PA OB BIX. $TR0LLtR$ Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE CIGARETTE WITH THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR JOforJ5? 25for35? lnTW50fbr70SKKMbrW BVRgjiFn et- VnW S'-flTm . K. V, the rt Oy. Hdrf.ftrM MThen L- WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 TOM MIX in "THE LONE STAR RANGER" By Zane Grey. Once ugaiif Tom inI his Wonder Horse "Tony" romp through a stirring story of romantic adventure. A dramatic talc of fearless men in a fear-msjiiring country. The Lone Star Slale, when millets were more valuable than life. Daring, resolute, gallant and valorous were the men of the Texas Hangers. A ihoto-play depicting a man's sparking courage ancfu woman's lasting love. Dillit? Dove and strong cast. Imperial Comedy "Monks A la Mode." International News Admission 35c and 10c YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, hoose "Hupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry are always handy. Slock a nipply on your hoal that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SUMMER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Will sail rrom PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOn ANYOX , Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via Otieen Charlotte Islands, June Si. PASSENGLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.rae I'rlrii llujwrt 6.00 pjil for PHICE GEOfiGB, EUMOXTOX, WIN-Mrca, u poldu Eastern Canada, United State. AQCNCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clt Ticket Offlea, E2S Third Aft. Prlnct Ruparl. Phane ISO. Sport Hats In Great Variety SUMMER SKIRTS in new designs. The Latest Summer Dresses Vanity Corsets. Iris Brassieres. Venus Hosiery. "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Sterling Furnace COAL Dalltaratf In Bulk. At S1 0.00 per ton. This la a very auperlor furnace coal. It rlres a clean hot fire ami la entirely rree from aoot, rlinkrra, alack and dirt. Some of the larteit hratlnf planta In the city are now uiinr It mill entirely eatiifaitory retults. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered Id Sack. At 112.60 per ton. ' We are alio A rents for the Famoua LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Of flea 1 Hotal Oantral, Phona IB The Man in the Moon SAYS:- Seme of Our Regular Prices Swift s Premium Ham, per II 30c Com 011 Cob, per tin .. 30c I'eas and Com, 3 tins .. SOc Tomatoes, S'A's, 3 tins SOc Chirardella's Chocolate, I Ih. tins SOo Ohirarilella's Chocolate, 3 lb. litis $1,40 Sweet Pickle, 75c ipiarl boille ... ... ... . . 60c Fels Ntiplha Soat SOo llidway's Tea ; SOo Fanners' Tea (just as itood 1 . . ..... . . . . 65o Loganberries, U's . . . . 25c Slrawherrk's. 2n, 5 for 1.00 Strawberries. 2's, 5 for $1.00 Small White Beans, i lbs. for 25c Hel Jap lllee. 10 lbs. .. 75c Picnic Hams, per lb. ... 20c lleinx Sour Pickles, 5fte value 35c Jelly Powders, per do. SOo Assorted Pure Jams, t lb, tin 75o Phone Blue 428. Orders of $5.00 Delivered Farmers Market ECONOMY STOP, E Offering the Biggest Bargains ever offered before. Del, Monle Ketchup, 3 bots. 95c Clark's Ketchup 3 bots. 85c Ilenz Sauce ..3 bots. $1.00 Picnic Hams ... 20o per lb. Llbby's Pineapple I i JAKK Nays If people will not lop lo hear Newish speak at a mccliiig here, hoV would it be If Hie people should make a mistake and send him to the Legislature.! AUKS are said lo he I lie moil I'lfeclive calling card. IN order to he an optimist you do not have lo he an idiol. Op timism alone will never gel you anywhere. Jusl now it is deir-Jahle lo vole right as well as have faith in (he future. YVK all waul business lliis way. und yel some will cwti vole against the Oliver candidate. I r SOMK people act like duuibclK others vole right. I IN remembering