PAGE SIX. LADIES' RAIN HATS Special 3 Dozen Ladies' Rain Hats Vulues lo .$2.7.1. T(i clear, each ,., . . $1.00 The line comprises colors of lllack, llrovvii, Gre?n, Hed, elc. Some small sizes suitable for misses. Misses' Plush Hats 0 oniy, suitable for ages i lo 8 in Hlack only. Hegular .$2.S0. Special . $1.50 Boys' Cord Velvet Hats In converlilile brim. ViUnes lo $1.50, for , 05c 3 Only Left, Model Hats-Values lo $12.75. To clear Half Price All other Hats at proportionate reductions. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Robin Hood Flour OUR NEXT CAR DUE SHORTLY. Following lines of Feed in. eluded: 6 NO. 1 FEED WHEAT. SCRATCH FEED. CRACKED COSN. FINE CORN MEAL. FINE OAT CHOP. GLUTEN MEAL. FEED OATS. BRAN AND SHORTS. WHOLE DARLEY. GROUND BARLEY. CRUSHED OATS. SCREENINGS. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Cash & Carry ECONOMY! ECONOMYI ECONOMYI Start Ilia. month of February with ICconomy. (!ie us a trial. It is impossible to list al varieties of Oroccries Jiut we feel sure that we will save you money. We jiuai-antee our Koods tu be sdlisfaclory to you. Here are a few oT our various hiirguins; Flour, per 'J lb. sack $1.85 Flour, per 1)8 Hi. sack 5)3.65 JlolleJ Oats, per 20 lb. sack $1.00 Itolled Oats, per (i lb. sack 35o Lard, per lo Hi. pail r. $2.10 Lard, per 5 lb. pail ... $1.10 Lard, per 3 ll. pail .... 65c All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. E Phone 84 conomy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, COR8ET8, BRA8SIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF. SILK HOSIERY, GLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327, Third Ave. and Fulton SU TIMBER SALE X 5626. Tlwre will hv orrrmJ fur ! at I'ublic Aurlluii. it ikjoii oil tlH- and day if February, IVi, In the orrirr of the M. trlrt Furtftler at I'rlnce lui-rt, B.C., ilu Licence X ii6. to rut. K.liu.UUU Twt H.M. of spruce and Hemlock, on an area aituatrd at the lH-ad of Uilef Matthew,' Day, Itainre 4. Coast Land District. Two (i) yearn will be allowed for removal of timber. Furl her parllriilara of Die Chief forester, Vlrtorla. B.C., or district Forester, I'rliicr Itupert, B.C. i TIMBER SALE X 5767. Scaled Tender will ,U received by the Mlulrler of Land at Victoria not laler than noon on the SIM day or February, !!. for the pti retime or Licence X &707, to cut 3,li,(mu reel or Spruce. Balaam. Hemlock and Cedar, nn an area alluated on Channel IMatid, Gardner Canal, Hanrc 4, Coat Mitrlrl. Three yeara mill be allowed for removal of tlmlier. Furllier particular of the Chief Forea-ter. Victoria. B.C.. or IMMrlrt Forester, LAND ACT. Notlca of Intant'on to Apply to Laaaa Land, In Skeena ljnd District, rteeordlnr Dl- trlct of CoaM, and lluate on Zayaa Wand. like nure inat ueorte kerr. occupa tlon butclier, of I'rlnce Itupert. R.C In tends to apply for permission to lease the fullowlnir desrrilied land: Cotnmenrlnt al a po planted about roiir chains north of Jacinto Point on Zayas l4ands llienre following the slnuonltlea or the k hi ire line al lilarti water mark around the Inland and rrturnlnir to polnl or commencement, and containing' 3,000 acres, more or lest. geoiige KElin. Mime of applicant. HOOMES k FREEMAN. A rent. SOMETHING NEW! SOMETHING BETTER! Glendale No. 1 Creamery Butter After thoroughly examining all the best bullers on the Alberta, market we picked out (ilemlalo as the foremost in Muality. You want a Metier Hutler we have it in (ileudale. We stand behind Glendale. ASK FOR IT. Value Hetler. It's The JJest. We Sell for Less. We Sell for Cash. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cifrars, Cifrareltes, Candies and Soft Drinks. Wc liae a pleasant hack room. Come in and make yourself at home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON OOAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 88. GERMANS DETERMINED LEAVE THEIR COUNTRY Rush to United States Is Stopped and They Look Elsewhere for Home UA.MmrilU,' Jan. 31. Canada. South America and Hussia are the lliree countries toward which prospective (ierinan eiulKrant.s are turning Iheir eyes since the Lniteil Mates quota became exhausted. Sleauishln offices are today1 bo. sieged by disappointed Hermans who had planned to go lo Amer