f 25 I't ilr MATT TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Rt.nd Royal Hotel, 7 nd 8th St. M'IHnlh Ubr, f VIDECK, I ra.IJ.nnu.ut nnlf- V II XIV NO, 257 sMiren of llieir program. -M-.i.Tlirut Will prWfWHi ,.e uw tri&r"M fr fWfef i, v Mil Inn the Empire f.ake loans to sueh - a Hnta a win pro-'!, Marti '.n' l ji'iuet. - M.. likely 'i. ml of Hie iiih'i.I, one il llieir i-.mv alive parlv in ie- afeguanl Ihe ewi-,.n,i mnUard of living x i lie principle of Ihe una of industries act. k;im' unemployment I ,in eitlelent Industry, f unfair competition fi-.ui (he disorganiicd or ejrlinnue. or from .1 lubor awl rveeie work. Consult with Dominions ,"'.15. ni'nnlive foreign nolicvl in- rlo.enl eonnullalii.ii Di.iniinoii, and we sh a ) strengthen the I Niu'j'.i.s on praclieat line ni a. iv to the overriding .! H.n Mint there shall lie !. Wn.-nis involving Nue and war, without Ihe . c of the Dominion. iUiiH imperial defence. favor of any practical :s for Hie fieneral linill-'! lit inainenU, we hIiiiII w arefullj Ihe eoiiiinll- d iiiidieation. of the of Nation scheme. We ixaniiuc afrenh Ihe whn h the ilefenrex of the have heen put by the iiilmiMMiiitliou. I (iimervaliven have a con-V' nxri. iilltiivil iml hoij- i'y and eland for pro r liii ahoiinl developmenl. : Hall iippoinl n royal com exainine every phae : food xiluallun, IuvckIUhI 'lie rumen df tliu pi'ienl 1 food prices ami endeavor e oolite nielbod of lccu- : lie ( ol of traiisfetTinit food 1 '-'h: front I he Hebl lo Ihe Ist-iicr FREIGHT TRAIN RAN INTO YARD ENGINE KILLING A FIREMAN KAMI.Oops, Del. 31. When "" ' I' ll freight train collided y1' yard engine the fireman "r Uie iuiier. ,)m swanson. was ""any in i. .., l .i. .,.,. fu i,,.npyl War.ai,-.'!1". Ish Elections Strengthen Tories LONDON. t)el. 41 When Hie relurtis from all tint a few be I tiled const iluetteies from Scotland ami the rnitersilics were coon ted last nivhl Ihe om)Kti-Mon of Ihe new House of (Utni-tiions vt fmtml to b OoHervtalhM 3VH Labor v . . . I lit I.IWraU 10 liHlMnients I OtvpcralloMil 5 Comioiinlls I fJonslHttltonnllsis .... 3 Total Mi) There are fifteen yet lo hear from. Ihe total I tuemlH'rshii of Ihe lloue beinK wards and Mr. lluchan. warnwp through Ihe firs! explosion, were able lo gel away in the dory although they lost everything Hull was aboard the boat. The Amies was uf Ihe rive-men halibut schooner type and was partly covered by insurance. The accident occurred about lfi.30 Tuesday night at lleef Is land where Ihe Azores was lay-1 lug in awaiting an opportunity to start across llecale straits en roule home. Capl. IM wards bad 1 u packing salmon for Ihe Imperial Tending Co. to the Locke-port Cannery. After Hie hiss of Ihe boat, Cttpl. lMwards and Mr. Ituchiin rowed In Hie dory Ihe distance ot leu miles lo Thurslon Harbor. There they spent the night boarding Ihe lug Lome Wednesday iiiorninir and arriving hero this hie Stall ALIBUT CATCH WELL and details of the building to bej creeled have not yet been derided upon. ANOTHER VICTIM OF EXPLOSION ON TRAIN DIES AT GRAND FORKS Vancouver Newsagent Is Ninth to TIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKillY ISLAND. Cloudy, light north wind; li. 'ironic I it, i'l:5o; temperature, 13; sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke lug Lome in llcuvet Passage bound t for Captain't Cove; 5 a.m. in steamer Venture northbound. HULL IIAHHOll. Haloing light soullieasl wind; barometer, .".oh; temperature, it; sea moderate. Noon DHUIY ISLAND. Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer 211.70; temperature, on; sea smootli; U:30 a.m. spoke steamer Venture arriv'tig al I'orl Simp sou norllibuiind. HULL llAnHOU. Passing showers, baroiueler, 29,70; letn- morning. The Lo'rne vlsllcd llieiperalure. II; moderate swell; 10 f II... exi.loslon but not n a.nl. spoke steamer Princess 1'MNCK IU'I'KMT, H.C., F1UDAY, OCTOHFJl :tl, IMS'. Lose Uf. Fromj.ttle Tragedy Valley frOpOSQl h DAlkley I. HAND KHIKS. Del. 31 II. K Faweetf. of Vancouver, a newsagent, dieil yesterday at Ihe hospital here, being Uie ninth victim uf the Kellle Valley explosion al Farron. BRITISH FARM BOVT ARRIVE ON PRAIRIES Have Entered Agricultural Train- Inn School at Vermilion; Others to Follow KDMONTON. Oct. al. Itrillnh farm boys arrive"1 al Vermilion and have been en lered in Ihe (iovermnenl farm ehool. This is the first eon 'inirenl of lads under a new sys. ent of inmiaralion in eo-opera- "ion with the Overseas Settlement Hoard in llntrl.ind. under whose lusoice Hie lads are collected More are expected to be brought io Canada during the winter. Skipper of Azores Tells of Narrow Escape of Himself and Mate from Burning Halibut Boat The explosion which on Tuesday uighl lesulled in Ihe demolition or Ihe local halibut boat Anores at Heer Island near Thurston Harbor, .Moresby Mntul. occurred so suddenly lhat Capl. Charles Kdward. her owner and skipper, uml his male. Joe Huchan, hardly were able lo realize, what had happened said Capl. KdwntiU Uii morning in lelling or the iiecidenl. Aftor a Juirklire nT the engine. Hie boat soon became ablaze and, when the flames reached Hio gas lank, the craH wenl up in smoke urn! rianie and disappeared. This all liappened within ii spac 4f I Ii VIU 111 Iniiles bill t'anl. IM have lo cross the equator and many tT llieui die. Cattle shipped from Alberla have (tamed on the trip through the, more north erly latitudes. N TERRIFFIC STORM ON SOUTH COAST Radio reporla received last night indicated lhat there was a terrific storm yesterday in Pticel Sound and south of there. .The steamer Trinidad, last reported at 130 W.L. and 13 N.L., was reported missing. A fishing vessel sank in Puget Sound. DR. TOLMIE WOULD RAISE DUTY ON ALL MANUFACTURED GOODS VANCOUVER, Oct. 31.- In an address here Hon. Simon Fraser Tolmie. organizer for Ihe Con servative parly, made a plea fnrj higher duties on manufactured goods coming to (his counlry from United Stales and other counlries. He objected to the lowering of these by Liberals. He PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Valley Cattle to Japan it : NEW SCHEDULE rrdr' Clrtu-ttlon 1702. lilMllsllilinWWPM IT i Leaflet - )l the t It li'ui. Anp.ng ': 'I. A: I' rvd M, , L (, Ki ,im '1 l: . M iM ill'' . I', it. N..'ii;r . H il.-!i i' -A-.nlh. S.r Proper Arrangements Made Ualn tram 4. Arniuzenonts Itave jnsl about been cuiimktcd by Uliurle ."" i Kxstemm Uie fit. rvciuUy liStrtlif rsM etifalie. tA mum of sixty head or minimum oftifly. It is believed lhat Ihe ln iiienl of cattle from the Kulkley Valley to Japan ran he made a profitable proposition and, if t!ie ( initial shipment proves a suc-1 cess, there should le ?real x-l pansion of Ihe business poi'dyl meaning Hie ratlin? uf slaers here rearularly to lake the cattle across Ihe Pacific. I.oeal inarKei conditions of late have leen somewhat discount rill? lo the sUck raisers in the , interior. ' This country is favorably sit uated tor Ihe shipment of live cattle lo Hie Orient. ChUIc from Australia ami South America FOR STEAMERS Zne Coat Weekly or C.G.M.M. for Winter Season Effective from Vancouver on Monday, November 17. the C.N. II. oasl steamship winter schedule etween here and Vancouver will come into operation. 