,- in a hurry 'Phone II Beet Cart and Beat Bsrvloe L In tha City. Ratee Reasonabla J VOL XIV,, NO. 20, THIS RAILWAY IF t Tha Latast In Restaurant. lAAiiiiiy She Seta BOSTON GRILL PORT IS SUITED FOR GRAIN SHIPPING Grain Exporter Looks Over Local Situation with view to Possible Erection of Grain Elevator here I din going Hie prairie In interview some tif (he grain dealers there lo ee il I mini mak them us c n t Ii u i u lie- about Ui Miilnlily of shipping gniin through the Krt of Prince Iluperl ui I uin myself." staled (1 P. llole of the firm of Kcrr-Oiffonl (.o., gram exKirleri of Portland, Oregon. Mr Uiles arrived vestenlay on the Prince llupert ami ha i.if ut liii tunc here looking over suggested elevulor sites uiuj era! ntiirerriiiK with offiiiol nini particularly with A. K. Warren.'vcr. prncrul manager of western line FRANCE SHOULD It. ABANDON POLICY London Paper Says She Must' do so Before Thero Can be Improvement DRIVING TO CHAOS LONDON Jan 31. - The exV : : i'p of teller belwi-eii Pre-: r- llamy Mai-donald and Pre-.fer e::r" pomrare regarding the .UkIh im Frenrli p uiideivUiidiu:MrtiuffT r :xn little iiew-eHter eommeiit. lis." Ldieral pre. Itelieve Int.; p: cement i lnintllde until V ai:re abandon, her present nt- ..Je toward Ui-riiiaiiy. 'Hie t PaJv New. .ay llrilain lak it .oadi- Fraio-r dial there ore twiei wy of -iifi-KUHrdlHK her-' f 'if Minn in iiiiiImiIIiiii: er I i:ut! n wcMrin railwny ami re- ,. (tcyoiid that i: mir Kumpe lo olluuate chao.',,!,,,! 1 1 i port. lOrieiilal trade I NEW MINISTER FROM QUEBEC Hon. J. A. Cardln Is Lawyer and Has Been In Parliament Since 1911 OTTAWA. Jan.. :it. Pierre lieph Arlliili' dunlin, nieudier for llirhelicii. wln ha been ce-leided to v"ceed Hon. KrncM l.apolnli ii minister of nwrine, i a Kreiich (".anndinn both by liirlh mid iincotry. He win horn nt Sori-I oil June H, 1H71I, und a eilucuti-d at private ocIiooIm Uieriv lie xludied law al l.avn! L iiiv fruity and obtained hi d uree (here. He wn- firol elected 10 the llmi.c nf Cointuoiii al Hie ueueral ebvliou in ttMl and vu re.eleeled in I'.MS nfter bciiitf nioealri. lie wum eiiecensful 11 mi in in u 1 7 ami m:M. H i1 biwjr nnd a llnuiiiii C.alliollc ami ,nuike lil h home in Sorcl. RELINQUISH SEARCH ESCAPED PRISONER VliriOltlA. Jan. 31. The pollen who hae been unu'eliliiK lln wimhN in die vicinity of Imuran for tleoise llunnny. n man who pumped from Dunraii Jail iinilny nlirlif, nn iih.iiidoii1nr 'lie limit In the belief Hint the fimltive oueeeeded In 0!rniinff from the Vanroiiver Island tn'llie mainland, It In reporled here. The 1mi fuaklni? he .enrch included flw' ofhrein of Hie prnvhi"inl force from lh4 oily and of fleers from Nnnuimo and liunruii. HOCKEY SCORES aljle 2, ltpKiiii I. . Hdmoisloii :i, Caljiary 2. Ollawa 7, Toronto St. Pals Cdnadlei,..: HaihiUaij 2 n try. TO CHARTER STEAMER FOR COASTWISE of Ihi Canadian National 'tiiaiiway, witn r. it. uawson, Vancouver, 'director of the railway and withl (J. J. Ouuntic. superintendent Beaumont, superintendent ofjof motive power and car equip- the L.O.M..M. here. He ha all the aiearancc of being a keen busines man and lie refuses to roniiiiil himself to anything ex ccpl that he is looking .over I lie situation with a view lo the erection of an elevator here and that hefore doing anything he will have to confer with hi as sociates and secure all available! data. He I going rax I over the' railway to Calgary and olhw prairie point and will llo-recon- with grain men on the po- ibilitle of establishing, an cx- burineo- tliroushlthepaellamsnt "Dissolves' With- port of Prince Iluperl, Nothing Against Port "f we come to Prince Iluperl. 'jj ,w ,0i meaii that we chall MlJ , t,U!.inc-. at Vancouver," p(.j Mr. tkde.