llt- UmtW 81, 102 I. THE DAILY NEWS. .'V Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. Soil Finish ThriM-ServiCB UMJ frire Servlren. Mi will cxnrlly I'll day need. Firsthand Knowledge It th T.oat ronvinrlng Ott to know by ptm.nal rarxrleiice that th nice thinjt wt aay about "Caicaila ' Bter art not txagreratrd Prove o your. ell that till IS the (meat bter orewed In th wttt. that if IS a moat dtlvhiful toni to ulnd and body, a brlnger of Kuod '-beer and content. Order a tuppty of "Catcade" today. On tale at oil Govern, ment Liquor Store. Vancouver Breweries Limited onn fill of your Wmnn m Mr particular. anad'an Steam Laundry Phone 8. OAL The Famous (0Y8NIITH.WELLINQT0N Lump nd, Egg Siies. BT CRLINQ Stove and Ego Sizes. f deliver in sacks or bulk. Phono us, your orders day or night. nnce Rupert Coal Co. Phone 1B. lain Office:' Hotel Central. ir.F.S.TAIT DtNTIST. Helgerson 110011. PIH0K,RUPIRT, B. 0 omca fioun, tut. Phone . Mn Kvanlnoa Onl Pa- tpMlal AaaolntmenU. jcneerwiuwuiamr is iniwiiiriu ii nm pnitiiRnni or iwii.tvei iv tnr i.uv mtsnl I' nn it; tiv the Government ol MritWi ''''" ' iveRoses FLOUR ! Hi ying Flour nk drocer fur "FIVE ROSES," T Worlds Ileal k L. Christie YOUNG MUSICIANS ARE GUESTS OF HONOR OF LADIES MUSICAL CLUB Largely Attended and Enjoyable Meelln? at Home of Mrs. George Tlte One of Ihe moot largely illicit and enjoyable nieclin of jruel of Imtior and they provided Ihe program for Ihe afternoon. II look the form of a mol delightful recital, a great many Inking part ami exhibiting wonderful imoical Uill and lem-peromeiil. The following wa the program: IMaiio, "II TniVHlorf." Mie! lori mid Vera Suookley. Vocal olo, "Vale," .MN Mar-guerile Young. Piano, "'nil' Two Ijirk," Mit Norma lloger. IMano, "Siiiivcnir,' Mi Mary Waller. Vocal, "La) O'Mine," Mii ((race Arkmyd. t I'iiino, "Marche," (Ilcnrl von (ialet, Mle Mary Waller and Jean Urieve. Piano, "Twilight Hour," Mi Margaret (iicliril. Violin. " Pupil i:.ncerlo." GYRO BALL WAS BRIGHT AFFAIR Prince Rupert' Newest Community Service Organlia-tlon Achieves Great Social Success Hrilllaiil decorative eftecl, in- liavi' necn exceiiiiingiy grain iok ;iail w.r iiiuugiir.in-u. ri"-lo paper her n well a lo Ihe member. :treamer and confetti were in of (he club who are Interested in emiiuraging music in lli rily. T.UK MlTll t. THAT: I Till" imnrll ir IIm r.orpirllill ! Uw Cliy f ITlniS' llii-rl Inii-iiiW Hi run. .Inirl 'a rlmlir lilr-lk Uvi ' ti'M wlitn 011 Un- .Vorlli nf llli Aveniir mm. a 'lnl J trvm VV.IM.. ot Mn. I'Uif In W.ll. lot . IIMirli I, a a "" I liiimvriiirnl. ami Inirml. in .n-rully Hi rtl iiinil II'1 I"'1 almltlnr ilirrrlly on lh work, ownl nirli isirlioii r the coM a U Inrurn-il al Mrcrl IllllTMTIIOIH. Th rlliiiall roM of lhi work I aril) oil, or wlilrli IT.3 l In lm palil l.v iii., i'.,rimritlon. ami (lie rtlliiiioml annual .M'flal rli lr fii frmiiaar It .U7. 1 li' irri.i m- r. - iniih-rtakliiv II" urk ninl ilu mi w or r.. I . Ji 1,. r.s. city Cli-rk. j naieit till 3lt iU.v of January, mm. coaroaTi0N or tmj city of phinci 1 RUPRTe T.UK Mini:-: Til ATI I, To i-oiiihii a'liii.iiii, un, I CANYOUANSWER ale ever ilemoimlraleil a . a , , ., ... . ; .. , - "Hell a big difference in Hie way MK'lel) f unci ion in I'rjnce It,,. J .e .. I he ..revaillnjf colorn were ( re. ami wh e. I. rr.U o if4(.iU1 (,f wha, ft .rjuare.1 ,,.iral .lecoral ions ha-! f TIIA,:ilKirs m.,- hung from the ce.hiur cen-' ,( ,, rw.omm,n(lw, hy 0rmls I ml aboul ,,e mam Kyro., ,:nr 3r,, Awi a)l Sjxh s emblem, to he rear of the hall ,.rilH.0 , pr ,, ,iy an.1 raruiir Ihe uuo,U a Ihey ,njf llrilwlj( , .fry p am, enlere.l wn a larsre (ruililei) elec- ((,wrJi ' Iric (lyro xiyn in.bliM-k letter;'. , The orchestra Maae in the cen- j.ryoP At A, .;Bon Howard tre or the ball wa rarpel.