'The hit-go deamer will again serve Auyox ami Stewart as well. TJie schedule will be as follows : LeavH Vancouver Monday, 11 P .nr. (-calling al Powell lliver. Ocean Falls and Swauson Hay). Airivc Prince Rupert Wednes lay, 3 p.m. Leave Prince Rupert Wednes day, 1 1 p.m. Arrive Stewart Thursday, 7 a.ni Leave Stewart Thursday noon Arrive Anyox, Thursday, 6.30 p. til- Leave Anyox Thursday, 1 1 p.m. Arrive Prince Rupert Friday, 0 a.m. Leave Prince Rupert Friday, y a.m. Arrive Vancouver Sunday, a.m. (after nulling at Swuttsoit Hoy. Ocean Falls and Powell lliver . Effective November 15, from PriiK'e Ruert Hie steamer Prince John will operate between Prince Rupert and Vancouver via the Queen Chitrlolto Islands on the following fortnightly schedule Leave Prince Rupert Saturday, 8 p.m. Arrive Vancouver Thursday n.tn. " Leave VanctAiver Saturday 'November JR!), 4 p.m. Arrive Prince Rupert Thursday a.m. BIRTH A daughler was born al thn urged thai Ihev be increased in i Prince Rimer! t.eneral Hosnilnl Irace wan lo bo found of the lost; HPaince itneani ivory isiano order To protect Canadian in- on October 31 lo Mr. and Mrs n- I'MiliL.i i ml. uluslries iig.'in-' I'nnipii' h Ctrttt (' 43. jirnhibit the sale during the close! season of fish legally caught during the open season. .This is; ptally true of the United Stales Act. I 'There, however, must, be no, doubt lhat any fish brought into! orl or disposed or during the close season had been legally taken during lite open season, and Hie customs and fishery pffi- ers who will be authorized to enforce the provisions of the Act will be required lo obtain evi dence of an entirely- satisfactory nature that the Hsh were so ra nc lit before llieir sale during lh close season will be Resumption of Fishing Willi reference lo the resume tion of fishing after the close season in each year you will note dial section I of the Act prohib its vessels leaving port to engage in lialibut fishing sooner than three days before Ihe 'beginning of the close season. It was considered lhat this time might reasonably le necessary for vessels thai would proceed to list ant grounds and which had lo leave some or lite more southern ports, so (hat they would be in n position to begin fishing when the close season had fully expired. You will also note that section 12 authorizes the International onrmission that will be appoint ed under the Act lo make recom mendations, for regulations tor Hie purpose or giving effect lo lite provisions of the Act. If ex peiTence should show Dial it would be belter lo prohibit Ihe landing of any fish In ally porl during all poHions of the cIqso season a regulation could be noopieo t o ntai enu, suouiu ine commission, so recommend. Yours truly, A. JOHNSTON. Deputy Minister." STORM WARNING The Digby Island wireless station reports (hut southeast storm warnings from Alaska lo California are be ins; displayed Hi.' ;!, BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing four lor hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding parties. For rale, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LAST YEAR BRITISH CONSERVATIVE PARTY HAS CONSTRUCTIVE POLICY FOR COUNTRY Imperial Unity is Part of Conservative Policy in Great Britain Today With Large Majority New Government Will be in Position to Give Effect to its Constructive Program LONDON. Oct. M. -Thai llicrc will b great diaugcs of , i .lowing the election of lite CminM-valives under Stanley I! n uid the derisive defeat of hold lite Labor ami Liberal - .1 loreguiie conclusion. While Ihe ltuMaii Irealy and '(ti.iuul ol Ihe Campbell proscnilioii were very promin- ... iilmneil in (he rumMiigu wlnrli lias jut iloed. (lie Cou- - ,il hail a onlruilie mIu wIihIi will now be n (heir future adtmnislrtilivc anil legislative actions. Willi ti ge majority behind I Item, mi large u to be ponderous na'-'Tiii, they are in u i i jll-CONSERVATlVES .rcsr'-'j ARE INCREASING rar..rHKMHtll of mutual w.iiiin the Empire i uiiMHt Night's Returns From Brlt- L KA K l EXCAVATION Angelo Antonelll to do Work Preparatory to Erection I.O.D.E. Building , Municipal Chapter, Imperial Onler Daughter