PACll! TWO. The Daily News pniNcnnuPERT - nniTisii r.oni.MniA. Published Every Afternoon, ecpt Sunday, the Prince Itiipeil I Lilly Newst, Eimiled, Third Avenue. ' II. IV PWl.UJN, "Manajrinfr Editor. , Old Country Houses Not Fit To Live In. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Cily Delivery, ly pinil or carrier, per month $1.00 Ry moil to oil parts nr the Hrilisli Empire nml Uie unifo Stales, in ad van re. per yar .................... ?0.00 To all oilier couulrie,.in advance,, per year ........... $7.R0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone " BS' Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - St Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Thursday. January .11, IPS I According to the National lion-jug Council more than a m'illinn KitgUh home arc not fit lo live In, which, mean? thit llicy do nut mensitre up to modern .standards The average EiiKlih home is willioiil a Imlh audv does not compare with tli- au-r.ige home tin litis continent.. There are many homes of Jhe rich thai have all that could helesired, even if mey are . tiol ouveiiienily laid out and are somevvhnl less modern thau ""those Canadians, are used to. Tlb-e. ve tnk it, do not figure ill the report uf the council. The million homes are, peaking penerallv, the homes of the wage "earners, Thsy often do not measure uu in size and conveniejice, or in the amount of. privacy llicv Bivu to the occupants In this country we miss n great 'ufaiiv thinsrs which pertain l the older' countries, .especially in jlhc ilevelopineiit of the arts am) "in devotion science and tlilernlur On the oilier hand ve havo:; -electric lights Jill. our homes and, speaking generally, IKe 'houses are laid anil -wilh a view lo comfort and convenience' a ltd., they are usually fdelaelied, thus giving garden space and lending lo better .condi ; lions or life. ,Miiuy citizens here, whn Jhey spenk of housing conditions in the Old Country lljink of -county residences or lug farm homes or percjhance the more well. to-do residences in the cities. The housing report deals more particularly with the homes of submerged lenlli anil lhc laborer, t " No Signature To ' Letters Received. , II is wonderful what a number of letlers are received hy teveiv editor that are not signed and that are evidently designed !for publication. The writers, forget the rule lhat all letters in- tended for publication must be signed by the writers,, else lh-y 'cannot be published, This is us an evidence of good faith. The isimiatiiro of lbs writer need not be published but instead, in -.some' cases, a suitable pen name may be attached. ; As an example, a letter was. received lasl night from Van ; coiiver signed "A Voter" along with a number of clippings from la Vancouver paper, showinjr what help Vancouver; is gelling from slbe Ollawa goverumeiil in the way of grain elevators and Ijar-tbor development whereas Prince Rupert hao far ?t nothing, . even thuueh the citv is represented by a Liberal, though Van-? ! onvcr has not a Liberal representative. We would willingly have published this letter if it had been signed, but not know- . ingwiio is" the writer, it goes wjlh' nlher nnonymous correspon deuce, into Uie waste paper bake. ' ' ; . - , No Apologist Fcr 'Liberal Government. ' 1 This paper is no apologM for. the Liberal government At t i lie ume oi mc lasi eieciion w: ptf u iiiiijiiioiiu-u miimi it cinise we fell that lo do so was lii the best interests of the city and of the countrv s a whole, So far we have seen no suffi cient reason lo ehang? that viev,.aJlhoiigh developments have , been Mow and lliere have been many disappointments. We are still of opinion thai the government at Ottawa will do Ihe right a thing by u in regard to port development. They nad? certain 'definite promises before the election. These were made by i-Premier Mackeni? King personally at, the lime of his vHt, and "by other ministers and doubtless (he. protnie wdl yet be carried out. If they are nol, it will then be time lo consider Ihe poitioii 5 of the cily politically. Already we hava had proof that the. government and the railway company are olh keenly anxiou to J make this une of Ihe nation's jiorls. . 