WANTED Odd obs CLASSIFIED AD PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Classified Rates Ulosure tim ote a a ete ew cote ete ete cts a ese ee CFPR (Subject to Change) ar te a a a a ete a ne eae ete” CARS FOR SALE Finan rlzzett 3 MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. 4:30 p.m vious to publication Classified, 3 cents per word per minimum charge 50 day pre- RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles ents; Cards th Notices, , Marriage and Announcements, | 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, one owner, 23,000 original mies heater and defroster Full price Program Highlight Cone Conference Outlook for Freedom son State Chairs John Diet- enbaker, MP. Wal P. Reuther President, the United Antomebile Workers of America Subject —12, 18 or 24 months to pay— in the Garri- play double «price. $1725 Sedan auto ae eae Sener 1948 Oldsmobile Deluxe hydramatic drive, GM radio, heater and defroster, in excelient Full price October 4. 2ar ft 2 ar, Oct. $ snape $1650 1 Fall Bazaar.| 1948 DeSoto Sedan, fluid drive air conditioner, exceptionally lean. Full price $1895 TRUCKS rT. Novem-! 1936 Chevrolet chassis and cab : two-speed axle, duals Full price $475 1947 Dodge %e-ton ditioned recon- lefroster $1065 heater and Full price Phone 871l—at any time : Ite , Augu *; FOR SALE — 1949 mileage all on Seat Like new Hotel Ford. Low paved road conditioned covers, air BIRTH NOTICE Apply King George Born to Mr. and Mrs Bacon Ave 195p) in th Rupert sini ti Hospital, August 14, FOR SALE—1947 Monarch se- 1952 on ltp dan Contact Lloyd Bolam Bus Depot. Eves. Green 780 (193p HEBB Jim Het Gener: PERSONAL METAL LTD FOR RENT nded roofers ooth As- FOR RENT—Room to sr and Separate beds. Red 471 rine and - . ui work FOR RENT —Room and board (209 for working man. Black 660 193) HOUSES WARTED TO BUY WE HAVE houses share. (192) nents money Guaran- professional several puyers for I. Jerry's For quick sale, phone me 855 . 193) Armstrong Agencies Ltd. : } 5 24° i “ke 107 xr burnt vut Phone 342, Black a aed ; 3 r make. Wii- ms ae: oe V/orKs, Cow ——__—- - ; an 91 (tf) WANTED TU REN'T tic Oil heat- WANTED TO BUY—3 or 4 room work. hone house, centrally located. Rea- ERT ERT. Letouraeau sonable. Apply Howard Nut- (tf) tall, 304 5th Ave. East, eve- i = =| VACATIONISTS! HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED TO RENT—3-10 room : 4 « house, furnished or unfur- nished. Apply Box 458, Daily Ate News (193p) experienced. Phone ‘ rite Box 1820, city. |'WANTED—2 or 3 room furnish- (191) ed suite for adults. Central preferred. Phone 581 between 7 and 9 p.m (193p TO RENT—Kitchen- bedroom for two immediately. Red 271 (196p) WANTED TO RENT — Small house or suite, married work- ing couple. Phone Blue 703 (195p) 45 4 0 5:20 I NTED—Cook, male or r ity restaurant A Good Plece to Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B-C. iced grocery a Grocery (193) WANTED ette and girls, HELP WANTED—FEMALE ’ i l 00kkeeper nadian Laun- (192) Lady to care for l y and do housework. Ll aie Red 708 (196p) me WANTED SITUATION WANTED WANT ED — TOP MARKET Ju PRICES PAID for scrap iron jteel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt pay- made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van- couver, B.C. Phone PAcific st a Nice Day’s Drive cleaning rall pair work. Phone 470 (191) - ment YOUNG LADY desires stenog- ition. Dictaphone experience Doreen Murray, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF NAME aphe! po - BLACKWOOD on ‘By / i YWwiuge = a By EAS First Bid Ha: Psychological tisement is net displayed by Liavor Control Board of by the Government DINING GEORGE DAWES PLEASURE | |) voic‘rsn stand tea 1 IN : SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS 6357. (tf) NOTICE i saeeaenaneupnneenteiiicgpupnimnntate pplication w CASH for scrap brass, copper, | rect vi tatistic a ge batteries and radiators. Phone | °f "ame ant to the ryamion 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, |", ‘"S ieee eee ms ; iCiby; 4 : Att) ia “hal wiffiamson ' M19 ¥s } Alfred : n Prince Rupert,” in the Pri British fol To change my name from Donald - - Charle Collier to Donald Charle WANTED—Business woman