October 31, 1921. ridif. TOE DAILY NlCWg MOB TIME Snowy Bed Linen fragrantly clean delist mtiktJ a-i'a Sflitkl 5ee are aaereiy lltsmitJ, mtt tktmiitllf tltumti, Tkt pmt Samlltkl Ulkrr tl ikrtmik mmi Urt I fit Ik iltlktt, eeloiaf dirt amj i$. $ftit fk tkttal It m oof ore tUlt t 7rea. fc'oeif. V sW K3 "O: AN? To Safeguard TJf OW sweet and wholesome is that wcN A come sense of fragrance which comes from well washed linen. I low refreshing it is to lie between clean sheets, to rest one's head on a snow-white pillow case; to breathe deeply in an atmosphere of purity; to feel and to know that the things around you are absolutely clean. ' To hrin about this refreiliin icnse in the mind of uct or family is a triumph well worth the attention of any houtcwifc. It is best accomplished by using Sunlight Soap. m 3 quality and flavor IPO AT Jtfl AM 3E5 B033 is always sold in an air-tight tluminum packet, never in bulk. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert PRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock piQlner, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, tic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385, "The Family Shoe Store" LADIES! FOR THE H03PITAL BALL Call in mid ci' Hi'' llM ' ', , BLACK EVENING SHOES Jiisl ill FROM $5.50 To let hti clotbea inowjr white it Si not neceaaary I boil them or rut) hole on tt with hoard. The iur power o( Stmli(tt Soap ititll eat recti every trie of toil while tbethinfi are teak, inf. In the riot it ill comet ewiv II tho dirt and erery particle o( loipy matter, leavinf not iriy.whitcoeii, not jellow.whheneai, but toowy white purity end cltiolineti. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO It Has Healed Many of Eczema Why Not You? 1 rrMi"iBlrt4ltbitladmt.thkl4 that to born oxdu-tl tmUornt. Iimll. rml tau diiroterr. Uiar akin ipictajwu in rtraaDBrodmc M la pnttrtoc to Uxif oa prrvenptiaoa. Tba formula ia twinr pabliahl aod tri-rUaa note that It cooUisa tbo rwa unklo -rau.uii.c. How laof bare roa bod to rod or dialrnrc Brela hsaeiliatMa Itrhinc polni How mar tlaara bate roa too4r1 lato tbo nliTor and iabd yoa had an aablamlabod akin? How Biaar taaae baM roe. followed bofvlul ad'lc la ratal Too will Dot be dlaappointrd la tho action of tbMmoedr. It worka laaUaUroo tbo lalasfd mad tiartnrtd akin. The rooth aoaifbUr "r-Taiva aauroe that bcoJtbf look rou bare perbape pot kaowa for rear. A aoft Ihouib powerfal aeeat. bMatiral la roW, pleaaaatia odr, a coolio. aoothinf Sakl. IXD.O. la tbo Ideal treatmeat foe tbo aioat eeaaitireekla. ax ax aM,.ac.fc-r au. a. rm i.n, tJj.a.m I We raaraateo D. D. D The Drat bottle res liern ou or roar moT Uck. 1141 a botUo TrrUU. U. aoaptoo. ORMES LIMITED NOTICE The Cily Clerk tillice' will be open on Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday of this week (ill 0 p.m.; also from 7 to V.30 p.m for the purpose of registering voter for the forthcoming civir "lection. K. J. JONKS. .'3 City Clerk ANNOUNCEMENTS Hopi'tHl Annual iull, Oct 31. I. allies' Auxiliary, SI. Andrew' Society. Hazaar,, Tuesday, Nov. ' 260 Anglican Church Hazaar. Nov. C Lulheran 1'ageanl, Kuipres Thealre, Xoveinber 0. "Sun Flower Serenade in Ihr Methodist Church, Nov. tt and 7 Queen ,Unry Chapter Whi Drive and Dance, Nov. 7, Kike Home. lr Moose Hazaar, Nov. 18 and It) If Presbyterian Hazaar, Nov. 20. Lutheran Hazaar, December ? Melropolo Hall. Local and Personal i Il.( Undertakers. Phono i I. Jlayners, Uiulcriahcni ," l'liune 351 TAXI and ,lo$engcr Service. hone 078. tf 5 A delicious drink Axcniie. for all oo cauiona isloiis "iiUlMlliMK' 'SU1MMB'' Coffee. If C. T. Cabrera, JI.K. of .Masotl expU to IcwreVlomorruw even ing for the Kant, lie will lie way ahout six week. Hallowe'en Dauce tonight in' Klk' Home liy Hospital Ladle Auxiliary. Dancing 'J p. in.; eard 'at 10 p.m. i - Two nights, November 0 and 7, "A Sunllower Serenade," Methodist Church at 8 p.m. Admission 00c and 25. 