i w". lO-IO'l repe Soles a , i IjibIIhIi Hrown OXFORDS , I, icw Crepe, Sole EAR LIKE A PIQ'S NOSE. Enallh Brogue Oxford! ,, ii -ii Slme in IHnek anil w m m eo. Hill The Shocman y - s Itogt Cafe. P 4' roui section , ii wo lo me nn .wage l l u v i flam -w prtnrKrpfln ti . n . S 1 llC DcM Olitainalilp UUIU1IIUU1V at Mnr leat IKi j.l, Cke. i ,r haked w lb I TV iveKoses Flour The World's Best. Soil Finish inpiN-SBrvice Jet Wash j r : exactly fill your ii. y noons Hi :j for particular. rinpriian sloom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiir.inii "iiuuiuil UlUUIII Laundry Phone 8. up nn timiMifn. nnii hi it r ' m ru t imi J ui IIUUU UUI1L BiliMMd In Bulk. , t $10.00 per ton. riian hnt rim iiht k ... ."m i nnii hi mi i. riiiiEPm. "' l I Sm... ,.r ur.iii . .11. In .,.. ... " " 111 II llh ... reo in s.rk,, At &12.EQ n.. J '' iiti fur, Hut Famous '"'in-wELLINQTON and TELKVVA COALS. lllliH HllnDPi 'na I'n . iiUUU l UUUI uu. in mil. THORNTON TO RY. EMPLOYEES (Sir Henry Gives Interesting Ad-l dress Over Radiophone 1 and Makes Request VINXIPK(i, April 30.- le-j"lvi- lo make a friend a day for ,yiiiir company. lleeve in (future of Canada ami in i. ary .succc. uf . company, aiil jnliove nil oxerl every rfTurl In .secure Minn' business for I lie kompaiiy ami keep .tnilinir " luce with the admonition placed nrorn We-lorm Canada employee of the Canadian Na-'mmil llailwayx in a i-i-Ii lii'iimd-anl through radio station (SKY III Winnipeg ln nljtlil ,y Sir 1 1 ciiry Thornton, K.M.. rhair-";in iiiul president of I ho Cann-'linn National ylem. Sir Henry expressed his pica m o til liHiir.i(ralii in Wen lent ' lunula ami having I ho opportunity of spooking ii ,. fellow worker, lie reminded ,em thai o far ai the wl wa romru-(I. Hie hlllm of he company wa dependent upon u good rrop. year Hie company hail lial a ery satisfactory increase in Stro. (Hriuiiu. so hat wa "iily iy the grilled elTnrl Hull Hit year gro earning could , reach the 'StO.OOO.nno objective jwliicli had hocit .el. That every- no wa making i inn criiirl wa evident from Ihe reiurn lo ilale, lini there wn a poll.lllly of a railing oft III business in Hie I t : t Stair lim due In nn--'lleil lilllnea HoikIIHoik (ei. .inllv fotiHil in a prr.iilenlial I. win. ii year. AIo ln inanu-fiii-iiiririif ilUlricI of Tunaila in it lit mil !iao n iiiurli acitviiy lii year a lal. Increase Receipts The Canadian aliimal Ituil-w.iy tiad iinly one prohlem Sir Henry Mated, and lliat wa to rHae yro rewMpi. In one iinliiinii tiionlli lat year Kro 'ui nlntiK hail rearhnl t.'i.llOO.IlOil and n e eariiinir were ter (iiiii,(MH). ir Hit. eon Id ! con-limied Uii-oiisIhiuI lh year the Nuilonnl M'llrin would he inert -I injr nil it fixe.l rliar;te and li-apiial tiliBHiiin. Inliidunl I and wdleellve elTorl liy hvwv iliployee 'of the ylein would Ihrinit aloiiii I to- wauled inrree lioweer. and only liy lhi moan iiulil Ilie ohjerllve U rearlied. In January and February aid Hie NuliuiMl jireidenl, the ny-lein had Miown net rnrnlnv of rt!.0i0 a rmnpansl w it'll a defiril nf approxiinitlel- fS.STO.. 000 in Hie ame muntlij of laot ryear. Willi Ihc approaeiitnsr i.uiril caon, II wn niwary i liui ever emjdnye)' of the system Ue hi utni'tl endeavor In iiiHiuluin Hie !xl repuliillim fr rtinrley and eniee whirli Ihe Nallnmil HalHvii)- hud (ruined, and in lhi repanl. Hie makiiiE of a friend for Hie company mi eh day wn of great importance. Few Requests I In eonrluinn Sir Henry placed Ja few reijuej nfore hi fellow .worker "l.r-l cvnry one of u re.i.lxo In make a friend a day ifor Hie romimny,' lie nknl. Seriind, "l.el u all exerKevery N.tT'.ri in foiiciirrinit inure lmi-jni' fur Ihe rompany.'- Tliinl, "l.el i hold nur head ImkIi mid n-.i imly l" proud of Hie reputation of Iho eonipaiiy 9 - FREE-St.Charlcs Recipe Book Send today lor ihii collection of titled recipe lor Soup. Bred, Ent(e Fiih, Vegetable!, S!d and Dietiingt, Cle and Cookiei, I'attriei, DetterU, Ice Cieamt, Sher-Lett, Canc'iet and Heveragea. It will be ent to you free. The Borden Co. Limited vhncouvir SXCM4E.LC51 anil lhoe who are in ihe service, hut le. prepared to drfend Imlh." Koiiith, "I.ei u iiD ahout our work with ri.uiaifi-. fa ills in Ihe iiliiinale ileiiiiy nf nur dominion ami r. hi fnliMiri- in the early uc-res of our railway, and finally, what i more imporlanl, keep MiiilniK." BRANCH FORMED OF PROVINCIAL PARTY Stewart Group Orflanlies With Newspaper Publisher as President STi: AllT. April 30. Follow, inc a pulilic merlins here lal week, a local hratieh of the pro vincial I'arty wa oranir.eil here wilh II. VY. M. KoMou. e.tll..r and puliliher of the 1'urHaml (anal New, a president. ( Miter officer rhoMMi 'were: Vicf.pre idenl. Hoy L. Clothier; ec.