October 21, 1024. There's a Difference in Diamonds A GOOD DIAMOND should ,c and clear like tint purest water. Our Diamond KngaKcmcnt Hingx ii n? duiM-it Willi the cure of long experience in the trade anil urc Kihii1 rtdor, perfetlly cut Hint free from 'Haw. Th ey will always keep llieir value. lo-eniiM' we ore uhle to buy in the best mnrki-ls. We have Ming- at 23. rti, 173 1 00. iru. too. im. We like lo show Iheni. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. Kilter our Ail. Coiiititinu before v-v. l SRUI rrTWTCTTESr My choice, for aged, matiiVe quality! OLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY BOTTLED UNDER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION adt ertiement is not ntildUhed nr ilisnlnved liv - - - - - - -1 i j . Liquor Gonirol Board or by tho Government of British Columbia. the Local and Personal ( lluynerf, Undertakers, I'hono 351 11.0 Undertakers, l'liuno 41. TAXI and Messenger Service, l'liouu 078 tf Fit for a kiiiK "SUl'HKME Colfee--save tliu coupons, tf -- l'nlher Charlies arrived from Anyox on the Card on a this morn ing. ; Mis. Morris Condon ami son arrived from Alien Ann oa tin Cardena this moriiiiiz. Among the article 'to he raffled al Hill (X) tea and Sale is halt a ton of coal. James McAleeimu of Alice Arm is Massing through 011 the Car-dena today bound for Vancou ver. T .1 Stliunlon llilblieeloe (if mines, relumed lo Hie city from Stewart on tho (lardena thi morning. Joe (ireer, who ha been 011 a business I rii to Stewart and Anyox, returned to the city on I he Oantfua this morning:, K. J. Conway, field engineer for I tie flranby Co., arrived in Hie city from Anybx on the Cardena l his morning. Capl. Ormislon is a pangrr hound from Anyox lo Vancouver on the l earner Cardenii which in in wort Icslay southbound I.. Jraten, man surer for Itovle liri.,Htie wall known diamond drilling concern, is in the city to day miroule to Vancouver on the steam Cardena H. W. M. Ilolston. editor of the PorMand Canal News published at Stewart is in the city today He is hound for Victoria on the 1 '-Hiner Cat-dena. ' 1 5ity account- up lo Oefobef 18 including several departmental payrolls and totalling I3.427.9 wre passed for pay men I al last niidit's council meet in. M. Flewelling, foreman of the Siiitwrvilt cannery in Portland Inlet, and other metnher of the rew are paina- throuah on the r.nrdena loday bound for Vancouver. Thoc employed daring llir day will nave an opportunity of al- n.lioB the Auction Sale al the ..i'nlk llooiiis n Thursday and Srniil;i.v ern iiijf-. 1- n i ii fr sale - ,i in Icf to IiW-Oft to Kit". CATARRH BLADDER Ecl Cp- il upcrest a Title for the Congoleum Kug oo Picture in Our Window $1,000.00 in Prizes CONTEST OPEN TO ALL SPECIAL PRICES Oct. 20th to Nov. 1st only llxlt $ 8.S5 tx7'H 10.05 Dxtl 12.05 OxlO'O $15.10 tlxlS..'. 17'25 uxir. 2t-55 AN O-CEDAR MOP GIVEN FREE. WITH EVERY nUO PURCHASED, harries Home Furnishings Phone 123 3rd Avenue & 1st Street. This ad. will appear once only Save It. Box 808 THE DAILY NEWB PAGE THREh FREED OF RHEUMATISM BY FRUIT TREATMENT. "He good enough to publish for the information of Itheumatlsm siilterers how "rruit-atives" relieved my Kheumatiam which had at least Jive years' standing. "The trouble was in my right hip and shoulder; the pain almost unendurable. This kpt up until I started to take "Fruit-a-tives". ATter a continuous treatment for about six mouths, I am now In firsf-cuus con-dition. This, I attribute to my persistent use of "I'ruit-a lives". This is the letter which Mr. Jam Dobson of llronte, Ont., wrote after trying the wonderful Fruit Treatment "Fruit a tires" which consists of intensified fruit Juices combined with tonics. If you suffer with Rheumatism, "Fruit-a-tires" will make you well and keep you well. 26c and 60c. o boxat dealers or sent by "Fruit-a tites Limited, Ottawa, Ont. J. I). Lawrence, government telegraph operator al Anyox, is in the city loday nroute to van couver on the steamer Cardena. Mrs Norman Watt will receive for the first lime ince coining lo Prince llupert on Thursday, October 13, from four to six and on the firat Thursday of the monlti. Mrs. C. II. IMkharl arrived in the etiy on iuraay ironi Portland. Oregon, to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. I. .Voungman Graham Ayenue. The mayor and aldermen re ceived an invitation al last night's council meeting to be the guest of the Hilary Club at their luncheon oh Thursday this week. Mrs. F. A. Carr of Terrace applied lo Hie city council lal night for tax sale certificate rignls in and to -tot IT, Mock saciioii 8 for $30. The matter was. referred k tne fnnnce ewni-miltee with power to act. The formal kjrlaw providing for the sale of laid acquired bj the city under tax sale proceedings was finally, reconsidered and adopted at last night's council meeting. Mr. Kdwarila, who has been accountant at the Somcrville can nery, arrived loday on the Cur-'e'ta and will remain here taking a Miuilar position at I lie Mil-lery cannery. Mrs. Edward t accompanied him Iq. the city. ludcr the auspices of th" liiiuhler and Sons of England, informal dance at - Ue Itoston Halt on Friday, . Ofcfnhcr 21. Inineing to 2. Miss St. Cyr's orchestra. ' J""iUu, 7'j. The rej. jH of the fire chief for the month of September, showing only one fire call Murine that period, was reeelvej and 3S ! filed at last night's council nieot- ii... l.'w ..r ii... .1. u. i mi. ..Ai't'ii-i-?. ipi tin- (ici4irtiiii'iii for the mouth totalled slO'.H in-eluding 1 077 in salaries. The department's cqitfpmant wat reported to be in gnod order. AN.NOUIMCBWENT8 l'resliyterian llaaar, Nov. 20. 