~ 2 ~WALLACE'S Mens Shop— it's New! It's Smart! It's Reasonable! WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE RE - ROOF NOW Your Reof May Not Last Through Another Year We will give your free estimates on re-roofing with asphalt and cedar shingles _ Greer & Bridden Ltd. st Ave West P.O. Box 721 rica, plan to set out this month exped ) feet) in Wester: ineers, inspired by the Ug ida and Mount Kenya ecess of French expe- (17,000 feet) in Central Kenya- India and th Am- "Ma irice Martin, leader of ths I explained that as yw-capped incre number of French climbe fe the challenge of non- pean mountain peaks Mountaineering began ir he France a sport 90 years ago 18 Since then all our peaks haves ions in tackle three sn BRISTOL, England @ ; Ruv- been scalec Martin Said “The Rudi or by y Guna Salvaged in Halifax Port a ____|French Climbers Ty African Mountains - r—_ Reuter Eight French izori (16,7 1VANDALS DESTROY OLD WRITINGS CHURCHILL, Man. (CP) some time during the wded that have mutilated hist motintain igs and inscription be | from 1741 to late in the to entury In one case : was daubed over the ature of Samuel Hearne us northern explore! onger itions science with ng. The Club) 1G MERCHANT 1 the Kenya STOCKHOLM . @®—Curret s, has a scien-} ports , ae the Swedish f 7O moun- chan t ffeet this summer FLEET total of 1,912 vessels aggregat 2,402,000 single class are motorship tainéd in ; Ollates re gross tons. Largest giaclo- «| Rich Gold Tea = Sef — VICTORIA, B.C. @—Fate of : Pot of Gold” tea set ured in England for Yolumbia firm is King Farouk was 1 the peypuan tnrone y Haddock, director nt store here, said by English the order of instead t« stimated the set 400 ounces of th $110,000 nonetary value of rd for suet Dn rafts- desig haster Today's Stocks (Courtesy S&S D. Johnston Co, Ltd.) VANCOUVER American S j Bralorne BR X:- Cariboo Quart OAKS DISAPPEAR APETOWN ©-—Experts be- bhe oaks which grace t of the Cape of remier Border re doomed Mor vate cel have been urable and all 50 years Si al Taki bal nines JET ‘COPTERS Vananda Salmon Gold Spud Valley Silver Standard Western Uraniu:n Oils— Anglo Canadian A P Cor 1 Calmont Supply ister Dur n Sandys told a ; ere more attention to development ; and predicted that years Britain would ywered helicopters Central Led JOHN H. Home Oil BULGER ja Royal Canadian TORONTO Optometrist _— an Conwe Donalda Eldona John Bulger Ltd. East Sullivan : nt Yellowknife Third Avenue Cae yn God’s Lake Hardrock Heva Duvex Joliet Quebec Little Long Lac Madsen Red Lake McKenzie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt Moneta Negus Louvicourt Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & Gas Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon Steep Rock Silver Miller Golden Manitou FAMOUS RIVER The River Shannon in Irelan flowing 240 miles, is the long river in the British Isles. What makes the difference ? One cheese sandwich can look just like another . : : but the flavor can be deliciously better, thanks to hearty Chateau! The secret of Chateau’s taste-tempting mellowness is a master blending of fine Canadian Cheddar with thick, fresh cream. It’s a real cheese flavor... that makes the tempting difference in cheese dishes, sandwiches, salads, snacks. Chateau j is just one of BORDENS FINE CHEESES Try these Borden Cheese favorites too! Smooth Baumert Cream Cheese, zesty Conabec, tangy Grated Cheese, and Borden's 6 Cheese Spreads (in glasses). Riotous! wom a ATHARI Funniest a a HE Year! Bn AND MIKE —s i oe TODAY to SATURDAY A Famous Players Evening Shows 7: - 9:05 p.m. Matinee Saturday 2 p.m, TODAY 7-9 :02 GLENN FORD - NINA FOCH in “UNDERCOVER Maw’ RANDOLPH SCOTT Comes tearing in with a gun and a grin to carve a new notch in the silver belt of Nevada! "CARSON CIty y irner Color LUCILLE NORMAN - RAYMOND mase The Roaring Story of Nevada's Border Way Also SELECTED SHORTS FRIDAY and SATURD CARTOON - NEWS Evenings 7 - 9:01 30°. Matinees 2- 4:22 Fo- the MEAL — fou TAKE ot r ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE DANCE FRIDAY NI Legion Auditorium verybody W ADMISSION 91.00 Modern and Old T' Da MUSIC BY THE ¥ oS TERNAIRE For quick results try a Daily News Classifi Overwaitea Prices are Always Lower APPLE JUICE Allan's, 20-07 Prices Etfect PREPARED MUSTARD = {{ Kraft, %-oz SYRUP Rogers, 2-lb. tin VEGETABLE SOUP 9 {o, 27 Campbell's, 10-07. PEANUT BUTTER Squirrel, 24-072. CORN Nature’s Best, o£ for 3 5c Cut GREEN BEANS 9 ¢,, 39¢ Drinking Chocolate Cadbury's, 1 tb, Drinking Chocolate Cadbury's, '4-Ib,. COFFEE Our Ponular Blend, Lb SPAGHETTI Cateli, 15-02. tin 2 for 29¢ LUX SOAP Bath sive—3 Bars PEP Kellogg's 2. for 37 MILK Pacific or Carnation—l's LARD Burns BUTTER Lb. T 2. LUX Giant Size Pkg. 6 9. Robin Hood Products Cake Mixes 29c 43c 45c | Baloane 49c 49c Cooked Ham 99c | Melt chocolate, shortening ever hot RIG meats. Reserve 2 tbsp. mixture for | WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES === =| OVERWAITEA LT! } bottom, sides of well- -greased pk m PHONE 843 FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OF $10.00 OR MORE PHONE 8 ; PREM Swifts tin WHITE ELK l/PPERS, SPONGY RED SOLE 56.45 Other styles in Blue and White and Black and White Aunt’ Jemima SALT AND PEPPER 5 ONLY 35e WHEN Swifts Meats Premium Sliced Bacon 29¢ aoc ; Butterscotch Choco-Bran Pie | New! Smooth butterscotch filling in crunchy chocolate-bran pie shell. No | baking! Quick, easy, thrifty! AT ONLY Velvet Pastry Flour 2% Ib. pkg. Rolled Oats 5 th. nkg. Frankfurters 1 th, ce'lo Sizes 4to9 AA to B cup (3 ot.) semi-sweet chocolate bits 1 thsp. vegetable % cup chopped shortening nutmeots 1 pkg. Butterscotch Pudding, mode as directed on pkg. 1 cup Kellogg's ALL-BRAN, relied te crumbs BUY ONE PACKAGE & AUNT JEMIMA CAKE AN Purpose Flour AT REGULAR PRI ict KING OF SCHOOL OPENING. NG THE KIDS READY. plate. Let stand till firm. Spread pudding in pie shell. Border with ra choco-bran crumbs. Chill till set. Remove from refrigerator 15 to 30 min, before serving. Yield: 8-in. pie. For youthful regularit bulk- | balance your diet with Le on pa | ALL-BRAM very day