Monday, August 4, 1924. UMl ill 13 KODAK KEEPS THE STORY J ; t li k the duller or this easily worked Kodak, i r u voi'ir films In us ami today's good times become lo- good pictures. Our store is the right place to f; t your Kodak. Outfit, Kodaks, Tripods, Film, Paper, ' In tn- everything, and we're as willing to show as we o sell. Fur tin- best priiils pos.-ilile from, your film let n (li, your developing and printing. You wili lie pleased. Yjii t'''dy. McRAE BROS., LTD. I akelse L ockre Lakclse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Ni w open for service under management of Mrs. M. li v.-u. Id ul place to spend your summer holidays. Hens u: s li' r;dcs. Good home cooking. Comfortable rooms. I i up. Hunting, Bathing in Lakelsc Lake and Streams. BATHS ATiTHE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE Terrace HOT SPRINGS. TAXI Motors Opt luting Tuxi anil Launch Service between Terrace Lodge lauding, assuring gilcsls of quick, comfortable -ij operating t;ii civi e to all parts of the valley. J iy jL-e,senulioj- ;gjd , le. ojlyu y .LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE, MOTORS,' TERRACE, B.C. Buy while Stock Lasts 2 x '4 SI 7.00 per thousand 2x6 $17.00 per thousand 2 x 8 SI 7.00 per thousand Fence Pickets $1.00 per hundred Sidewalk Strips $100 per hundred Chimney Brick (hard brick) 5c each Lath, Shiplap, etc. Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Ltd August Clearance Phone 361 You, rq;d our add in Saturday's Paper, now see tho actual thing In our window. This Bed Unit Sold Formerly At $50.00 Our Sale Price $40.00 Wo pan also make up Other Units as low as $20. Jt'ti iiiifideiictj that does il we hnvo marked down iir lock ul sacrifice prices, believing Hint you will take 'idvtint.age of this opportunity to save money. Barrie's Home Furnishings -fa Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123. Till DAILY NIW8. PATH THRBA Local and Personal FASHIONS How about those pictures K1L.SLS Undertakers. Phono 41. & FOIBLES you made Sunday? Flies Hayuers, Undertaker. Phone J61. tf by Shirley Sharon and other household Insect . Hirmlcit to humane and enl mala. Pleaeant odor. Wool 33 llaseliall tonight (3.15 Acropolis tain. Made bj Hill. W. K. lieatr & Co. Ltd. S.O.G. K.C. vs. W(Kkip Vnrowr, B. C 4r Mrs, Wilder, who has been holidaying in the south for the past few weeks, returned to the city on the Cardena yesterday after noon. Simpson's Shoe Shop is open gain. Shoe repairing neatly done. Fifth Avenue and Mcllride. tf Knlries for the Jlaby Show at the Fair close September 5, but uoii t wail until then. Get your cnlry in now. 18) Wrestling. Nels Jepson, Can adian champion light-heavy weight, vs. Jack llurns, Spokane hiiipress Theatre, August 5 tf Mrs. A. J. Phillipson and family, who have been in Van couver for the past several weeks returned home on the Cardena yesterday afternoon. . Sidney Ilazzett-.Tones, Ceorg Horie, Jr. and Jack Harnsley re turned to town .last night from Hazellon and .New Hazellou where they went to iiay for dances H. S. Munroe, general manager of the (Sranhy Consolidated Mining, Smelling & Power Co was a passenger on the Cardena yesterday aflernon returning to nyox after a business trip south W. II. Itower, formerly con necled with the (iranby store at nyox, passed through on the Cardena yesterday afternoon on his way to Anyox and Alice Ann eight bail. Alllsler Mcltae has relurned to the city from, Huckley Iiay and joined the staff of Mcllae Uro with which lie was formerly con necled. . Murray, estreated 25 ball in Hie city police court this morning. He failed to appear in answer to a charge of iutoxica lion. Miss Mary Mcltae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Mcltae. leaving towards the end of the moil Hi for Vancouver where she will attend the Provincial .Normal School. Joseph Ryan, Indian, arrested on Saturday aflernoou by Chief Yickcrs, and, charged willi inlox-ic:alion in the city police court this morning, was remanded for days. He is out on $25 Alex. Mcltae of the elly utilities department and his bride, formerly Miss Grace Leek, are expected home on Saturday from their honeymoon which was spent in the