Thunday January 31 1P? yieatless ays rnmum tkt tUltdm. h 0X0 Colt mwn Jtt Jig S I'muk, OXO UMtTUi 2JJtmmlmU, It is economy to let the butcher drive past once in a while. Oxo Cubes take the place of butcher's meat in soups and savory dishes and open up a hundred and one dainty ways of using up today what was left over from yesterday. Oxo Cubes are time and money savers more than that, they add nutrition to other foods. Tins ol 4, 10, SO and 100 Cubes. oxo cube - Oxo Vegetable IlUh aaA. ' r r 1 awBaaaaaaPjaa" "W I -It !T-itpanuiii lh'MW tts ' 1 i-1o-. m itttir lb, k Special tin mouth mux ; y! Buy now and avo money. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. TcL3. 1 1 I f TT We Deliver. Shockleys Sole A go ii Is for Mtyftr Mills, Hafiall, B.C foFyfe 8mlth Co. Be the 'Candy' Kid And Buy a Box of PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Ideal for the Home, the Party or the Theatre. A TOOTHSOME DELIGHT IN A BEAUTIFUL BOX. All Sizes All Prices. - -.rut' Af? ,,! Wince Rupert CIGAR STORE Thlr Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. HEATER BARGAIN 438, u si..-. Sunh-.oii llc.itrr. tg. pro ' ? 1 7 ."iD. .i.l II... in. mill niii .... Jlt.uu v No. 21. Sunbeam llenler, rep. price ?32.0. - - - r . $18.00 P.O. Drawer 1640 DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Planing Mills Phone 383. . Lumber Hardwood Fir Veneer ' " " w,,v Fraser Mills ; ; 111 Hi Sirure nnu lotinp. spruce anil Odnr Hhlnlan. Spruce Plunking. bali, tors, Mouldings, niass. Shiniflcs. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling. H ere an dTh ere A new record has bttn established by the Department of Marine and Fihrief in the number of whita fiih rjrgs collected for hatchery pur-Poet in the Great Lakei and th I-ske of the Wood. A total of 464,-tCO.OOO eggs were obtained, which exceed all previous collection in the province of Ontario. A new depotit of soapstone hat been discovered on Trap Lake, a small lake aouth of Wabijroon Lake, in north weitern Ontario. The quality of the atone hns been reported at ex-cellent for various industrial uses, and practical triali are under way. Water transportation ii available direct from the depoaita to Wabigoon, and Dryden, on the main line of tha Canadian Pacific Railway, It is announced by the Canadian Pacific Railway that two free wholarshlps covering four years' tuition in architecture, chemical, civil, mechanical or electrical engineering at McGill Univeraitv. m offered, subject to competitive examinations, to apprentices and other employees enrolled on the permanent staff of the company and under 21 years of age, and to minor sons of employees. Canada's fisheries' production tur. Ir.g 1923 is estimated to be worth $10,000,000. At the beginning of the year u was not thoujht that any. thine tike this mark would reach. ed. for the Fordney tariff had cut deeply into exports to the United State. But as the year wore on the demand and prices generally improved, thus giving fishermen along me Atlantic coast especially a much Detter market Approximately 15.000.000 will be spent by the Dominion Coal Company to open up a new mine and colliery at Linean, Nora Scotia, and construction of a branch line of rail way to the new site has already been s'arted. The new colliery will be equipped with every modern device, and a model town will be planned in if vicinity. It will have a capacity oi some 2,uw tons daily. The tenth annual Ski Tournament w be held at Revelstoke, February ' h and 6th, in connection with which sk-jorinr, toborraning. snowshoe. i.'I, skatine, etc., will be featured An enJeavor is beinr made to secure the attendance of Uno Hilstrom, Sweden s champion skt-jumper, as well as other famous ski-jumpers from both Canada and the United States. Canada in 1923 produced more, mal, lead, cobalt and asbestos than during any other year since miningr . r'l-ords have been kept. The output of i al was in tbe neighborhood of ' 1" IrtA fltn Inni MR AAA lnn. k- . ; tr than Ahe best previous record. j ard 5,000.000 ton over that in 1922. The output of copper, nickel, cement 1 sad asbestos, was also much above HtatiromJM'ijrecedmx yarv Gold J irMnrt:n ws dawk somewhat, but i tsis was dje more to a power short' xge.thM anythtnir else. As a result of efforts on the part o' Han. J. A. Kobb. .Minister oi lm- micration and Colonisation, a 20 r r cent preference rate on Atlantic pawaffca for all British immigranta seitlinc in Canada has been ar ranged to come into effect on March 1 and continue until the end of the main Immigration