what the aulo has done for mankind, think of I I he number of people who have i been hastened on the road 'o j heaven by its ipeau. WHAT the girls ure fearing i that (he fashion will change nml fhere will ! u lot of slubby imisluehes worn by (be young boys. W1IKN you iee u man going lo Church on Sunday, do not be too haly to give him (he rredil for it. His engine may have broken down or his friends have for- LANO ACT. Nolle of Ulentioit I Lan. Apply lo Laaat In Skrena Land luitrui. Rrmrdlni Dl rlrt of Coaat. and tliuale on Campania aland. Take Xotlce tbal Clarence C. Balntrt and Jatnea vic.Koltr. or Prince Rurert. B.C. occupation Insurance irent and broker. Inland lo apply for pennlton lo leaar I be follow Inf dearrttied landt: Commen-rini at a prt planted at itw bead 01 a bay at the rati end of Campania Island and about one mile front the aouth end of toe I.lind: tttenLj folkiwlnr the alniioalllea nf the Mwr line at birn aler line arttind the Itland la I be place of rofnmxncTnwut. and rnntalnin a.nuo acre. nvir or le. C. . BUS TEH 4 JAMES MCCL'LTY. .me m Apf'l ram. Per W. E. WILLI A Ms. A fen I. fnixl April trwl. ma. WATER NOTICE. (Dlferalon ana Un TAkE MiTK.E that IIuiim H. Bablnitnti. h)ie addre I Maelt. lll apply for a licence in take and uw rafkina of aier out or an uiuiatned pond. Tne water ill be drverb-d frim the pnd al a point about feet north of the north-ea! rorner of blork 4 0a li.L. 7. Plan Sift. Queen Charlotte Uland. and mill be ued for Indaitrtal tunxie ulwm the land de jrrlbed a blork IS I'X. 1. pUn tl. Queen Ultnoue luaiHls. una inmrr "trM on I he 'round on the I Id dar of May. Itfi. A et'Dr or tnta notire and an appti ration pursuant tbfrrlo and to the "Water At. 1 1 4. " will be riled lo the offlre of Hie Water Herrder at Prlnre liuprrt. 'b-lertlona ti the a(llratlon rnay be filed 5 tins for $1.00 Phone 84. 417 Fifth Ave. East. TBI DAILY WBWB. pnday. June 16. Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANCE of Olasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think it over, ir not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement, SILVERWARE A large shipment just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist gotten lo invite hint to the pieuie. lil.OO.M, pesoiuiisiii and politics are a rombinatloii in restraint of trade and are forbidden by lhtvrule of comiiion-sense. A MAN and his wife should never sere on the oaine jury. When they do the jury is sure lo li.agree. Al.Tllll.SM Is all right eeept al election time.. Just now let u be a Utile .-elfish and u.le for lower freight rale. KVKItVltODY is liable lo mis. representation j-omel lines. The oilier day a letter was written io Ketchikan. Alaska, Canada, arid Uow wc are wondering wlielher it was i.aiiaila or. .la.a Iltal wa( libelled. A LOT of iK.-ople are really not bad tempered. They just look that way. A LOT of tMtoidc are nut rich, they just look IJjat way. IT JMOpll is a j;ood Jhin? so many are dieting, bccaue eo tiii the aaid water nrr.rdr or nti tbelmauy farms are, beiiiK converted Rlldinr, Victoria. K.C.. within fifty day. '" ?0'f courses HihI the TimjiJ after the firu appearance of ihla nollcr I ..,,, iv i ri.n.l.l..r,l.lir rict publication or thia notice la May 16tn.lsiiorieiieil. in. It, B. BBlnTO-V. Applicant "aaBavaBaaaaavjaavvaHBHHaBaaBaBBHBBaMpwaBBaa"" Cash & Carry 1 AN old pipe is all rishl a Ion? a you smoke tl alone or out of doors. rilOSF, who bought Cermat: marks now have money to hunt. . ONK of the best income pro ducers would be a tax on scandal. TIIH latest tiling in home spun is afternoon lea gossip. HOSPITAL LADIES' TEA DANSANT AND SALE ON SATURDAY (continued from pnse one) l.ip-ell tt, Cunningham won by Mrs. (i. Jlorie. Cae of satmoit douafed by Canadian Finli