of Hie Empire I has awarded the eonlract for Hie excavation for the propned building al Ihe corner of Mc-Hride Street and Fifth Avenue to' Augclo Aiitonclli and work will eoiniiieitee iniiiicdia'cly. The ue Halibut Catch Higher Than Last Year by Two and Half Million Lbs. The total halibut arrivals al this port Tor the ten months ending loday reach the fig:ure of 2,3!,ttt0 pounds as .nt-:i;ue; with Sf,251,U0U pounds for the first ten months or 11)21. It is hardly likely now lhat Ihe lutal fulrh for 1021 will conUj up to the total kir 102:1 which was 2!,l'07oO jMjutids b:il, in .-pile of the fact that the close season l oiiitilencing on November l.i givs only leii-uud-a-half months to couul as compared with Ihe full 12 mouths in H23. it may nof'lie very lr behind. Heavy arrivals on the days around the fffdsing dale are antici- : paled. Last year American boats CLOSE SEASON FOR HALIBUT of Treaty John Dbliavn, manasjjr of the 'loyal Fish Coof this city has i-eceiveil an aawerTlo a, IWter written to llielepjtfvmiufsler.Qf reirahl latlut iai.ile1 iinuually larse catches in Deoenil-er. There will, of course, be none of these Ibis year. The total caleli this year would easily ! exceed lhat of last year were it not for the close season. Octobec Catch Further Information In Regard to! During the mouth of October Enforcement of Provisions l'"? '"-lay tl American hali- Iiul boats united z.oto.t.ot) ounds for an average of 25,200 pounds, to the trip. Sevenly-eijfhl Canadian biwits landed 583,100 iwunds, the average being 7,500 -ounds In the trip. The total for o the close 'he. month Is 2.029,100 pounds 'ta iiua9 compared with 1.811,100 iVUieiAEs uci eser-i&iu. year from here lo Japan early in December. -Advfr is'Leinir awailed O" reference io tne .ci you mT mT fnuu Ihe UuiadiAii trade etmimissioiR-r in TakuMreganling tuar- observe that it is specifically! I f 1UPJL 1UIMI ket eondiljoiis ami .there are certitirl detail to He -el I led in the restricted I" prohibiting fishins LUlVllL IJlUltUlJ mlerior. Mr. Kellev exoerU to know derinifek e:,riv nevl week i dm inft Ihe close season or Hie The plan is lo bring Ihe Canadian Oovenmif n' Merchant Mai ine disposal of fish caucht during, steamer Canadian Miller here about Dt. rmher :: ..:(. maxi-1 "h time. It does not, however,; LARGE RAFTS Has Three Million Feet of Logs at Captain's Cove for Delivery to Swanson Bay and Powell River The Hecate Straits Towing Co.'s tug Lome, Capt. Lewis, ar rived in port al I) o'clock this morning bringing home Capl. Edwards and Joe Huehan of the Ashing boat Azores which blew kup near 1 tturston Harbor on Tuesday night. The Lome brought across Hie fSlrails a rafl of one million reel or logs from Ihe Wlialen logging camp at Thurston Harbor. It was leH at Captain's Cove while Ihe Lome oame on here. There are also' Iwo other similar raits at Captain's Cove which the Lome will pick up today. Two are for the Wlialen mill and will be dropped at Swanson Hay. The third is from the Kelly logging camp at Lockeport. H will be taken to Powell River. When tho Lome arrives at Vancouver sho will be lied up for overhaul. Ollleers of the Lome reported lhat the Wlialen logging camp at Thurston Harbor was ctosini? lown but Ihe Kelly camps aro dill continuing. MINER KILLED BY HIGH YOLTAGE WIRE NANAIMO, Ocl. 31. Georgu William Hock, 10 years of age, a miner at the Lentzville mine, 12 miles from, here, whs killed in--duutly when coming off shift yesterday his head coming in contact with a high voltage wire. HANG FOR MURDER Of WIFE AT NOTCH HILL NEAR KAMLOOPS KAMLOOPSrOcT 31 W. J. Payette, charged with the murder of his wife al Notch Hill on October 12 was found guilty at the assiie court presided over by Mr. Justice W. A. Macdoiiald, and was sentenced ti. hang on 'i'r;.r"v 1".