Hatcher. Mrs. F. W. .Moerch and Mrs. O. Reiier. There was a brief musirnl program lo which Charle ltalajjuo, W. F. Hrowne and Mr, tiaw-Ihorue conl rihuleil. FOREST OFFICIALS ADDRESS CHILDREN Visits Paid to Schools In Connection with Forthcoming Essay Competition In connection with I he foi th-roiiinijr prize essay eompctilion, ollicials (if the forest branch are now delivering lectures lo Hie students of th'. public schools on "Forest Fires, their Hffecl ami How lo Prevent Them." Subject (I..- I- II. ,.e,.v f,.e llm ilislriel iiinr'provlnchil compeM- liuns fur siher. Iirfiue and gold medals. Yesterday District Forester P.i S. llonney addressed the semi".'! : r: ifish arrivals, for Kl lil.urJ HlKl. Scl,u..l. Tl.i.j APRIL NOT AS Willi aliernooii .iiiuior roresier t. .. Clarke is addressinfr the intermediate pupil nf Itoolh and Horden Street schools. Tomorrow Mr. Ilonney will sjieak lo the pupils of Annunciation School. Assistant Ilislriel Forester P. Sharkey is nl Alice Arm and: Auyox talking lo pupils there. the school ANYOX COUPLE WERE Archdeacon (i. A. Mix officlatinc. of Miss Sophie Hrculzc 11 of Auyox and formerly of Port Simpson, and John Itobert I :.ur of Auyox. The witnesses, were lloherl Shruhsall and Thomas Frost. Mr and Mrs. Carr will reside al Auyox, HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Ruoert J. F. Teucr, Vernon; url Showier. .1. L. SaunilTii and Morley Shier, Vancouver; S. K Huiitzen, Anyox; M. F.. I.e Itlanc, Ketchikan; James Calvin, Alice Ann; It. V. Cliainnaii, ' Premier; V. I. Itislou and Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Carr, Terrace. ' Central Fred Youuif, O.N.H.; H. II. Dun- das. Fdmoulnn. flcorxe Kaiser of lh" tanker J. A. MolTutt ami licit Taylor fail ed to appear this iiiinn Iiik in the police court lo answer lo charncs of ilruiikeuiiei and bail of $25 was eslrealed In each case. Rubpcribc for tbe Dally News Cash and Carry for Wednesday and Thursday (NO DELIVERIES). iMiruie.' the inonili of April! rlosin,f loilay. .'.t'..MU0 pounds' of halibut was marketed al IhlsJ port showiitK a decrease of 200- 000 ootiiiils as comiiareil with; April last year but an increase of out 200,0(10 pounds from last month. The fish landed here was rlas. : ri ... I r..ll..uw' IIM I'.unailiaii MARRIED LAST NIGHTii-un wm, P.,.i,: lAmerican l.oals with 3.07C.S0U Miss Sophie Brentzen Becomes PonN. Bride of John Robert Carr- To Llvo In North t he wedding took plaee lasl nishl at o'clock at the rectory. MAHOMET AND MOUNTAIN n "hi Irishman was told by his wife In naitit Ho; washhoiise uiauitle while she wits out shopping. Oil telliiliiiiK she eolltd not find her husband In the washhotjse, so she called on him, lo be answered faintly from up- tairs: "What are you domic up I here, Pat?" "PainliiiK the mangle." was Ibe reply' "Why did you lake the mau- trle UP there" "Sure, Itibby, because the palul was up here." Yorkshire Post. If you find you cannot tret the daily News regularly, call in anu subscribe for it and havo it de- ivrr$ In ynur home. If OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Passports secured ami lickels issued via While Star, Ctinard and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. The Canadian National Hallways make direct connections with slcaiiiors of thesis lines. Full In formation al City Ticket Office, Canadian National Hallways, 528 Third Anciihc, Prince v Ilupcrl, U.C. PhOne 200. tf Specials THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (NO TELEPHONE ORDERS) Until further notice this store will open at 0 a.m. Half a Million Dollars Turnover That Is the goal we are now aiming for as our turnover for 1024. Can we miki It? The Table Supply and Universal Trading Co. together aro sure to turn $400,. 