PAGK FOFR. " TM DAILY NFWa " Thiu-.Jny Juniinry t jp, ( BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj " r, SPECIAL WELL I M S ft ARE APE f EL? (WO I WA1 v vou CO OUT rT. MMr,T if wr. U-,F HOOl utiv VMVUH. llu- WT7LL VVHY 1 CONC.OOT WELL. I CUE CONCOOTanO TviecoO.TOr iS? whTTO DOts-TOOCO I H m TO LUNCH lb E. ANThCOiN- THM-b THAT fc TEN.rOOW lT fVVr livT . VCV ) C 1 fOLUNCH? FOR FEW DAYS. ' Ladles' Velvet ' SLIPPERS g $2.50 All sizes, Chlldrens' Patent Mary Jane Slippers. SiCs 1 In ?Vi 51.60 Sizes 8 In IOU. . $2.25 Sizes It In 2 .. $2.50 Family SHOE Store Third Avenue, Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations Tor that Summer Vacation "Visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hread; is your best food. Hal mjore of it. Kept by the lending grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third A v. Plnce Rupert B.C. HydeTransfer Phone 580. NIGHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 139 2nd Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, m and distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coai, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Loggers' Club Bituate Jn the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week : or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In oonneotlon. James Zarelll - Proprietor. LIBERAL ANNUAL MEETING ON MONDAY! Hon T. D. Pattullo and Fred Stork will Address Gathering on Topics of the Day Taking advantage of the ex-' peeled presence jn Hie cily of Hon. T. I). Pallullo, the execu-; tive of the Prince Huperl Liberal' Association lias arranged to hold ils annual general .meeting on Monday evening at half past eight in Hie old Carlfton Cafe Third Avenue, fur Ihe purpose of electing oflicers for the coining year dnd of carrying out lhe business of (lie association. j The cat tiering will tie add res-j sed by Hon. T. I). Pattullo and Fred Slnrk and should prove of unusual interest esoeeinllv in iew, of the possibility of an election lakimr nlaee Inle lliis year or early next year. It will l.e the annual occasion on which Mr. P.-.ltnllo ive ..n e....l nf Ihe work of the session, especi- ally insofar as it concerns Prince Huperl. II is quite possible that ",are """ Jtaipu ,p-Ihe olV.ccrs chosen at this meet-,'a,,Hr- Sa,M Anlosr A- ,'"',,rg, ing may tie the ones wtio will, have charge of (he election cam paign. DR. KERGIN SPEAKS TO TUXIS BOYS ARH1IT INIIl IN ! Mucauloy and Charles P. Coles, hduui iNauLiniYanC(,uvM.. niiar,,f, fiul!M,an, The Tuxis Square of the Meth odist Church held ils monthly Mipper last night. Dr. V. T. Kergin gave a jnnsl interesting address on "Insulin," tracing the! history of the disease diabetes1 and and Ihe many unsuccessful allempls to cure il. He gave a history of the work of Dr. Hant- fnn- ntnl liiu ii-fiinliirfiil ,lipivirv of insulin and told of the mclho.l'GROTTO SCORED WIN of using the fluid. Dr. Itanltng s experimenlf. first consisted of re moving the paiicreas from sev eral dogs arid, when they had contracted diabetes and he had treated them with insulin ami cured I hem, he began 'his work on human beings. Following Ihe address the boys the closest since the prince their weekly physical culture r,erl City Milliard League started workout under Ihe leadership of Galileo Conloli, a Swiss alhlete.'team edging out over Ihe Jailer who has a great interest in boys, The evening's entertainment Jlf, aggregate, liolh teams intended willi a keenly contested proved I heir positions in Ihe