-lren.. U. C Andrew; executive. W. H, (5ere, Howard t junplu-ll. lleAr?!' MeHupe, Henry Itorhfort, and A. Y'mjiij: Auoilier- local wa frmed a I'riMiiter with V. Mu-iaf.l. president; lir. I!ari.. vic-presiilenl ; and I.i.ui J"hii.Mi. dc-retary- OLD GARBAGEWHARF HAS BEEN REMOVED Qulckwork Made of Demolition of Eyesore Structure on Waterfront off Westvlew The old MarliaK'.' wharf olT Velvicw wliirli for many year waited ,1111 odor ovim- the wel end of Hie plly lieoide lieiiift an eysorH lo Hie lainlsca,- ,i no more. Yesterday one of the IS.X.H. ranes w'a pul on the joh anu mado quick work oT the deinoli-Iioim of the Irurlure. Today lull the pile of Ihe wharf and pari of the approach are lefl. UNREASONABLE REQUEST Iloclor Put oul ymir t.niKue nu r.. than thai all oT il. Child' Hill. ihi' Nt: . I can't. It" fn'iM)"d at 'ho nlln-i end, The Gift Supreme! A BOXJOF Purdy S Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE A Toothsome Delight In a Heautiful llox. ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Solo Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CA8H CHEQUES. THI DAILY SB WD. pxtji tfVJL COMMITTEES Plans Being Advanced for Fair Board-Elks Carnival on Victoria Day Another meet iiiR liel ween Ihe. Fair Hoard anil llje Kllta wa li'l.l I.ihI eviMiinsf lo further 'he plan for Ihe carnival lo he hold jointly liy Ihn two orpaulzaioii mi .May 21. Oimiulllee were el ruck, a follow, power heiiiK Kiv.'ii to add to I heir nimiher: . k rieneral eJsecillivc 'Joe firoer. and Hen Self. Finance -I.. . M, ii'iiiler, II. Mreen. F. Hihli aiid (l Mr l). Hun. tep. !" Honlh and decorallon C. Foloiu, J. Juiltre,Vj iltalcliford, I. Soldi, Dr. T;tiVjvIoo (iieer, Hen Seir, Fieii cad.ien. T. Mr-1 Meekin ami Aid.' II. F. Perry. Knlcrlaiiimcnl Aid. (S. V. Fvill, Harry llayjfo1, (ieorpej WaddrlL Jack keeraiml Jarvfs! Mr Lend.. - '. Dance II. K. Jleii'nn. II. F. ilaoy. V. Ii. VlllIcrofl and (ienrjfe V. Kerr. Adverlixlwr- I). ..Inlioiir, John Hulxer. Fred .Scaildcn ami II. II. I lleiiiiiiinjr. v , j AlleiJilance prlc coinmillce. ticorpo II. 'rile, fSeilriie Frizzoll and II. P. I.ip.i-ll. TIiob lre.enl nL'llie meelintf lal nislil were: Joe Vlreer. Aid. livill, Frank Hihli. lion Self. John Hulpe'r and l. Mcli. Hunter, re-prcentinir the Fnlr Hoanl. and II. I-. iiaey, .. .Kirienr, .v. a. I!xi-on. I.. M. Fuller and Jack Jiidcf, reireenlhi Hie FJk. It i planned lo Macro a first cla carnival iMilertalnntent and dance on Victoria Hay. The oh-Jective of -the Fair Hoard i In raise money for paint in;; ihe huildiuir. The l-'lks' rhiin- of the proceed will (to l Ihe Flair la fund. In the Letter Box FEARS HIGH RENTS Rdilor Ifaily Xew. Now that we have llio contract for the new l outlier for Hie C N.H. Alaska run. I Hunk a little :vlleclion would lie iimely. alo an analysis of the ivulls of the lal snj(t,ullilinr that wn done in our city. We all know Hint our population wn lelween ix i nd seten HiiHisand Irefore the lat ship wer htlill here, and w also know that after I hey wern coiiipleled il dropiicd to 5.000. Now. Mr. Kdilor, what wa the ron-nn for this (In aiialyzmrf the variou rmise we find dial one of Ihe main Ihiuir thai ron- Irilittlivl In Ihe depletion of our population al that time wa Hie hiifh rent, which, a everyone know, increased 10(1 lo I Sio per conl ami remained hfsh.'even af ter Hie ships were hllill. l.el U ay that 70 of the pimple of our town did nof receive one dollar lioni'fil from Ihe Imil.l- ini; of those .ship, hul. on Ihn contrary, were compelled lo jiay ilotilde rents while ll0i hoal were umlor conslruclion and for month nftr-rvvnrd. and I hey found our city loo cxicnive a place to live in ami were forced to Iciive, while those who were Hie liioaiis