ica. .Many or them had sold their rarnv utensils, their household goods and even their personal effects lo raise money for the trip. U is imiiossiblc for them lo wait in (ieruiauy till the new .Mnericau quota opens next July, and most of them are determined to go somewhere. "We can't be worse off than we arc in (ieriuan.v," Is the uni versal reply they make when emigration officials caution them' it is not wise to jump into some unknown land without funds unit witli no friends to look after them. Many Cermaus seem obsessed at the present time by the idea that they must leave the fatherland. This is especially true of young: men. who iusi.l Ihey can see no future for them at home, and it applies particularly to clerks, teachers, stenographers, government employes and other "while-collar" workers. Such) persons are not encouraged to emigrate, but household servants i and farm laborers are. I PACIFIC PORTS TO RESCUE OF FARMERS The National Hallways have hail to declare an embargo on the shipment of grain to Ft. William, Hie lakes being frozen and I he terminal elevators crammed to the roof. This is where the' "back ilnor" eontes in handy. The' TIMBER SALE X 5753. Sealed Tenders will Iw received by tm District t'oresler. not later than iea.ii on the lllh day or Kebruarv. mil. the purchase or Licence X ilil. Oeorre Island, cumsheua lulet. y.C.l.. to cut 507. a:u I4)jn. oi prure ana iieliiKMK sawlors. one il, year will be allowed for re moval or timber. further particular of the chief for. ener, Victoria, or Hie I'Mrlrl fores Icr. rrince iiuMri, n.t;. TIMBER SALE X 5851. Scaled Tender ullt In. rerelvel liv the Mlnfater of Lauds at Victoria not luinr lluu imiii on the 7th day of t'rbruary, 1(11. for the purrluM of l icence X JSil. to rut iV.UMU lineal feet of I'olea and I'lllur. mi an area situated Uiri milr S.K. of kllwanira, Casslar lo-tricl. Two Hi yeara will be allowed fur removal of llllllier. HirtluT iMrtlru ars or the Chief fi.rcs- Icr. Vlrtorla. .:.. or District r'ureater. I'rlnce Itupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6763. scaled lenders will Iw received lv the Mlnlfler or Muds at Vlrtorla imi later lliau iftn on the ml day or Icliruary, IBil, Tor the Mirch4e of Licence Xilr.3, lo rut I.I IT. iiiio reel of spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and llalsaui. from an arra sltuatiii at the head of Turks Inlet, -N.W. of I'rlnce lliiperi, iiauite a. coal lilstriri. Two years will be allowed for removal of lliiilier. runner lutrllrular or the Cher lores- Icr. Victoria. H.C.. or District forester, I'rlnce lluperl. II. C. ESTATE OF ALFRED WVN0HAM CARTER I DECEASED. TAKE MiTICK that Probate or the last will of the above named deceased was duly Issued out or the Vlrtorla lleirlstry or the supreme Court or llrltlsh Columbia on the 3rd day or January, ll. lo l-lltnl IVl' t.tVLU ,.',,(.. CIII.L'll ... Vlrtorla. I lie Kierutrli therein named: Al l. I'Kltso.vs hav Inr r a ins ara msi (Ills estate are rrnuesled lo send III such claims in wrllluir duly verirird lo the uiinersirneu: A.II f LltTllrlt TAkE MOTICE that on and after the first day of Marrh, .181, me Meruirii will proceed to dlstrihuie Ihls estate hsvluir retard onlr lo those claims of which she ahall have been duly onneo: DATED thl Clli day or January. I9K. CIIEA.SE k CIIKASF. Solicitors, for the Eirrutrlt. 110 Central pulldlnF, Vlrtorla. B.C. HOME FROM HOME. MOCH1DA ROOMS ' 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated - Hot and Cold Water nates by Day or Month P.O. Box 76. Phone 659. Big Reduction on all Coats and Suits BENT'S THIS DAILY NhtVB. Thurdny Jnnuarj 31 To make a good cup of cocoa use THE COCOA OF HIGH QUALITY WANUFACTURED by the most scientific, up-to-tlate mechanical processes (no chemicals), it is absolutely puro and Has a most delicious flavor and aroma. Made In Canada By Walter Biker & Co. Limited Ea.MiihaJ I7S3 MJli at DorcKeitr, Mmi. nj 1-tontraJ, CanaJa oourr or cioic ttora sent nn LAYS HEAVY HAND ON PEOPLE OF AMOY, CHINA Taxes Collected on Everything Used or Eaten In State: Hard Times A.MHY. China, Jim. 31. All I he country surrounding Amoy, including Chinbay, Is now In possession of northern troops. Amoy City and Island I the only