PAGE 5IX TIIB DAlLl NEWS WESTHOLME THEATRE Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 "Scaramouche" Adapted from the famous romance of the French Hcvulntiun by Rafael .Sabatini. A gorgeous Rex Ingram production. A photo-play thrills, love and beauty. The sdory of Scaramouche, the clown, in whose veins ran the blood of the nubility ,he fought against. Stirring romance, brilliant swordsmanship, the rustle of silks, the pillaging of castles, the splendour of court life, the frenzied mobs of the Revolution, all this and much more shown with faithful realism, iu this veritable motion-picture triumph. Not in all the pages of fiction is there to be found such a glowing dare-devil character as that of this young scion of the nobility who became a down, and futighl and mocked his enemies for the love of a woman and to avenge a friend. Stupendous scenes include the storming of the Tuileries by a mob of 10,00(1 which is in itself the greatest spectacle ever filmed. Hauling gowns and costumes. Remarkable cast. Ramon Navarro, Alice Terry, Lewis Stone, (ieorge Siegmanu. Kdith Navarro. Edith Allen, Carrie Clark Ward, Julia Swayne (iordon, William Humphrey, and many others "TOPICS OF THE DAY TIE Admission 50c and 25c For Sale Time is the measure of life . That' what our salesmen offer you. They are selling a real service, sivins you time for more important duties than washing. .Will You Buy? Phone S. k'.'iJU.'l.f.'ltl.lTl PHONE 8 PRINCE B0X392 RUPERT APPLES1 APPLESl APPLES1 HALLOWE'EN WEEK SPECIALS An Apide.u day keeps the doctor away No. t Jonathan Apples, per Imx S2.75 Mcintosh Iteils, No. l's, per bos $2.75 Pumpkins, per Ih. 4Vic lliihlianl Squash, per lb. 5c '.ranberries, per lb. ... 30c Fresh Lei I lire, r.elery, Hrus-sell Sproul. CabbaRe, laulifli'Wer. at lowexl prices. Choice Fresh Meat in Stock E CONQMY STOR 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84 (ir Write P.O. Box 573. rince Rupert, CO, E TIMBER SALE X 6604. o-oUst TmhIiT HI Is- reri ivcd by tlie , Pldrtrt Fiinitr imi latrr tliin niMiii nil Hie hlh day of Vmsutwr. !. for 11" niirrlnw irf Unrnre X !. iwir Bitvtr C.rrrk, rsiil (Ida f KrMll Hlvpr, i .11 s. to roi Jio.nno fil of llMnlwk. Ccdir. lUlMHI mi Spruce !lor . Two () yem tin I sllimvi Tnr re ni r iiiiiIkt Further iruiili- ! tli.- ' in. f F f. -I.T Vli'turU. ' !i' I'l-t: ' I rnoi hureii, fx. EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS. Quality Guaranteed lfoilin? Reef, per lb. ... 6c I'ol lloasl. per lb 8c Ilib Itoast, per lb 15c Hound Slcak, per lb. .. 17c Sirloin Steak, pur lb. . . 22c T-Bonc Steak, per lb. . . 25c Choice Hump lloasl, per lb. 17c Extra Quality Sausage, per lb 15c Dropping, per lb 15c Swift's l'reniium Itacon, per lb. 32c Home Cured Shoulder Hams, per lb 22c Salt Pork, per lb 25c Honeless Corn Heef, per lb. 15c Don ! Forget, a Pumpkin Free with a pound of Farmers' Tea. Farmers Market Phone Blue 423 ARISTOTLE WAS THE FATHER OF SCIENCE And he said "Nature tnaki. nothing without a purpose." Man has been given and has taken a command over -nature which ov , the whole lias been for the bene-! fit of the human race. He ba?j npl yet been able lo find a bene-i ficial use for every natural thinpi hut he has made wonderful pro-' cress in subduing the carlli and making modern life one of comparative ense and comfort. Probably Ihe most important factor in making our lives comfortable today is an inheritance from nature, namely, coal. And man in tits restless desire to discover the best has brought lo the mar-i ket Nanalmo-Wellinglon i-oal which is now recognized to bo the best obtainah'.e. -This coal has some wonderful qualities-- ! freedom from clinkers and rock small ash deposit and powerful, lasting heat equally economical in furnace, range or fireplace. This coal is obtainable on'y al Albert A McCaffery' and the public will be well advised in order lo make sure they secure Nanaitno - Wellington coal and not a substitute to phone their orders direct to this firm. Their phone numbers are 110 and 501. 