,,.. Nomul.fr 1. 1024. .r.n.)WWM Yon a ie invited lo.be a quel at u series of LESSONS IN HANDCRAFT AND DECORATIVE ART t inier (lie personal direilion of Mis 8. (iiidiiiiiudtoii, Artist from IlKNNISO.YS, New York ii.iii'lioii given in tin imiking of Urep Paper Novel-t;u. tunics. Caif, Aprons, Flowers, Table Decorations, part Favors. Plan Card, Paper Hope Weaving, Flower llj.kelv Lamps .Shades and Mnls, Healing Wax Arl, I tie niuUiiFi'f Uni "I'd Vases nf exipiiilc beauty. Leitons Free. November 1Eth' to 22nd. Glasses will lie held from U to 12 a.m. mid 1 to I) p.m. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Cnglneere, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern maker. Founder, woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant in equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P 1 ii? Whv stay on the washday treadmill? No matter how long you travel on a treadmill, you never get anywhere. For the treadmill carries you back as fast as you move forward. U's much the same with the weekly washday. You spend a day or more every week getting the clothes clean. 'Then the next week you go through the same thing all over again. &nd your family bundle to us. Our pricw are as moderate as our services are varied our work is always thorough, careful and reliable. Call us and Step off the washday treadmill forever. MINIMUM CHARGE 75o CANADIAN LAUNDRi AND DRY CLEANERS Sixth Avenue West. Phone 8 - Ah .-imjj!j,im,j I Local and Personal D.O, Undertakers. Phone il. Hayners, t!nu"enaker, Phone 35t TAXI and Messenger Service. l'hone 078. tf A delicious drink for all oc easious "sJUPHKMIi" Collcc. tf Hoyal Purple Hazaar, Wednes day, December 3, KlkV Home. J. K. Wilson is sailing loniglil on the Prince John for Sk de- gat e. Mf. and Mrs. (ieorge McAfee arrived in h; city from (Jeorge- lown yesterday aflernoon and will sail tonight for Vancouver. Pageant. "Tie Striking ot Lanada's Hour." Over fifty in east. Auspices Women's Aid. St Paul's Lutheran Church, Kmprcse lhcalre, .November 0, 8.30 p.m.. PICTLJIK SPLCIAL. pictures ot Korea, China and Japan Ht 1 lie Methodist Church .Sunday night at 7.3U. Conic early. Holders of Victory Honds now expiring. For ie-iuestmeul purposes. 8 per cent local Investment Thorough investigation. P.O. Ito.v 1 032. Two nights, November 0 and 7, "A .Sunflower Serenade," Methodist Church at 8 p.m. Admission 00c and 25. 2C0 If you have Dominion of Can ada Hum maturing in tU2l hring or send them to the Can adiou Hank of Commerce who will redeem them at face value. 208 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Poole and child, who hate been visiting m i lie city lor the past ten days are returning to their home lit 1 1 tie I. ley Hay on the Prince Joint tonight. St. Andrew's Ladie Auxiliary llaiaar will be held in St. An Irew's rooms, ground Avenue. Not ember I, frohi 3 to C p.m hist Drive in evening. iSil The fire department re-ponded lo only one call during the month of October. That was lo u ehiiu ney fire at the residence of ti. VV. Kerr on Horden Street. The Canadian (iirls iu Training of Hie Presbyterian Church had a parly at the Manse last evening. Seasonal games 'were indulged in, refreshment were served ami the SO or so girls present had a very jolly lime. Tommy and Teddy Howe, charged in the city police court this moriiiug with assaulting Peter Hugan, weir found guilty and each fined HO by Magistrate I.. II I 1 iii niu niuitr! iiiiuriiu iiiurs- ilay uiglit at the Dominion Cafe, informant charging that the accused attacked him. ... Mr. and Mrs. It. (i. Johnstone and II. W. Chambers of Inverness Cannery are sailing loniglil on I lie Prince Itupert for Vancouver where they will spend the winter 'The Inverness cannery, of which Mr, Johnstone is the manager, has been closed fo1 several weeks. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hospttttl Annua' nail. Oct 31. - Ladies' Auxiliary, St. Andrew's Society, Hazaar, Tuesday, .Nov." I. i'CO Anglican Church Hnzanr, Nov. 0 i Lutheran Pageant, Empress Theatre, November 5. "Sun Flower Serenade iu tlici Methodist Church, Nov. 0 and 7.1 i (jueon Mary Cluipler Whist Drive ami Dance, Nov. 7,, Elks Home. tf Moose jlazaar, Nov. H and 10.! tf Presbyterian Hazaar, Nov. 20. Lutheran Hazaar, December 2 Melropole Hall. TIIE DAILY NEWS FRUIT TREATMENT for CONSTIPATION Quick and Permanent Relief By Taking "Fruit-a-tives" What ft glorious feeling it is to V well! What a relief to be free of cathartics, salts, laxatives and purga-liTPS that merely aperaTate constipation and are so unpleasant to take and so weakening in their effect ! What a satisfaction to know that the Juices of apples, Oranges, figs and prunes will absolutely and permanently relieve constipation. Jty a certain process, the Juices of these fruits Can be concentrated and combined with tonics and it is these intensified fruit Juices that correct constipation, relieve headaches and biliousness, and make you well and Veep you well. "Fruit-a-tiTes" are sold everywhere at 2oc. and 50c. a box or sent postpaid by Fruit-stives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. il. A. Philpult arrived home this morning un the Princess Heat rice aflei a thn-e muiilbs visit iu the Old Country. C.N. II. steamer Prince Hupcrl, Capt. I). Donald, is due from the south at 7 o'clock this .evening, t he train fur the Cast will await the arrival of the vessel. The train from the Hast, due at t o' clock, is reported on lime. r Mrs. O. V. LarWn arrived in the city from Pasadena, California, on the l'riucei Beatrice thi- morning to join her husband Who is engaged iu the fishing industry. Mrs. l.arkin I formerly re sided here. Coiiiiiiewing -November 16 the Irani service will ! ret t need In thee times a week the times of leaving and arriving remaining as at present. Trains will leave Mondays, Wednesday and Sat urdays and arrive Sunday, Tue- lays and Thursdays. Staff Captain and Mrs. Car- ru I Iters, Knsijrn Dorin, Captain Chalk and I.ieul. Ilenas, also Captain Hra of the local corns wilt arrive in Prince Itupert to-j night. The Alaskan olUcers will b holding special meetings at the Armory all day Sunday. Pythian Sisters Hazaar. He ure and visit the Parcel post olrire. ' Weuave.?fitr-cU from all ov'r Hie countrS,! 25c each. We will serve tea 25e.. and Supper 00c. Oilier attractions' also. November 8, in store next Frii-telt's Meal Market, Third Avenue. I .en Hell, well known here as a (S.T.P. engineer in - the early-days and more recently as president of the Hatlwav J-lniployre' Investment and Industrial Co.. owning the hydroplane' Hazelton. will return to Ed ami I on on this veiling' s train. He came here to attend a meeling'of th company at which it will be decided what is lo he done with the Hazellon winch it lias e.'ii imiHissilde lo operate recently. Mr. Hell is lutu' .miiiintr i.-..ti A ..... ...... McCly.nont. The affair resulting!" I V . r """T " yW l never 1 a Jillina tasted such it 'x. norisi i and icmg made from Baker's WWW 1.1 ! ChocoMe VjJ$$ (PRCMIUM NCXl) By all means the. most satisfactory chocbldte for cooking and drinking. MUX IN CANADA BY WallerBaker&Ca Limited CMABUSHCO I 'SO MonlrealCanada DoitlieslctMass. C coomtcrcHOiciHtciPttMsmtt JUlUilJl f J HOSPITAL BALL UNIQUE EVENT Seldom has there been in Prince Itupert a more enjoyable vent than Hie annual Halloween dance held last night in the Elks' Home under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the General Hospital. Charming, beautifully gowned ladies, excellent music, artistic deeorations and a de licious supper were the chief factors in its success, and the large crowd of dancers look advantage of the occasion to the full. There was no dull moments and the master' of ceremonies. A. Haines, found no difficulty in keeping the floor well filled. Much of the success of the event was due to the general convener and president of the auxiliary. Mrs. It. O. Parsons, who worked iudefatigably to bring about the successful result. She was ably assisted by committees as follows: Itefrcshurenls Mrs. Candow, assisted by 'Mrs. F. Dibb, Mrs. Kemp.' Mrs. M. M. Sfepheus. and Mrs. Kenning. Decorations Mrs. A. Aker- berg and Mrs. Dave Thomson. Hridge Mrs. I,. V. Kergin ami Mrs. Max Heilbroner. Haffles for silk cushion and luncheon set Mrs. Harry Atkins and Mrs. E. C. La Trace. Door D. C. Mcltae, president of the hospflal board. Art Easson's orchestra which provided the music, comprised: . Easson, saxophone; Mis St. Ryr. piano: H. Cooper, banjo;! Kenny Rood, saxophone; fleorge Rorie Jr., drums. Hridge tables were