November 1, 1024 I was wreauy distressed With Pains in the Back" Mr. Alfred McNeill, Chape! Rock, All., writes i I n.r lifl n-rrhed by tti i Vi''l"ii, nut Hl'i . 'th il.i .f Niivwiilx-r During the wintrr of 1920-21. I wai grtatly diitrtiied with Pmi in my bck and felt tired and depreiied moit of the time. Particularly durini the night 1 ..... m LI t '. r AWV itJy 'in night having to rite jff '9r -fJmi !m?,t cvtry tour- 1 '- JjJ$' -aB dlfferent treatment without "OfH ,ucc. until finally I began ui- "VV A &,m in Df' Ch,e' Kidney-Uver TTILC? V7 P.IU. and thev relieved m, fn. dition before I had linuhed the hnt box. J am feeling better this lur.rwr than I have for yean, and although in my 67th year, can ncrk all day without any undue fatigue." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 13 rU. Nit of 35 pHU, ttlmaniion. Hate A Co., Id, Toronto CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert pniNCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle Nov. 7, 21 ; Dec. 5, 19 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 15, 29 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceat Falli, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbeir River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Line Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent ivrnif ft 4 Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince RuparU B.C U YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand99 Selected Skeena Sockeye j. mc. choose "Hupert Hrnnd" Solmon. w tin in Ihe pantry ore always handy, k a supply on your boat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert B.C. FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Salllnas From Prince Rupart v aniunr nil nrm- iimruii. iih iiimi inn wun i.ti um VER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate Points, WEDNESDAY H.oo p in.. earn SATURDAY 12.00- Kltf day, I io p.m. ' QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, I2.0 mid. "V. 1st. 18th. PAS3ENQLP TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.. . tmurl I (in nm fiu- PltlNIF. OF.OIIUT. tnVOMTOJI. VrlV .-v an c.inii t.iiirrn uinini. univo sii. . . .. . SOINCV ALL OCf AN STIAMSHt UMIS. -(.... ' r TUl.i Of! i, S2S Third erliiea Hupt. teo. TIMBER SALE X 4725. ANNUAL BAZAAR OF DAUGHTERS ENGLAND " ..f l.lreurr X ' . 'el i.f llMlM-k ami . . . i-ntorinf nm union or site f "r!'- fr4 s v ' p)X is general con-! r.irm the !nitp.l Churm ', , nf I tnr llw hnlilln of Hie Dro-'vener and IllOse In Charge 01 'jimipih wiiinr nui 10 ronruri 1 ii" li'inn rrUilnr to rr iiiral sat -nl tTti-rtr; and vner--i i-lnir of ttie nalit union Into ' 4 . ir .inl.mlu,. . It in. I 'I tn ... -MIUir. SI KM I II, i. in t ii'-.ifi.i u,-... v-in.n-i. ne n" lhiiir of ihr aptillcarUi.' LAND ACT. .. '. " inn j, sainiifl sinipnon, of .' J ii-'-utntlon rilM.nimiu. In- I , .r"i mi.. mil ui miw nn .. Hlfll Unit.) Ciiiiimiinplliv ! il III... th. . ... , .nn inpiin- n rntniD in low -'. ' rnlliiwliw luw wnlcr i.iwsnwpi, illrcetliiip a Ul- . . 1 Hill. , lliultf. tllM.I. ir "'JiiUiirly HO rlinlii ninr t 'niiiiiiriiiM'nl ami -AMI F.l. SIMPSON. Aiinllranl. nrlous dcparlmcnls are: Tea and supper Mrs. ueorge Leek nnd Mrs. Joe Howe. Ilaffles and novelties j Mrs. Walter Shaw, Mrs. Whatman Sr., and Mrs. II. IT. Sineaton. Cnndv Mrs. McLean nnd Miss II I up I- Homo cooking Mrs. Ooodsnll nm I Mrs. Yutes. Sewlngr Mrs. D. Wilton and Mrs. Hrewerlon. INDIGESTION relieved In two mlnules with JO-TO Noyre" smoking Kl ltopeo cigars Of course it may he that the af fair will he settled oul uf court but if it Is tried by tha Ma-ipnlo fleet tribunal il is odd:- jigaiitsf Jack srlthrp down m fur- koy and plum pudding at Xma- tldc : , 1'he Canadian soliooncr .Toe Baker. Cnpl. lllondel, rs on (ho Cow Hay ways for re-caulking. Lysakll Back The Canadian schooner Lyse- Til, Capl. 1'cte Jensen, which returned from Ihe deep sea fishiiiK grounds early in Ihe week, with In irnoil e.nlrh is oh ttio MoLeun Mmrtsii-AtNir in rrogress v H ys , ,iaVP new slrw bar will lie aiiowm iw re- B,oe" ,n" "r"vv" I Promise rromisw v. of Being Suc-II- f ttif Chlff For- i ur ln.trlci rorrn.r, i cessiui NOTIOL 'I a t. -i-hr riin rti irpiicttmo in- inmaovf Awrmuiy