urn
v
oiuru
.,
iu.
i.
ft
.
.
'
"""""
fa
or
mm.
ce
Taking
The
Fruit
Treatment
in
"Fruit-a-tives"
flirt
,l.,
jiik.
.1
.
ai
..r
v
i,.-i.i,....i
it
,i
Akilniiii
ami
no
one
know
ui.it
iH'cri
iiiinnu
llii'wiiiler.
ia
uta
in;:
ntiikiMK
r
mm
hdihu
jiih
..
ItTMAlll
llllll
flltllll
ttl..
.1
'
.
..
.
..
i
l...
......
l.i
i
.
'.
.
,.....
..
s
l
iiprlnc
of
IM),
HariMi
me
'r.-nn
u-ute-
ami
Mxm
Urn
.
it.
i
.
..
.
.
ciiotliiiduiieaiiifn
Mav
7ih,
llr.'O.
ami
law
no
llioiiglil
or
Ii.hiiil'
n.
..i.i.i
i...
...
i
"
'
"
'
.
.
.
.
.lit
.
.
.
n
a
"
UWft
crerv
iii?ln
Allll
.i
..HI
ail
llM!tlr
,
n
oolUi'l
liy
I'ruil
alive
,.
IMl.in.
Out.
April
louse
Values
Jl
ilis
in
llrondclnlh,
i
i
new
Silk
oriMi.
nrt!
inwi'
Hum
rvrr
In
in'W
ivj.
nm
Phone
27.
at
More
Wheat
I'ai
i
.I"--,
liafcwl
Willi
iveKoses
Flour
The
World's
Beet.
Soft
Fini!
Thrif-T-Service
Wet
Wash
Three
Services,
one
of
tlfOli
urlll
AtnnlU'
fill
vnnr
Ml
t
.
uay
noeuH.
l'linno
for
narllcnlnrs.
anadian
Steam
Laundry
Phone
8.
ter
inn
Furnace
-
Dlltrt4
In
Bulk.
At
S10.00
per
ton.
Thu
ii
a
vrrr
uis-rior
rurntrs
hi.
It
frlVMtf
.U...
tint
an.l
"niTiy
im
iriMii
ihhii,
tiiiimT.',
.
win,
iiiri
nuinn
in
im
larir.;
Wllh
riillralv
illificiiirv
iiiiivfrrii
in
Slim.
At
fi19
nan
tnn
"
tr
lino
units
rr
lUs
Painou
..i
.
11-nbi.i.iiiii
i
vii
and
nmnn
riiinnni
ni
n
iiiuts
nuuuri
uudi
uu.
lln
oiriA..
u..
.
.
fS&J
D1,1,"'
of
ttu
Mosquito
FUet
which
I.
th,
(Sim
8iO-C
7j!"tT
m
r'""up'rt,
Prosperity
jffl
W(lh
the
a.pr
holiday
sen
from
rall-,l
,em
m!,
black
""ii
over.
business
nlllllf
lin
o,i.l
.r.ll
.
..
.
i
..
walorfrnnl
Is
bark
(o
normal
and
ualdiui
ba
iM'i'n
arnvliiK
in
jfood
iliianliliPH
In
kj.Hi-
of
llm
un-limcly
wintry
wcallior
cxior.
k-iicpiI
on
Mii
di-iji
ph
fiiiinB
KronniU.
wan
iicdiclr-i
ilm
Atiiorii-an
flH
arrived
in
port
on
V'dnpMlay
In
foiro.
lln-y
having
iiccouir
"liunrliod
on
llio
Uiut
Hol.
Ton
Amcrlran
npIiuoii'tm
laiubM
a
lolal
of
27H.iKi(i
pound
and
two
Canadian
elioonrrx
r..i;iio
pounds
or
lialilnil
on
that
lay
and
privnn
look
a
downward
ml
lo
and
.
for
firnl
and
ffron.l
daK
fiili
ropwiivc-ly.