0 aWlrW ihtMIKMn . CATARRH k el tke BLADDER 'Each Cpol Kin Dame Bwor ofcoirtiU ji ARRIVING MONDAY I j! ill SWIFTS' PREMIUM BACON Averago Weight 4 to 6 lbs. I ' Special Pries, Taking Whole Side j 35c ER LB. j Limited (.hiantiiy. Plume I y.'iir ni-iiiM- early. ! RupertTablcSupply Tlircc Phones: Ho,in, 212 CANADIAN SERVICE j FROM HALIFAX TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL tt..:.-. - : i i .in i-t. .4 Jan. FRORI MONTREAL TO PLY0UTH-CHR80UP.a-L0ND0N ! ' .it in.. v . . -. An, ma . . ,v,i . i : TO GLASGOW ' then: i . . . . . . . . - FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AMD LIVERPOOL iU:At ' 1 i H - t'lJJl V-V. t 'llMU .'. I .VillU . . Nov. f. TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON j r. U:nt N"V. I t. Iter. MIHl.l'lM VlV. 1 'J. H-I - ! ! ' llf" 1:1 ........ V. it, i TO LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW .- tin, i v i .'iliiinlHa .. ,nv. i :. V-v. r.a V 2;' ' an Ti'iua .. V.v 0 TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG-LONDON -IX ..l mi V.x I-. .JII'-lrl .. JjnT. V M .iney ..plcr and draft at kw'- iii- tin mr..niiaii..n rnm A rents or impinv "rrire. HiMlnirs St. W.. inri,iiiT B c. Mothers Treat Colds The New "Direct" Way No Longer N etc jury lo "Dom) Children. With Internal Medicine! lo Break Colda. V Children's digestions are easily upset by too much "dosine." Vicks VapuRub bang externally applied. docs not upset little stomacris. At tf-x-first sign of ctotd. Kje throat. or any other cold tiouble, apply Vicks free'.y. There is nothing to swallow you just "rub it on." V aro Rub Oven 17 Muvcm Juts Us to Ycabit The I u I lit r I.r1...-ii.' ui SI. I'miiV-t'hurch held an enjoyable Ha? -InW'e'en social Willi gullies ain! refreshments al evi'iiing. CMUCIFIC f TO KUHOPJe :mxov I MAKH KIIS'.RVATIONS NOW NOW FROM MONTREAL TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP uv. IK ... WIiiimsJi TO BELFAST-CLASQOW 13 MrUrIM Sov. u VrlM-ta !. 6 MrtlU TO LIVERPOOL n. il Mnaicakn Sov. Montrose FROM QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL Nv. II , Vrmilaarter TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON- .Nov. IS hiuorrs of sMin XMAS SAILINGS FROM ST. JOHN, tie.-. 1 M'MilrUrr in l.lvrrpoul. Iei-. I" vinTK-tl'.-i lo c.tertoorp. siiiitiniitii Vntwerp. !! I I V. urlii l'i DrlftX- !' ' I:' 1 ill.'illll .. llifrtMHil. i if v iiiolin iii Uf-rpool. ArP7 ppJ to to AtiM Atrntl trcrrwbtrt tvtrrwbtrt Of Of J. (. J. I. FORSTEK, ruKSHK, Qta. utn. A(L, Aft, C.PJC C.PJC Station. Station. Vancogrcr, Vancogrcr, B m k m It. Tdcpho Tdcphont &jrmour 2610, M Bw Can. Pac. Rf.. Traffic Atau. 19 DIAMONDS-WATCHES SILVERWARE IN OUK BUSINESS WE CONSIDER THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PUBLIC, A TRUST THAT IS REPOSED IN US FOR THEIR SAFEGUARDING AND OUR MERCHANDISING METHODS AND FAIR PRICES ARE EVIDENCE INDEED OF OUR BELIEF. JUDGING FROM THE NUMBER OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS WE HAVE HELD FOR YEARS. WE BUY FOR CASH AND TAKE EVERY DISCOUNT POSSIBLE. YOU REAP THE BENEFIT. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK. NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND THAT LITTLE GIFT OVERSEAS. Our Optical Department HAS PROVED WE ARE ABLE TO SATISFY THE MOST SCEPTICAL PERSON. MR. IRELAND HAS HAD OVER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE Max Heilbroner KITIMAATAS DIAMOND SPECIALIST. FARM CENTRE George U Anderson Tells of Attractions and Difficulties In Valley ' The Kilimaat valley is Hie iiy-l fMiile apfirtdltiral tributary to Prince Huperl but, is a limlier conservat wn raea-irc. there is a reserve on it strains I settlement. Prince Hubert needs it as a feeder and we "ceil Priiiee lltiiert as a market. Legislation keeping (hp Kitimaat SPECIALS FOR Thursday Friday and Saturday MOODIE'S HYGEIAN UNION SUITS Or Two Plecj Suits fop Olris and Misses Size 2 ami :2. eria lirir. .... $1.00 per suit Sue . I ami .'