BOWSERIAN METHOD ( ADOPTED BY NEWTON i 'I he method of Nucleoli Itiiotiupurte which was Imitated feveral jears ago by V. J. Uow- her while he was in power has been taken up by the Bowser ( aiididale, Mayor Newlon. here ( the policy of riding rough shod over, in e rights uf the peo-jiH Mild crushing out opposition h 'lie crude method of brute l!. .,or Newton controls a ntwjipaper and m it he gives lat&, one-sided rejiorU of the f.j'f'!ies made at political gathering so (hat the people lie re may not learn the truth of (lie mailers on which Ihey are of democratic method "1 Will ff IMVV VJ M.p.p. for lliat district has been uvm 10 express an opinion allou t unm for Mr. Prrrv. Im ihf hi!I. pelled thereto by tlte fact that Last night Major Newton Mr. I'erry wa unable to $1, laid a public meeting in the through the district himself. The Westholrne Theatre. He had railwaymen arc solid for him and previously been invited Jo at- Ihcre i no fear of Ihe result, lend the Pallullo meeting and! Al Terrace Mr. I'allullo spoke, an invitation had uImi been ex- when rastbound, at a largely attended to him to attend the tended meeting. The minister Hireling tonight railed by they Terrace will give more than MipjKirter of the miniler of a majority for Mr. Wrinch. 'Finland. Yet last night Mr. Pat- stories thai Terrace had roup lullo was refuted permission to Provincial was nol correct. There correct inaccurate statements were a good many Provincial sup-nwuJc by Ihe Newlon speaker. In 'porters there hut the Liberal stip-order to flop (his fearful man port was by far Ihe Wrongest, from expressing himself, the Mr. Pallullo feels very confident expedient of calling on the audi- for Ihe whole of the north coun- enre in ne and sing the try National Anthem was adopted, i Mr. Pallullo was squelched. Who was he to question the statement of Mipporlers of W. J. How-err or H. M. Newton T lie mud nol be allowed to speak for fear the frw supporters at the meeting would fall away. Ihls is Ue as,sc iff free' speech, VOTE AGAINST BrIUh, Commons Defeats Rese-lutlona by Narrow Majority the mnii who nies as the "MX'X, June l. I'ollowing friend of labor, the rhnmniou " iwo-day debate mi Hie nilua. of the rights of Ihe dow-ntrod. .'n. lf Commons defeated by a LOi ANI.LI1S. June l. At Hie trial of Horace (reer. former chauffeur lo Mabel Normand. charged with shooting Oturtlaml Some.Djnes. (ireer declined It testify. declaring that he would prefer taking a penitential-- sentence to saing anjtliliig hurtful to Miss Normand. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING ON FARMER CALGARY pei-ia to Daily News North Country v , terrace Enthusiastic for Liberal Cause declares the Minister of Lands "The people of Prince (ieorge are on their loe now lhat It, (!. Perry, .their candidate, is on his back. The meeting I addressed there was one one of the most enthusiastic I ever attended. I feel sure Perry will secure a handsome majority in Prince (ieorge riding." That i ihe opinion of lion. T. Ii. Pallullo as expressed lo the Dally New on his return last evening from a visit to Ihe interior where he addressed a meetlnir in the aiisente oi .xir. rerry, who is hi ine hospital at Edmonton. Mr. Patlijllo" savs that John Mrlnnes. the" former soc- 4 PREFERENCE;: TO ISLANDS Weekly Sarvlce to be Given by Prince John From Thla Port TWO TRIPS WEEKLY Dlreot Connections Will be Made With Steamers to and From South Kffrclie June 3D. a change is to be made by the Canadian National Hallways Coast Steam ship Service in the (service lo the Itjuern Charlotte Islands which will make Prince Hupeil (he headquarters for the steamer Prince John and provide a weekly ami more direct service for the Islands. The Vancouver end of Ihe Prince John's schedule will be eliminated and it is expected that a vessel will be chartered for D-ols. It It likely lo be a lively VANCOUVKil. June li. II. Ihe handling of bulk freight from gathering as Ihe minister is onjSauns. a Calgary rattle buyer.jNancouver to (he Islands and hi mettle throtiBh being refused