Willi,
lialilnil
laiidintti
iiiiioiintiiii:
to
iio.oon
pouuiU
on
Momlay
and
133,00(1
pdimiN
on
liifMlay
pri
wrV
nliady
on
Uh'
Kind
KteliaiiKo
around
lli
Mm-
and
He.
mark
for
AincricHii
and
ami
fir
for
Canadian
lUli.
i)n
-diiday
laiuliiBt
or
lli
Imiiic
llfH
dropped
to
y.fir
ami
whirli
liiiwfnr
llllll
llhl
ht
pouiiil
nior
lor
oecoud
rla
Willi
Crrrificiie
lnwrais
Tolkin
Uml
Monap
Family
RmwJa
Small
twdl
rtu
niarKcrpi.
,.y
w,.,.
VPry
lar
in
appcaranrc
to
lie
Scotch
allh,
a
small
rih
wliirh
frc-1'I'"uIk
Ilic
Imrliorx
of
Scollaml.
'I'Ik-hc
firth
arc
plcnliful
in
the
harbor
jml
now
ami
from
all
ac-eoiiulM
Ihcy
make
very
pood
cal-IiiK.
They
measure
about
eih
im-lie..
i.i,K
,u
,.,.
liltrii
Km(
in
color
with
lialil
stripe
on
(he
"ide.
'Ho,
head
and
tail
is
baied
like
mackerel.
..
..
H.
E.
Poole
Promoted
reported
that
K.
,de.
ror
some
year
superintendent
t
Ihe
Atlin
Hsheric
Jiore
and
who
wan
Irausferreil
last
spring
as
UMrinlcmlciif
f,f
Die
.New
Knp-land'Kisli
Co.
al
lluledale,
has
liiken
over
the
manapenicnl
or
Ihe
New
KiiKlnml
s
I'ish
Com
branch
at
Knlaina,
WashmKton.
situated
on
the
Columbia
river.
'
.
tipl.
Claude
Kelchum
m-eiillv
fi-li
than
the
Amerieaii
receiveil.
'libnei
the
launch
Wej
Wan
The
lamliiiiTM
on
Thurnday
1""
''
'I'"""'
which
will
amomiicd
lo
the
healthy
(ia
of
j'"'
ruisporliii?
men
ami
1.17.1100
when
hold
Cana.llan
ami
i
Ir!i
helween
Cow
j;ly
;,,
Mnerican
ImmiIs
received
aroiimli""'
Kllnitf(
u-jli-i
.ic
situal-'
ami
e
for
first
and
seciMnli1
hsnl
of
'luck's
Inlet.
lass
calehes.
The
arrival
ofl
--
oly
six
tainailiuii
rrafl
with
S3.-
j
Hooks
ami
stories
were
(he
Tim
pounds
or
halibut
ydtlerdaypiibjeel
id
Ponverstitiun
in
which
jumpiii
prices
nipmxiiiiaieiy
ci-ii
i
for
hold
firil
ami
secowl
class
rish..
No
iiuiiiwunl
liappeuluus
to
hr
uety
and
answer
cnnicl.
Heel
are
reported
this
week.
Flth
Business
IniriiiB
the
week
riflfi.300
.
r
lialilnil
lias
heen
innrtetMl
n
i
in-
Fish
Kxnlianjre.
Canadians
were
ingii
ai
u.r.c
and
ic
and
low"
al
V.Ctr
and
.'c.
Ameriiins
were
IiIhIi
at
Ifi.lc
and
He.
ami
The
Jaxzist
little
slory
in
rhyme
about
llerh
joining
the
mu.ir
maker
We're
off:
We
nil
love
the
Victor
record,
ami.
their
ineliHlie.
id
..w
ai
Uc
and
Sr.
Arnvnls
vere:Jaix.
which
is
just
an
inlroduc-
i.anaiiiuii
i4ipe
Mnr,
ores.
nmn
to
a
man
were
poius
to
iinny
.
Until.
.Naivin.
Mr
Inux.
lie
h
an
artist
in
a
million
Anne
f
Christopher.
FUlier.
.Mr-
fun
a
cornel
or
comb
mid
to
get,
jialic.
ijipi
Swuiii,
Inirred
It..
liapc
Spencer,
W.T.,
W.
I'..
VeriiH.
.loliaiitia.
Iris,
W.
h".,
li
s
T..
Vmlii
mid
I'thel
June.
American-
-
llainier.
Ilcliauce.
ashinislon.