to) Williamson; share partially furnished My wife’s name fr: tric stove with trash burner,| suite. Phone 355, days. (191p) | Collier to Alexandris one year old. Also oil stove, jonny Senag Mao white and black enamel, in}—— Edward Williamson excellent condition. Phone 440 a sail Dated thi 9th day of Augus or call 1356 First Overlook. |PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, income | 1952 (193p) | Tax specialist, 8. G. Furk, DONALD CHARLES sete : SALE—“Astral” refrigera- | Stone Building. Red 593. :20m) | ___ a r with stand. Reasonably |-— aside clues secu LAND REGISTRY ACT price 2 > 527 | t as $ i oe Phone Red 587 ri | Sa SPE O line: Cortifente. of Ste to. sumed _______""_|FOR SALE—Six room residence, | so — or let ere tet FOR SALE—Cheap. One wick| 441 5th Ave. West. Three bed-| eee ee burner, 6 hot water or steam| rooms, full concrete basement.| WHEREAS satisfactory proof of radiators. Red 767. (191p)!| Hot water heating. Copper! ioss of the above Certificate of Title tank and plumbing. Fireplace. | issued in the name of John Gurvich Phone Blue 408 after 6 p.m. has been filed in this office, notice | (191) jis hereby given that J shall, at the monn ; i }expiration of one mbohth from the | FOR SALE—Revenue home, at- oe of “ a ee. menor | ‘ . ssue a ovisions 'e vate of} eee ern 3 ee Title in lieu of said lost Certificate (191p) | ner he r™ ry on — " cOr-| unless in the meantime valid ob- ‘ P ov, concrete base-/| jection be made to mein writing | me : = i nik ee ment, hot water furnace. Two| DATED at the Land Registry Of- FOR SALE—Baby’s pla | ‘? i | wae | Grace 877. 510 7th Pact pen furnished apartments, private |fice, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 2ist| Blue 906 (192p) FOR SALE | NATIONAL Macfinery Gog Lim, ipited Mis trib wiOFs “fork: Mining, }t— —~—-- 2 + + + F Sawmill. Logging and Con-|WANTED —‘Cocker spaniel or ti s’ Equipment. Enquir-| Labrador. Pup preferred. jited. Granville Island.| Phone 464. (191p) Jancouver 1, B.C (tf) | Columbia low FOR SALE—Acme full size elec- _ACCOUNTANTS FOR “vid FOR SALE—Electric range, ex- ‘llent condition. 318 7th Ave.| Any time. FOR SALE - McClary Pride stove oil burner $125.00. 623 6th West (1938p) ¢, " jday of July, 1952, AD. (193p) en 7 RENEE ROF: ieee ae Rupert Fulton, | =n awe ¢ nena tertrranes ae Sines Dp? | Acting Deputy Registrar of Titles | FOR SALE Thor Gladironer, | we 4 (198c) | used 3 months. Phone Red FOR SALE—Ten room house, | — — > -| 928 (193p)| downtown. Good revenue.|i~ pe ESTATE OF WONG TEN| Terms can be arranged. Also YEN | FOR SALE—7-tube battery ra- three small houses across the TAKE NOTIC ; wiki ~ ie | c XTICE that as adminis- oe “ae man oil ees bay. Phone Red 816. (192) | trator, duly appointed by the Court yreen 47 ( D ae Cn eee ee rena f the estate of Wong Ten Yen, wh¢ a ; sera ~~. FOR SALE 4 Four rooms and died a Prine Rapes. Britian Cort FOR SALE-—Furniture. Phone| bath, furnished. Phone Red |} lumbia, on the 2nd day @f July, 1952, | Green 400 (193) | 739. (1938p) |I require all creditors’ and others | Pee ; irene | rar T RAVINE CAMS RAINE, sae mele SORE) BOATS FOR SALE | FOR SALE —.6 room wartime|to send the same to me, properly | _ — eeianenaneenie house with 3 room basement| verified, at the address mentioned | FOR SALE—Fully equipped 36-| suite. Phone Red 129. (194p) | below on or before the 30th day of | foot Chrysler powered pleas-|—— - —————_— _.... | September, 1952, after which date I} aS at i irst c . i. | | shall proceed to distribute the estate | tp a a ot on Sa | SHERIFF’S SALE |to those entitled by law, having re- | ion. 4AS21 |'TENDERS are invited for the | gard only to such claims of which I troller or eillnetter. $4.000.00| “Dron ¢ » 1938 NASH|shall then have been notified | ‘ash. Apply Edward Linsett| PUzcmase of one tvss be gaa “haaeiias ; easn, Apps} @ | SEDAN, for cash, until 11:00} And further take notice that all Ltd. se a oe | o'clock A.M., Tuesday, Anges eee ee to eiarerne are | oe ae 3 j required to pay their indebtedness to CARS FOR SALE | 19, 1952, subject to SS. & M.A. | re i ces, | ER Oe I GY OE DORE L FOR SALF—1950 Standard Van-| der not necessarily accepted.) 