PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9, and Saturday Matinee at 3. "SCARAMOUC H E." Adapted from tlic famous romaiico of the French Revolution by Rafael Sabatini. A gorgeous Hex Ingram production. A photo-play of, thrills, love and tieatily. The story of Seuramouche, the clown, in whose veins ran the blood or the nobility he fought against. Stirring romance, brilliant swordsmanship, the rustle of silks, the pillaging of castles, the splendour of court life, the frenzied mobs or the Revolution, nil this and much more shown with faithful realism, in this veritable motion-picture triumph. Not in all the pages or fiction is there to be found such a glowing dare-devil character as that of this young .scion of the nobility who became a clown, and fought ami mocked his enemies for the love or a woman and to avenge a friend. Stupendous scenes include Ihe storming of the Toileries by a mob of 10,000 which is in itself the greatest spectacle ever filmed. Dazzling gowns and costumes. Remarkable cast. Hamuli Navarro, Alice Terry, Lewis Slone, George Siegm uiM. F.ddh Navarro, I'M i Hi Allen, Carrie Clark Ward, Julia Sw uvne (iordon. William Humphrey, and many others TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission 50c and 25o TIME For Sale t une is the measure or lire . That's what our salesmen offer you, They are selllox a real service, giving you time for more iint'ortaul duties than washing. Will You Buy? Phono 8. PHONE 8 S$i$y B0X39Z PRI N a,u PE RT APPLES! APPLESI APPLES! HALLOWE'EN WEEK SPECIALS An A. pie a day keeps the , doctor away No. 1 Jonathan Apples, per box 52.75 Mcintosh Heils, No. per box $2.75 Pumpkin, per lb. Hubbard Squash, per lb. 5c Cranberries, per lb. ... 30c Fresh Lettuce, Celery, Rrus-sell Sprouts. Cabbage, Cauliflower, at lowest prices. Choice Fresh Meat In Stock ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84 Or Write P.O. Hox 575. Prince Rupert, B.O. TIMBER SALE X 6604. sealed Tender will ! received by tlie Mhtrlrl Kuremer mil Uler tliiiil II'miii oil the f.lh rtav or .Niiveinlier. I4. rr me tmri'liiM- or l.leenee X OIMU. near i ieek. eul Hide rf KoUII lllver. (..II. , In cut :i4o.nii0 fet r lleiiilork. Cedar, HalMOn ihI fprure ttawloic. . Two () Wrt will lie allowed for re- ""Kurlfwr ' p"rUrulr or til Ciller Forester. V!.-"". - the Himrlrt Korenler. I'rthrw niliwrt, D.C. SCORES COOLIDGE ACTION HAI.TIMOIIK, Oct. 30. Senator Lal'ollelle, in an address here last night, declared the failure of President Cooliilge to put into etTect the recommendation for a reduction of sugar duties made by the tarilT commission is cosU ing American housewives $t,-110(1.000 weekly. 1 .SvHBBEK. tun l.lulk ami CATARRH of tht BLADDER Salt, Succeuhl Ctoiule (Minvl betrt nm By J fiewar. of counterfeit EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS. Quality Guaranteed Hoiling Heer, per lb, ... 6c Hot Hoast, per lb 8c Ilib Itoast, per lb 15c Mound Steak, per lb. .. 17c Sirloin Mcak, per lb. .. 22c T-Hone Steak, per lb. . . 25c Choice Hump Hoast, per lb. ... 17c Extra Quality Sausage, per lb 15c Dripping, per lb. .. 15o Swift's Premium Hacon, per lb 32c Home Cured Shoulder Hams, per lb 22c Salt Pork, per lb 25c Roneless Corn Heef, per lb. ... 15o lion't Forget, a Pumpkin Free with a pound of Farmers' Tea. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 ARISTOTLE WAS THE FATHER OF SCIENCF And he said "Nature make-nothing wilhout ti purpose." Mat ';as been given and has taken ; ommand over nature which o-the whole has been Tor the bene fit or the human race. He ha-not yet been able to rind a bene-licial use Tor every natural thinv but he has made wonderful progress in subduing the earth am making modern lire one or comparative ease and comfort. Probably Ihe most important facto-in making our lives comrorlabb today is an inheritance rroir nature, namely, coal. And mar in his restless desire to discover Hie best has brought to the mar ket Nanalmo-Wellinglon con which is now recognized to br the best obtainable. This coa' has some wonderrul qualities-freedom rrom clinkers and roc! small ash deposit and power ful, lasting heat equally econ omical in furnace, range or Are place. This coal is obtainable on.y a' Albert & McCafTery'? and tin public will be well advised ii order to make sure they sccur-Nanairno - Wellington coal ati' not a .substitute to phone thci orders direct to Ibis firm. Thci 'phone numbers arc 110 am 61. NEW BUILDING AT AKERBERG-THOMSON WATERFRONT DOCK Old Storehouse Has to be Demolished to Make Room For Road A new buililing is being erected in the waterfront by Orcer & Heatlie, local contractors, for Akerberg-ThoiiVson Co. to take the place of the storehouse abutting on the railway track which is to be demolished lo make way Tor the new road which is to bo constructed during the close season along the waterfront lo the Provincial fiuvcrnment dock The new building is 20ft. by 40ft Ail "rl.ise in Hie Dai! N't , FREE DEMONSTRATION HEINZ PURE FOOD PRODUCTS By R. Bramlny. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. In conjunction with this demonstration by the lleinx representative we ofrer the t ollowing combination specials at r.00 each. As In the past, our Heinz demonstration specials represent a tiiK saving over regular prices, and these prices are only possible by reason or i he iiiL-rcased sales resulting ui these occasions. LOT 1 8 Thus Heinz Pork and Heans. plain or in tomato sauce, small size LOT 2 ' 0 I ns lleiiu Pork an Heans, plain or in tomato sauce, medium size. LOT 3 Z laiii0 tins, lleiiu Pork ainl Iteaus. 1 tnediiini tin Heinz Pork and Heans. Ii small tins Heinz Pork and Heans. LOT 4 in s Heinz Ited Kidney B. '.mi. small size. LOT 5 i Mns llt'inz Cooked Spa-xhet'i, small size. LOT. 6 5 I iu Heinz Cooked Spaghetti, medium size. LOT 7 7 small tins Heinz Cream or Tomato Soup. LOT S 5 medium size tins Heinz Cream or Tomato Soup LOT 9 i small tins Cream o' Tomato Soup, a small tins Pork aii'i Heans. ' LOT 10 J sloall tins Cooked Spaghetti. small tins Tomato Soup LOT 11 i medium tins Tomal" Soup. z melium tins Pork anl Heans. small tins Cooked Spaghetti. LOT 12 1 large bottle Worcester Sauce. 1 large bottle Heinz Catsup. 1 small bottle Heinz Vinegar. 'Specify whether Cider. Malt or W. Wine . LOT 13 l bottle Heinz India Itelish. 1 largo tin Heinz Pork and Heans. 2 medium tins Tomato Soup. LOT 14 1 bottle Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles. 2 small tins lied Kidney Heans. 2 small tins Tomato Soup LOT 15 1 bottle Heinz Chili Sauce. 2 medium tins Cooked Spaghetti. 2 small tins Pork and Heans. THANKSGIVING TURKEYS. Prime No. 1 Fresh Killed Hints arriving earjy jiexl week. Place your order now and save disappointment. RupcrtTableSupply Three Phones: lio,7ii,2i2' Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and praotloal knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges wiH 00 found reasonable In every Instance WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, w a t o h 6 s, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invltod. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist iVHEN SHALL WE BUILD OUR OWN AIR FLIVVER? Ilajor McLaren Tells of Growing Popularity or Light Air Craft VANCOl Vi:it. Oi l. 31. Thai the time is rapidly approaching Alien everyone will be able to own lis own air flivver, was intimated v Major l. II. McLaren in an ail- dit'ss delivprcd lo the Air Force '.lull at their organization meet ing here. The, light air craft is growing in popularity, according o the major. II can be built nt -imparatively small cost and all he fuel it requires is two gallon. "or a two hour flitthl. The-ie iiarhiiH's attain a height of leu liotisand feet and a speed of 70 miles nn hour. SPECIALS FOR Thursday Friday and Saturday MOODIE'S HYCEIRN UNION SUITS Or Two Plcca Suits for Girls and Nibses Si.e- '.'0 and :.'.', special prie " .... 51.00 per suit Size- ? I anil id. special $1.25 per suit Mzes . to JZ. special $1.35 per suit Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645. Cor. 3rd & 7th. llwiFF. OF CAPTAIN ORMISTON IS DEAD Passed Away In Victoria Last Friday Arter Long Illness Funeral Took Place Monday . i Mrs. F.llen C. Oruilston. wire r fmi! Ilnri-v Ormiston of the (Ureal lighthouse tender Newing-' ion. died last Friday nt Ihe lloyal Jubilee hospital, Victoria, after: 'a long illness. Capt. Ormiston, j having been railed south several I weeks ago, was present nt the ietul. Hesldes her husband, Mm. Ormiston is survived by two 'children. Charles and Helen. The funeral took place in Victoria on Monday. MONEY IS PUT UP BY VICTORIA BUT BUSINESS IS D0NEBY VANCOUVER ! II. V. M. ltolslon. publisher of Hie Port laud Canal News, and fi-i aiii ial man ol Stewart. H.C.. i' iin Victoria today being Interx lew-! ied by investors and Others as to! ihe iiiienstiiig development. and discoveries recently made in Ihe Itiorthern milling district says thej Mcioria limes. i Victoria