f Itnti-h cuiuinbu al the (Tof. fur in Ar nuktnir .. .iin r rHiril t 'H'Hsn i;liur-h in fin- 'l i ' '.niiri'ii :tiuri-h iiwl ami Inn um Con The Ihe annual annual huaaar i of the. inghul in. Cap. reports having encountered some very dirty weather off Kodiak, which inter fered wilh actual fishing snme- whu, allhongh lillle concern, was Daughters of hnglan.l oi"PUJ ,V1M1 , p,.rsonal surely, N.e be this aflerno,m at 2 oclock inhe i avior of gkiniu Mclnlyre Hlock un.l Ihe arfair, M Mng M hn( pou l gives promise of being very suc cessful. Afternoon ten nun sup- uwi- : . . ,ni- ... , he, or cnu. in Umlper is In . be served In addition 10 ..,.u"i"if II: KArailho regular bazaar features. lie desired. The Lysekil left port on her last trip of Ihe season on hhursifciy night. Charlie Sunberg, one cf Ihe well known local nautical who has been exploiting distant fields in his power boat, was a visitor to Ihe walerfronl on. Thursday morning renewing old acquaint ances. 4V I Charlie Hell, who is carrying out logging opera! ions for the (ieorgefiown mill In the Wark Canal dudrlct, came ire this week for mechanical repairs lo his power boat. The Canadian schooner Sea-Iniald, Rapt". Henry Doreen, arrived In port from (ho high spots early in the week and nf the OArtf neWb ?.flT Fro? la the I I ?l2i chief source cf Prince Rupert'a prosperity 'viL, Ilonls of Jiolli I he Americani anil Cnnmliun fleets have been I making a dash lo port Hum week! Willi I he intention (if putting il another deep sea I rip before Ilie ' close lialibul season oomest inlo effect next monlli. TIiIb hus re-1 suited in a mnrked finprvnient J in I ho volume of halibut landed 1 (bul has rather played havoc wilh win prices Kir imuu xirxi ami second class calche, Ihe in- creased volume nf landings re-i tullfnir in a ilroji in prions (in thi'j Finh KiclianKc In spilo of dirty i walher condition on Ilie ImkIi 1 xpntx Ui oufchcx havrt bon well! up lo the avrrape. In fad ili lolat lialibul landiiiKi for lclo-licr Hiu year bav exreciloil the Idn.llniri for any ptwioim Oftlo- hcr. which nrwaku ttiM for th". (nacily of pirK of ltw ilwp tca MkipprH and lliir erw. IiiiHirwAx gcnorwlly almir the waterfront U-ei up well and many of lh inaiicr IF IT'S ON OR UNDER THE WATER WE DO IT. JMving, Dredging. Lightering, Coaling Ship, Heavy Lift nig, Oencral Salvafi Work. Pumping a Speciality. VANCOUVER DREDGING AND SALVAGE CO. LTD. COW BAY. Phones: Green 259. Qreen 487. ler doing oim gear repairs left on Iter last halibut hunting trip- n! the fceasttti on Thursday morn ing. On SaWinlay last Ilay Love, the elfrlricnl wfzaril, wenl up lo Big halHmtl"? on power boat P.H.T lioals. lroller and sewing boatl0 in'',,I a n'"w dynamo in the are l.rinix 9ni nt.r hnlk Tmm m nrmwvir bbwiihti. i im- worn mechanical aiul hull slfHipAitil lirior In heiitfc pt hi to cimHs-sion In clu-ed senikiHi aetivities. Willi Ihe coiniiieneenient of iper nlions-by the Miller.! Clam Cannery, Seal le, a frwilful labor field is being opened to many of Ihe waferfrtMit fraternity and already several boars are out gathering in the lui-itHW clam fop rniiiiing pursues . Doc la Annoyed throalened lnw-uit is pend- ing In naiHUTM circles anrt r Claperlon seems to have all the evidence at hand lo make il hot going for a btack fared comedian named Jack tdi. II seems thai Jock, supported by hi partner 4ii wit, Joe H4clifui'd, staged a lillle sHrjrwal furre l the rerenff Kniuhts of PytMtto Itallowe'eii fiarty. The farce to the form of a i'oiiiic surgical operaliun by Jack I'.oUO, a btavck farwat cnmetl- ian. on Jh lialehfonl, of like lark cmiHletmnr. iHirrng Ihe fun Joe asked Jack if be bad ever si lulled surgery to which Joe replied, and this is Ihe bone of conlenlioii with lNc "Yes. I sure hae. I srndinl surgery un der "li" ClHiierlon." This )oc rcsenls very much because .lark never did study surgery under hint olherwie he would have bad lo 'Miy a si iff fee, and Doc would now he ruling round in his "Nulls Iiavinar beeti suoMssfully com pleted Hay is mW Back at the waterfront emporium elw.lrify ingr Hie vietntty with His genial orarury. Manninr HunHey. who is run ning a logging- camp down Ihe co st, rnrt a visit 16 port this week Mn buwiness. Venus