< i . ‘Jou and tri ct , Reeves Family } Relatives from rririce FAENGNY, Votes ! Reunion Draws ¢ Cvangelis f He | e Three Areas iia oming ~ ere Full Jobs jentered Prince Rupert) harbor Open 6:p.m. - 3:30 a.m. C : last night and tied up at the DEVELOPING, PRINTING s% Rev. H. ©. FEeertson. a well MONTREAL (CP)— Rev. J. A.| Yacht Club, enroute to Portland } ENLARGING 1appy family re-unio Hugo Ray and Fred H. Bonnell lent : : ; a f| Hats of s; d os se - : i { onnell,| known pastor and evangelist o 5S Of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on a/| Oregon. i taking place here with relatives | are visi ting in Prince Rupert.|the Evangelical LudhefranjVisit here, explained he has| fBesid Captai iM HOLLYWOOD CAFE | aaa acu from Edmonton, Vancouver and The 5; 4 eet ee eden. yaa ; ia Es : - esides aptain and Mrs. 00 ; Blaine, Wash., visiting the C W. Cece beleee snben to Prince|Church, and a fellow pastor,;three full-time jobs. He is|Robert Crawford, there are 14 AMATEUR SUNWSae Reeves family pee th erore returning to the| have spent some time surveying| priest of St. Stefan’s Church, others aboard the vessel which || For Outside Orders Phone 133 Phone Green 136 Box 478 | First ¢ mre the interior of British Columbia| teaches Latin and history in annually plies the coast holding dag a the city wa for prospective work. They have; high school, and is secretary| gospel meetings at vrious can int nee ae of Vancouver Pe t : had a week of services in such) and columnist for the Hungar-|neries and settlements. ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS ~ acs a 7 boat. Later C. W oya: ri ute places and say they have found | ian language ne wepeper there — eeves, JI., his wife and their . increasing public interest in the Sea children from E mile I F le 7 Laurel Geamin "he R . a King Gustav _ " ne fee save ts on sister of Blaine urvtvee ' te STOCKHOLM (CP) When Rev. Egertson will conduct a} The chrome process for tan- The three fami ao ‘ne ree ".|King Gustav Adolf becomes 70/|S@ties of messages at St. Paul’s/ ning leather, using salts of the taining beathere . : ere ears old on Nov. 11 he will be | Lutheran Church beginning Sun-| metal chromiym, was discovered | 0 einz egar you use Mr. and Mr Frank J. Ski p y Si sp he a national gift day ow 1aa0 > 1040 Eighth Avenue Bast; M: a ee f de to be used for some poe — and Mrs. Bert L, Reeves. Kighth a : . a “hans coe, a a" Avenue West, and Mr. and Mt MAD cna ee P. A. Rinshaw on Ambrose . regi. ade for ths t} UNhee Of AAO who came to the thror 1 October 195 1011 es Mrs William Lund and ities + arnda ° daughter Elsie are leavine ¢ PIONEER Troy NE t ARTIST oe ore peta Vne Ol eCarhest Canadian ver rtists was Pierre LeBer, Mon ¢ ask kins “a - : os i \ wainter who died leave Friday by train to pend ner vacation in Vancouver! ‘ avs ood. Mr. H. A. Grierson of Ottay readers A. Carnation Milk is alway 8 pending a few days in the . it’s always fresh and sw city on business. Mr. Grierson) @ Notice All LO.B.A. mem- .? FJ always creamy colored, always | ; epresents the Ottawa firm of Ders please attend special meet- {ro » fi yu open | - 1OH ( h Brasdner Co. Lta ing Thursday, August 14, at 8 Ls » full bodied When yé ’ | ' p.m : (191) j that red and white can you can | Mr. Russell Powell, of Miller!” { \ } i\ \) Iways be sure that you will get oO Bay Hospital, returned to the Ss .. % r : rest | ity yesterday following ix ‘/ Vy _ oF NS milk at its very b