-.l and while ami Kenny IIo.mI. Al II Mirrounile.t. wilh palm. The n-ci(K.k (iyr(t (;iarp Malaano ImUony Mipper room wa done arrjXP(, wi, lnelnbers of the around willt white paper and red ,jm orchestra. feyen lriinmintr wilh imilar lianKing vPce ,crcarier dispensin? In Iho.e in the main liall. l.eml- ieodioii lrain in Ihe iMec- Hie l.iulieo Muniral I'd nil wajln? further lo IhU elTecl wax the jajon . -r I . , ii.. l null lliniti . me jarrutijii'ineiii ot wnue rake wiui,,iinr.P, n Ihe appreciative home of Mr. (Icfirjre Tile, lior- red candle which were lighledj .r,. won- Vevrial lablc of ilen SI., when the eninr muicat n the Mipper commenced. A bridge in the l.a Iconic for non-uludeul of the rily were Ihe profusion of buntinir, fla? and ,i,rw..,P, iyro enuiiem on reiiin? ami. Patronesses wan linen oik ine general Tlu sracioti palronec of cheme or ilecoralion. I ball were Mr. Milton Oon- Afler evoral extra, Ihe laIs Mr K. Campbell, Mm. i. rami .vinrcn wa icu on ai s.jii A ,nn(, olby, Mr-. A. Jloy o nock ny t.yro vice-i're.iucni . .irlml. Mr. U. SI. 0,.l.ee, Mr h. t.aiiiplie ami Mr. Uampneu ( K jromayne, Mr. J. C. Mound the regular program rum- i.onnnn Mr. Vred SJork and ineijced. Ihe priigrum coijilfi jjr- McClrmonl of wMliie ami lux mu wun one f;vt.n Hnlihr. oiie-.iep an.l one .Moonngiu Cinnall r u,H ciult pnlerlnin- walU during each half. The ,, ,, li)ro A U),v. xwUnU laller number wer parlicularly an,j ,5)r s'anley W. Taylor, enjoyable, all light being lurncj IU ltiUr lnp,i.rs r that 'coni-oul with the exception of a mPt jno crottil for the diITued pol light from Ihe bal- n(lt oonduel of all .'arrange. rony. Ihe orclieira pom limes lufnili (U . Kp,.ril Ucce playing from the enii-darkness of M rnlrP alTnir Mr, 0iiiy: (he alway popular ami ilreamy was aiso ,na.4.,.r f ceremnnle. "Old Mack .lor. Members Served Al midnight, M'rving of refreshment commenced, fiyro member Inking charge. Colored I ipaper paper bal Mil and ami cap caps were were sei el at ai .each each place place lending lending jutirh Jiiucn to to the ine general general clfrcl I'lTect Imth both at at Ihe the table table and and afterward artcrwar.l mV oiv the the floor. floor. Mr, Mr, llarrnll llarrnll wa wa in in charge charge In In -' 1 1 .' " 1 . a . - THIS QUESTION ABOUT YOURSELF Why is it you feciAJine lit lime anil al other lime4yoii wake iifi t ti II ami tired, had lasle In your genlou novelly device, mtiny rnMilli, rnun ('o.-ilpil, mid orron-new ami lovely gown ami a iv, )ralli 1 Why ; yu,iifft-r from general air of conviviality made ""' symptom a fluffy, win-I f - first annual ball of I hi- (Syro "' a """ "'fnarh. Club of Prince ltuprl, held In ,"'art PlH-li''V constipation, the Ainliloriiiiii lal iiIkIiI, nri "- '"''I run.ilown, affair Ihal, in uncial Micro, inl'irP'1 f,ul s,r"' "P"'1 'titior ? never been outdone In ,c city.! " ' ,,,''"", "'"' i''. the Tim ball was attended by nnu,;i"Hiy niipr, nn nworn. iiiWM, ioo -oiipic who mail! merry.""' '" ";yrr .. from lb., opening al 9 o'clock y",,r al" '"W'0" "r ""I'' until Ih shortly luor laM wall wn ,,1 I'ly lit" wrllone Xaliin-iioh. I.i l.ef.HA ll.nw. ,,'nltu.l M,U !' yoiir Imwcl WfiMIlK regll- nlnir. The firt attempt of;'ar''- V"'1 y' Mn tM "r ii..'