10°60 ®t Prince Ruper PP ie : | ‘ - 2th day of August, 1952 guard. 12,500 miles. Very good) Car may be inspected on ap- GORDON FRASER FORBES condition. Honest sale. Phone| plication to the Sheriff, Court Official Administrator, 202. Box 463, Daily News. | House, Prince Rupert. M. M. Prince Rupert, B.C (191) Stephens, Sheriff. (194) (A13,14,20,21p) | Commodore Cale eas PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Lid P.O. Box 274 (All Times Daylight Saving) Popular Steomer | Prince Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver apd Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Comfort and ScrTvice MIDNIGH" For Reservati Write or ‘ CITY CR OFFICI PRINCE RUPI B.C a VPWIT NATIONAL ne Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that ou need distinctive pri d atter 161 isiness? vour particular Type faces give yutstanding§ distil and these can be modern printit ment Dibb Printing Co. USED CARS Al CERTIFIED 1951 Ford Forder I f en met niy 6,00¢ 949 Plymouth Scdan two-tone. } family ca 1947 Hydramatie (ld One writ 51 547 Ford Sedan TRUCK BARGAINS 1946 Fargo %-Ton Panel Tt very ini 1946 Ford Sedan-D: t King’s Plate ay HOU’ anc de SWC VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY This advertisement is not published or displayed by , the Liauor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ss. Camosun 8 p.m FRIDAY BLONDIE —You Can't Win! SS Coquitlam 8 p.r ALICE ARM, STEWAR'’t’ AND ie ; PORT SIMPSON Friday, Camosun, 12 Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS July 30, Aug. 13 and 27 Rise Yona cise agit 8S Coquitiam, midr 1 FOR SOUTH QU ‘SQ CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam July 23, Aug. 6 and Aug FRANE J, SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 DON'T GO IN WO THERE ¢ “ne \- epee! DEEP] 1 IN THOUGHT < & 8 > Gas 7 aida saad & DEPOT || 347 i yo a c iTS NOUSE--L Q &@ IT'S HOPE Js ; | “) ‘ - ; - tf is ey Lf Yu Stes : [rofessional | John F. L. Hughes, D.C. ! 1 CHIROPRACTOR HANDYMan 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 HOME SERVICE by appointment only + iy 23 Besner Block ne Blue 442 GENERAL CONTRA Building SACT and Repaj af Kinds SCOTT McLAREN {ARTERED ACCOUNTANT ROOFS M OIL BURNERS ” Block 608-—3rd Ave. W Rupert, B.C P.O, Box 374 PHONES P.O. Box 1676 Rte FRED E. DOWni FOR YOUR ROCK OPTOMETRIon _ AND CONCRETE WORK cA Room 10 Stone | UNDERS BROS, Phone Bi, shy } Cement For Less Open Fri Pp ee ie Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING ieee damenal " NG Lawn Mowers Sharpened 2/5 | st Ave W. Phone 909 me 7a Phone Blue 126. po pn. 234—3rd Ave. B Prince Rupe HELEN’S H. G. HELGERS REAUTY SHOP LI ' Permanent Waving Beauty ¢ ure in all its branches 204—4th Street Phone 655 MITED REAL ESTATE & INSURY Phone 96, Evenings Bag QUALITY REPAIRS p Downtrodden Heels | Wurn Soles | B 774 Second Ave MAC HOSPITAL LING THE TAIL Tailoring - Alteration and Clothes Made-to-Meag 220 Sixth St Phot HOE | shipping and General } | | PORTRAITS Films Developed and Pa PROMPT SERVIG CHANDLER'S STUDI Reliabie and Effi- 216~-4th Street f vice. Also agents for Ph 1 Liquid Alr Co. Ltd } Acetylene and all Train Sched STANDARD TIME For the East— Daily except 5 | From the East- | Daily except M Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage if i upplies | LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED €or ind Park Avenues snes 60 and 68 ALL CLEAN: LOW MILEAGE BS, 1—1949 Studebake ',-ton 1—1949 Austin ee St0 6 1—-1947 Ford ‘s-ton pickup 1—i949 Studebaker Pickup 1—1949 Morris 11939 Chevrolet Se TRUCKS 1—1946 Dodge 2-ton Truck 1-—-1951 Austin 5-ton Truck 1-—1941 International %%-ton Panel Superior Auto Servi 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED — Phone Green# . ey Oy i on Pe teeta weteteedattsanate tases vie 7 U For Those HOT DAYS Single Burner Hot Plates Two Burner Hot Plates sf} Two Burner Hot Plates (one switch) ‘fl Baby Bottle Warmers % Egg Cookers © Northern B.C. Power Co. lt esner Block — Phone 210 atest Prince Rupert, B.C, ’ re weet han O88 ee os ~_a aaa Pe) ee ee eS mn metamatemememat eaten . From a farm to a fiddle—Daily News Clot | ae —_ By CHIC YO " I PEOPLE “Wo ro 3 ( net ews TO KISGING EAC! OTHER ; ( YOU MEAN THERE'S 7 NO SOLUTION el