jdied yesterday al Calgary as a Prince Iluperl. an opportunity lasl uiplil, Mayor(resull of being struek by llghl-l Under the new service, the Newlon has been Invited and also uing on a farm Sunday. His Prince John will leave Prince T Hoss Markay. mother resides nt Smithcrs. A Public Meeting Tonight AT 8.15 IN THE BOSTON HALL In the Interests of S. M. Newton Addresses by C. Carmichael, F. A. McDiarmid and W. Tufts Time will be given T. Ross Mackay'to ask his questions nd the same will be answered In detail. fcjeuts Heserved For Ladies. Illupcrl each Monday night at H o'clock for Masselt, Htckley Hay and Port Clements returning to prince Rupert on Wednesday mornings. Kach Wednesday evening the vessel will leave for Skldegate and all Island points south, returning direct from the south end of the Islands lo Prince Iluperl. arriving here Saturday morning. Direct connections will be given here with the larger, steamers plying to and .fronr Vancouver and way ports. BRITISH WINNERS TENNIS CHAMPION WIMHLKDON, June ll. Miss Helen Wills, American woman champion, was defeated at tennis in straight sets Joday by Miss Kathleen McKane, ranking British player 0-2, 0-2. In the British vs. America rialisl , RUMOR SIMPLY AN ELECTION DODQC AGAINST LIBERALS There i a rumor around town that Douglas Stork has been appointed inspector of boilers here. Another vrrsion has il that he is staled for Ihe Jolt. Asked rrgarding il. Mr. Stork told the Daily News la-l eveninz Dial there was nol a shallow of truth in the yarn. He had not been otTered such a position, did not expect In be offered il and would not accept il jf it was offered. He was already in business here and was not lookout for jobs. He could nol afford to neglect his own business for any. Ximrmmeii! J'osition The story must fTavrhfen iab-ricaled for eleclion purposes lo try lo defeat Mr. I'allullo. den. (1-in you beat it? narrow margin four resolution,'. 44 4 4, 4 4 There is only tine way in relating lo preference on dried! ' . deal wilh methods Mich as' thaUf""- lobace. wine and sugar sel forth last nighL It is to Vole''a',". who champloue.1 the re- JIIIILI I Ull A I sohdly against Ihem. A vote for Newlon Is a vide for Howser-iui with his NuMilrou Biioua-wrte uielhods. A vole for Pallullo is a vole for freedom of speech and freedom ,of action, education of the masses and the alKdilion of Howsrristu. PATTULLO WILL ANSWER NEWTON Member Will Give Public of Information Not Allowed to Give Latt Night Tonight Hon. T. D. I'allullo announces llml tonight at the Km pre n Theatre lie will answer some t( the vlalcmrul made by Maor Newlon ami hf supporters al the injecting las night and in Hie paper which Mr. Newlon cou- soiunon. asreeii dial ine pur-IHise would le sened by voliug on Ihe remainder of the conference program. CHAUITORB TESTIFY AT TRIAL Doctaraa He Will do Nothing Hurt Mabal Normand to classes of Hie commuuiry. urely must be an inspiration to! the graduating class to observe I the great interest In their work1 and progress that was thus man- TAXI The Latest In Restaurants. 25 Ambulance and BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Beit Service Day and Night Best of Food Good Service. MATT VIDECK PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Parly Use.: Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Take Her to Tha Soaton." VOL. XIV., NU, Mi. PIUNCE HUPKHT, 11.11, TljlTuSDAY, JUNK 10, a. YetcrJiy ClrruUiMi. uo Street 8le. So PRICE FIVE CENTS. EDITORIAL tPattullo Confident for i GIVE JOHN OLIVER A CHANCE. : . The sale of Ihe V.G.K. to iowerful British interests is foie-rasled in a Cautidiuii Press despatch fnm Loudon. This wilh development of Ihe Peace Hher will be a greal aid to the province. Graduation of Local Nurses Proves to be an Interesting Ceremony which Many Attend Pretty uud impressive were the reremonies which attended Ihe exercises of the l2t graduating class from the Puuie Hupert (irneral Hospital nurses.' training school at the Boston Hall lasl night TJie class consisting of five members the lar gest