2C0 Mit A. C. Kinaliain, H.N. is spending a fortnlgJit in Hie eily he fore returning lu her home in Victoria after a itrip through Northern Jlrrtiah Columbia. If you have Dominion of Can ida Hond ntaturing in MM. bring or send them to the Can- ulioti Hank of Commerce who will redeem them al face value 258 Don't fortre! the Daughters o! tafrlarid llazaar Saturday, Xo ember I at t o'eloek in slnr next lo r'rfszetCfcv Meai Market Arlernoou lea a Jul supper nerved " 25 mi Union steamer Venlurc. Capl . joiinsione, naaniiiiiunii iron Vancouver and wajrforU to Any x and I he Skeend ami Naa ,ier. in liort al 3.30 Ihi morning. t LO( IK! The ver New York in la.ii 'oals in fox. - a Gordon It. 1 1 odd; the 'Hum Lake hardware roan, arrived from I he interior on lal night's t rain and i registered afc fne Prince lluperl Hold. He few day on bueiu a-.j(a HM' cent Abeil ran be puprhaikfit Coals af i hi rini SJTitt est from lappy fur jkrat, elc. rn t e for ian Ihey sewhere atdy low prn'' will only lte..tn, )- for a r--w .lav. V. (oidiaJaWni, Second Dan McOueen, pngiifeer of Anyox, i leaving on Ibis ecn- iiik s Irani for the Last enroule (io Si'oiland where hf 'will .spemi : several uioiilhs visiliii? his nlu 1 1 1 1 1 . A send-nflT parly wa? . given for him al the home of i and Mrs. Alex McDonald, Uleven- i la Avenue Kal. last uiglil. I Shortly after J o'clock this iiioi iiiiik a city workman phone.: in lo ihe no! ice station that man had fallen in a fit on Jlay-Cove Circle. Sergeant Hailey war ilelailed lo invest igale and found I hat a man named Dam-y hud fallen and cut himself slightly. Dr. Cade was called but when hr arrived the man had recovered and wa able to ko mi his way. Dancy its subject lo fits. XIYIAS PHOTOS Sillinu Any Time by Appointment lies! Work, Lowest Prices ECKOFF STUDIO Cor. 2nd Ave. and Olh SI. Phono lie C. 0X0 PIE 4 large Polalgea, 2 Onioni, 2 Oxo Cubea, Pepper and Salt Slice the potaloei and onioni and put them in pie dish in layeri, Diaaolve the Oxo in a cupful of hot waler, and pout over, pulling a email piece ol dripping on the top. Bake in a hot oven until browned nicely, and irrve. CUBES 4 I'alronessc al the hospilall hall tonight will be Medame.v Iledilie. Stork, W. T. Kergin, Kg-uerl, Treniayiie, Cade, D. C. Mc line, ami Mi McCaul. Hriilge will he played in the adjoining club rooms. A. Hanxon, charged in the city police court yeslerday afternoon with a!aun Hi a rexull of a fraeas aboard the halibut boat! Venun Wednesday night, was a-1 eed the coU of the court. Hie informants failing lo put in an appeaniiice. I'he United Stale couiniisition, which i here inveMllgatiug hali- Inil iriduclion ro-U with a view lo el)eting a change in the tarilT, will be here for al least a week longer before proceeding lo Ketchikan .laled L. T. Ilopkin-oii, cliairuiau, yesterday. FISH ARRIVALS Halibut arrival al the I Hxchange Ihi uiorulng conited of only two Canadian boat with light calche. Holb sold lo the Canadian Fish &. Cold Storage Co. a follow: Inez II. 100 pound, al IC.Sc and 10c; Verna, 500 pound, at 10.5c and 8c, CLEARIHUE CHARGE CHURCH UNION BILL YICTOIUA, Oct. 31. J. H. :iearihue, former member of the Legislature for Ihi cily. will iave charge of the Church Union legislation, which will be brought oefore the Legislature. PETER MINICH DIED YESTERDAY MORNING Was Forty Years of Age, Native of Jugo Slavla and Had Resided In District Sixteen Years The death occurred In the Prince lluperl (icneral Hospital of Peter Minich. aged 10. a ua- 'ive of .logo Slavia. SulTering from a cold which developed into pneumonia, deceased was admit ted to Hie hospital on Oclober 21. Having been in the city and district for the nasi sixteen year he had come from Anyox where he was employed as a iiiiiki'. A father survives in Jugo-Slavia Kuneral arrangement are in I he ands' of llaynor Hro. under- lakers. INCREASING INTEREST BY U.S. FARMERS IN ALBERTA FARM LANDS F.DMilXTOX. Del. ;tl There is an ever iurrcasing interest heing taken in Alberta lands by Tanners from Ihe I tilled Slates. Iisl Aveek tliere were fifteen homestead entries by this class of selllers and Ihe correspondence in