-. "The advan- j1g. f Vancouver I that il i ,,P.,.,i i,v t,, railways, whrreai Prince llupert i nerved by only I ee nolhiiitf So far a Hie ronrerued it ha a ililiii(t advantage.' The whole mailer of bcal con-ilitioiiH and uallway co-operaliou ,wa dieeiiffeil IhU iiioruinj? with (mY Warren and Mr. ilolec also inel Hie president mill wine, of 'the mriiihero of Ihc Hoard of Trade ami oilier and he' will irn eal fully equipped wild all nerr.ary tlala in nifard lo the port, Ihe harbor, the railway, Hie probable iraiu' available fur ehlpiueut by IhN route, and evrrylhin? hich could hae a io.ihle bearing 'on the grain sdiippinir boxine. Build This Year Axked if h ugRC!tiou wa lo reel an cJcvtilor' thin year in caM? hi: decided lo go ahead. Mr. Cole aid uch wa. the inlen linn. He thought il would bo nuile po.ible lo get the build ing ready for Ihe opening of Iho i ml n Khinolnif xeasmi. Ilu Ihouuht a million buhcl cleva lor would ho rather larger than would lie warranted at Ihe be ginning and MUggcslcd hair a Inilliou a belli? nearer the mark. Ho said ho believed In xlartjng in a email way and working up. Mr. Coles wa very relicetil about dl!cu!slng Ihe Nlluailoii at all and it wa. only when pieioted on various pointH that he conenled to say any thing for publication. Mr. Coles is the man who made (he first shlpmcnlH of Ki-aiu from Vancouver and III firm lodaV haudlcft the gloalcr nail of Hie business from that port. Mr. Warren Is here, not only lo meet Mr. Coles, but on ireneral trip of inspection. Ho and Mrs. Warren and Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Haunlngton who nre also of the parly attended Iho Oyro dance at the Arena last evening and remained until the end. They will go south on Iho Princo llupert tomorrow morning. In the party ore: A 1" Voriv.n general matia- Northern and ger. western region, ami Mr. Wurreu. It. W. Hauiiinglmi, assistant counsel ut Vancouver. ami Mrs. Haiiuiiigtou. J. It. Cameron, ii m i 1 1 a 1 1 1 s;4-ii - manager fur I I.C, Vuucou. S. Morrison, district engineer, merit, Vancouver. J. . Kirkpatrick, district mi- pcriuteudriU, Sunt Ihth. O. J. Whealley, inspector of the investigating department. F. Simpson, secretary lo Mr. Warren. WILD TIE JAP HOUSE Ftasis FlylnV ind Fists ' 'Being Piled TCKIO, Jan. 31. The Imperial diet was dissolved today following scenes of the greatest disorder. Water flasks were thrown and fists were used. The disturbance resulted from attempts of the opposition, to Interpellate the government regarding the attempted wrecking of a train at Nagoya carrying opposition leaders to Toklo. GUILTY OF SEDUCTION, IS GIVEN TWO YEARS "Scotty" McRae, Well Known Resident of Bulkley Valley on His Way lo New Westminster ".Seolly" Mo 1 1 nr. a well-known resident of Iho Ilulkley Valley dis trict, is in Ihe city today on his way lo New Westminster when1 he will serve two years, in the penitentiary having been found guilty of seduction last week al Suiilhers by Jmle Yniinj.'. Me-llae's stepdaughter was the woman involved In Ihe case. The prisoner was brought here from Sinilhers by Chief Constable Ser vice, and will go sou Hi in charge of nnollier officer tomorrow morning. HARYEST OF SEA IN DECEMBER VALUABLE OTTAWA, Jan. 31, The bar. vest o sea fish from, Canadian vvulers during Ihe month of He, comber iimounted to 0 15,11 1 hundredweight valued al 91,380,. 374. VENIZELOS Is ILL CAUSING A CRISIS IN GREECE TODAY ATiiKNS, Jan. 31. The illness of Venlielos has . precipitated a g v u v o crisis in (Ireece. The probabilities Dial the Venlielos (iovernment Is uboul to resign are increasing. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper PJtlXCK UUPKKTi B.C., TIIULSUAY, J ANITA i Little (iloria Caruso, daughter of Ihe late world-famed tenor. wai uncertain whether to smile or rage at the jdiolographr when he interrupted the important bui'iie of ciislle building on the sands of Palm Ucaclu i FISH PRICE HIGHER Halibut Supply Is Getting Light) Again 39,000 Pounds Mar- j keted Today i Halibut arrivals are light and prices have commenced lo go up again. Tills morning three American boats marketed 3D.O00 pounds al the Kxchaiigc, each gelling in excess of tl'c for first class fares. Arrivals and sales: Fairway. 