number of graduates yet turned out in a single vear by the local institution il was filling that the attendance was so large that the spacious lull was filled lo capacity. The nurses who re reived their diplomas and the other credentials marking their successful completion Ibis year of nurses' training were Miss Mia ,r rank, .Mi vuuinc iioorrge, Mis Fln'renfe KWkiison, - Jiis Kljxahclh Weller and Miss Urace Brooks. I. C McHae. president of the hospital board, presided and Ihe exercises were given general supervision by Miss Kdith McCaul, U.S.. mat roti of Ihe bos-pital. About H.JU arter the hall was filled wilh the interested assemblage of witnesses, members' of the graduate and training school slalf of Ihe hospital, all. in- uniform, marched In the front seal,- followed by the graduating class. each member of which carried beautiful bouquets of pink roses and maiden hair ferns. Compliments of Father Hev. Father P. J. Mctiralh was called upon by Mr. Mellae lo open die prHcriiiig wllli prayer. The excellent father limk oc casion at the outset to made a few introductoiy remarks paying tribute lo the conduct of Ihe hospital as an Institution and to the individual memliers of its staff. Speaking from the standpoint of a patient as well as a firuuenl visitor lo Ihe hospital, Fattier McOralh testified to the excel- lence of Ihe service and the courtesy that always obtained at the Prince Hupert (ienerat Hos pital. He then delivered a prayer of beautifully simple and earnest appeal. Mrs. S. D. Johnston rendered a vocal solo accompanied by Mrs. Donald Hos. President Speaks D. C. Mellae, in his remarks as chairman of the hospital board. referred to Iho magnificent at tendance representative of all POST OFFICE STRIKE IS ON Workers In Eastern Cities Are Out and Situation is Serious TORONTO, June 19. Official directions have been ssnt out by Gordon Jackson, president of the Railway Mall Clerks' Association, to the district unions all over Canada calling a strike of clerks at 6 o'clock this afternoon. Postal workers have also been notified of a strike effective at the same time. With the ranks of tha striking employees reinforced this morning by hundreds of men from Western Canada and the railway mall service, the general situation this afternoon reached serious proportions. The movement. at present Indicates little hope of preventing serious complications, all over Canada by tonight. Already practically the entire postal service of Ontario and Quebec Is disorganized. The local postal staff Is not associated with the union and no trouble Is anticipated here. The railway mall clerks working out of here belong to the Union. Va-eouver Is strong union. ii SMUTS DEFEAT IS CONFIRMED brief history of the lraininWlh.Ten !,JP,Ctf ? MetP r7m' school for nurses of the Prince Iluperl (ieneral Hospital, referr- i M I II.. I 1 Natlonuallst - Labor Coali tion Has 22 Majority on in ine ((ii-ui improvement oil . ,,.,..,,.., . ... .,!', I ,..i .L-rvW 1....1I June iu. vmui developed since the hospital wast'l" '"'If!. hear ffoiii. -Union first opened. In concludi.ur his'?' ou" A,r,ca ""on "turn remarks he publicly pnUferred1 , wy T' nT TY f. T the ... ll.anks of the hospital 1 bordU'e. m,tt'iU,Labor Hn ... ' iltfri.lflul III., khmla a.....,..... I lo Miss (lilllngham and Mrs. Lee.!.,: ' , 1 1 ""T ' '""",,"n former graduates of the l,o1 '? ?f H Ihe n... 1 ...1..... ... 11... .. . . .. . ' tnider uen. i.uuit-s 01 mr noyai ruriue. notary Club, Adair Cars Chapter and Dill 00 Chapter I.O.D.F.. for valuable assistance lhat bad women's team match the British i been giv en in connect ion w ith team of four secured victories in .hospital work durlnir ilm (eaclijrtnatSh. J (continued an page five) new ministry Herlsog llrrlsog is certain. lleturns lo dale: .Nationalists. Smuits party, 51; Labor. 