. ojiei-iiil $1.25 per suit Sizes '.'8 l.i :52. e.ial S1.35 per suit Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 45. Cor. 3rd & 7th. Best Value in Canada iii y in sin-it a ciinililiiiii nIiouM be repi-iileii in order to open it ' 1 1 uk-hiii.' Sued i I lie opinion of Oeorife I.. Amlertiiii, pioneer settler oT tlie Kiiinaat valley, ulio relumed home ll niKht after liavinsr pent a week in tlie eity. Mr. Anderson went in to the Kitirmiat valley in nai and. but for a period of Iwo years or so. hn. resided there eontiiiumitly since. He was (he first while man In Kilimaat. lie took up Ihe first land (here. luill (lie first house a (( .4 k..uinl.l n II.. f i ., I I . . Ihntnirh limes of mueli promise and durini; recent years, on nc-eount of beins cloed to settle, merit Mud lecHUe of lnadeuatA traiisortation, dwindle until now I here are only five white settlers' there. Wants Boat Service tlesides wnnlin? the valley re- tieneil lo settlement, Mr. An .ter-on wanU lo see instituted a FOR 77 larraofoncia (BULL DOG SIZE) 1GAT Menuleclured by CtrtilGitptr iMItl IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY Of CANADA IIMITW Selt OiFirlbwIeri ii allouetl to lute off tlie timier, under the same royally pamenl terms as assessed the null eoni-paiiies or louainR outfits. An Karreemenl mtjtht be renebeil whereby for every Hire aerw thus loed off. one ert sliouM Im put wider cultivation. There are approximately 800 homesteads surveyed In the valley. Mr. Anderson says. If onl 2Qo of lhee were taken Ui. remilar boat serviee between itjuhl mean that a regular boat and Prince llnperi ami a tele-aiMl mal serviee would have to phone oonneethm by way of Ter- t,e ,i,ututeil firml 1'rlnte Hu-r, j pert, whleh would be the dtstribu- As evidenee of the valley's fer-nij Prlre for supliee and all Hlity. Mr. Anderson points out thM. require nMnitr. At one thai he himself raUed m ton linv. ,hw were .17 memMr of of hay and IS Ions of potatoes , ,bf Kttimaal Farmers' Intitule ;.er aere. II Is US mile by Vow there are only five while aler rr..m 1'rinre llttjrt. nLHlers there. The war took valley runs north and south and,M4UI). ,Uers awy. Other he's always t.. Ihe sun. Hie open rtim, dseourage.I. mttini) on ar-s.,.l i. of st fertile alluvial Mil WHint nt transportation .eondi- lature iirolifie in irrowth itossl-. ., . . . , ..... '., . . . iIhhk and left. All btl is reouir- ' lulities. Mock may be rul-e-l Iherel '., as fi.Htd if nl better advan-!H Mnst 11 back "n'' '0"'1 'age than any other f-eollon of H former las"e of development 'lie north. If the 1 1 mlT conservation idea out le continued. Mr. Anderon is the withdrawal of the 'present Inlurday. November i Cash & Carry Specials WINTER IS C0M1 Our Mmiil.iy -penal i u timely one It i' of venr Nvheii wurmt'r ItoililuiK i in'ctled. we - ' pn tuiiity lo save money. Tin is a nne tlnv : (ic v will lc lalketl iibuut for niHiiy long winter ever g Combination Special 1 ONLY COTTON COMFORTER. I! j t 1 PAIR FLANNELETTE SHEETS II , g r 1 PAIR FULL SIZE COTTON PILLOWSLIPS. 1! g Total Itt'gular Selling pnre ... r f COMBINATION SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY $5.95 See Mh line our unluw Universal Trading Co, siino nl ery I eiieoUraueiiK'iil 'ake up ihe I;, i..j leron aters. Advi .-Use in Mi.- I ;,v3i TkC WATtft MOTICt UI Kmrmi f"T t.mrnrrr " 1 Vntl. V.V . tiill o i as rulMi ' imi tr Wtfi' Wetlerlr at4 1ri.. M Iwir miif. f Vsss. The tir . j tk imm at r---! ream Tiki. . t tnr tr pnri Iinrral ' UN. ' I i. . f" i- :t ttwi it( ... . I'lU. r,..tii- ( Ittr t Ih ttjf ..r J.,ii-Ihi. i.i. . ul ir r llfli siut tn Ih. v, . ill b r '-d m iiw rr NrrWf i llln H ieinii'-ii m ' Wl-r KiiraT ' " r Vlrr Hlihl l'.i ( VrtWM. B.r... iiliin i' IVrw tM4rMKe ft in nifti'. TIm ilj). ' KrltMHi tit tbl II IMI. rwivftn noin vrvr- SPECIAL OFFER ON CHILDREN'S COMBINATIONS Knit from strong rtillou yarn liglill ' sole to make it warm and comfortable, ha ill , sleeves, anil is ankle length. Miule iu While or Natural. Age 2 to 0 year .... $1.50 Ages 7 to 1 1 vears .... $1.65 Hnle I'liuliiiues on other lines previously u terminates Saturday. H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. We stock Pictorial I'uUcrns. GET IT AT! Phoni -GROCERS PHONE 586 OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE AT 40o and 50c LB.