TAXI 9 BOSTON GRILL mmjLJ J '''' '"'''v'' Library. Large Upstair Dining Hall, I'a liuincn! Uuilrtu,. with newly laid dancInR f'oor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Mar.,u,-i dances, banquets and wedding; Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. and Oth 8L J PRINCE RUPERT For rales, apply lo Boston MATT VIDECK, Prop. flrill. Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOl XIV NO, 2 lH, IMUNCE HUl'KHT, H.C., TUF.SDAY. OCTOHKIl 21, 1024. vuf oireuut i.m. SlfMt StlM 40S PRICE FIVE CENTS. TARTUNG SHOOTING CASE AT VANCOUVER CARIBOU TREK IN SOUTH YUKON IS MAGNET FOR PEOPLE OF WH1TEHCBSE Whitehorse People Are All Out After Caribou Herds Which Are in Southern Yukon this Afternoon WIIITKHOUSK, Oi l. 21. W hilehorse is practically eva. ; Hit inhabitant- having gone out to see out1 of the great 1 ryhl- lif Hie YllLllll IliM IfuLLiMir .,f Hi.. I'....l rh.... II ! ....... hi iiii' iiiiii,rii u mil. uir ir SlUII - :tv breeding grounds (a tlif feeding grouiidt lit be occupied by )ir herd during II winter mouth. This year the lug herds forlher south than usual, (hi probably presaging a hard :ler. It is thirty yean f mrt there ha lieen mii'Ii an opnirtii-' in see the big diiitual and In shoot Mime of thcrn a has urriMl liere today. ' ..nly are hunters old alxl i - male and female gone on I ;ti lin.ii. ImiI cameramen of have taken up the epurl. hate Ih-i'ii preed inlo the and are at the trail he-Itraelnirn and Takeena i iMoaiiil of animals arc "it slowly (nil surely miiiIIi- i ! r' year Hie caribou are lo hi the ueighlorhood of. ni'l 'he people there look I tUi-ViiiK "f Hie herds ,u - jm-i .f dii-ir supply 'flllllK meal FILLING IN OF COW BAY WILL BE VOTED UPON !t Provincial Government Offers Walerfrontage Which Council Would Use for Municipal Wharf 'i I'l'i-iimiiiiMiilalMili of the I! 3'i of Work, the rlly council I d last timhl lo submit to rirrtorate at Ihe next rivir I'm a referendum on the -'i.iii of whether or not the ' jii of Cow Hay in Inlternft- I to. If thi i perinillrd. 'Ii in ineial government has "d to give Ihe eity UHi feel vvalerfronlaiie letween Ihe a f f lub and Inn oil wharf. It lie idi-n of ihe council, a v, "-'d by Mayor Newton, to t''i)UI a muniripal wharf on lhi ' ' 'ane. I i explaining the pniKed rc-f " mIuik. City Solicitor June '.'-d that in IWJO Hie railway ' Jiiiiiissin had refused lo nl-1 w Mir filling in of (low Hay by lie provincial government unless lir nly 4 permission wan nldaiu-'l The government had not nf-f'Trd Ihe oily .'(in feel of vvaler-'rcni if it would consent to tlio work being done. Mayor ivewton spoke at iouie iri'.-'li on (lie mailer Mating that 'he rruireiiienls of fishermen nrnl outside people coming lo Ihe i'V in boa In hud led lo I lie feel-Mix that there idinuld be a iiiuni- ipHl whurf. The wnlerfrniilage oeiwcen Hie Yaclil Club and oil wharf oireied Ihe rlly by the Kfneniiiieut in rrl urn fur per mission being uiven lo fill Cow Hay was doomed Miiluhle for Ihi purpoHc. The report from the Hoard of vvorks recommending a refereii 'bun mi Ihe mailer was adopted 'i!iuniniouly without furlherdlf-cuslon. 'Hie Kelchikan molorslilp Ib'lt-'"Khain, Capl. ,en Williams, un-buuled 0.00(1 pounds of frozen fih at Ihe lloyal Fis, Co, dock his morning for transshipment asl over the Canadian National Hallways and then cleared for s,,aHe wllli a caruo of canned il inn which she has on board. BANK BANDITS REQUEST STAY With Opportunity to Appeal to' Privy Counoll Following Su- I pre me Court Finding l f I VI'll I.' t I ful .! I -I . for Ihe five llorhelaaa Hank lion - till. lor cfllli-liri. nf ilnulli uill rNue a ntay of execution. In their opinion it l altnoit certain that potpouemeui of Ihe execution et fur Friday next will be KRkUjd. . Hie defene couneran meeting today (o