of driving tho.se jwuplo out of, town hold up their hand and ay "What i the matter with our low n?" Make City Expensive Are wo goins lo ? Ihrouph Hie .same experience iifraln re-untilinir hih renl. Are men from Iho oiilsiilelo come here lo huilil thi hip iiinl I lion go away. lakitiK Iho money I lu-y have earn ed wilh litem, leaviti): U old- timer to foot Ihe hill and pay Hie hiiih mil, ami oilier profits that Ihe f.nv iloiiiainl from u for allowing ii Ihe douhtflil . privi lege nf ' coiug a hoaL built in our etty Are we koIiiit lo make our cily o expenive n place to live in Ihtil we will look around after the hoal i finished anil Ihe sniokc rlcared away and find that we have driven another thousiind people from our eilyi. Mr. IMilor, I Iho immetliate dollar o itll-linpiirlanl In our teal eslale and rental hkoiiI Unit Ihey would ralher have that im mediate dollar and foivnn the many dollar that a sauo and enihle policy of hulMiiiK up our cily would linns to all Thanking you, Mr. Kdilor, for Hid valuable space allowed inc. AN OLD vTIMKIl. INTO THE ATTIC Few youngsters today ever saw a horse-hair sofa. They wouldn't know what to do with a fire taper, carpet stretcher, or coal oil lamp. They couldn't braid rags into a rug, or wind yarn without tangling. But they know the how and why of typewriters, phonographs, telephones, automobiles; what happens when a push of the button gives light, or a kodak's flash fixes their image on paper. ' Their education is as modern as the advertisements they see. They have no more use for the lamp and chimney of yesterday than you for the wick and tallow of the day before. Advertisements induce such progress. They urge wide use that means improvement. They help you lift the out-of-date into the atticrid you of the water buckets and soap kettles of slavedom. They bring late improvements within your reach. Read the advertisements regularly. Keep alert to the new. Without advertising, you would never know a product's worth until you had bought it. " IIHllHHBlHflKsflLHLflHsflLILHHB' " 9!96L!b1bHHsIHPb1sHbbb1sHbbIbIB PIONEER WOMAN OF NORTH COUNTRY Nellie Cashman In Stewart After Visiting States and Calling on President Xellic ISasliman. Alaska's most famous woman, sourdough of ourdoimh.4 and' pioneer of the Oaiar dislricl of Ilrilih 0nliiin- Ida. arrived in Stewart yesterday on the Prince -lieorjre ay the Portland Canal New. Mi Sahmau left her milling operation in the Koyukuk dis-Iriel, away up near Ihe Arclie Circle. la fall and ha pul in he winter travelling, iiicidonlally selling; .stork in a rompany which .she organized lo enable her to prosecute her placer yiininn on a larger scale and wilh more iiiodoern met hod. To look over Ihe sluh.s of her slcu'k hunks is to read Hie name of many pro-mineul men and women of the nnrlli, a wvll u notables of the elTele Stale. Contrasts And there are contrast. For Instance one notice the name. of Judpc Klmrr IS. Ititchie of Yaldex ami Judxe James Wicker, sham of Juneau in Ihe same hook. Tllat I ii close to lieing a friendly relation helween these two worthies a can be conceived. W hile in Washlnalon Cily Mis Cashi'naa railed on ('resident Coolidge. hut- hi name doe not appear in her slock hook. Per-hap Teapot Dome Oil wa rank. ling in hi hosom at the time of her visit. At Dease Lake Mi Caslimaii went into Ihn Dease lake country ut Ihe lime of Ihe Cassiar excitement in 1875 and ha since been identified with the north, though spending most uf bnr time in Alaska: She was found last night at Ihe home of Kale llyan, and need. los lo say Iheie wa no chance for '.u lornial interview k, Family Shoe Store Again tinder the Management of J. MYHILL-JONES. Several years with Hudson's Hay Company, Vancouver. Moderate Prices, Courtesy, and above all Fit Guaranteed 3rd Ave. Phone. 357. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. rawmi it eBeer without aPew ALL THE GOODNESS , of the golden grain brewed into a sparkling tonic drink at B.C.Y model brewery. Insist on "Cascade" at the Government Liquor Store and ( get satisfaction, VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is uot published or di played by the Liquor Control Board or by ti. Government of DrltUh Columbia.- 4