Anns
J..
Huncl.
sentinel.
Aiisuta.
daly,
Sherman.
Star,
ltrolher,
June,
Yel-
lloMslone.
Iviiyle,
lludio,
Itemo-
cral.
Ibald
Aiiiinidsen.
Defiance,
Young
America.
Teddy
K.
eiUon.
Nalional.
Tatoosh.
Fresh
Herring
Bait
at
Captain's
Cove
and
Jap
Inlet.
Good
Amateur
Fishing
!
number
of
youiiRslers
and
i
nitidis
wen'
jjetlinjr
lots
of
sport
ion
Wednesday
afternoon
ulonir
Hi'-
waterfront
calrhiup
n
small
'fisli
of
lio
uiarkerel
species,
j
l'liee
fish
wore
lilting
fasl
nm!
;
furiously
and
one
had
only
lo
drop
in
n
hook
with
a
hil
of
nny
loht
sort
id
hail
o.l
it
to
ml
Hi
HhPin.
Two
small
boys
rauxht
lover
n
hundred
in
h'ss
thiin
an
hour
Jnnii
lh'
Cow
Hay
lloals.
i
Many
fishermen
along
Ihe
wider-
-evcnil
iinullciils
were
taking
imrt
on
Thursday
uiornini:.
Hur-Intr
the
diissjon
the
r.ill.mint'
Ait:
"llo
you
like
Scotf
Ivan-lor'
Jim:
"Well.
like
his
Kmuldon
heller."
niimnp
the
Jaz
hoys
well
that'
just
wliy
he
Jen
home,
lie
learu-d
to
play
n
piece
of
eomh
nil
wniiMHl
in
tissue
slick
while
jsellinjf
lo
Ihe
naulicals
iiul
hars
so
much
a
slick,
lie
run
syn-
opalc
nil
music
like
a
reg'lar
music
man
and
ran
play
a
Irmn-houe
solo
on
a
whistle
or
a
can.
It
seems
that
chances
otTercd
in
n
fnmoiis
music
store
for
Herb
lo
make
a
record
As
n
salesman
on
the
lloor.
When
it
comes
to
singing
music,
well,
really
he's
a
lnir
mid
the
way
he
go
Is
the
top
notes
out
would
fairly
raise
one's
hair.
We've
heard
about
Jerilza
and
MrCoriiiiek's
voico
so
grand
hut
say
Ho
hey'
re
liaok
numbers.
Herb
could
lend
'em
by
the
hand.
He's
a
wonder
al
Ihe
selling
gam
nl
Hint
ho'H
never
tleec
you
got
music
al
leu
cents
a
yard
or
so
in
no
It
hy
lUc
piece.
"(Cut
yourself
ii
piece
of
cake"
he'll
piny
it
by
the
day
until
one
gels
so
full
id
rake
he
can
scarcely
crawl
away.
The
hack
porrh
song
-so
full
of
love
it
is
a
favorilc
(heme
-mil
the
pathos
homo
no
place
lor
valuable
papers.
No
matter
what
precautions
ore
taken,
you
never
can
be
sure
that
they
will
not
be.
lost,
stolen,
destroyed
cr
misplaced.
For
a
small
sum,
less
than
the
cost
of
replacing
most
documents,
you
can
give
them
the
protection
ol
a
Safety
Deposit
Box.
Each
Box
hat
two
keya
ksh
diflrrmt
ontlitld
by
yovl,
llid
cdir
hy
lha
Dank.
Each
Dot
it
locked
la
ii
o
n
coin-paruucnl,
Doxn
are
ol
varfint
aitn
and
diflmnt
rmlal
chare.
Ltt
ut
ahow
llion
lo
you.
8,
J.
Manager,
Prlnco
Ilupert
Hrnnoh.
Herb
puis
fnlo
would
turn
old
onion
green,
banjo
or
a
man.
doling
a
aaxaphone;
or
dnim
will
be
gladly
demonstrated
Just
hy
a
twist
or
tlmmb.
If
yon
should
hear
sweet
strain
of
jazz
as
yon
ptiss
hy
the,
store
don't
get
alarmed
it"
only
llcrh
n-Jnzzing
on
the
floor.