utmn at the end of November. It will apply only to British immigrants coming direct to Canada from the British Isles, and will affect all lines coming to Canadian Atlantic porta. Three delightful cruises have been swarded to agents of the Canadian Pacific Railway for services rend- red the company during the past t ar. One of them, J. J. Forster, general agent at Vancouver, will ' ii! on a round-the-world cruise on IN- "Empress of Canada"; YV. C. ( ry, j-eneral agent at Winroeg, wi.i upend sixty-eight days cruising the Mfditerrsnean on the "Empress ScotUn-V while D. R. Kennedy, - ral 2?m st Buffalo, will enjoy ; 'wnt-n;ie-day cruise in the West . i. . . r d.:! . iS o'l ine l.riTirvs. Ul piiwiii. ', h'- t'io were awarded by the com. t ny in recognition of. last year's w V in connection with cruuc book- NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives nu ama.iiigly brilliant, soft, white IikIiI. even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by the t'.S. (ioveruinetit and 35 leading universities and found to be hii iierior to 10 ordinary oil lamps It burns without odor,, smoke or tHJlse no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe. Hums v nir and fie; common kerosene (coal oil). The inventor, ft. A. Johnson, 5115 MrDeruml Ave., Winnipeg, is offering to .end ii jump on 10 days' FRF.F. Irial, or even to give one J'RF.l' to the first user in earh locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full parliculnrn, Also ask him to explain how you can get Iho agency, and without experience or money nuike 230 lo 5()0 per month. NOTICE All persons owing neejninls lo the Pri Rupert I) airy are ro- THE DAILY NEW8. PAOB THREB. Local aod Personal Hay nert. 351. Undertakers. HasiclbaH tonight Home instead of Friday. Pbou tr Kike' Children Masquerade lomor- f irow evening ai .ju in tut Home. Admission 50c. Fresh shipment Nanooee-Wel- cwal just arrived, l'hil-polt, Ilington Kvit5$ , . J tf r' ,. Cliildiin Mai4it-suJc lonwr- ruw vveimiif at V.JU in Home. Vdiniiou. ZOc. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. If 4 M. IV McUalTery is" wailinyr by the l'rinec Rupert tomorrow morning fur Vicloria on u business trip. The i?ea?ide I.uneli Counter, Cow Hay, i for ale. F"or infor- uialiun phone Red 100 or apply IN. M. McLean, Cow Hay. 27 The Fordor irilan and oilier new 1-oni tnodeH are now on display ul Parker's Salesroom. Auk ahout. tlic ea.y pawnent plan. Mr. and Mr. Olicr Ile-nor and dauylilerK, who Jiavc been south on a holiday trip, relurned home on I he I'rince Rupert ye.lerday afternoon. Mr. and Mr. II. S. Irwin, who arriveil a few day, aso from Surf Inlet, are ailiug tomorrow uiorning by (lie I'rince Rupert or Vaneoiher. It. (iamflyf lite Royal Hank Mall, win lia been !oulli .on a vacation trip, relurned lo the cily on I be I'riiiw Rupert yef- lerday afternoon. - Frank liaviec. arronnlant for I lie A 1 1 1 ii Fislierit-. relumed ye trnlay aflernoon fnm Victoria where) he has been viiliiip on In annual vacation trip. Mr. and Mr,. Fred Mi?iiii 're turned fromt,Vaiunner -on the I'ruict' Runecl yesterday after noon. .vir .UHfjtini iia." neen on an auiomoMte iiujiiif.' trip. J. A .Kirkiiatrirk it'turned to llii- ril -on dlie Prince Ruper rt'nlay afternoon. lie fpent the C.lirilina and New Year, holiilay faon with his family at Vancouver. I'. S. .lack, mining recorder at Stewart, went through on the Prince Rupert yesterday afler-noou relurninv fnmi a rombin- ed business and pleasure trip (o Vancouver and Victoria. Capt. It. L. Neweombe of tin- launch Dixie Ruert relumed by last night's train after an ab- 'cnec of three months, the, must of which lime was peut in visiting New Hrunswick. I'. S. llonney, district forester returned to Hie cily on I lie Pripce Rupert 'ye-tenlay after noon Irom iiiursion nay near Powell River where he .has been attending a meeting of foresters. 