ha backed the Slew-art ilistricl with its money ami ha stuck by it-, from the start, largely making its developments possible, Mr. Holsloii aid. "Hut the strange fuel is I hut while Victoria has pul up the money for the development of Slewarl, Vancouver firm get nearly all Ihe orders for goods and euip-:oenl up there." (Hbehils or Hie Victoria Chamber or Commerce are illieuing i be mallet' today with Mr. Ilol-don, who is very optimitln i about Ihe rulure or the Slewarl ,ditricl and Ihe leading mines individually. He will be here ami in Vancouver for a couple of weeks. VICTORIA PAPER SCORES ASSOCIATED : BOARDS OF TRADE Says They Had no Right to Interfere In British Election Campaign Is il the proper tlnnir for Hie !.socinled Hoards of Trado of Hrit ish Columbia lo cable ex-Premier Hablwin and express Ihe hope that hi efforts will be crowned with victory when the olc are collided on October 3V? rhejienernl drift of Hie message is that the Hr'.liili Columbia organization is convinced Dial 'inperial preference "is Ihe surest way of eon-olidalliur I ho Umpire and ol curiuir unemploy ment." And Aneiit (ieneral Wade lia been notified or Ihe cable and asked "In frhc it the Mlle-I j publicity throughout (treat llrlt-lain." . i Canada gave Oreat llrilaln a j preferenee because it miiled (ian-aila. Canada has increased that ! preference from lime lo I line he-ji'uusc it suited Canada. Canada This MIIV'' I iotivio m ' of tours World famous fcr its smooth, ngccl-in-vood mellow quality 32 o: , bottU , bottle T -s m-rt . 1 1 A fcllCVTTVr ilUlJirttxjni lmwtvoi No 20. ckv BOND UNDER advertisement is not published or displayed ny I.imior Control Hoard or by the Oovernment of British Columbia, i Friday, October 31 tsjj It . Cash & Garry Specials COMMENCE NOVEMBER RIGHT .Saturday. Nov. tt. will he n huy day m our in ir Dept. Thrifty luivers will lie here early lo seie tiir - r iiireincnts from n wonderful range r goods, knuv. 1; our guarantee nreompniiics every sale. 3 BIG SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY 100 YARDS ALL ENQLI3H TWEEDS to inrh widths. Light and hark Shades . 1" Checks and Stnpev Heg. ':. yard. Special 75c; 2 yards for $1.45. 3 DOZ. PAIRS ENGLISH BATH TOWELS HI x I'll. Meg. I.I0 pair. Extra Special, 85c Pair. 100 DOZ. LADIES' SWISS LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS In six diirerenl shades lleg 2l value Special, Saturday, In Dozen Lots, $1.75 Doz. Universal Trading Co, would have accepted a lloiiiinuo. preference if the people or Ureal llrilain could have given il a-freely as Ihi eounlry ce preferences lo Hritish immU. IUiI Ihe people of the Old Count r lespecirully declined lo chane their fiscal policy for Ihe Uenefl' tif the Homliljiin. The petpl-(H Ihe Dominions r'eeojtniied ( the HrIH or their kin across Ihe sen liud the mailer dropped. Inler-ei-ls wider Ihai) ecluHl advanl-jiVc were ohviouly involved and It-rt their itiHuence. Domestic Issue i What right ha the As-xirialetl jtoar.l". or Trade oT HIHkIi (1-ijmbia lo Interfere in a doinellr issue in llrilain? What right ha the London Chamber of Commerce lo give CuiiihIh advice on matters which Ihe people of this country are consideretl competeiil fo solve? And Hie Aftenl (ieneral fpr Hritish Columbia surely lias plenty lo keep him occupied at No. I Hegenl Street without sewl-ijig the Hoards of Trade cable lo all Jhe newspapers of llrilaui. Surely it ouulil lo m apparent GET IT AT! in every pohl i. itinlry that nw h Ml vvlien Canu'U . n traiheiiini: n within Ihe l-mpi Mill' ttl emte Ii, lint at lurk iii a n- a nnlioiiHl uiiii.o' SPEND NO MONEY ON P.G.E. PENDING THE ( iirrATi Tintic rnn cr" iiLuuunuuiu lunb vicroitiA. (( ' i tlliriat Itiivei tun-Ihe P.ii.K. iiml 4, I Ion mil ip"-ii.) further CMiilnn ' Iiienta lo (lint m ot, I etl I hat either iln r . eflei(, Hie C.ati.v; ' nr Hie CP. It. will 'a road eetiluHy a ha mile il aOsfii' 'ni It Is ex pee led 1 1 :t r loenl will ak hhUi Leaislalure to mak.! in nnv coiiipHny w i iilir lilt, in I , SPECIAL OFFER ON CHILDREN'S COMBINATIONS Knit from strong cotton yarns slightly fleci c t side to make it warm ami comfortable, has drop sleeves, ami is ankle length. Made in White or Natural. Ages 2 to ( 'iir .... $1.50 Ages 7 to I years .... $1.05 Hale continues on other lipes previously athei" terminates .Saturday. H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. Wc slock Pictorial Patterns. Phoni PHONE 586 HIGH CLASS -GROCERS Everything in Halloween Special