bis onths in the physiotherapy (e7 { q WW ‘ via department of the Alexion oll ~ et a i ; . ; Brothers Hospital in Chicago : ua eng sh . . | wide a fd ae There's never a worry about ; : wo ancouver lawye A flavor of color of body when } *- a ba you use Carnation. Every can | aa Bee , unconditionally guar anteed | Pennies are important—especially if you can save them! And you is unos oe ean, if you remember that Heinz Vinegar comes in several sizes, Get Carna } but at pickling time the thriftiest buy is the big gallon jug. \ ALWAYS GOOD! | It covet you more than 2!/¢ per cupful compared with the smaller containers. MAKE THIS | Cut down on your pickling costs and still get perfect pickles EST i by stocking up with Heinz famous White Vinegar in the “ 7 DAY I — 2 | economical size. for just one wee . 2 UPREM & Ay Milk im place Zz | FREE: If the jug yor buy does not have our pickling recipe booklet GASOLINE Carnation ' j = | attached, write for ‘Pickling Success", to H. J. Heinz Company of of your pre sent brane 5 j Canada Ltd., Dept. 5.P., Leamington, Ontario. d z Once you have use 2 Carnation, we are sure My, ILK . her brand will §=\SSn ° thal no OP = . £ tt, | satisfy YOu. } WA (iH Uuima ate ee tLe \ HIGHWAY CALLS, travel with supreme confidence. Fill up with Chevron Supreme a “USE. CARNATION } It has a wonderful way with it. At all Chevron Gas Stations and Sandard Stations, art Si Deh - 1g bs Md aed SLL ann | 11S AGED © IT'S SPARKLING .* {T'S FRAGRANE © (T'S THRIFTY + T's FAMOUS PM aS OPM LLO C LIV OLIVE SOAP 4 bars Tin -A BAGS 125’s Uxe \BOB TEA rd RITING PADS ER-VALU—.200 sheets UFFO ‘APEFRUIT JUICE “0-07, 2 Tins ‘AFT DINNER 9 49 25 25 = | |» |_& I¢ WATCH FOR OUR DISPLAY OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES — SCRIBBLERS ETC. t Rupe ia ‘Busy Priest Has Three | Uatly Ave s8t 14. 1957 IWCwc * Lower Light Gospel ~ Yacht Pays Visit SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20th GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES JUICY ORANGES 3 dozen 79¢@ CANTELOUPE—Our Best Lb. lic Np. 1 GRAPES—-Red or Green No. 1 APRICOTS Crate $9 45 Hubbard Squash Persian Mellons moan 2 Oe min 16¢ 31c 35¢ « 15¢ Many people are now on holidays on money saved at SUPER-VALU Super-Valu EGGS FARM - FRESH 6 5 Cc Per Dozen Cartoned These eggs are unconditionally guaranteed— TRY THEM Veqetable Marrow Pickling Onions SPLIT PEAS Yellow KERNEL CORN Lynn Valley DRANO Tin PICKLED HERRING 16-oz. jar TOILET TISSUE M.D.—The Best Lb. 29a MEATS CELLO WRAPPED FOR YOUR PROTECTION COTTAGE ROLLS No. 1 FRANKFURTS No. 1 BALOGNA DEVON or CAPITAL BACON CHOICE PEAS SUNSWEET PRUNES SWEET MIX PICKLES No. 1—Half or Whole 1 Lt Ceo Wran Lb. }o-Lb., Sliced n Ms TRY OUR FRESH KILLED ‘BIRDS 14c 44c 33C King Beach, 5’s 2 Ib. pkt, Primrose, 16-02, APPLE SAUCE PORK & BEANS GRATED CHEESE Glenn Valley 2. tins 25¢ _~ 10¢ 33¢ Brimful, 15-02. Kraft, Parmisan 16-oz. JAVPX BLEACH -16¢ as Jar : 29e 64-oz. Jar a ae 55¢ Gallon Jar -99e Re The gospel ship Lower Light Chop Suey - Chow Mein Chiu ashes Photo Finishing ee) WRATHALL'S CORN eye! cin Golden Bantam 2 tins SUGAR 25 Lb. Sack 7.49 Prune Plums Royal City 2 Tins (CERTO- . ' Per: Bottle re A. ba eo PEACHES | Royal City Large 20-oz. tin PINEAPPLE JUICE Dole 20-o0z. Tin LARD Pure, Maple Leaf _ Lb. Green Beans Lunchour, 15-0z. . 37¢ Mazola Oil Gallon 1 Pkt. ANGEL CAKE MIX 1 Pkt. CHIFFON CAKE MIX Both For — BEFORE SCHOOL OPENING by ¥ oy es a € 4); ) « a . iy a bi es