in the anteroom and those who did not dance enjoyed the games. The hall decorations had a seasonable effect, witches, cats, flaps uiid subdiieil lights giving M tin1 proper Hallowe'en Preacher, llev. H. It, Give Your Order In B.C. MOORE'S CHURCH ENVELOPES 1925. REDUCED PRICES Our price lists are now ready for distribution. If ou have not received ono apply at onco to MOORE PRINTING CO., 319 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. Why send east and pay more. . .! Church Notices si Salvation Army SUIT Caplaut and Mrs. Car-rutliers. of Wrangell, Ensign Dorin of Kelcliikau, Captain Chalk and Lieut. Itenas of Juneau will conduct very special meetings at the Armory on Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday all day. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, public meetings. Methodist Church Picture Special. Heautiful pic-lures of Korea. China and Japan at the Methodist Chuch Sunday night at 7.30. Come early. Central City Mission The Home of the Fourfold liospel. Corner of Sixth and Ful ton. ervices and subjects for the -week as follows: Sunday. II a.m. Worship (Communion;, 2 p.m. .-Hiiiuuy M'liool, 7..IO p.m. Lhrisl s Atonement. Wednesday 8 p.m. Christ and His Own. Fri day 8 p.m. Young People's meet-! ing. On Sunday evenings, there is a bright song service, instrumental and voi'al solos. Every-1 body welcome. Pastor, W.' Knights. Lutheran Church St. Paul's Church, Melropole; Hall, Third Avenue, llev. P. E ' Haisler. H.D., pastor. Sunday services: II a.m. sermon topic. "Your invitation to the wedding feast." Sunday school at 12.30.' Evening service at 7.30. "Why! I am not ashamed of the Oosnel (of Christ." Pesbyterlan Church Morning worship at II o'clock. Subject: "The Peace of Ood." Cfmcnlntn Cnhp Su,1,la' M?l,00, al ,s-3- Veiling WfUlUlUlL lsliKe I service at 7.30. Subject: "Silent " I tiiuliw Sin " (iranl. D.D. $1.45 PERHAPS YOU NEED GLASSES ? Lots of people do bill don't know it. If you have to hold tilings too far uvvuy, or our eyes tire easily, come in and we will find out if it is your eyes. PAGE THlEft. Our optical department has just been fitted up with the latest testing equipment, and a new course of study just completed gives you the benefit of any new discoveries and the newest styles in frames. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. Kuler ojir Ad. Competition before Nov. lo. Note: Drawings would lie of no use as The News could nut reproduce them in I his . space. Blue Ribbon baking powder Blue Ribbon is the one baking powder you need for any purpose and the best for every purpose. 12 Try It. iiit-uiiiui urn Girls' Spats, sizes 2 and 3. Special price. Sfod Or. to Blu. Ribbon Ltd., Winniir(. lor th. Blue Ribbon Conk Book bound i. whit, oilcloth th. bnt cook book for trtrr d.y um I n Westrra bomel. "FAMILY SHOE STORE." SPECIAL THIS WEEK J2.95 ?3 FOR MISSES AND GROWING GIRLS. Misses' Patent Leather Sandals, real snappy. Sizes 1 1 to 2. Growing Girls' Patent Leather One Strap Slippers, fd i: "The Family Shoe Store" Phone lied 09. XIWAS PHOTOS 4 Sittings Any Time by Appointment Hesl Work, Lowest Prices ECKOFF STUDIO Cor. 2nd Ave. and oth St. Phone IleJ CO. ECKOFF STUDIO Calls for your Patronage Our Vancouver Customers still send us their orders for enlarging and copying. Yon don't have to .send away. We do it here at reasonable prices, and do it well. Eckoff Studio Cor, 2nd Ave. and 6th St. NOTICE. TAkK .NOTICE that wiUiln llilrlv layi rnxii Ual I Intend to tpply to tin- Mliil-tler uf Land;) for auilHirll.v to mntstrurt ruad, iHt tu e.vrrd rorty uo fwi n wldtli, fmni llw tiifrliMssr .Mine tu Waim Hlvrf, uver and acn 11m- undrniH-nlloiml Mln-rral r.litlni, lt.: tin; "Jrrsev Lily," "ld-iimMnt?" fractional. "Ould Knmn." "Tisn Buy." "Jark--lar." "kln Owrirf" ami "Hruhl .No. All Kitiials. lylnir and bWnir i. n the Kast ld nr Taku Ann In the Atlm Lake Mliilnr lilvUimi. Casslar lilstrtrl. I'mvlnrr nf Hrlllh Odiimbla. .Ku to n,n.trnrt Mich iMiwrr line ir lUw a may bo requlsitr and nmYnnary fw ttw IraiiMiilxlon or iwrr rrom tli (fi.inpanv plant tltiiat on Wann Itiver t ltir kmu'ih! ip.ralrd or nuitnilled by the Knirlnn-r Hold Mine Ltd.. Iim-. iMIed it Kmrlnrer Mine. Allln B.1 till nd day of October. 1t. AMlKW SOSTAO. . Audit for hnirliirr Hold MilifS. Lid hw