1'.. R. Workman, .sawmill man and operator of -the electric I i is la I plant at Stewart, passed through yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert bound north after a business tr:. to Van couver. J. Y. Rochester, CN.R. marine superintendent, who . has been here for I lie past week in connection willi the docking of the Swanson Hay car ferry, expect'' to return to Vancouver on Iho Prince Rupert tomorrow Col. .1. II. McMullin, superior tendent of provincial .police, armed from Vlciorja on he Prince RnperJ yesterday afternoon, lie is visiting the city and district on an olllcnil Inspection trip and will proceed - from here to the interior?' m v "i !'".; T W. II. 4't'imeyi forest ranger at Thursto,n Harbor who has been .nllendiin- a meeting of foresters at Thurston Hay near Powell River, relurned lo the city on Hie Prince 'Rupert yesterday micsied to make settlement afternoon and sailed later in the iforlhwith in order Hint their 'veiling on t lie Prince John for ti'j-u i;-- i iv In cloM.d out. "."J the t-'auds. Bent's Ladies' Ready-to-wear Store Beg to announce their Seven Day Sacrifice Sale BOAT ARRIVALS steamer l'rinec Rupert,! Capt. John McKernan. arrived from Vancouver and way-pond at 1.30 yesterday afternoon bringing the following passen gers: For Prince Rupert W. H. Penney (Thurston Harbor) ; A. lone and Mr. llanon ;Roe Lake). 1. S. llonney. Col. J. II. McMullin, F. Davies. Mi. Howard, Mrs. liladys Mitchell, Miss F. Hituiey, J. A. Kirkpal- rick. J. Prince. J. Leask. J. R. Macauley, J. H. Hamilton, Mr, t iiuiu nut nut and Mr.. 11. J. Tliomnsoii and; family, V. II. McCallum,. H. (iil- bert, Mr. Wyim, J. DesMulles, H. nan-ell, A. Skclliorne. tSeorgn . Wilson, Miss JameK (L'sk). F. Taylor, .Charles luiian, J. R. Stanyer, J. (iarner, A. Prince. V. J. Marshall, Mis V. Palmer. Lee Sain; J. .onion,' I. McKellar and P. R. Allen, Huekley Hay; Mrs. Shannon. Mr. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. F'red Miggins. C. P. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Olier Hesner and family. Fur-Anyox Mr. Webster, M"ts L. IMiismorf. Miss If. Allen. U. U. Filipalriek, Mr. Lecwortliy. 'J. A. Wallace. A. C Lawrence, J. II. Walker, A. U. Young. II. Williams. Mrs. L. Walker. Mrs. Kent, T. Waddell, Fred Archer and H. Duval. For Mewart I'. S. Jack. II. K"; 'Nelfensy K. If. WbrlCinajl, ji"r. Haker,j.S.. C siiiilli, ..Mr. U1. Murray. J. .Mitchell and Walter Hinail . . - "J (eorge Marrs. 2V4 year old son of Mr. and Mr. A. J. Marts, was. rulietl lo the eity iroin North Pacific cannery by speed er tins morning ami ailiiillied lo the (leneral Hosoilal where he is being attended by Dr. J. A. West. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Passports secured and tickets issued via While Star, Cuiiard and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. The Canadian National Railways make direct connections with steamers of these lines. Full information at Cily Ticket Office. Canadian National Railways, 528 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. H.C Phone SCO. U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Veteran' Associationi' Bovril Poster Competition doses definitely MARCH 31st Each donation of $1.20 entitle to ticket-folder containing 16 color posters, giving an opportunity of winning lit prize, about $55,555.00 or others of the 2,003 prizes, combined value, 30,000, about J138,MS. Send Doaatioa of $1.29 and play the im. Addrnt donation! lo tnr of tK followiaj ei(itiitioni or their biaachn l V,Imm' A,McUtioa W CtmI BritaU. t!2i rrk A. MohItmU O..I War Vtivui' AMotUlUau Cltlim BaiMiai. Ottawa. Arnr aa4 Nary Valaran, la CuaJa, Ul ti.b.a Stroat. Maatrtal. laiawlal V,li la Canada. 7M Mala Sd Ml, Wlnolrai. Tuaarculaua Vataraaa Aaaaclatlaw. SL..ia If, CllU.a BuiMias. Ottawa. -H commencing Saturday, February 2. Watch these columns tomorrow for further particulars Rpii Ladies' Ready-to-wear Store Opposite Bank of Montreal 2-Goldfish -2 and Bowl FREE 'with Every $1.00 worth of Rexall Goods and One Package of Fish Food purchased ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggist. 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.F. Recruits Wanted Ag- limit IS to Zt. Young men from 10 tu 18 can join willi parents consenL CoiiitiHMiang Wednesday, January Dili, a comprehensive six weeks,' course of military training will be conducted under a regular army instructor loaned to Hie Heginietit for this purpose. Physical training and boxing under quallfi3d instructors. Recruits will be examined Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. BONDS Are the Best Investment We recuiuinend the following us being sufe, saleable .and or fair return: City of Vernon ZVt due loth June, IMS. at !fUS.0i, Yield 5.707c City of Duncan (l'idiie ISth May, 11)53, at UH.21). Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert (1 due lliU to 1D50, at I01.:M. Yield 5.90 Orders may be wired at our expense, iule'resl accrued to dale of payment must Ii. added. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd. Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings WE SELL FOR LESS. It Will jia'y you (o consider this fact, when you ur planning to buy Furniture for Your Home 3 t.