1 Difficult Position Or 2 British Pramier. Th" somewhat experimental government in power in lOrent Rrilaiu slill holds Ihe retire of the world lage, and lhere is much prophesying a lo what sueces Ihrv will have if , conducting lhc affairs of the odr ection of Ihe Empire of .winch we are a part. Naturally the c,ourse of the new premier Jr beset with difficulties Thrt news-rmpers of the cniiiilr- arc i'Vuilrolled by Ihe interests lhat are agoinsj him and his enemic ;nre legion. There i, however, a; spirit of fairness in the Rritish Jpcople that fielieves in giving a man a rhauce to make good. Thai spirit will bo exhibited aero- IJin pond, unless we. arc jviy much mislakeu. Extremists will rave and politician w.ill disloi'i Uie uitps. objects and methods f Ihe government, while itlie ranting of the frinji ur the labor following will lie turned Tgiiust. the chi:r. In pie of (his .Macdonald will be given a .;e)uuice and if he can administer the affair of stain wlsplv and rweU there seems no good reason why he should pot retain office -iiiueiuiiieiy. u, on me other timid, he panders to the demagogue Jiiud goes contrary lo the mass of honesl public opinion he will Tjui(-Kiy go uowii and oul. -..-,-4 Sleeplessness Sleeplessness, like insanity, is greatly on the increaat. Modern life, with its hurry and worry and noise, bringa an enormous strain on the brain and nerves. The temptation to depend on sleeping powders or tablets must be fought off if you would avoid catastrophe. Means of reconstructing the Btarved nerve cells must be sought. Since the digestive system fails to supply nourishment to the blood and nerves it is necessary to employ such treatment as . Ur. Chase s Nerve Food to instil new strength and energy into the tired nerves. This is Nature's way of affording lasting relief, You 1U notice that while the price of Dr. Chaoe'i Nerve Food hn been increased to 60c. tl. box now contain 60 pilli instead of W as.lormer v. Likewise Dr. Chaae'a Kianev- biver mis are sac. a box or 36 pilU, iuntead of 2hci for 25 pilli. 1 Edmanaoa, Datei & Co., Ltd, Toronto. New Box 60 Pills 60 ctt. Ml s a MONEY IS GOD OF THE ENGLISH te Mli tons ROM HAY, Ian. at, New tiff tit has been thrown upon (he pur frtn prison sehlenees of nine month: aiidonc year, respeetie Velf Bevernment "I asked if ilrr.Miaadi desired India's euinpletn'ipparittiou from lie nritish Kiniure. ,o," re. lied Uayadas "lie wishes only the self-povernmeiil enjoyed ly Australia and New Zealand. Iln says that if the English became IndianUcd,. we can accommodate them. If ttfey .wish to remain in India along-with4 their pwn civil- uation. we have no. room for them.- ' My father thinks that English voters make their newspaper their Hihle. Their views swing like a pcnduluiu, following the man who is a -powerful orator or who giv.'s ' many receptions lie believes that if India copies England she .will he ruined." T Commercial The Knglisb are Ion coin mercial," ' broke In Hamedas Father used to quote Napoleon who called them a nation of shop-keepers, lie Wa fond of (he story told of the late I'resl lent Krugr, who, when asked If there was any gold in the moon, replied II was eitrcmely unlikely because, ir Iruej the English would have annexed it They wish lo convert the whole world into a market for their gHds. We can always under stand thcfn jf we remember lhat inon .y i. their god." Tk Mm It tk Meofl fE nx'tliod for reilucing the sire of head is lo mix freely .with high school students am listen carefully;- to th-ir ex lirsaiofn of regard. IK men were a wise as dogs they would Quickly .bury Ihe bone of contention. -,. IF a nian buy more -real es tale than he cart use, may be be catted a ground Jing? asks JTieal rruhlorlst. N6 siree," not lhat, lie (s just' plain crazy am! that's what a- whistling bog never,-, A noi'ESTEfl Is a man lhat puis another lo sleep by selling him an idea that is useless, TIIHEE men fJo to" pen ' pellipg illegal dope, Then make Mime cash Sliuging hash Hut never give up hope. If you read Thi awful screed Juit go and kick yourself. You need a nurse To watch our purse Soon as you get the pelf. THERE is one thing In which Canada can lick the world and that i in scoring goals at hockey tmilrti. 