Entertains 1'he American schooner Venus. Capl. John Itamm, having re turned from Ihe high spots with a good ralrli ami the crew eine "well heeled" n swell entertain ment was put on aUwtnl the hoal for a number of specially invite guets nn 'Wednesday night. The evenin''wa de- liarhl fully spent in md-ie, sing ing and wrestling, the latter spnrt takmg Ihe place of itaiw-ing owing In Mm fact the orchestra losl their way going lo Ihe boat. Perhaps Ihe wrest ling bout for a pair of new work gloves was Ihe tit-hit of Ihe evening. The principals were Young Haekenschmtdl vs. Tom Safer, jr. and Cap acted as re feree and timekeeper combined. 'I"h former won Ihe bout in Iwo straight falls out of three in enlrh-as-caleh-cnn style. De lightful refreshments were served as lunar as Ihe bread a ml cheese lasted. The launch Joy Hird, Cap!. Conk, went oul on Thursday morning to assist Capl .Claude Ketrhum in his logging opera tfs in. Tank Inlet. I'ele I.eighlon, shipper and owner of I lie Venwi I.., is con-leinplaling building a new "seining bool Ibis winter at MelLakaU la. I lie boat will ne n . ia-, rpoier nnd will likely be powere d Willi it t li.p. Viwun engine or n like p'owcrctl senii-dcisel. o Caught a Cat This Is. a different rat slory, Hurry Slrcethorse, owner of Ihe Fpower boat First l'lace, having lieen troubled with n rat aboard 'or some time, ultimately decided to brfnsr down a cararo of clams for h Millenl cannery. Lumber Exhibit I The fine lumber exhfhtt of the Hijr Jlny I.umHer (Joinpnny, recently nhown at the exhibition, ha heen on display in flw City Ticket Ofllce of the C.N'.It. Kd-rnonlnn for the. pant five day 'and has created quite a great (leat of inlereitt. Word lo- lliit effect was received at the Itiir Hay Lumlier Co. from If. Jle-Kwan. C.X.Il. divittion freijrh! aen. The e.xliitiil will be shown at other vantage, point alone the C.N. Ft. ,ylem. Mrs. Modes Johnson and Mrs. Musgrave were visitors to the city lliis week from Port Sirnp nun having- arrived by power iioat. Mr. Musgrave has been paying a visit lo ner daughter who i.s in Ihe general hospital "Slim" Iafonf of Lewis Island fame, has decided lo go into the chicken ranching business. Mr. Paton is now looking for a suit able site on which lo commence chicken raising. Bill Knight Again Pele Solcm has received letter from Hill Knight, formerly accountant wilh the Booth Fish eries here and now accountant at Sitka. Hill is very optimistic nhoul things in general, especially the social side nf life at the northern port, ff appears that;. evening dress and" high rubber hools is the order for social functions. As to whether the company sit in the rubber boots Ihe whole evening i.s a matter of nonjeeclure. Hill has also blossomed out inlo a regular song bird ami inflicts his voice upon 'the people at Ihe least provocation. In addition he i composing his? owr. music and words. Just now he is busily engaged Upon composing a song entitled "Why is the ocean wet?" The schooner While' Lilly, Cap tJeo. Hroderius, left port with a parly on a hunting trip nn Wed nesday. Judging from Ihe amount of artillery aboard it is on Ihe cards 1 1) at Cap will forego Ihe hunt and start a war some, where. Rd. flray of Kitimaat was in port during Ihe weet for a mcrhanieal overhaul by Aker- berg A Thomson, Lid. The seiner nose City, which lias been operating off the Queen Charlotte Island coast for the past few months, came inhi port this week for repairs. The Marine station work scow-is moored at Ihe Provincial government dock for boiler repairs by Ihe Atlas boiler works. The scow will be here for a week. Fish Business From Monday to Friday "Ofi,-Hflft pounds of halibut has Wen marketed on the Fish F-xchange. Lvmericnns were high al 19c and 8c. and low al 13c and Cc. Can adians were high at and 7c and low at 13c and 6c. The ar . ... n 1! , rivals were: American Srandia, Resolute. Daly, Kodiak, SunseL Forward. Nomad, Seal lie. Kana laV - President, ...Yenus, -Pioner.J Columbia. Majestic, Sumner, Sit ka, Tnloosh, Tahoma. Canndian Oibson, Fisher, E. I.lpsell. Ringleader, Toodie, Nuba, Kaien, Plop. Andrew Kelly, Seamaid, Lysekil, Scrub, Tramp, W.T., Atli. Cape Ppencsr, Johan na, Carrulhers. Hunted