oouiider the advisability of carryi'iK their appeal, which wa illMiiixftl eleiilay by the upreme court of Canada the prvy Council. The roudemnml men them- -.cve think they have a Hood chance of ricapiiiK the iiimhc on Friday. HALIBUT PRICE STEADILY RISES First Class Fares Got Close to 22o Mark at Fish Eiohange This Morning Hid for halibut on Ihe. local l'lh Kxehauite, steadily climbing day by day. were very rloe lo Ihe JSc mark thi mnriiius. Six American Imals sold H(,5ll) lbs. (ins paid welt over 21c for first clas fish and an average of 9c for seconds. There was only one Canadian boat which brought the total fur Ihe day up (o l 1.500 lbs. ' Arrivals and sales: American llainier. '.'K.OOO lbs., at 21. tc nud He, lo Ihe Allin Fisheries. Mildreil I!.. JH.IIOO lbs., at 21.7c nud Ve. to the I'aclfiC Fisheries. Wireless. (i.OOil lbs,, at 21. 7e and lc; Wabash, 000 lbs., at 21. Ic and li.le. and Western. 13,000 lbs., at ami Ho. to Ihe Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Senator. 18.000 lbs., at 2I.Ce and He, lo Ihe lloyal Fish Co. Canadian Prosperity A.. 8.000 lbs., at 20c ami 8c, to the lloolh Fisheries Canadian Co. TROPICAL STORM HAVANA, Ocl. 21. Heporls that from eihl lo thirteen per- oits were killed ami fifty Injured when a tropical storm struck (lie town of Arroyos de Manilla, were received today. Properly dainatre is heavy. OLD YUKONER DIES VANCOL'VKIl, Ocl. 21. Hubert Hllbeck, a former sherllT of Ihe Yukon, one of Ihe best known 'old timers of the uorlli is ilea,! here following a short illness. He was 71 years of age. EVERYTHING IS BURNED Fr Destroys Home of P. Chrlstenson, Queen Charlotte City (Special to Dally News) SKIDEGATE, Oct. 21. A serious fire broke out at Queen Charlotte City the middle of last week completely destroying the home of P. Christensen and everything contained therein. A cottage facing the Christensen place also was burned up as well as J, Renner'a barn and everything In It. The whole village turned out to help fight the blaze but It had got beyond control before It was discovered. WHISKY BOAT WAS SEIZED! Impala Had 483 Cases Aboard When Glvenchy Took Her Near Banfleld VHTOMIA. Oct. it The power pioal Impala wa neiziNl at IHnl- jjcr Cove near Hanfield by the Canadian Fiherie vce- Oi-venchy. The liiipala had 183 cae of vvhifccy aboard which' Ihe crew of the fiivenchy removed. Mrs. A. S. Lewis relumed yesterday from f!enr?elnwu whilher she hail accompanied Mr. I.ewjs on a hunlin? trip two weeks ago. Making (leorselowu his head- inarlers. Mr. Lewis has found sport so eood in that neighborhood that Ik will not r urn to town fur a f jw days yet. TRAFALGAR BATTLE ANNIVERSARY TODAY This is Hie anniversary of the Hal lie of Trafalgar. One hundred and nineteen years ago Ihe naval eucaueiuent was finish! which saved (he Hrilish Empire. Admiral Nelson. Ihe hero of Ihe war, lost his life but the day was saved and all Hrilish people speak wilh pride of the great deeds lone that day and of the victory well won. .- ! EVIDENCES FOUND OF LAKEHURON WRECK Message Picked up In Bottle and Three Bodies Recovered POUT IIUnON, Mich.. Ocl. 21. Thai the steamer Clifton sank In Lake Huron on September 22 with nil hands numbering 28 was made certain by Ihe finding of a bollle near here wilh a message from Captain C.nllighor. The bodies of three men were found. Capf Cap! llonnl'l Donald Ardir r 'lie cxpiorer. cxpiorer. whoe only com-munii munii ation ation 4-ih i(h Hie Hie outside outside wortd wortd was was cui curried on for many miiiiths via J'rim e Hoped through the Harusley's luime made amateur radio set. Ihis townfolk at Wiscaset, M City Will Supply Elevator Willi ' All the Power it Needs at Same J3 f 1 'The delegation also look up with ' Kale aS IS Lf One III VarXOUVer" V"-? the curtailment of, j horse