'IHE housing council uy Iho English bouses, are not fit I live in ahd the Irish uy the r.ilKiiu urtj inn in io live, SO (here, you are. It U a ease of Ihe survival of Ihe unfit, ap parent ly. , THE city council is talking of setting the country an example In economy by meeting only tmcfl a fortnight. THE next logical step should THE DAILY NKW8. Tluirlay. January I eery second year tfudjlien have the number of bils Kept down hy limllinjr Iheir number In five at each session,, "Tno many hills," Is Ihe cry of everybody, especially at the That It pinion of QhSndl the fir-t of Ihe month. Indian Aeltater According IT will, he noticed thai a Mil ii a thing nu avoid paying and a hill is nl" a thin? dial you would ue in puyinir the Mil if poses of MahaUUa thatdi hy Uie;y,' hIl,, " an'' '' 't v,l 11 visit of an Khplish Journalisl,' fr anylhintr else. Iirew Pearson to I lie finpristuieil r..l...... i ...... - u. iiiiiM'iaii luiiurr muni; nt .ill inedubml. The reporfer was entertained by lhaniiis wife and soh,s anil recount hi exper- lence-in the columns of Iho Voice of India. After (riving, a colorful picture of the (ihandi homn- and it surrouiiclings, ' Mr. Pearson writes; , Aftr we adjourneil lo (Shaudi's room, I sal under his picture, talking with his two son and his secretary. Hamerlas lhc elder 'son, ha Jul returned from South Africa. The younger on, Mevailas, and liesai, Ihe secretary," had been released MANSON SUGGESTED SUCCESSOR TO OLIVER Interettlng Sketch of Activities of Attorney General Given In Winnipeg Paper Says" a ItrilUh Columbia cor- respondent of Ihe .Maniloha I'ree ress: 'llon. A. M. Manson, nl- lorney. general of llrilish (loliun- ia, who recently astonished a lot f people by telling the members f the Vancouver Minjslerial As sociation lhat Ihey were a hunch f piker, is one or the interest. personalities in the rarwel-i ern political firmament. 'Alee.' as he is generally known hy his friends, js a young man with lots of ability, an abounding i'tiergy. anil a decided tendency lo boil Over if he gels a hit excited. Then he will strike right out from. Ihe boulder, and he means every thing he nys. There is abso lutely no doubt as lo thai. Itul the trouble is llial wial Mr. Manson says so emphatically and directly on such occasions is nally pltor politics, and (.literals feel lhat plain-spoken, 'Honed John' Oliver is n.uile capable of making a many breaks a one government can afrnrd lo ! ie- potisihle for without having an attorney cencral who break out in a rnsb every once in a while. Weaker Without Him Nevertheless .the Oliver pov- ernnienl would In4 considerably weaker than iff if Manon were not in it. Pos.essor of a very nimble legal mind, not unlike tli Arthur Meighen I.1 with a njm. hie tongue In match, tpiile as nimble a Mr. Meiyhen's. Hie at torney general is (he hip driving wheel on the government side of the legislative assembly. Since he fieeame attorney general lh premier lia beeif disposed to laku his eae to soiiip extent, and a slrangr in Hi gallery on most occasions would naturally pick Manson as the leader of the Hnue. Manson is the type or man to thrive on hard work and ex cilement. He has had plenly of both since he became a minister, for In addition lo (he remilar duties that rail lo the lot or a provincial attorney-general he has had to administer Mritish Columbia's Moderation art. Man son ha made war on bool legging willi '.-fiod result, curried on a prelly continuous row with Ihe Vancouver cily authorities about irregulariliert jn issuing licenses to beer club, which re sulted in eichly such clubs e ing closed up the oher day. In recent months be ha been gel ling some mnrp excitement nut or charges made by him involv ing the 'narcotic squad' nr the floyal Canadian Mounted Police in'participalion or the drug IraN Hc, In connecllon wifh thi invesiigalion, he bumped into the Ollawa department of Justice and withdrew from I lie inquiry when dissatisfied wilhdhe manner in which it was being conducted. As an artermalh, the allorney-general succeeded in having two members or the 'narcotic squad,' whom be believe were in the drug smuggling game, committed for trial on perjury charges. .Q,C. Inquiry On the top id all this. Man. son i now engaged in preparing Ihe material for Ihe Inquiry Into P.O.E. affairs' o art shortly. 