and Starved" The following account inni ciiner ne-or inc. rui mm 10 ..... i,i, iin u of a I nuri-l llll miming purl company, , lo decide , ., as lo . . . ,. . nnl. K,. whether he would leave Ihe rail . ,.,' n.i nr k'i. in possession of Ihe boat and seek u new bed un-town or try sey went oul Ihis week from Seal uinr Cove MH on a three day hunting trip in gei .... in. ... v. .,, ., p it-.. (n ,h(, v.cini(j. of ,hp pr,ncp Rv, a rout wnicn i.i-riuri. inn iit.ii-r course. llnving come and to this, end the hides have. been secured for sale to some unsuspecting fur buyer. Skipper Jimmy Thomas- has iceii as far north asKPftrt Simp-on wilh his power boat Vincr aaisI nnnnnrv nhfiniNt I h O nflWPP s iui.1,1 . r: . W'KaI Iiam II.a n rr i 1 pounder. function or momentous decision Harrys pur-. wou,(, ,no, fun, chased a n. Imp and duly .set I . w,otl.or the hunter's oF Ihe first night he eaughr ral, a nn Ilia's ))ljnk 1I111L 11 n d llfI nol oplics srR 1 1 . VOL lf ft an.r thinking that perhaps there! oypn ,ml , iact wmnlM lhal were iwo ruie am.aiii ..: .'ei whft ""H,, ,os n (y .rap nxn.. . nuiu?,i ..i sh , , rHurn, o. town for SOme morning he Irnp had .rone the, R lppw ,ho unutk uiny wort periecuy ior a loveiy. ,'.. his ... frtr tfeline was caught therein, much L. ,1M.-(1-,,i., r u ri the, to Harry's consternation. How ever, it was such- a lovely bigj . .. I.. 1.1 1 il.i lion nt the Seal Cove base was rim lip n( l.nlf inn Q f Tl 4nia Dlfll ra. sue, a ...vr.y u.B ai ",som0 hunters would miss a bal on the hnrisnn for their pelts.;,,, fMk flfng wilh an 18-. Bring your furs to W. Qoldbloom for highest prices. I want your furs and will pay a better price. EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF LOVELY FUR COATS AT 25 PER CENT LESS The latest in Fashionable- Lrvliev Fur Goats direct from New York. I selected them myself and guarantee their quality. For a few days- only at 2." per cent off. Nothing cheaper in- fur coals in the world. W. Goldbfoom Furrier, 2nd Avenue. ENGINEER MINE LIKELY TO BElcountry well prospected this ONE OF THE GREATEST comins summer." said Mr. Cloth- QOLD PRODUCERS IN NORTH (continued from page one; siderable Imiriage will be available. Hocks of over 250 feet will be opened up from Ihe main working tunnel mentioned, above and il is expected that ample lonnage will be secured for Ihe operation of Ihe mill. Several hundred feet nf diamond drilling H managemeul. . "A very comprehensive program of underground develop merit Las been planned and. al logelher, Ihe prnperiy bids fair lo fulfil the predictions that it will become one of Ilie greatest gold producing properties in the north. "Fred Collin, formerly rore man at Surf Inlet, is in charge of the work on Ihe ground at the Knjrineer mine." Mr .Clothier announced that the Mines Department had recently granted ?r300 to provide a winter trail from the mine lo Allin, a distance nf about 25 miles. "As about 3(V men will be employed at Ihe mine all winter, Ihis trail wilt be of great service for mail and emergencies. District Operations Speaking of operations generally in- the Allin section, Mr. Clothier staled that the season had been very successful In placer mining. Work on upper Spruce Creek had opened up exceptionally good puy. "A good drainage system from the lower old workings on the creek would undoubtedly prove of, great bene fit to the ground above and would prolong Ihe life of Ihe camp," Mr. Clothier declared. Hydraulicking on .McKee Creek has been carried on all season by Ceorge Adams and associates wilh satisfactory results, Mr Clolheir staled. There had been considerable prospecting and lead work on many other creeks which might eventually warrant operations. The Ruby Creek Mining Co., operating on Ruby Creek, has had a' prtifituble season and, hav- ng- worked up lo its upper line. has moved' all its plant to the lower end of the creek where operations will be continued next year. On Oiler Creek, the sea son's hydraulicking has shown substantial profit." Considerable development work has been done Ihis year and about thirty tons- of high grad ore has lieen- shipped from the Atlin Silver-Lead mines situated on Fourth, of July Creek and under operation4by