1 -- .. ; Hospital Annual IUU, Oct 31. j j AtiKlicnn Church Baitanr, Nov. j ' "I Lutheran Basnar, December 2 Melropolt Ball. & Hill tin Chapter l.O.D.E. Hal-Ijlhivve'on Tea and Sale October 25, "Sun Flower Serenade in Ihe Mnll.rv.1l. I Cl,.l. V.,.. . ... I 5kJ -'"'""'lioi IJIIUIl'll, .mi. U llllll . Mooso Baiiar. Nov. J8 and to 1 Bert Smilh, assistant manager! of the Premier mine, is ir .be ily today going through from Stewart lo Vancouver on the steamer Cardena. Miss II. Wells, who has resigned her position as matron of I he Stewart (Jeneral Hospital, ar rived from the north on the Cardena this morning ami will go las: from here by train. Miss Wells is succeeded as matron of t lie Siewart Hospital by Miss 'Anne Clothier of Victoria, sister I of (ieorge Clothier, resident min-jing engineer. tf. Queen Mary Chapter Whlsl I Drive and Dance, Nov1. 7. Klks, ffl Home. tf Lyueli Bros. A MeMeekin had wo requests lie lore the cuy council last night. One was that while the city was excavating In the lane al the City Hall, a few yards mine be taken out and a rear entrance lo the store lie given: the second was for con- lection of the store with the City Hall healing system at terms to be set hy the city en gineer. The Hoard of Works was given power lo act. Union steamer Cardena, Capt A. E. Dickson, arrived at 10.30 j this morning from Stewart. Any ox and Alice Arm and will sail at this afternoon for Vancouver and way ports. the vessel brought the following passengers here from the north: for Prince llupert Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. E. J. Conway, Mr. hvans, Mrs. Morris Condon and son, Father Chart iez, I. McQueen, t. H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Huloir, W. I. Blackburn, Miss It. Wells, Jas Killas, C. Wells, Mr. Bremner, T J. Slienlon and Joe Ureer. Further street work will be provided for in local improvement bylaw which vre cm-. tented to al last night's council melinr. A four foot sidewalk is to tie built on (he nortti and west side of Seal Cove Circle; a illeen foot pavement is to be constructed on the west side of iiys Cove Circle between Fifth And Seventh Avenues, and Seven teen! h Street js to be paved from Second lo Atlin Avenue. Bylaws Vriiviiulin? for olher wo; were further advanced. A petition siguei' by not less than three-fifths cf the merchants in the city asking for revision of t lie Early Closing Bylaw was received al last nighl's council meeting and laid over for a week. City Solicitor Jones explained that the penally clause in the present bylaw was defec tive and there was no classification fit it. Thus il was ineffective, and should be repealed and redrafted. The request of not less than three-fifths of the merchants in the city made it obligatory for the council to do so. Patronize Home Industry BEEF, PORK, VEAL, Direct from .Producer Consumer. XMAS PHOTOS $ittitigsi Any Time by Appointment to Boiling Iteef, per lb. ... 5c Pot Hoasl, per lb 10c Slew Beef, per lb 10c Hoasl Heef, per lb... 12'ic Steak, per lb 12!'ic Try a cut of our, Baby Beefi Your Money Back satisfied. if not Chas. Kelly Third Avenue. Next McMeekin s Old Store. Best Work. Lowest Prices ECKOFF STUDIO Cor. 2nd Ave. and lilh St. I'lioue lied 6. f The Empire Medicine 1 I the preparation which has won the confidence of every country under the British Rag the remedy which has brought health and happiness to millions of men and women in every part of the Empire the treatment which is resorted to everywhere for ailments such, as Sick Headache. Biliousness Indigestion and Constipation, often consideredi insignificant, yet decidedly inconvenient ailments Avhich have their origin in a dyspeptic condition of. ;the stomach .and a torpid action of the liver' 111 IS M Private Greeting Cards We have,' without doubt, the finest line of Greeting tlanls ever offered lo the people of the North. Nothing better produced anywhere, flight tip to dale-atMl the prices are righL An inspection of our Hues will convince you that our values are from one-fourth lo one-third less in price than elsewhere. Prinled at our own shop. No middleman's profiL Don't place your order until you have seen our line. You will save money by doing so. eMflmMm.Jjd Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38? FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Sailings From Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate Points, each WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m., each SATURDAY 12.00 midnight. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. For all ports QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 12.00 midnight Oct. ISlh, Nov. 1st, 18lh. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave rrlnce llupert &.00 p.m. for mi.NCE GEORGE, EDMOJITO.I, Wl.V NtrEO, all points Eastern Cantiia. I'nitei) States. aatNCV ALL OCMN STEAMSHIP LINIS. Olty Ticket Of. i, B2B TtM Am, Frlnct uprt. Chon ISO. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Siltlnrs from Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swtnton Bay, tnd Altrt Bty, Tuidy, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, B P.M. For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlntr Cannarlat, FrUay A.M. 123 2nd Atanu. J. Barnalay, Aj.nt. Prlnca Rupart, B 0. m