18: In. dependent, 1. When you hnv itveriing ynn huv CIRCULATION, and see that you jet IL tf Minister of Lands is Refused Opportunity Speak Newton Meeting F. A. McDiarmid and Newton Give Addresses but No Opportunity for Opposition to Correct Statements A public meeting called bv the imnnrfprs i.r m.i vn.. ton's candidature last night in the Westholme Theatre ended abruptly and with great confusion when lion. T. D. Pattullo was, refused permission to speak lo correct some wrong statements he .claimed that the chief speaker of the evening, F. A. McDiarmid, had made. " t 'Mr. Pattullo asked that he be given ,an opportunity to correct these statements and suggested that they remain and de-bale the questions so that the people might be able to get at the facts. This was absolutely re-1 Tused and while Ihe minister of ppvii firp 1 rnf TTI lands was poing to Ihe platform,' H Krl I I A I I IT the chairman. W. E. Fisher, cal-j"-VI 1 UllIUlJ led for the National anlhem.i IPA II I TtnilTn lit which was sung, but without that proper decorum which usually obtains on such occasions. The meeting dispersed amid Ihe laughs and jeers of supporters of I'allullo or Mackay who were present. Pandemonium T. Hoss Mackay. the Provincial parts; candidate fared belter than Mr. I'allullo. He was granted permission to ask a few ques tions, which he did, although aU tempts were made both by the chairman and by memliers of Ihe audience to stop him before he finished. For a minute or two pandemonium reiarned in the theatre and there were cries of sit ;dowTC!;iftitmU.-anttV catcalls from ihe NeloniteW" wiiHe llio Liberals and provincial sunnorl- ers encouraged Mr. Mackay to proceed. Mr. Fisher said that be mizhl ask 4ue.sl011.-i bul must nol make a speech as their sneaker wa tired and Ihey could, not call on him lo answer. The questions so far as could be beard above the noise and confusion were: The Questions I. The speaker has lold you that Ihe real question is not Hie freight rates. I want in what Mr. Bowser would do 'lo equalize freight rales lo Prince lluiierl as compared with the rates to Vancouver? 2. In northern B.C. the labor questions is one in which people are. interested. I should like to know if Mr. Bowser's policy of using the riHe aud the bayonet to quell strikers is lo be permitted if he is returned lo power? (Here Ihe chairman intervened and said Mr. Mackay was gelling beyond Ihe mailer of questions. 1 here followed cries of "Sit down'" and other noises.) 3. I would like lo know th policy of Ihe party in regard to lu reorginixiiig and regulation of beer clubs, ir (he plebiscite should pass. Will they allow beer gardens? I. Another nueslion ln wni.i like to ask wtfs In reganl lo the road. Mr. Newlon complained in regard lo the road olT Ihe Island. (continued on page four) lUHAKHlNblll STANLEY PARK DKNVEIL June 19. At the in- teralional convention of Kiwanis here it was decided lo erect a granite and bronze statue to the late President Hardiusr in Stan ley Park, Vancouver, where the president made one of the- last speeches euVphasizinsr the neaee existing between Canada and the United States. LIBERALS ARE SUMWINNERS William Sloan Wires from Na- nalmo and Or? Wrinch from Skaena Hon. Win. Sloan, minister ofi mines, wiring from his district, in Xanaimo lo Mr. Pattullo says that a careful survey of the whole situation assures him of a larger majority than before. Success of the Liberal candidates in the districts on the north end of Vancouver Island in which' he is in charge is also assured. Dr. H. C. Wrinch, wiring from l'elkwa. says his meetings in Skeena riding this week have been large and enthusiastic and lie believes hi success at the polls tomorrow- is assured. FRENCH HORSES WIN AT ASCOT ASCOT IIKATH. June ltf. Massine. owned by Henrv Ter- nuck at 100 to 8 against, won the (lold Cup wilb t3,:m) added, by a bead. Crannucci's Filbert De Savoie, i to 1. came second. two lengths in front of Held, Walker's Inkermau. Both first and ser-ond horses- were owned by Frenchmen. A Public Meeting Will be held in the EMPRESS THEATRE, Tonight, Thursday, at 8.15 p.m. In the Iiiteresls of Hon. L D. PATTULLO Minister of Lands Opposition Candidates are Invited to Address the .Meeting. Seata Reserved for Ladles. Everybody Welcome.