000.00 this year at the present pace. With very little additional expense we can add $100,000.00 to this mark. If we can get our turnover up to the half million mark i know we can reduce our overhead percentage of doing business, and pass this along to the public In reduced prices. Our success Is your saving. Let's Co. LADIES' DEPT. 500 Lbs. B.C. Gran. Sugar In bulk. 10 lbs. for 95c I. mill in lb-. I" each (!-tuner. (July aim ll. lo sell. kindly gel here early. Cretonnes and Chintzes II. -ie is a splendid oppor-ttuiily l beautify your home ui little cost. See thi line in our wimhiw and cu will realue the aliies we are offering for Wednesday and Thursday. All new stock, latest coloring. 36" wide. Ilea. 60r and J5r yard. Special 4 yards $1.95. 3 Doz. Turkish tfand Towels Size IKx3t. Strong and ervieeable, made from absorbent yarn. It'g. 75c (air. Special 55c Pair Malkln's Best Jelly Pbwders N.'W shape paekage. full weinlif . Special 4 for 25c. Limit 1. 1 1 1 i-aeU customer. MEN'S and BOYS' DEPT. 200 Bottles Del Monte Catsup Iteg. vain'- !- stiaitihl Speejal Wednesday and Thursday only. 25c bottle Limit t iMitllen to each rtisliiiner. 12 only, Suits Wen's Combination Underwear Made by Mercury Mill". Hamilton. Long sleete. Ankle length. lieu, tab"-92.50. Sues .11 -.'1(1 and ti only llii'k'ii size enable us tu elear (lie line at a sacrifice. $1.75 Suit 30 Pieces, Shirts and Drawers Another Mercury line, same quality as the nxnbin-alioiis. Iteg. value 3.35 suit. Special Price $1.95 SulL Canned Tomatoes J's. Solid Park Iteg. Hltir for Uic. Special Sale Price, 2 for 25c I. mill H I in to each en, turner. SHOE DEPT. 5C0 Tins Sliced PnpP s. Ltistgn Km Special 5 tins for $1.00. Lllllit III tills i ; t .iwr. Tlil line as tfood as an) "f II) dertln I: . v e...t )iu a5c. 76 Pairs Men's Dreii Shoi . . ttMH)rar ( t llliiclier ly If . J dressy U, lii t: llniwn. Slzii 5", I ; alue and H Special $4.95. Xo rtrhaimvs. a 35 Pair Boys' Laced Bmu I nMsl)eur well r . 3c iii I Dark and Hr w I to 3. He;- alue I n Spiclal $3.95. N'n elrlianirrs. t, , a Shce Polish, all color, 10c Tin The Universal Trading Co. Watch this space Thursday for -change of advt. AS LAST YEAR TOTALi WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT and SATURDAY NIGHT Saturday Matinee Owing to non-arrival of film 'THE WANTERS" HUMAN WRECKAGE A gigantic film drama that pounds at the narcotic demon, tears away the veil of shrinking reserve and hurls on the screen the secrets of the seared outi of self.martyred victims. Cast includes Mrs. WALLACE REID, JAMES KIRKWOOD, ROBERT McKIM and BESSIE LOVE Admission 50c and 25c KODAKS There's, fun ((t the ,mu m making Kosliik pirtur- tiii'l they stunt up run for the future. l'ul su Kmlnk here. Kodak Film The ilepeiiiJnlilo film in dm yellow Imx, Your size is here. Kodak Accessories eir Timers, Carrying liases, Tripoils, I'uilnnl Al-tachtnciits. They're all in hock,here. Let us help yini plan a Kmlak mitfil for goo.1 I'ict"11 utul lots of fun. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. 3rd Avenue A 6th Street.