connection with it i increasing daily. H come from all ver Ihe Mate. SEALSKINS ARE AGAIN VERY MUCH IN DEMAND LONDON. Ocl. 31. Ilevival of feminine interest in sealskins is reported by London furriers, who haxe experienced a heavy demand Ihi fall for seal coals and jack-els, many of them enlivened by collars of golden beaver or ermine. The heaxy. dull brown sealskin coal beloved of Ihe Victorian era, however, is a thing of Ihe past, for new nu'lhods of preparing and dyeing Ihe fur have resulted in the production of pell, far lighter in weight au even nuistpiash. in rich, durable golden and dark browns' jlhal improve, rather than grow' shabby with age. I Arporilini? In IIia T.An,1.,n fni I V .v jrip.s fur coa(s (iis . . ' liac contforlable loose sleeves, JLI1I 1JL113. with huge gauntlet cuff and big roll collars, preferably of beaver or ermine. An effort to revive Ihe "muff fashion lias apparently failed. NOTICE. T.VkK .NOTICK Hut within thirty ilayi rnim dale inlcmt In ip(ly to tlir Minister nf 1.111(14 for aiithitrlly to nntrurt a road, nut an er-il forty tU) fel In width. mm the Knirlnerr Mine to Wann Hlver. over ami ain!4 the uiuleriiuiit IiohhI Mln enl l.lalnis. vli.r the "Jersey Lllv." "Cnl-limhlne" Krailloiial. "Cold kniwii.' -Tom Hoy," "Jark-a-Ur.'- "Mn detiree" ami "llmwnln .No 1." All aitnai tvinir ana iM'tnir on the Kat Ule nf Tikit Arm In Ihe Allln Lake M liiliiar MUlon. i:slar OMrli'l, rrovlure or DrllUh Columbia. I Also to r.ininn t Mich tMiwrr line or Itnei a niav lie reuuli'lte ami nrresnarv for the trnsniiislon of ixmrr from tlie Conian.v'i i plant annate on Wann fllver to the trtni'ml i iisraiea nr eintniiiei ty the F.nirinter llol'l Mine I til . Ine. Daled at F.nrlueer Mine. Allln, B.C . this lul dav nf tlctolier. Iel AM'IIKW SOSTAO. Arenl for Hirloeci (i,.J Miim, Ltd. lit PERHAPS YOU NEED GLASSES ? Lol of people do lui dou'l. know il. , If you have to hold IhingV loo faraway, or your eye tire, easilyy comte in and we will find out if it is your eyes. Our optical department ha jiist been fitted up with the latest testing equipment, and n new course of ludy jiisl comjilcled give you Ihe benefit of any new discoveries and the newest styles in frame. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. Knter our Ad. Competition before Nov. 15. Note: Drawing would be of no use as The News could not reproduce Uiem in this space. Dollar Day TOMORROW-SATURDAY AT West of England Store BROCADED TUSSAH SILKS A range of beautiful colors in this fabric, suitable for Drees or Lingerie; fine silky finish, good washing .and wearing ipialilie? regular 3SI.5U Dollar Day, one yard for '. 1 00 1 YARD FOR $1.00 .' Our rangt of figured Florentine, Paisley and Tus-sah bilks,' specially suitable for Blouses and Dresses and ICinuinas; values up to $1.75. Dollar Day, one yard for ( $1 00 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 . Finest Underwear Crepes, in a dozen shades plain ami figured; regular 3Uc values. Dollar Day,3 yards for . . . $1 00 40-INCH COLLEGE SERGES A splendid wearing Serge for ladies and children, guaranteed wool, and old everywhere at $1.00 yard. Dollar Day Special, P.4 yards for 42-INCH WOOL DRESS GOODS. $1.00 All our best tO-inch Woollen Dress Fabrics in stripes and checks, flannels and serges. Now on sale. Up lo $1.50. Dollar Day, one yard for . . . 1 00 2 YARDS FOR $1.00 Hargain table with assortment of materials for ladies' ami children's wear, such a Middy Clolh, Huglish Nursery Hlivnie Cambric, Ginghams, llatiiies, etc.; value up to 05c. Dollar Day, 2 yards for Wt YARDS FOR $1.00 All our beautiful figured Jap Crepes for Kiniouus etc.; regular 75c value. Dollar Day, Hi yards for THREE-QUARTERS YARD FOR $1.00 Women will welcome this offer of u length of fine, closely woven Silk Tricolelle for Christmas gifts. Only One Dollar for a vest length $1.00 f 1.00 there Is only a limited amount and first come first served. All those who wish to take advantage of these exceptional bargains would do well to be down early, as In many Unas I - u 4