8.000 pounds, al I'J.fic and lo Ihe Atlin l isheries. ItcxHIutioti. 7,(100 pounds, al u.7c and to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Venus, :t I. (i( xiunds. at 19.1c ami le. to Ihe Uooth Usheries (iiiadiau Co. and Alliu Fisheries. SENDING MINISTER BRITAIN TO TURKEY LONDON, Jan. 31. - llouabl Charles Lindsay, son Of Karl Crawford, 'has Jlieen appointed minister lo Turkey, reiiiesenting (real ltritaiu. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. OKillY ISLAM). Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barome ter. 211.3 1; leinperalure, H; heavy swell; 1.50 a.m. spoke steamer Prince Iluperl off Lucy sin lid northbound; l'i midnight out Prince John southbound. IHJAI) TIlF.K POINT llaining, calm; baronfeler; 29.22; lem pcrattii'C, 3.1; sea smooth. Ill'LL HAIUIOH. llaining, calm; bnroineler, 2U:35; leni- peruture, It; moderate swell; schooner D.S.T. slormbound at Hull Harbor; 8 a.m. spoke steamer Venture ulf Hull Harbor, uorlhbound. Noon )l(MY ISLAND. Drixxling, light soulheast wind; baromelcr, 2". to; lenieralure, 50; light swell; 0.1 5 a.m. soko steamer Prince John left Massell for j Buckley Bay soulhbound. I) HAD THKK POINT. Over-.casl, calm; baromeler, 29.30; temperature. 38; sea snioolh. BULL HAltBOn. Cloudy. fresh southeast wind; baromeler 29.38: leinperalure, 52; 'ate i ?..ii 're!l HY 31, 108-1. YUrdt' TOAUGMENT BOAT SERVICE J. E. Dairy mple, C.N.R. Vice-President, Makes Announcement In Vancouver VANCOUVER, Jan. 31 J. E. Dalrymple, vice-president of the Canadian National Railway, stated here today that tha Canadian National Intends to enter the Alaskan business this summer and they will also augment the Prince Rupert service. To do this a steamer will be chartered fop this year's bust ness. British Columbia shipyards will have an equal chance to tender for tha new steamer to be purchased for the service. Further Mr. Dalrymple said he hoped to get authority this year for the construction of the Kamloops-Vernon branch. MRS. DONALDSON AND GEORGE DALGARNO TO BE MARRIED TOMORROW Members of the Loyal Orange Benevolent Present Bride" to-be with Sliver Fruit Basket Mrs. Donaldson, who has resided several years in Ihe cily and who on several occasions has acted as lady superintendent of Ihe. Princo llupert (Sencral Hospital, is lo be married tomorrow morning by Hev. Dr. II, II. (Irani lo George Oalgarno, another popular citizen of some years' standing. Last niifhl al a surprise, parly in Ihe home of Mrs. B. Dalgarno, Ninth Avenue, Mrs, Donaldson was, presented by Loyjhl Orange Benevolent Association with a beautiful silver fruit basket. After the wedding tomorrow morning, the bride and groom will sail by the steamer Princediad Iluperl for llnJ soulh. Advertise la tha Dally News. Circulation 1SS2 Sir sim UO. BUSINESS J. A. CAROIN NEW MINISTER MARINE OITAWA. Jan. 31.-Hrnesl l.apoiute was sworn in yesterday afternoon as minister of justice. He i succeeded by J. A. Cardiu, member for Kichelicu, as uiiuisler of , justice. The by-electiou in Hichelieu will lake place on March 12. ACCIDENT OCCURS AT TATCU DAI C rADWCD i i Ford Car Badly Smashed, Driver Receives Painful Lacerations and Occupants Minor Injuries llayuer Bros. Ford laxl had its windshield and lop lorn off, the driver of Ihe car, Ernest Slacey, received painful bul not serious lacerations about Ihe eyes and moulh. and iwo passengers, Jas. Ha si wood and Joe Urace, escaped with minor injuries when the. car last evening about seven o' clock ran into a wire cable strelched-half-way across Second Avenue at the corner of Second ?free1." The- wire " Jfa'd Iieen stretched from Ihe lolem pole whicfl is lieiug erected lal I lie intersection of Hie streets to the sidewalk and it was just low enough to catch the rar in Ihe lark. The consequences of the accident might