D,
.1.
Malliieson,
for
n
number
of
year
manager
of
(he
Skecna
Commercial
cannery,
and
now
manager
if
Hip
Wale
Island
jcaririery.
passed
through
the
port
on,
the
steamer
Canlenn
last,
Sunday.
Holfe
Walker
has
joined
Ihe
mechanical
staff
of
Ihe
Kelcbiiui
logging
outfit.
The
Kelcbiiui
carnp
has
between
three
and
four
bunderd
thousand
feel
of
logs
cut
which
are
heing
ehuted
into
Ihe
water.
No
fur
arrivals
hae
been
re-
ported
during
the
week.
.,,
New
Halibut
Boat
husky
looking
halibut
boat
Is
Hod
ii(i
al
the
Akerherg-Thom-
son
wharf.
The
boat
measure
some
til
feel
hy
fool
JiCam
and
is
lo
he
filled
with
a
.'10
h.
p.
Alias-Imperial
.Iwo
cylinder
en
gine.
Aniil
Itosang
hiiill
the
lioa!
on
Lewis
Island
for
Sola
J'eler-
sen
and
Jack
Oland
lowed
her
in
on
Tuesday.
The
engine
installation
will
lie
proeeeiled
with
immediately.
Narbehtong
Sold
The
launch
Nnrbelhong.
for
merly
owned
by
Ihe
late
Capt.
Iloomcs
K.
Freeman,
has
heen
liiirehased
by
Herl
Wearmoulli.
Ihe
launch
was
lowed
over
from
liighy
Islamf
lo
Cow
Hay
on
Thursday.
Her
heing
overhauled
lie
Narbelbong
will
lie
cum-
missioned
in
the
fisli
packing
huiness.
View
the
new
full
12-14
h.p.
4-
cycle
engine
for
S195.75.
S.
E.
Parker.
iood
iimgivss
is
heing
made
on
Hie
new
Jensen-Slirtihsall
find
lialilnil
boat
nl
Hie
McLean
yards.
The
framework
lias
been
completed
and
planking
is
now
Ming
proeeeiled
'with.
The
power
boal
Kleanor
Mac,
Capl.
Ihiss,
which
was
recently
Ihoroughly
overhauled
in
Sour
dough
Hay
in
readiness
for
Hie
fish
packing
.easou.
Is
now
moored
al
the
Cow
Hay
lloals.
Pile
Driver
Sank
Owing
to
a
plank
in
the
(Mil
ium
of
Ihe
hull
becoming
dis
lodged
the
W.
T.
.Muse
pile
driver
sank
at
Digby
Islam)
on
Wednes
day.
However,
at
low
tide
on
riiursday
repairs
wer
made
and
the
pile
driver
was
retloaled
nl
high
lide.
Slight
damage
was
done
hy
the
salt
Chuck
lo
Ihe
itu
lerior
of
(he
living
iiiarters.
Sterling
Returns
The
power
boat
Sterling.
Capt.
King,
relumed
from
the
south
on
ciiuesiiay
aliernoon
arier
having
engaged
in-a
log
cruising
expedition.
The
skipperwas
as
far
soulli
ns
W-ark
Canal
and
North
Arm.
The
Irip
was
very
successful
from
a
log
cruising
standpoint
bill
heavy
weather
wns
encountered
both
on
the
outgoing
and
inward
bound
voyage.
Captains
Khort.
Jack
(Hand
and
l.
Sorensen
will
he
leaving
together
for
thi
trolling
grounds
early
in
the
coming
week.
Thi
small
llnlilln
wilt
bring
the
active
service
trolling
Heel
up
la
full
strength.
Left
Handed
Club
very
important
meeting
was
held
during
Ihe
week
In
Hie
vic
inity
of
Cow
Hay
lo
discuss
the
possibilities
of
oivauizlug
a
left
liaiuled
club
in
the
interests
of
those
of
Ihe
naulicals
who
are
not
gifted
wilh
Ihe
ready
use
of
Hie
fight
hand.
The
fitt
speak
er,
n
man
of
many
inoonj,
claimed
thai
Ihe
present
idea
of
nian-
ufaclurer.s
in
making
tools,
furniture
and
other
requisites
for
Ihe
comfort
of
human.
beings
was
entirely
wrong.