racinp in the province. A t . ., from f ... i, . i . f ,, . i , The premier . and his colleagues . . .. report 1 ., the utilities committee recommending that spent . , ., the . whole , day . (.. D. Howe ,1, : v Co. of r Port ii i Arthur, ii designers i of r ii the e i evalor i i here, ,',. ,; . , . ,, receiving be communicated with to the effect that the city will supply ' ""9 " t ) 'e "on l!!ey ? power ' for elevator purposes t the same rate as hat give, to C?"ad,a" .ubr -, ...,,,''.... ,i..i.i i i . ... .i al luncheon when v the premier v.,ul,.i. ... .....w..... lllg. The complete report of Ihe as follow:) Your utilities committee begs lo report that they have gone thoroughly into the matter - of supplying of power for the proposed elevator, and recommend thai the supt. of utilities be empowered I" communicate With C. D. Howe & Company of Port Arthur to the effect that the oily will supply Ihein wilh power for elevator purposes at the same rale as that given to elevators m Vancouver, which rate is attached hereto, this power to be supplied for a period of 5 years, with a fixed minimum amount of 50c per H.P. per month whether elevator is operating or not, this clause lo be inserted in the contract to protect thecity against hul down ,nf ejevalor, in order to iifsure Interest on Jhe investment necessary In give Ihis service . Your rninmillee further recommends (hat no money lie expended for this purpose until a contract has been signed for this power. Line Extension In order to meet this demand we recommend that the. lino capacity from Vhawatlans lo the city sub station be' increased, and a line lie constructed from the eity suh station lo the Dry Dock witli the necessary Irimefnrmei1 r capacity to assure us the full output of one machine from the Dry Dock for emergency service This will meet' the power de mand as long as waler is flowing over uie nam ai Miawaiiaus. When the waler begins to drop below the errs! of Hie dam, dur ing dry weal her, and w e have no! sufficient pressure lo operate our plant al full load, wr pro pose io purchase the necessary power from the Dry Dock to carry us over this period, lhi agency of Jack is shown greeting Maine. I Ul ...b..i3 iuuiiui .",- committee on the matter was , power to be purchased under ai special contract which it wilt be' necessary to enter into with the Dry Dock. the estimated cost of this work, including the line from the city suh station lo the elevator s S22.000.00. Vancouver Elevator Rates On the first 05 KAWH. per ac tive H.P. per month al 2c per K.W.ll. On the next 05 K.W.H. per ac tive H.P. per mouth at 94c per K.W.H. On excess of 130 K.W.ll. per active H.P. per month at He per K.W.ll. Minimum 50c per H.P. con nected load per month or $100.00 per month. CITY READY TO START ON ROAD Will Build Connection to valen I' and Highway When Government Commences Grading The cily council has decided In communicate wilh P. Philip, chief engineer of the provincial public works department, and HoiwT. D. Pallullo lo the elTecl that Ihe cily is prepared lo pro ceed immediately with Ihe building of its connection In Ihe Kaien Island roiid providing the government starts grading i!s portion. Such a recommenda tion from Ihe Hoard of Works was adopted al last nighl's coun cil Hireling. Shot Pal by Accident Then Blew Out Own Brains With Same Gun VANCOUVER, Oct. 21. Lying fide by side in a room oh Hichards Street, Maurice lioie and William Lovett were found Monday evening with their brains blown out with a heavy automatic pistol. According to a written statement left by Dore, he accidentally shot his chum and in fear that the story uT the shooting would not be believed killed himself. The statement by Dore said: 11 was an accident. We had been drinking and Saturday " . night we went to