!"-"! n-"i "t'l '."' Ivt ha a public nblic ii .i.i..p,. a I ii re made ,,., by i.v ci.y-M newel con.munily Hcrvlcnl''' ;r,r'y," ''' " "'' ' " 1 J "l a oryanlalion. a rccor.l wa - M,;S , lahli.hcl which will br- ,liflicll Ul"1"1,nr"' .of ...... lr. llmPlwM Liver t. ii.... i J. i.A i r... il may hob) in (he future Unusual Decorations I lie ucciiralhc eclieme wa priihahly one of the mol plabor- Ii. K.irpa even by ll.c club il-'x ' . , .f in affair, of a similar nalure mpfU' " ..'f .w' ,,,"a?"1, ,n a.k" nim jimi win on ciiiinin-iciy haux-fieil; olln'rwNi' irnpi.'il-i are aulliorieil In refimil I he Mmall col. All we nK ii Ihal you lell MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background for his art. The movie multiplies personality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can" save by spending a few moments "daily with the advertisements. All lh olher thirty or so mem-pih) r) buffet luncheon m! her of the clnb contributed In ,,.,0,1, ,0m assisting 111 ierviiiR; various wnys to the carrying out ,0jnir r:,t While, Mr. M. Tred-j of various duties. ....,11 ius Lilv Wilson, Mis May' yesterday at Ihe home of Mr. and ( ltfn, a ,ort lime, before Mr. James 1.0111I011, .'o: Jiwariiii.,vinff for l(.lr future home In Iroduceil nnd halloon were re- stree, when the Hev. J. S, Pjilter-.0rlh. The bride travelling leased from the ceiling floaling son united in marriage their ,,,,1',, was midnijshl-idue to Ihe dancer below who en- eldest daughter, Jean Hunter, and i.P,., vhur faconne. with The appeal of II. H. Wir of iuialienlly sraspiil for I hem Slcwarl U. lionaldson, eldest on vi,jri, s,0 wore a wrap of navy Ocean Fall against a six n they came, in roarh. The of Mrs. J. Hrown, I'orl INsinglon, !,!,,,, ,mrv,a trimmed wilh itira- inontli' .sentence imposed upon scene wa Incu like one often ways the Victoria Sunday Colonist. (j fu(.t wlt, j,nj on sjo, him under Ihe Oovernnient cen in the movie bill seldom I'.nlcritig Ihe drawing room nni Among Ihe out-of-town guests Liquor Act has been withdrawn 'seen in Prince Iluperl. Merri- the arm of her father, to the y,.p,i, jrf and Mrs. Hrown and In the County ' Court. Iinent waxnl high and continued slrniu of Mendelssohn's Wedding baliy, Mi May Donaldson, Mr. J. 1 " ""--Mill H" 'lo- of "a"- March, played by Mis M. Wood. 'smith, nf Port Kssington; Mrs. coaroaanoM or tm; citv or raimci .. , , f . ,, , Ai,,M..,i i,..!,!,. ,tov u -1. tf lllllknvp, Mrs M nurinii . " - - " iiii'j. ... . .... ....... , I ho evening wa supplied by an radiantly neaulirul in a gown or white and son, of Nanaimn; Mr. orchestra consisting of Mi X. while Mil in raye, wilh silver lace nmj .m,. n. (lordon, Mrs. A. AN AWFUL ATTACK OF PIMPLES ALL OYER HIS FACE ami pearl innuning. mio wore Wilson, of Wellington; Mr. N. Iho runvenlionnl veil, wilh orange r;ruig. of Duncan; Mr. T. Stivmg, hooin, ami carried n bmniuet f i.ailysmilh. of Ophelia oscs, freesia and; maidenhair fern. rtUMnr rVUIDITIAM Charming Prldesmald 'I'll.. Iiriil.i v.-iid nllAiiilii.l liv liftr ,lklr MI Amies London, wtio 1'" ! I" Uet u" 1....1 ... .. r;... . n ..' f " ,,'lil'V..Lif.'l!;S.iriii 10 i.oiiiii.11 .m.i ii,ai u.e i)i.H..i n not Hi vwr nupK. Icliumpngno crepe satin with ffiTlunlly lianlshHi plinplr- ami all ull.frj During lb" signing of the I't'g rnriMiratlmi or nkln kin iliKfar iii!car u It It Kor km riant riant t o Hi un ru n't uiB1. jier. Mrs, J, S. PatlcVson sang .. J'..'