territory remaining in the hands of Ceneral Cliuutig Chiliping. who took Amoy by force Irl nionlhs ago. Oeneral Chuaiig holds a heavy hand over the city lie collects taxes on wines and tobacco and many other commodities, livery fowl Mhf in the market puys five cents, and ccry hundred egps 20 cents. J'lreeraeker and paper pay '.'0 per cent, electric current 15 per cent. 1'roni 10 lo 20 cents are collected on every jutir of shoes sold; householder pay two mouths rent, every peddler gives up two dollars, and every shop 20 percent of i! income. Hence rich and poor alike in Amoy are complaining of haul limes. ANo there I much robbery, and the criminals are seldom, if otT, caught and RATS WERE KILLED ! SO WERE SAILORS l'acific ocean doesn't freeze, and Danoer From Fumigating Ships ...r wr.wmu uiuu-iiicui cull u Wna p,cnger, and Crew rigui aiong as iasi as inc (.'nun can be shifted from the Cars to the freighters. Without the west- Aboard IIAVIIK, Jan. M. The danger ern route the balance of the Al- of fiimlKulins: the holds uf ships berta erop would be lied up until ' exterminate ruin without first spring, the farmers would be "elearinir Hie whole ship of pai-obli.eil to wait for their money senders and rrew has lieen ami then compelled n haul wheat jbrotiuht slron(fl.v to the attention and oals when they ouirlil lo be of the Freueh Kovernment as a htislliiiir along the spriiir workJrestill of the recent stiffoenlion Willi that winter millet open Ihe'of several memhers of the rrew farmers can do (he haulins when'or the Caroline. there is little to he done on the' the report lo the government farm, irel the proceeds during the poiul mil Hint, despite all pni- winter months when money W ble precautious, It j impollile needed more than at other limes, effeelively to fumigate one hold and be Tree to laekle the seeding without allowing lite deadly of another erop when Ihe lime fume 1 seep through to oilier comes. I jlnionton Hulleliu. CLEVER CANARY THAT SINGS ANY TUNES f - I SAN TA CI.AIIA, l'-il.. .Ian. 31.- I Mrs. Nye Farley, a sinner liviiiB1 in Ibis' ieinily. j uiil lo havel trained a i-year-old ranary bird! o whistle popular melodies. I Johnnie, the bird, is limited only by Hie range of his notes, urcording to repoel. Neighbors say he ran rn'rodiiee the air of "Listen to the Mneking llir.l." with Ihe exeeptiou of one low note which he cannot reach. Johnnie is reputed lo liuxe sev. eral other tunes in hU repertoire. THE WRONG BOX Burglars Get Very Close to a Fortune But Miss It NKW YOIIK, Jan. :il IJiirglars got iulo Ihe home of William loss, at 115 Thirly.firih Street, Wooilelirf. NJ recenlly. while Mr. and Mrs. Iloss were alieul. There were two holes nn a table ji Mrs. Ilo' room. The intruder opened one, found it full of candy and Mopped to munch it until the hour grew so late Ihey began to, fear lb" relurii of the family. Finding uolhinit else to their luslu in the room, Ihey lure down Ihe curtains, upset furniture and departed. In the box which Ihey failed to open was several thousand dollars' worth of Jewellery. Mrs. Ilos fouml it indict on her TEACHERS TO INVESTIGATE SOCIAL HYGIENE COURSE VIOTOlHA, Jan. 31. -The H.C. Teacher' Federal ion will iinim-dialely conduct a province wide survey regarding the social liy. gieniv course adopted ill Hie Hellish (Joliimhia public schools, The course has been recently severely criticized. Arhcie Itobinson, the midget newsie of the Dally News, win ad tn I ( t oil tu Ihe Cenoiiil llospitul on January 2t). He is lieing at-I ended by Dr. CJ. A. Kggert. Waller HiohiI, eusloms olllcer at Slewarl, who ha been bouIIi on a holiday (rip. passed Ihlouali jon tbo I'rinco lluperl yesterday afteriiooti reLuintinr home. parts of the ship. Slrlcler regulations for "ile-rnling'' ships are expected sihmi lo be put Into effeel. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unraiarved. aurteyed Crown landa may b pr-mpled b llfitlah aubjscta ovar tl yeara af ace. and by alltni ou daclarlns Intantlou to becoma Blillih aubjtcta, ct.ndi ilonal upon realdenc. occupation, and Improvamant for agricultural purpona. i-'ull Information eonctrnana; rcu-tlona ratardlnf pra.ampllona ll iivan In ttullttln No. 1, Land Series, How to Pra-ampt Land," coplaa of vhlch can ba obtIn4 fraa pf chart r addrenlnt Ui Dapartmant of Oanda, Victoria, B.C, or to any 'Jov-rnment Ant noeorda will ba (ran tad covtrtn nljr land aullable for acrlcultural purposei, and which la not tlmbar-Und. I.a, carrrlnc- ovar 1.009 board feet Pr aera weat ofthaCoaat Hanga ind 1,000 fiat par acra ait of that Ran(. Appllratlona for pra-tmptlona art .