bed. My pal put TIP 1 HV niliTTi ! the gun under his pillow. When r r A! r KIVrK wa nl,,ei' 1 '""i1 fo ,ak lh . I LJlVll 111 I MX KU awaj forgetting it was load- TA IT A MflAirnrTi e,i a'"' blameHung went off.'" ' TO VANCOUVER u,r j-. -rrt Board of Trade Takes up Transportation and Other Matters With Premier VANCOUVER, Oct. 20. The establishment of transportation facilities Ji'etwein Vancouver and peace HIver country, the appointment of Hrilish Columbia representatives . on the railway board and on the directorate of the CjN.jUaililjutry oT Eastern Can-1 HOIUII KUIKIS SllippiNI VIS .fW York inlo the port or Vancouver duly free vvere urged upon Pre- mier King tiy a delecalion of the board of trade here yesterday.! , spoke k on the rmliprllll Imperial r.nnfeience. Conference, 4 GERMAN ELECTION TO BE DECEMBER 7 , HKRLIN. Oct. 21. The Oerman general election will be held December 7. Dissolution of the Reichstag anil the advent of the new parliament will in no way endanger Die fulfilment by Germany of Ihe London agreement on Ihe Dawes reparation plan. Chancellor Marx staled today. MOTION REGARDING SALE OF LOTS HELD BY CITY ENLARGED! Withdrawing- his notice of motion for t tic sale al auction without reserve of all lots held by the city in Section 2. Aid. Clapp at last night's council meeting substituted therefor ai notice applying lo all city held j lots in Sections 2, 5, 0, 7, and 8. The motion, which will come up at nexl week's meeting, also calls for a committee of three to be appointed to se'upsel prices. A letter from the Prince Hu perl Ratepayers' Association, op posing the sale without .reserve of lots in Section 2, was received and filed without being read. Explosion on Warship NORFOLK, Virginia. Oct. 21. One ofllcer and three men were killed and 18 injured in an ex plosion on Ihe scout cruiser Trenton during target practice. Lovell of Hornby Island, H.C., be notifietj. DEATH CALLS DR. NEWCOMBE Well Known Anthropologist and Collector, Frequent Visitor Here, Succumbs to - Pneumonia . r - . VICT0IUA, Oct. 21. In thd death li(Te of Dr. Charles F. Neweombe. Hritish Columhla lose one of its leading anthron- ologfls and historians. Widely known as a leading authority on anthropological questions as to the aboriginal life on the Pacific ., . , . northwest slope, he arranged the . .. .. . ....... 10" for l,e,d tU,C ?, ,he ff, vmeial Museum at ictona col- teele.i lecled for for i the Smithsonian Insti- Mule. I eat h came to Dr. Newcombe after two weeks illness, pneu-mnnia hastening the end. Dr. NewconUie was well known to a great many people in North- ern Hritish Columbia. Years ago jhe ntade frequent visits up the coast travelling in a Columbia lliver boat and visiting all the Indian settlements along the route. He had often been in Prince Huperl and to Queen Charlotte Islands and was known as a student and collector. He was also one of the founders of the Provincial Museum and the Victoria Natural History Society and his name is attached to hundreds of the exhibits there. One if his sons was engaged in survey work here in the early days. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY TO ENTER ALASKASAYS PAPER According to the Victoria Colonist, the Union Steamship Co. is to add five new coasl steamers lo its fleet instead of Ihite. It is also suggested that Ihe Union Co. will enter the Alaska route. The boat for the Alaska run will be 230 feet long and will have ac commodation for 88 first class and forty second class jiassen- gers. It will have twin screw propelling engines and two funnels". " Yesterday afternoon a large number or ladies visited Ihe Had-minlon courts and took part in Ihe games. Tea was served by Mrs .MoPherson. A number of Ihe visitors expressed the inlen- jlioii lo join Ihe club ami play af ternoons.