... ... oriiu'u Itnovrl liili'lulii 10 run ,1... 1.1- i, iiMiiiiiiitf atui ,iirli'1iltnr 1 "Wr ; "riiier .iji.wais r.v, t,.r,rt 'z.", ' IO wi,i on Ihi) Vonll li,.,VM-,Iv'''"'; iii inunil to HTialiy nrsn Uik ii Jwrltes: "A "r ami I liad an awrul at-,IIM, m- '"', "l " or plinplea. Th-y l.n.k out all ov-r rMiC il ' trV,'l "l&rtl.i". 'my tare anil I rouM not f-t rl.l or lh-, 1 ti Miiniaiwl ii or Un. work liin t VBy. on ilay a rrkml tM ln 'v - .......i. i, mi i in nit na mi iiv i . . . or wun ii . ; . ..rji'almiit Voiir IlilMiH'K Uluoil iinwira ami i-i i.tt:iA43?.'iii have a Ixiltli I"' liai to -paro. After Tim pfiUi aii'iin,nl '" "f 111 tialng It I nnllreil a clune. ' uouiut inl dW "f WjovM. ,r,Mr, ,..H..I. U inaniifariiirHt only Hy Th. T. nnua'rV mi. S,l"b,'r Co" L,"""J 0M cud ihu mi d.y or sweetly "HectUisc" nconi- panied hy Mrs, Dr. Kllers. The groonl's gift )o the bride was a beautiful handling inlaid wilh gold: to the bridesmaid, a sapphire ring, and I'd the best man, military linilu;s'.' Tim bride's tnollW wnro a gown of hliiek (ianiiSn tu'epe, and the groom's mother worn lilurk f!oi'gili erp. . After Hie wedding ceremony a iLinrinc tAiiiDiiiun READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wood and Miss May IKinahlson. Ml Marjorle lincasier. ipiii I OIIDON The bride and groom stood un Piano, "Opu 01. .!. mwu Jum' l.lcn.ealh a while wedding bell and fChopiii,. Miss l.ucy O llrien. UfcwmfcJ RFCOMES n A BRIDE received the bet wishes of their 'Vocal. "Al Mawnimr." Mi ,in iny friends. Mahiiuerile Young. mappe( Q j(ewar r Donaldson; Short Stay. In Victoria "A Hat . Major, Opu the kilchen. , Piano, EsslrBlon on Satur- The happy couple left on the I. (Chopin), Mi l.orna lite. With Ihe opening of Ihe day at Victoria 'afternoon boat Tor Seattle. wliere! Mr. Tile wa,tn charge of Ihe ccond half of Ihe pnigram. th 1 ja l()lloynu,0 will be spent, aMer! program and I lie reult musl Surprise novelty features of Ihe A prelly wedding look plao Nv,i,.t, thy will rrlurti In Victoria . . r - . I.- I ir..: 1 i , 1 1., .in- . . i . 1 I . . . . ' CLOSE ON SUNDAYS IMiru of Uw lMiy i re nrn "- i.o.My.. Jan. various religious J lriniiin n.l ciirried ' while .kin h .k. .Wen or iim ' . . 11... . . ,. n lirop( 31. Hecnuse bodies united llin llrilisli I'm nin 1 lark the real wal or li mwaw i in ' ".........,. ,Kxpsilion, to be held in the, llm bl.HHl on ai-romit or lli entire ilrru.;bds and inaidiMllllllP rnrn. ' 1'he snrjn(r w ci0p its door U.I.... own. ,h.i...H. Kr0oin wi nllemliMl by his u.icle.l(;.))ry . ammml 0(l. Himl-Hk iu.m.1 imir i.iirniy aiui.'ir. o.i.n.-s . ...... .-,w.i, ,., .,. ".; iviinced . wa ., . , exooilion will be largely tut eiiicriaininem. dale receipts will be seriously unvoted, a Sunday vvern counted on to dnw particularly large crowds. al'li.Tl Ki-SSVl r.iiavA MU1MM iMfktt sQkl-Sm CATARRH el m BLADDER Mk!imull Tick Cantule ivtil. nania '410' w fltvirff counter fvtta Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating C T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 386. Phone 109. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY. Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours: 0 a.m. lo 0 p.m. Open Evenings by Special Appoinltncut, STOCKTAKING Winter OVERCOATS 20 per cent Discount on all WINTER OVERCOATS STEVE KING Phone Gren 85 Third Avenue i 5?