He
staled
thai
only
the
oilier
day
hi.
had
gone
inlo
a
hardware
si
ore
for
a
lefl
handed
hammer
and
was
turned
down
Hal,
Ihe
assistant
assuring
him
in
no
uncertain
tones
tlmll
no
such
loot
was
on
the
niarke).
He
had
also
asked
for
a
left
handed
saw
and
snmcilf
handed
nails
hut
not
one
of
the
produuls
was
forthcoming.
This
slate
of
a
If
airs
he
.considered
was
one'
of
Ihe
main
roaMMU
fon
unemployment
among
left
handed
men.
The
second
speaker,-!!
classical
looking
individual
dressed
in
fell
necklie
ami
red
soled
shoes,
next
look
the
stand
on
top
of
the
orange
hox.
his
man
claimed
that
he
would
have
today
Iteen
one
of
Hie
leading
pianisls
had
il
been
possihle
ror
his
rather
and
mot
her
In
have
secured
a
lefl
handed
piano
when
he
was
a
child.
He
regretted
to
say
that
he
was
unable
to
read
a
line
id
any
literature.
He
was
a
bdl
handed
reader
and
as
far
as
he
had
been
able
to
find
out
there
was
no
left
handed
books
on
the
market
today,
lie
had
engaged
in
railroad
work
for
two
hours
but
wns
unable
to
use
Hie
fight
handed
picks
and
shovels
supplied
and
had
therefoiv
been
forced
lo
quit.
Kven
the
clock
and
watches
were
right
handed
in
their
operation
and
the
(speaker
thought
ir
the
time
pieces
hail
been
made
to
work
the
other
way
round
the
nights
would
have
heen
all
days.
third
speaker,
noted
for
bis
knowledge
id
the
question,
which
by
this
lime
was
well
under
way.
stated
thai
while
he
agreed
with
Ihe
roregning
speakers
there
had
been
one
article
of
every
day
use
which
hadstruck
hiinas
heing
correctly
made
and
answering
every
purpose
for
which
il
was
intended
liolli
lo
lefl
and
right
handed
people
and
that
was
a
bottle
uipplatisej.
Upon
a
vole
heing
taken
the
meeting
divided
unanimously
thai
a
left
handed
club
for
naulicnls
would
be
organized
in
the
near
future
wilh
a
view
lo
rectifying
the
above
mentioned
omissions.
Fresh
Herring
Bait
at
Captain's
Cove
and
Jap
Inlet.
The
troller
hd,
dpi.
H.
Rlreethorse,
put
into
port
on
.Monday
last
from
the
trolling
grounds.
The
Med
was
out
on
a
salmon
prospecting-
trip.
Magic
love
,
The
cook
on.
the
halibut
-schooner
llanaco
had
rather
a
weired
experience
while
out
on
the
high
spots
recently.
The
cook,
or
ralher
Ihe
chef,
was
n
humdinger
al
inakiiiL'
pudding
one
of
those
concoctions
that
melt
nwny
while
yon
look
id
it.
On
this
particular
.occasion
n
wonderrul'
pudding
had
Jioen
mixed
nl
enormnu
cost
and
placed
in
the
oven
of
tho
cook
'
'
Beauty
-
Personality
-
Magnetism
Gifts
of
the
Healthy
Woman
types
of
feminine
beauty
are
so
diverse
that
it
is
sometimes
difficult
to
follow
the
judges'
ideas
in
the
many
beauty
contests.
But
the
charm
is
really
in
the
personal
attractiveness
of
the
individual
rather
than
in
regularity
cf
feature
and
jn
closer
investigation
it
will
be
found
that
perfect
health
is
an
important
factor.
Poise,
grace
of
carriage
and
elasticity
off
movement
are
essential
and
these
as
well
as
beautjr
of
the
skin
depend
largely
on
the
condition
of
the
general
health.
Weak
blood
and
irritable
nerves
are
not
conducive
to
charm
and
beauty.
By
overcoming
these
conditions
you.
lay
the
only
sure
foundation
for
the
improvement
of
your
personality.
By
making
the
blood
rich
and
nourishing
Dr.