bakelball match. Marl Harrie is Ihe mentor and is doing splendid work among the Tuxis Hoys. MOOSE WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE ENJOYED Many Persons Attended Affair Held Last Evening In Metro-pole Hall The whis'l drive . ami dane held last night in the Melropoje IliilliS. of K Iiy Ihe Moose Lodge was Ihe usual Grollo .... success, being allended by n large P.It.H.P. .. . number of persons. The prize winners were Ladies' first. Mrs. Alf. Christiansen; ladies' second,) Miss D. .1. Itlchards; genllemen's TONIGHT- Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets stop sick haadMh, raliava feilimia iHttti, ami regulat tha llmiiiative organa. wnmmm J llfl liaaw tartar TIub PUU For Uvar IBs" J- Hickny; gentlemen second, J. Itaron. After refreshments had been ",'rv''" ""' -l'pr ision of Mr"; X"'"t. la-iiw wa in- ""H"' ,n 10 w" " 01 music lUllllslied l.y I'ryce S Orchestra. ,l"',r mar of cere- " " ro mmiuee ... '. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. V. Dawson, Hazellon: J. II. Hamilton, A. Skelhorne, K. V. Delcourt, James Oordon, II. 0. Placerville, Calif.; J. II. McMul-Ifii, Yiclonaj'D.MIoward. Seallle; A. Walt, C.N.H.; V. J. Service. Smilliers. Central C. Ojol and It. I.. .N'ewconib, Winnipeg: W. II. Mctiillum, Vancouver; .1. It. Slnnyer, Hunm Lake. OVER ST. ANDREWS BY NARROW MARGIN The billiard tournament be. MACDONALD'S Fine Cut 1 1 ween the (irotlo and SI. An-idiew's Society last evening was .caouV nchediile, the former on the longer end of a 930 lo ijeague standing. Individual scores were as fol- lows: Don Hrown (Grotto. 2nn; It. Davie 'SI. Andrew's), t9. G. Waugh. I '.; Joe Hrown, 200. J. Stolen, lot: J. "Andrews, 200. Jack Judge, 200; S. D. Macdon- ald. I7.t. Ilcrl Morgnn. 200; M. M., Mc Lnchlan, iC.K. League slandins lo date fol tow: . Games.. Total. Aver. G.W.V.A. .. .. 3 S'J.IO 1)83 .. 3 SfifiO 887 . 3 2(i.'l0 877 . 2 .1735 808 . 2 1731 860 . 3 25 t8 810 F.Iks ... ... SI, Andrew's Subcrjhe for Ihe Daily New. For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Fine Cut I I Sport Chat j Scoring records to dale in the Senior HaketbaH l.caguu: V. Milchell (Colls 137. I). Ilalfour i Sons of Canada-? lis. II. Mcnzics Sons of Canada) 115. jA. A. l'assnn (.Coils j 99. J. Milchell (Teachers; 95. n. Milchell iColts) 80. W. l.amhio (Teachers) 77. A. Lane i Teacher) K. Smith (Colls) 68. , Harry Astori (Sons of Canada) 15. Vic Menzies (Son of Canada) I- Don Graham (Sons of Canada) 35. Kric Mackintosh (Sons of Canada) 31. II. S. Httrii (Teachers) 28. J. Kelly (Cull) 10. iU. Shenion (Teacher 7. lit. Hartlett (Colls) 5. I. II. Harlness (Teachers) J. Itazett Jones (tdls) A. Milchell and C. Wooduorlli, (Teachers) and . ' Hlylln (Sous of Canada) I. II. H. Skinner (Sons df Canada) Ililerinediale League G. Illytlie (Colls)' IK. D. Gurvich (High' School) 108. I. Kelly (Colts) 101. W. Wrathnll- (Grottn) 93. . Milrhell (High School) it:). It. Smith (Colls) 79. G. Shenton (F.Iks) (0. C McLean (High School; 42. D. MulliPMm (High School 1 to. M. Ilndeniclt (tdls 37, W. Cavalier (Kits') 31. V. Meijtiher (Klki 20," W. Gray (Grollo) 25, I'. Franer (Grollo) 23. . Howard (Grplto) 23. i. Anderson (Grotto), 10. D. Frizzcll -(Golls) 10. V. Iinibie (Grolto), 15. 11. Herr)tuan (Klks) 15. A. Phillips (High School) I t. A. Jolmsloii (Klks) 13. G. Ilulger (High School) 10. I.. Anderson (Grotloj 8. Cragg (Elks) 8. L. 