south. They will lake up residence in the Ilesner apart, men Is Misses Dorothy and Pele Tre-mayne are leaving towards the end of the month for Toronto. The former will lake up a, .course in domestic science and the latter will enter training for a nurse at (lie Toronto General Hospital. II. I.. Morse, president of the Vancouver timber concern bearing his name, is a round trip passenger on Hie Can leu a this week. Mrs. Morse and family are accompanying him. H. II. Hill, of the G. T. 1'. wharf freight slafT, relurned yes. lenlay aflernon on the Cardena from a trip to Seattle and other Puget, Sound cities. Mrs. Hill and family are still in the south and will remain for some time yd. - -- A kindergarten will be opened at St. Andrew's Japanese Mission, ,on September 'J. Fully qualified director (Toronto Normal certificate) in charge. Pur terms, apply mornings to 8 Sum-mil Apartments. Phone Mark I OH. 1183 EMORRHOiDS Do not puffer another day wltli Itching, UleeJlnir, or Trotrudlns Tiles or Hemorrhoids. No surgical operation required. Dr. Cliuxe'a Ointment will relieve you at onoo and afford lasting benefit. 60c a box; all dealers, or Kdmnneon, Date." & Co Umlted, Toronto. Sample box fro. Prince Ilupert Annual Exhibi tion, September 9 to 13. tf All Knights of Pythias please attend lodi'o tonight at 7.3T). Visit of Grand Chancellor Hooper. Mrs. J. 11. Hilditch sailed on lb? Mince George on Saturday night for Vancouver, - Peter Campbell, charged in the city police cpurtiijUiis "morning with iiiloxi"iUirrlwas remanded until toiiiorrow .o'iT pleading not guilty. , Miss Gladys Kemp of the C.N.ll general superintendent's ollice md Miss May lleid of the divis ion freight pllfde sailed Saturday night by Ihy "Prince George for aucouver. The fire department responded at 1.30 an alarm yescl resclFmaj afternoon to froiiptjie residence of Louise Adams, 737 Fulton Street where a burning cigai;eltc stub caused damage, estimated at $10 to curtains and,wlndosv sashing Dr. McMillan Hrown of Christ church, N.Z., who has been visit ing the district for the past few weeks studying aboriginal con litions, sailed for Vancouver on the Prince George Saturday night Frank Ilalagno, who has been hero for the past few weeks visit ing his brothers. Charles and William Ilalagno, is return Ing to his bome In Mcloria on the Prince. Iluperl tonight. G.X.H steamer 'Prince John re turned at 0 o'clock'this niornin from a special lrjp to Watun Hiver with 17,000 cases of cans fur the cannery at that point. The vessel will sail at 8 o'clock this evening on 'her regular voyage to north Queen Charlotte Island points. Mrs. M. K. Perry of Winnipeg, who has been visiting here willi her sister, Mrs. H. P. McXaugh- lon for the past few weeks, sails tonight on the Prince Iluperl for Vancouver find Victoria whore she will visit before, returning to her homo in tho East. G.X.H. steamer Prince Ilupert. Capl. D. Donald, from Vancouver and way ports, is due lo arrive here on lime at 3 o'clock this af ternoon. The train from the Fast; due at. I o'clock, is also re ported on lime. Carl Wohlin. charged in the city police court I Ids morning be. fore Justice of the Peace W. Iv Collison with nssHulling John Hroberg on Sixth Street Saturday afternoon, was assessed costs and bound over on his own re cognizance to keep llio peace Provocation was proven. - -- - W. I. Findlay, C.K.H, travelling passenger agent at, Saskatoon, will bo here Ibis evening, accom panying the parly of forty teach ers arriving from the Hast on the way to allend a convention in Vancouver. While here the party will be taken along the water front in gasboats as the guests of the Hoard of Trade and local teachers. ' rercy tpaiKs oi iciKwa was last week fined. for catching trout under eight inches in length. In connection viUi this ij is said that if 1 roil t are taken from the hook with a dry hand and thrown back into the water they will die, but tf the hand is we,, the scales are not injured add the" fish will live. i W. G. Hooper of Vancouver, grand chancellor for Hritish Columbia of h(. Knlghls of Py thias, will arrive in the city on Hie Prince Iluperl this afternoon. He will pay an