A CobJ Storage Co. won by M. Lemon. Sack of flour donated by (. W Nickersou won by A. M. Howard. Itumier donated by .labour Bros, won by Mrs. O. Anioll. Fruit bowl donated by Bulger & Cameron won by Mrs. I). YV Morrissey. Table centre donated by Jabour Bros., won by Mrs. Cromidou. llie raffling of a luncheon set donated by Mrs. Harry Atkins and a sofa pillow was deferred CHIEF JUSTICE DIES WOI.FVII.I.KN, June 10. Hlr Charles Town-end, former chief justice of Nova Scotia, died this morning. Belayed on account of din charging heavy fieiKlit cargo in Ihe Skeena Hlver, C.IUl. sleauii' I'rincess I lea I rice. Caul. Thoma-j ClilTc, did no! arrive in norl tin III 1 1 .30 Saturday night. The lvcfl unloaded some tierishahl freiuht and express here and lcf I after midnight on her return "OUlll, J. K. Miller" ami T. Mason, cusloino and inland revenue In spectors, were, passengers going north on (he I'rincess Louise to- day on'ikj.3rLaie"rita1 bmlflca. 1 .. , Ten Years Ago In Filncat Rupert Two htiiiili-ed delegate to (iraiul Lodge Uoineutioti Masons wlurh litis city will on the U.IMt. Alice Jroin the RADIO BRANCH DtpfliM at aulae ad Flahrlee WARNING I n the of is to be held in arrive tomorrow learner I'rinCess south. The jury m the murder trial u' Otis Johnson at thu Utreme Court Assiies yeslertlay afternoon brouiiht in a erdirt of not guilty without leaving their seuls Mi Seeisiine und Mr. Tweed ale, a fatuous- Loudon tlaurtug pair, will per'smi at tin' Wed holme Hits wvek. . ('.. Oevine, iii.iiutijf r of the W hulen pulp ,V Paper mill al Swaiou Hay. reurhed the eity on Saturday afternoon und i re giolrrttl at the Hotel Prince SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "l'3' will leave SwaiisoiiM Float on Thursday. Sal unlay and Sunday afternoon every half hour from I p.m. until 0.3(1 p.m. and on other weekdays al 2, I and 0.15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave the Halt Lakes float sharp nt 7 p.m. Sumiay and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboatN and canoes for sale ami hire. Princr Hupert lloalhouse. Pnt-crlbe fnr Hm OhUt Nw. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOII SAl.i:. On. ma Table and Iireer. Phone llla. k ill" after 7 t.m. It-' OW.M.HS of unlHroMsrt rvlto rro-irlfli el are hrrrby wanted that on ami afler lit Jttl). lfl. II iH-ixriiiK-ut or Manor aHl rtttfT tllll takr lr f erttc ato Htrh nN.trl aiuratu ami Ui lw eailr Om owner Ua.rror . Tlie l"iiall im aimrinary etaiiletli I. a fHw not earrvdiiir and ffirfnturr af all imllrreil radfci a-faral lo the Vertirarnt. Hruadratt lotrtier. are arrurdlnily ad- o obtain tlwlr Itrenea UitiimruirO The Ik-eii- fee al.iMt Ir annum. Urrive. alM to tll tlarrh. lfJ. nui be i4jtaitml frvm: Hadf., ItraiKh. I Marliw 4 ri.lMTir.. Ottawa. -ul orrir. rmire' Ituprt-t B Iwixilv MlHLIer. ipnwrl nf lloim- im nlirle tl Sealed Tender. aiklo-.M-il to tlv Ulxkr .laiinl ami rudord for Hie .n.lriirlKMi aid epii:sotil or mm 'I trft)tt. foul liii,l"ir Uunrlr will b rerrie up to l'l. JMte f 1111. Iffl. ruiia. imriraoiii aiwi locm or im iW may l- oblanml al Ihe olfm 4 Itw Uilef-lurr.tcr. Victoria, lb Ootrut lor etler, Prince Itllprrt. on lraMl of ais.uA hlrli will bo rrfnii on luv rrliini or plana ami eprririralkm. Ill or any irinirr imi nrrcwr lly arrrplet ... Ik-putt Uliil.tcr of Mix. NOTIOI. I. Till: UlTTUt of an application for the lxu of a I'rotlalonlt CerilflraM of Title for Lot fourteen ili, bmm k ec.en tern (Hi. Tow utile of firtkalla. Man tlf sturjriiry prnor or inn dm or in Certiricalr of Title coerln the atxite laml liatlnr bren prod or l to in. It la niy In tendon lo lone, after th riplratlon of on iiKintli front the riril putiiiration hrreor. I'rotlalonal t.ertairaie or Tin lo Ihe almire laiKl In the nam of Ole Andrea ormhrak. Tli orlttnal rertlflral of Title l dated the llh inly I V I a. and la hum berrd I0IJI. Land ItrrlMry Office, Prince llupert. ' iitb rrbruary. 