- ba addraaaad to tha Land Com-inlulonar of tha Iand Recording 1)1 vlilon. In which tha land appllad for la altuated, and ara miut on prlntai forma, coplaa of which can ba ob' lalnad from tha Land Commlaslontr, Pra-emptlona muit ba oecuplad foi flvo rari and Improvamenti mad lo valua of 119 par acra. Including clearing and cultivating at lent flvt acraa. bafara a Crown Orant can ba received. Tor mora daullad Information aaa Iho liulletln "How to Tra-empt Ind.- PURCHA8E Appllcatlona ara rarelvad for pur ehaao of vacant and unrasarved Crown landa, not balng tlmbarland. for agricultural purpoiesj minimum prlca of first-ota la (arabla) land la It par acre, and aecond'Ctaia (grating) land 12.(0 per acra. Furthsr Information retarding purehaaa or laaaa of Crown landa la glvan In Tlullatln No. 10. Land Sartaa, "Purehaaa and Leaa of Crown Inda." 41 III. ractorr, or Induatrlal altaa nn limber land, not aieatdlng II acrea. mar ba purchased or laaaad. tha con-dllloni Including parmtnt of atumpaga. HOMESITE LEASES Ifnaurvayad areaa, not aicaadlng 10 acrea. may ba laaaad aa homealtea. conditional upon a dwatllnc balng elected In tha flrat yaar, tltla balng oblalnabla aftar raaldanea and Ini-provemant condltiona ara futflllad and land haa bean aurvjr4. LEASES For grating and Induatrlal pur poaaa areaa not aicaadlng Hi acraa may ba laaaad by on paraon ar a company, QRAZINQ Under tha Orating Act tha Proline It divided Into grating dlatrtcta and Ihe ranta admlnlatarad undar t flrarlng Commlaalonar, Annual grazing parmlta ara laauad baaad on numbera ranged, priority balng given o eatabllahed ownara. Block. ownari may form aaaoclatlona for rangt management. Fraa, or partially fraa. rmlta ara avallablt for aattlara :mpara and travallara, up to tie itad. Phone 376 The House Wont 3 of Qmiih FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS MEN'S WORK QLOVES In a good quality .Mill", km, with oinl wa!u,! find fusleuer. All sues. teg. 7,"r ujh Special, pair, 2J IVttra'S UnJUtHWtH In rddied and flat kuil. Meiluiiu uml (,,,, 4 weighl. ill until. Worth up lo f:i,0(i p. L'lirment. Special, per garment Jljj MtPI'S UAUn I Lt I UUOVH Made or lieuv) Muleokiii siiilable fm wear and strongly sewn throughout sizes. It "if. 11. 00. Special, per pair 5fc MEN'S WORK SUA Heavy weight, all wool, in light uiuhlark'g and l.oal shades. Ibv. ?5c. Special, pair SOc UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 DOROTHY D ALTON In "Fog Round" Hound on Ihe north by h -jtrt -throb, on Hn t v sorgeoti sellings, on Ihe vl hv lirdliaiil act t Us I east by brealh-t.iking inUeuliiret. See "Fog Uoiuui al let Ihe thrills play lag up and down jour epiiie ( the fog comes myslerv. riuiiiinre. adventure and iiickI jnls ziiuug along al a swift t.Hf. K.iOi ir rl at 1 lorida s e.xrusie bearhe. hltrruig. exritnif ular. THE "LEflTHEfi PiisHms'' nF i uvr Dnnntir.Tini I ROUND NO. 6. FOX NEWS-QAZETTL 1 Admlation 35c and 10c. TELKWA COAL $11.00 BULK ON WHARF $12.50 BULK DELIVERED Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564, Extraordinary SPECIALS a For This Week i For Thoso Who Arc Concernedo, Ladles' Watson' Combinations In Silk and Wool, in long or sn(rl seeVes. ankle m knee lengtli. Heg. .:0. Smfiiil . $5' Ladies' Watson's All Wool Combination Meg, price S.I.M. Snecial $3- Ladies' Watson's Cotton Comblnationa Meg, priee ;i.(H. Sneeial ... Turnbull's Cee-Tee All Wool ComhlnaUnna Meg. JjtK.110. Hoecial . . . . J'0 Turnbull's Cee-Tee All Wool Comblnationa In knee or ankh lenglh. Heir. (1.7r.. Sneeial 5,0fl Special Discount allowed on Ladles' Two-Piece Suit In 8llk, Cotton or Wool. Misses' and Girls' Combinations All sizes, from l8 to III. Heir. L no Ki.eeinl 20 Per Cent Discount on all Misses and Girls' ShlrM In Silk, Wool or Cotton SPECIAL (lirls' Heavy Colloi, Venl 3 for Jabour Bros., Ltd. Cor. Third Ave. and Seventh 8treeU