ollicmlyislt to the local lodge this evening and will return south on Hie snme U 5352 Close-srt Jrills of narrow lace, or of plain or point d'Esfnil footing are one of the new trimmings of the Summer for lingerie or thin silk frocks. Naiiow frills of lace set close together to give the effect of a collar, and quite covering the shallow yoke and its kimono sleeves, make a type of lingerie frock that one sees frequently in the smart shops of Fifth Avenue. The trimming of the neck to take away the hard, plain edge of the bateau outline is one-of the-important'' notes of the new styles. Of course one still sees the collarless neck; in fact, this same frock is sometimes made of printed cotton voile or crfpe de Chine with the yoke of a plain material quite untximmed except for a piping. Mrs. A. Hrooksbaiik and family, who have been residing in Lady- smith for the past year, will return here towards the end of the mouth to again take up their residence in the city. - Coastwise Meamslup x Marge Co.'s tug Marniion arrived at the dry dock this ' aflernoou having a scow in tow. Xo more dirt, soot or ashes from coal. Convert your stove lo a gas range by nulling in an Oxo- gas burner . See displayed in II. H. lleinming's window, or phone j Hlack 120. 187 G. S. llussell, for many years foreman of the Daily Xews typo graphical slalf, .leaves on Wednesday evening's train enroule to Scotland where he will spend several months visiting his oldi home. He sails from Montreal on the steamer Saturnia on Aug ust 15. The Marpole 'lowing Co.'s tug H.F.M, arrived in port last night al o'clock having in tow a scow contining 110,000 feet of airplane spruce consigned from Hie Massett Timber Co.'s mill at Huckley Day lo Vickers, Montreal. The lumber is being un loaded at the lumber assembly dock for transshipment Fast over the Canadian .National Railway's. Frank Gomez, charged before Judge Young in the County Court this morning with breaking and entering the residence of J. W. Moorehouse, Fightli Avenue Fast, was let out on suspended sentence subject to three conditions first, that he be in his home every night at 7 o'clock, second, thai he attend school regularly unless sick, and third, that he obey his parents. Failing to livo uii to these conditions, the boy was warned that he would bo brought up again and sentenced. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. F. Dickson, northbound from Vancouver and way ports to Stewart, Anyox and Alice Arm, was in port from 1.30 lo 8 o'clock last evening. The vessel had the following passengers: for Prince Iluperl, Mr. Pirillo, Miss McGuire. Mrs. A. J. Phillip-son and family, II. 11. Hill. Mrs. Wilder; for Anyox, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Moullon, II. S. Munro. Mrs. Jones, 0 Davis, W. . Dower, T. 1). (iolsworlhy, J. M. Fowles, Mrs. Mowal, Mrs. l.ade, Mr. Sawrey and F. Knox: for Stewart, Mrs. Hailley and Miss lladloy; round trip, Mrs. Morpe, Miss Andrews ami Mr. and Mrs. II. 1.. Morse and family. Prosperous advertising ' means regular continuous advertising. V Better bring the films here for developing and printing. You want them developed correctly, printed properly, and returned promptly. That is the kind of Kodak finishing service we render. Finishing that's right and right on time is our specialty. Ormes Limited The Rexall Store Phones 200 and 82 Third Avenue fell JiV Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. 3 Canadian National Railway Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. SHOE FASHIONS OF THE SMARTER KIND ONYX FAULTLESS FITTINC FOOTWEAR ONYX There is an appreciated touch of novelty and smartness in the much admired ONYX styles. Made in Patent GqII, Kid, Calf Skin and Calf Suedes and Satins. Priced at $7.50 to $11.50. Family Shoe Store What's in a Name? When it's "Cascade," there's all' the difference between just ordinary "beer" and the . most wholesome, satisfying drink a thirsty man could wish for. "Cascade" is brewed, bottled and guaranteed by British Columbia's model brewery. Get the Name Right'-' Get Satisfaction eBeerwithoutaPecr This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Govsrnneat of British Columbia.