'Aslori (Klks) 7. A. Palmer (Klks) fl, It. Wendle (Klks) 5. II. Kelly and It. GretMiwell (Klks) 4. II. Capilick Girollo i. G. Hill (Grollo) 2. l.adies' League Miss l.eona Parker Adanacs) 81, Miss Caroline Milchell (Teach- erst, 80, Miss Myra Harvey-(.Maple Leafs) 8. Miss Sundae. (Jahlerone (Maple Leafs) 30. Miss M. Casey (Kaiens) 31. Miss A.. Kelly (Adanacs) 25. Miss Margaret Graham Maple Leafs) 23. Miss V. Shocklcy (Adanacs), 22 Miss Laura Frizzell (Maple Leafs) 21. Miss A. Morrison (Kaiens), 20. Miss .Van Price (Teachers) 10. Miss C. Harvey (Teachers) 10. Miss Margaret Lindsay (Teachers) 9. Miss pelc Tremayne (Adanacs) 7 Miss Willa Dyer (Adanacs), 0, Miss L, Lown (Maple Leafs) C Miss M, Lancaster (Teachers) 5. Miss II. milliard Teachers) 4. Miss II. llrochti (Kaiens) 4. Mfss If, Lundquist 'Kaiens) 3. Yzb. mam r.nM mm Sll I WW -aaaaBaBa y Lb. -15 3B Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvartlsaiTMMtt Taken tor Lm tHnn ROc WANTCB MOLI-Ul IIAHIIP.ll COLLWSK wants men and women In learn Hie Harber Trade. Paid while learning. This is your opportunity lo learn n trnde and get into steady employment. Graduates earn from 810.00 to ? 50.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Hastings K. Vancouver. WAXTKD. T iMircha-e .mall Iioiisp on one or two lots on easy terms. Apply with particulars In liox 5u. Daily .News OOiee. 29 WANTKD. A .eho..lsirl lo work for board and room. Mul he reliahte. Apily P.O. llox 1712. If FOR BALI FOH SAUL Fully modern house in Seclion f i vp. Six rooms, panlry and basement. Iliiill on cement pile-. Fnumlalioii and building in good condition. Cash or terms. iUit 158 Daily News Gflicc. 25 KG It- .SALK. Halibut gurdy price J?50.ltn. Seining winch, 425.00. 35 JI.P. Sludebaker engine, with propeller and shaft. 1 25.00. Apply North-em .Kichange. tf FOH SALF Sixteen room hoard ing houe and store, furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose Avenue. FOH SALP.. 3 4 x 31 propeller cheap. Apply Northern Kx-changfv If FOR RENT STKAM Heated . Flat for rent Hesner apart menU. M. M, Stephen. HOUSK for llent. Furniture for sale. Apply M.'U Second Ave. . 29 AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALK nt 325 Second Avenue on Thursday, January 31 at 2.30 p.m. Consisting of mahogany library table, armchairs, crass chairs, Wilton carpels, bed, bureau, good water color pictures, linoleum,, kilchen ulensils, etc. Philpoll, Kvllt A Co. 25 LOST LOST. Siring of pearU between Dunsmuir. SI. and Fifth Ave. West. Finder please return to Daily News Olllcc. Ileward. Miss A. Stephens (Maple Leafs) Miss M, Long and Miss Hyrne (Kaiens) 2. League standing to date follow: Senior League W. L. Pis, Sons of Canada I IH Colls 0 li 12. Teachers ...... I 10 2 Twft noinls deducted by associa. lion for fielding unregistered player. Intermedials League Coll 8 1 10 llligh School '1 3, 12 Grolto 2 0 Klks 1 7 2 Ladies' League Maple. Leafs .... 7 211 Adanacs ....... 0 2 12 Teachers 3 0 0 Kaiens ........ I 7 2 I Junior League lllKh School 5 I III Colls 5 2 III Wars v.. ...... 3 '3 0 Hlue Ilirds ... .. 0 7 , il Bubacritie for the Dally News BOARD. IiOAni). The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf FURS GOING UP. The Fur Ma'kel is romlng back strong. See me first and lat with your catch you'll make more money. W. GOLDBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend, Second Avenue. . AUCTION SALES. Good Hought. Sold or Kxchangcd H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave, hones Hlack 130 and hd 142, TAXI Tail 17 Phone, (Call Oeorg or Oust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Cnmrort Dy or .Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avsnwe MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Pr. days, :oe. at 5.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 4.30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sunday p. M. Wednesdays p.M. Fridays , A.M. C.P.Il. January 1 and 28. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, Mail closes at I P.M. Fridays 8.15 A.M. Saturdays .. A.M. C.P.Il. January 18. To Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Wednesdays Ill P.M. From Anyox, AllCe Arm, Stewart, Premier-Fridays A.M. To Port Simpson, Alloe Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 P.M. From Port Simpson, Alios Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Tuesdays A.M. To Alaska Points January 11 and 28. From Alaska Points- January 18. To Queen Charlotte Island Point January 2, 10, 30. Cloes 0.30 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Point. January 1 1 and 28. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson- Thursdays o P.M From Naas lver Points Ralnrdsys , A.M. PRINCr MlPrarr rinfi av -w e sav w Thursday, January 31 High 9:21 a.m. 20.2 fl.' 22 21 p.m. 7.3 " Iw 2:52 a.m. 7.0 " 10:01, 4.7 " Friday, February 1 High 10:20 .,, 20.9 fl, 23:28 p.m. 18.2 " 1:03 n.m. 8, t7:0 iun, 3.0 Saturday, February 2 ' ""fh ,11:23 n.m. 21,5 5:00 n.m, 7.5 17:59 p.m. 2.1 Sunday, February 3. "'81' 0:21 a.m. IU.I 12:15 pjn. 22.1 J'"w 0:08 a.m.- 0.8 18:19 p.m. 1.5 Wonday, February 4 "W' 1:13 n.m. 20.0 13:03 p.m. 22.5 ''w 7;0 ii.m. o.l IfiOS p.m. 0.1) n. fl. SCHEDULE OF BASKETBALL February I, Grollo, Colts Mapi .aU Adsnttc; B.OJi, Colls 8. Kaiens, Teacher; Rfjt High School; Colt. Tf.iobri, II. Colls, Itegl.; Mis U-u. Katen; Teachers, S.O.0V c 15. Adanacs, 'JVacheVjcHij;, School, Grotto; 8.0.0, tuM 18. Oils, High, suic: Teachers. Maple Isaf Lolx Tcochers. 22.--Kaien, AdanacsJ ilWzt Grollo; Teachers, 25- Grollo, ColtsfV ;! Leafs, Adanacs; S.O.C, CTJU. March 1. Knlen, Teachers? Rftt IliKh School; Colls, Tearhem, 4-ColL Heat.; .Mapiri ltt Kaiens; Teachers, SjOX, 8. Adanac, Teacher lllrt School, Grolto; S.fJ.C , l'H. II Colls. IMrIi School T :ck ers, Maple I.eafs; ioiia. r n"; 15 Kaiens, Adanac .1et Grollo; Teachers, S.O.C, , ' WHIST LEAGUE Jan 31 St Andrew w J r' P.; L.OI.F. xn I Us Mel vs. G.W V A,: Sons r 1 -r ada vs Sou of Lniiil" Feb. 7 St. Andrew s'vjs U i.o.o.f. v. aw vv . &u- Canada s. K. of P .JIoyM u K. of C. J Feb. 11 Hons of I'ntrUfid v K. of C; K. 0 p. vs. KU M i vs. I.O.O.F.; G.W Vl, SI a i t r Anurew . , Feb. 21 -Moose vs. PVn oi 'an ada; St. Andrew's v. I.O.O.F K. of p. vs. K. of C. ; Sons f I'ogland vs. Klks. Feb. 28--K. of p. vs (1 W V A Moose vs. Klks; Hons of Canada vs. I.O.O.F. ; SI. Anlrfw' s. K. of C. March 0 K. of P. vs W.O-F Sons of Knicland vt Vi Sons of Canada vs. K1 M C March 1.1 Horn of Knglnml v, .W.Vj. League standing: w. L Moose ...-. 8. i Sons of Kiinland. 8 3 8 Klks 8 3 7 K. of p 5' 5 i G. W. V. A 5 n i Oddfellows 1 a SI. Andrew's I i 7 I iS. of 0 3 8 K. of c a .-8 91 i ' BILLIARD LEAGUE ISSUES SCHEDULE Feb, I. P.ll. Hlllinrd l'nrlor vs. Klks. Felt. 4. P.n. Hlllanl I'rlors vs B.OJI. Feb; 0. Klks vs. SI Mlirw'' l'eh. 8. G.W.V.A. vn, -Ow1"0' Feb. II. S.O.K. vs.St. Andrew-' .Feb. 13. Grollo vs. Klks. Feb. 15. P.ll, Ullllatt'rSVlori' vs. G.W.V.A. a NOTI0E Tj Advertisers are feTnlntl' fd lltal copy for .Jf'H' tlscmenls should ifrlhe Jlalty News ofTlco Mrttfivrc 4 p.m. today lo cnstf'la-sertion in lomorroW,fl- sue.