1911. ii. r. Mri.r.nn llerHlrtr of Tltlei THC CORPORATION Of TMI CITY OP PRINCI RUPIRT. Take .Vol Ire Ihal a llylaw ! tieiHllnt before fit Council of ihe lilt) of Prime luitwrl riM-rllnr in llr I.HnlU and tlv rlaoe of riHiMniciion wlilrh may p rnad in anrii lire Limit, aim an prrwuu in leretd III thla matter are looted lo al tend I fore th City Council on Monday eveiilnr, tli I Bill Hot., at irrlirk, and lal tnnr fiewa. LAND ACT. I lly t.lrrk. Allln Land Dlalrltt. Dlatrlct at Caaalar, Take .Villre that lletlnald RriHik. of Allln, occupation miner, Inlenda lo apply for permlMlon lo onrrliaM the follow lot dearrllied landa: Coniinenclnf at a noil planted one hundred yarda to Ihe eati nf the mouth of llurierl Creek, on mil eait nf Golden oale on Taroti lke, ihenre outh twenty rhalna, thence wen to ahore line, tnenre aiont fiKire line io point of coillllirnrrmriu, IIKOLIAU) nnooK, aprll tl. ! St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. II Cash an 191 d Carry Specials for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THESE SPECIAL8 WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telephone Orden) Until Further Notice this Store will Open at 8.30 a.m. and Close at G.30 p.m. dally. $4.95 Threo Day Speclsl on Men's BROCK HATS H iK Lined !(.' I I Ti All sut-Iteg .()(! u.i, I ' 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON BOYS' SUITS. are going to reduce our stock, of llovs S . tt , this lliree day spertnl. Kvery suit imirkeil al rtf t f . . .1- .1 ... our entire siock is nil aie. innuuni io oo . :.jr- ;f Famous Artcrafl Suit tor llo. to Kancy Kiigli-!i r Serges. Tweed. lloiiiepiiii. nul lo Serge H ft iMiulde llieted. ANo uinuy Willi pxlra hloomr Sj 20 to a?. See This Line In Our Window. 95c Men's Work Shirts 96c We h.ive di-zeu odd liiie of W'urk Si. are broken hues, and mol lie learetl up. Iteg p I1 value. All sizes in lhi loL HAMSTERLEY FARM PURE STRAWBERRY JAM Ih. p.nls 65c each. Limit two tuts to rat h t u-tomer. On sale M I Ladies' Shoes "You j fill A . w r 1 hihoe ! v--' ;' " nre rr.ivii.ii.te Never .t d-.y l"f w receive -"no .fompliit" 1,1 " tidies Ml I" I" 3 DAY SALE OF Unmni VAhll Rlarhri Dnr.k Ones Stran PumDS with Half lluliher Heel Sale Price $25 Women's While Canvas One Strap Pumps l if onl I nllir Triniimiiir lliilf liolilici Her i "im, . .-...... ...... ....,.r ...... -. , - , . . Sale Price $3.5 VA..r.f. iAf.lla C.nw.. Diimn 85C Armnta UUhll Cinvn nvtnrtli Slmrl Va'lil" withlliur llul.her Heel Sale Price $2.5 VJUhllit P.anwai ClifnrH. nr One SI' .;i Pump- White (.vereil lmis Heel. Sale Price $2.75 IU., UUI.Ila fvtrrA Willi I tli W IIU1HUM . w , , , w w. I MtilliMi4 Trim til i ii rr . .iinl l.,iiv ltiil Sale l'i iiataiv. i mmiii' "ihi " Cornflakes, 3 packages 25c Oil Sale in Shoe IlepL Huck Towels 55c Per Pair . It is not necosarv lo prorlinm from Ihe lion et what n rent special this is. The sue is IHx:r ami th" !' lily is limited. o our atlvice is to lhoe who cure to up is In get here early. GIRLS' SPORT FLANNEL PLEATED SKIRTS Willi splendid .iialily Collon Tot in Hand, l'eri '.r'J HUcs 0 lo III years Special Handbags Particularly pleasing are these lalesl arrivals 4 fj mid shatles to suit the most fastidious lasles ir m ever pypular "Palenl" to the most I'ntler Arm" in lllnrk nml While nml all llhu;k I " Others in genuine gont skins with cule lilll" immikr pocket on the milftidc. Prices Ranging from $3.25 to S6.2S. 76o carton Fels Naptha 8oap, 10 in carlim Special, Limit two to each nialumur. On Sale in Dry tnw Universal Trading Co. Watch for Chang of AdvL on Wednesday.