Chase's
Nerve
Food
will
do
much
for
the
woman
who
finds
her
health
in
a
rundown
condition.
Such
accompanying
symptoms
as
sleeplessness,
headache,
irritability
will
soon
disappear
under
this
treatment.
As
the
blood
becomes
richer
and
purer
you
will
find
the
healthful
glow
returning
to
the
complexion
and
new
vigor
and
buoyancy
to
the
whole
body.
You
will
find
that
you
are
taking
a
more
cheerful
view
of
life
and
the
improvement
in
your
physical
condition
will
be
manifested
in
your
every
movement.
Health
and
beauty
go
hand
in
hand.
Improve
your
health
by
using
Dr.
Chase's
Nerve
Food.
cents
a
box
of
pills,
at
all
dealers
or
Edmanson,
Bates
&
Co.,
Ltd.,
Toronto.
Family
Shoe
Store
Again
under
the
Management
of
J.
Several
years
wilh
Hudson's
Bay
Company,
Vancouver.
Moderate
Prices,
Courtesy,
and
above
all
Fit
Guaranteed
3rd
Ave.
Phone
357.
stove
iu
the
usual
nanncr.i
imagine
(lie
consternation
of
Ih"
chcT
upon
gnin;;
to
dish
up
the
pudding
to
Hnd
it
Upside
down
in
the
oven
wilh
Hie
lop
of
the
pudding
glued
fast
to
the
oven!
shelf.
At
the
official
inquiry
the!
chef
and
several
worthy
witnesses
testified
lo
the
placing
of
(he
pudding
in
the
oven
in
the
orthodox
manner.
Now,
how
did
Ihe
pudding
turn
turtle
That
Is
the
question.
Experienced
in
vestigators
have
failed
to
solve
the
myslery
to
dalo.
The
general
assumption
is
that
Ihe
slovo
is
a
magic
one.
First
sallorman:
"1
had
an
awful
frigid
al
the
dance
last,
night."
Second
sailorinan:
"Yep.
saw
her."
Skipper
.Mylilll-Jones
of
launch
Uh
ll;fliy
fame
has
quit
the
nautical
game
as
a
regular
calling
and
has
engaged
in
the
shoo
fU.j
ting
business
he
having
taken
over
the
management
of
the
Family
Shoe
Store.
It
is
on
the
Irunl.s
thai
the
skipper
will
oper
ate
Hie
launch
on
Thursday
afternoons
and
Sundays-
if
he
can
arrange
wilh
the
weather
man
for
a
few
loads
of
summer.
Tender
will
lie
iwited
by
Hie
im.lr
imiett
llll
If,
&
I,
in
Al..i..li
dml.
.....
f."
,,M.
"iiiy
r
me
rniKiwinir,
r.o.ii.
,
1....
.iiii-i,.
ch
,
ram:
S.000
H.
H.M.
Vx"
lit
Ft.
Itiiurh
.o.
iUhihihhi
lli-inlix-lr.
Sl.iltm
M.
B.M.
.
Ccilar
Simp
iirmle,
i'A
CeiUr
t
be
Ijl
Ft
im.
Il4l.inr
Urtwmi
ami
n
renl,
I'.
1.
V0
Ilirlul4!iijr
l-nl
VnTirr
,h..
.....
..k.ti-.i
.
,...'"""
i"rr
rijiiiiraiitm
ur
Ibis
liollfw
Mica
a
werk
fur
Imir
cunieeu.
i-
-
"
-
-
.ui.
"
iMinii
aiiiiiT
io
llle
Jl'sWrsr
,
.or
Joint
Slock
O.i.ipaul.
vV
.i.iy,AnTrKi;.?i,:rriT,,uwr,
ho-
uiU.I
COJirAflY,
From
Section
Two
to
the
Cold
Storage
ElectricBread
Is
The
Best
Obtainable
Home
Cured
Old
Country
Style
Bacon,
Hams,
boiled
and
boneless,
Blood
Sausage,
Liver
Sausage,
Ayrshire
aeon,
Back
Bacon,
aVein-ers,
Pure
and
Compound
Lard.
Highest
Quality.
Reasonable
Prices.
On
Sale
at
B.C.
and
and