easily have been more serious. According to J, II. Mitchell of Mitchell A Currie, eonlraclois putting up Ihe pole, a red light had J i ceii left lo mark Ihc stretched wire. The driver' re ported lo Ihe police that he had not seen Ihc light. A resident in the neighborhood told the police thai Hie light had been burnintr. In any case il went out after Ihe impact bul it was nol long afterwards thai several were put up lo ensure against further accidents. At Ihe time of the accident, Ihe driver was hiking his two fares to the (iraiid Trunk Paci fic wharf lo board Iho sleamer Prince John. Several other luotorisls re ported lo Hie police 'that they had narrowly averted u collision willi the obstacle. PERMITS TAKEN OUT FOR NEW DWELLINGS J. Fasolo Building Residence on Ninth Avenue West and Alex. Mackenzie on Tenth Avenue East Permits for two new dwellings in' Ihe city were taken out al the huilding inspector's office during Ihe month of January. The total outlay is t,000. 'The permits were us follows J. Fasolo, dwelling on Mnlh Avenue West, 92,000. Alex, Mackenzie, dwelling on Tenth Avenue Hast, 2,000. SKIPPER OF BRITISH BOBSLED BREAKS LEGS Mishap Meets English Entry In Winter Sporta at ChamonU Venue of Olympic Games C11AMONIX, Jan. 31. Brown ing, skipper of Ihe British bob sled entry in the Olympic games, both legs broken when the, sled jumped over a chule. The,polnled lo Iho Supreme Court of fopr olher members of Ihe crew. Canada succeeding the late Mr, wore 'i'. hurl. Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service private Boxes for Party Use, "Taka Har to Tha Boston PRICE FIVE CENTS. THIS YEAR MINISTER TO WASHINGTON Premier King Says Question Haa Not Boon Considered Sine First of Year OITAWA, Jan. 31. That Hie Canadian government is not al present considering the appoinU ment of a minister at Wasliin((- ton was indicated in a statement last night by Premier King in relation lo reports connecting the name of Sir Arthur Corrie with ihc proposed post. "Durintc the present .year, saiu the premier. me question quest lor oi au appointment of a representative at Washing ton has not been considered."Tli9 reports evidently .refer lo rumorc current some time ago. HOCKEY FINALS SUNDAY NEXT Canadians Are Favorites and ft to Expected She Will Play United SUUs . CIIAMON1X, Jan. 31 The Cah-adl.anrartrtwo1irone;favorllei iu. Ihc hockey 'chaiuvio'isliip lour- nanieut that is going on here in connection with the Olympic games. The finals will be played on Sunday and il is probable that the contenders uu thai occasion will be Canada and Hie United States. Canada won all her games ny oig margins, nciuier one of her opponents making so much as a single goal. United Stales defeated (ireat Britain eleven lo nothing today ' thus reaching the semi-finals." France defeated Belgium 7 to 5. ' HALIBUT TOTAL FOR s MONTH 1,670,000 LBS.' Due to Very Stormy We at har -Prevailing Almost all January, Figure Lasa Than Last Year Fish landings at the port of Prince Iluperl during Ihe month of January including today's sales totalled 1,670,500 pounds as against 1,900,000 pounds Its January last year. The niaic reason for Ihe lower quantity was because of very bad weath er which allowed of only one week's normal fishing in the cn- tire month. The highest price for the month was 21 Vic and the lowest, 13.6. MRS. KIRKWOOD OF STEWART IS DEAD Was 88 Years of Ago And Ma Resided In Northern Mining ' Camp For Twelve Year Mrs. Catherine Kirkwood of Slewarl. aged 88, died In Victoria last week, afler a brief Illness. She was taken ill at Victoria while on her way lo Stewart 'after a (rip to distant parts of the con tinent. Deceased resided in S!:e l2ver."i ago she passed through the city bound south with her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs, W. B. George. TO SUPREME COURT OITAWA, Jan. 31. Mr. Jus- lice A. Malouin of the Quebed Superior Courl has been ap- JuslhW Drodcuc,