1'roui all or which It I pretty easy to gather thai in the event or u Liberal defeat in the next provincial election, and Mr. Oliver's retirement from pnlillcs, .Mr. Manson will be bis natural urrenr." Ten Years Ago In Pilnc ftupenrt January 1, 1f14. Aid. Thomas McClymont has flouted Ihe .Voilhern Prick Sl Tile. Co, Machinery costing 107,. Odd has been purchased and a plant will go in ul Miln 80 on Ihe Fkeenu river It will 'have a be to have the legislature meet 'capacity of 40,000 jtrlcki per It is such lovely material Directions for Washing Silks Vki$k en tablntmun- rut t imx ikio a mw '.tll..r im half a kou-U Add eold waltr until luk$warm. Dip thi farmtnt vp and down vrttiinf rud$ rtptuUd ly tkrmgk tolttd tpoti. Riiutinlhrt luktuurm altrt. Sfui hufr tutd not tcring. Roll in a totctl; trhrn nearly dry, frrnt witk a warm ironntvrr a kot ont'i Hugh Mcpherson pr.nsided. old." When you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and see that nu ret it. tf HEART WAS SO BAD HAD TO SIT UP IN BED Mrs. O. E. llurrll, lot ns l, St, TIhjiiii, Oii wrllri: "In llxt Fall ( 101, I was lakrn III with my heart, Inn dlit H innrli illenlliai In II. I arpl ou llli my tKiuwhulil duties, Imt sefiiml lo lM-ifne vtnrite ami uriw, and finally Uad lo rail In il'Mlof. II said I all rvn luwn ami va a iktvou r-rk luut s ketrre Miln In my rlie.t wlilcU n-iiiild move nver lo my Iwrl and II le rarde i"i tad I ruiild ImiI Urn down, Id I did I lia audi nuoitit-rlnK P-ellna I uul. have to alt op III led till II pa.aed away. I tried rsveral ri-niedlra, tml with hii jihm rsulla, t'lnally, I ai Imlured Vi try Mllburii'a Heart and .Nerve rill. I look 7 Lutea, and I aiu ihiw aa veil aa I aa lit years ari, aud I am now at yeara ,Mllurn' Heart and Nerve I'llla are toe I box al alt druiilMa r dealers, or mailed (Jlrert ni receipt t,f prlre hy The T. Mil- hurn Co., Limited, Toronto, Onl, For VANCOUVER, Points rPHB beautiful shimmcriiiK materials X that are fashioned into Milady's clothes today rcqufre the most delicate care in washing. . Old methods of iubbin would ncverdo for such exquisite fabrics. Lux, with its gentle cleansing suds, comes to the aid of those who love refinement in material and irt design. The rich Lux lather, gently squeezed through fine fabrics, just floats the dirt away without a possibility of harm coming to a single delicate silken thread. Wear what you wish the most alluring material can be washed with Lux. im lux Ws iBaOmPH -Cv. ' Ltvtn moTinn Ih day. The chief .lockhoblers arei A. E. Itohinsiui, Kiurland:!. Jor-1 dan, Vancouver; '. i. Ie.Miisy( and T. .McClymont of prince Itu- There is much speculation as' to what Ihe Canadian Pacifle llailway will do with a surplus on band of ets.oori.ouo. Tim building of n road into Ihe peace lliver country is prominently mentioned. - A grand concert was held In the Knox Presbylerlan Church at Terrace Ibis week. Th.oe, taking part included Mr. (1. fiiggey, Mrs. Tom Slcwarl, Wil liam Kcoll, Pert Kenney, J, Hepburn, E. Kenney, S. Kby, S. lacquesl and Mr. Kirkpatrick, COAST STEAMSHIPS WinUr Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails from Princ Rupert VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate TrlHav. a.m. ' ' p AW. ma m n . . . rur oitnutii nq antox Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. 84. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jn. 2, 16, 30 1 Feb. 13, 27 J March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Laave prinea nuperi .U p ta. for rrutcr. OKOhOr, ifivioMToi, W!i Nll'EO, all point a Caitern Canada. t'niaM Suiea, Mctaer all oeuat iTtaaiaNie usiKt. Cltr TUaat Offlaa, in tM'4 va, rtteaa Rv-Mrt. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coait Servicei S ail ings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18 February 1, 15, 20. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaoway, January 14, 28 1 February 11( 25. S4. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, Eaet Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday a 1 p.m. Aaenc'y for all Steamship Llnaa. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, general AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. ... a. I U 4-. U, . i. U l - Jl - -1. 1 M UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sat linri rrom Prior Kupart, T" vasjcooviR, VIOTOma, 0wr ralla, anS SaMa Bar, Tt-aaaaf, S f."-ear VANCOUVCR, VI 070 I A, irt 9T, an Swanaan Bv, aad.ra'ar Neaa. ANV0X, Alloc ARM, STIWMT, Walaa lalan, u4af VM, for POUT Simpson ar4 Mm Bla Cannarla,'PrMtv A.M. " luA oua. 4. aarnalay, ", Prltjca IWfrt. 9 C