J. M. nuff nerrenprled .Mr, Clothier. A lower luhnel had been started and it was expected operations would be resumed in the spring, the property now being closed down for the winter Gold Strike The reported gold strike in the vicinity of Lillle Atlin Lake. Mr Clothier said, caused some Utile excitement whilo he was in the north but not much information was available upon which to base any predictions. Mr. Clothier was not able to get into theiDease Lake counlry (upper Slikine) Ihis trip, bul from information he had obtain ed, he- statM that Ihe strike on Cold Pan Creek by flrady and Ford had Ihe earmarks of be coming important. Although bed rock had tiot been reached In any place, prospects from the rim- showed coarse gold, and therefore, were encouraging. "There is a wide scope of likely placer counlry from, (lold Parr Creek fo Ihe Li HI Muddy Itivcr and Ihe certain influx of prospectors will likely see Ihe ier. "From all reliable information available, however, there is no reason for any stampede and certainly Ihere i.s no use, for any one to go in there before. May next" year." Final Trip . Mr. Clolliier's next and la's I trip this season in covering his extensive district, which include well " over a quarter or the pro- I ha.s been done during the. sum-jVince in .Northern Hrilish Colum-tner months, the results of wUich hit, will be down the coasL Ho have been satisfactory lo Ihejleaves within a day or so and will be away three weeks. He will visit Kilimaat and Sp as far south as Mirl inlet, lie lines not expeet to get lo the head ollice of Ihe deparlment at victoria until the first of next year. The Dease Iike country, which he was unable to visit this year, Mr. Clothier expects lo reach by going in over the snow next .prin?. ASK RULING BY RAILWAY BOARD Grain Rates to Pacific Coast Will be Discussed at Vancouver VICTORIA, ov. 1. Plans for rallying all the leading business interests in Hrilish Columbia together in a fight for lower west ern grain- rales before the Railway Hoard at its meeting in Van couver November 5 have been completed by Premier Oliver. Anxious that Hrilish Columbia sliall present a united front when pressing its demands for rate justice, the Premier telegraphed instructions to O. fl. Mc-V$eer, K.CM government rate counsel, to ask millmen, grain 'interests and all businessmen interested in the grain nxivenient Itr appear wilh him before the Railway Hoard and press for grain rale reductions. The case which the province is thus preparing for the board on its west ern tour, it is hoped, will be the nwsl vigorous and effective yet presented. Uiider the plans announced by the Premier the province will ress for proposals before the board. l-i-Thal an immediate ruling be handed down nu British Columbia's original demand for a i-neral revision of wvslern freight rates. . That western grain; rates bo educed so as to effect ap etnial- zation as between Vancouver and Fort William shipments. 3 That rates on westward- moving grain for domestic eon-sumption be made the same a rates on export grain. I That' the board force railways to supply informa tion on rates which they have been ordered before to produce, but which is slill unavailable. In a telegram received from the board the Premier was informed that the hoard does not feel that il is lime now to rule "ii the province's original demand for a general rate equalization. Nevertheless Mr. McGeer will press for this ruling so that if it is unsatisfactory it may be ap pealed. Until a ruling has been nlade the province can do nothing further to secure the general reductions sought. This, how ever, is a question absolutely dis tinct from the grain rale9 Issuo on which the hoard is witting- to hear representations now. BIRTHS A son was born al the Princo Rupert Oeneral Hospllal on October 31 lo Mr. and Mrs. J.' F.. Davey, Hays Cove Circle. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SUllnrs from Prince Rupert. ' 'or VANCOUVCR, VtOTOnUt, (wanton Mr, and lrt Bay, Tud, P.BU for VANCOUVER,. VMTOMA,. Atari Bar, a4 Iwaaton alurdaf, ie A. IS. Per ANT OK, MUCK ARM, STEWART, Sunday. S P.M. va. mvai. mrtwr nmuM mi Nui Rtr Cannarlte. Friday A.M. arawtyy Hftni mm. u k I