PA3R TWO . The Daily News PRINCE UUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. ! Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince I Rupert Daifv News, Limited," Third Avenue. " ? PULLCV, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - M Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION The Ship Trayel Cunard' Canadian Route for Scenery and Luxury Thursday, October 16, 1924 Railway Rates . And This Province. Some years ago parliament derided on a certain rate known as the Crow's Nest Pass rate fw the carrying of grain and other commodities. It Was found unworkable and was suspended by tinier in council, but when the suspension expired the railways had io return to it. A howl went up from interests that were adversely .affected ami an appeal was made to the railway board which lias decided that it be abolished. It seems that what is needed is a thorough revision of the yrhnle system of railway rates which will put British Columbia on an equality in the matter of mileage with other parts of ada. We now have the business to offer but it cannot be done if the rates are discriminatory. Get Road Built , j While Opportunity. , "N ' j This is the time lo get the. road built out nf Priiice Rupert. If the government should happen to be defeated at any time, the work would be very likely to stop. The present opportunity is one lo be seized and nothing should be allowed to interfere with the work proceeding. The Provincial Government is asking that the city end of the road be built in order that they may be able lo ijo the other part more economically. It will have to be built soon anyway. This it is hoped will be done. One of the things that is against this city just now is the lack of roads and we should be standing in our own light not to co-operate with the government in getting the work done. Arrival Of Zeppelin i Is Important Event. Another flight across the Atlantic has been made and the giant airship has landed her passengers safely and may continue to operate back and forth across the ocean. ' ' Unfortunately there have been many tragedies in connection with the operation ol? these big dirigibles and the result has been to set back that kind of aviation. Possibly the safe arrival of the ZR-3 may give new impetus to the operation of lighter than air machines. Lloyd George Will Not Co-operate. Lloyd George, is reported to have stated that so far as he was concerned the Liberal party is through with the Socialist element in the Labor party and will not co-operate with it. That .would seem to mean that if the Labor government fails to get a najority of the next House of Commons they will be forced to resign and the Conservatives will again come into power. Doubtless they will forget the question of protection but will devote themselves to other problems that need solving. Different Kinds Of Climates In B.C. There are all sorts of climates in British Columbia. There has just come to hand from Ka'mloops Board of Trade a card giving a picture of the city and a lot of information in regard to iL The data shows that in five years the highest annual rainfall wrts a fraction over six inches and in 1021 the rainfall was only inches. How they live there- at all under those conditions is difficult for us to understand. Here where the average rainfall gets tincorrifortably close to the hundred inches we feel that we could spare them a little mmsture.- The thing aUut Kamloops islhat it is a health centre, and that people who are ill from chest troubles find it an' excellent place to recuperate. Keeping Well In . ft - I ! viimaic. , It is possible to keep well in any climate providing proper urauiit-iii is, useu. i ne uiiiicuuy wun a wet climate is that there is too much of a tendency to remain in the house- and not take exercise. Winter games and sport are heeded "ami also a determined will that makes a person get outdoors even in bad weathex Willi regular exercise and .sensible diet there is no need to be ill or even lo get fat and flabby and unfit.. IS Yours Travelling to Europe via the Cunard-Canadian Route, long before you lose right of the bank$ of the glorioui St. Lawrence, you realue that no other etittenie could be more free from care and worry. Truly you are "monarch of all you urey." The magnificent oil-buralnr iteamen "CARMANIA" and " CARONIA," Urjett of the type on the St- Lawrence Route, and the famous "A" boat "AMDAHL.," -ANTONIA" aod "AUSONIA- axe one caUn tteamera. The entire ihip belong! to you. Decki and cabin-all of the luxuriant pauenfer quarter! service are extVnded Itet, fpU", and genial P eompanioni are everywhere. dV 7ihJ t"' THIRD CABIN, you may do ,0 in utmott enjoyment rpaeioui aSi stateroom with comfortable bertS ',2 inri ett' and "unterpane. cover Marshall spring mattresses wash basins in rooms! Call on the nearest CUNARD Agent for furthr informauon, sailing dates, rates, StCoTwrh, The Cunard Steam Ship Co, Limited 622 Haitlnit'St.. W. . vVximnm The Man in the Moon golden harp. SAYS ITS all risht being in the swim, but not ut this time of year. WHEN the young modern dies and foes to heaven she will want a gramaphniia and a few jaiz records instead of a - i WHAT Jake want a to know is where the snakes come from I hat you see when you have the D.Ts. HF.PTII.ES are all right in I heir place lull lounge lizards are to be avoided. - IE a lady is oiidcr-drcssed it is not necessarily an indication that her husband is going throucii one of bis periodic saving fils. , THE difficulty with the consumer- is that he is usually the goat and a goat can swallow anything. riOHHKI) hair bandit are numerous. F.ver meet one? - WOMAN'S work is never done. She works everyone. PEOPLE who get badly rattled are the ones who ride in an old flivver. ALL eyes are on Great Britain where the ouls are fighting the ins. THE way lo get your picture in the paper U to start selling aulos. THE eternal triangle seems to he enveloping Britain just now. Each side is fighting the other I wo. PEON OF PRAISE FOR MODERN WOMAN FROM AN ENGLISH OCTOGENARIAN! War Offered Opportunity for Her to Find Her Freedom Says Poet-philosopher LONDON, Ocl. 16. The sir!, whose ways not infrequently shock her elders nowa days, lias a staunch defender in hdward Carpenler, the poet and philosopher, who renounced wealth and position half a cen tury ago lo become a. socialistic pioneer. Four score years have iriven , Mr. Carpenler ample, opportuni ties for observing the ways of ! women, and he now celebrates his eightieth birthday with a paen in praise of the girl of the twentieth cenlury. "While I am 'overwhelmed at the incapacity of the average man, I have noth ing but admiration for the mod ern woman," said Mr. Carpenler. "Hhe is a marvellous product of Ihe age. ' Limited Lives "I remember Ihe women of the last generation and ibeir Jiinited lives. Dabbling with water colors, doing a lillle embroidery, - . and haying, ho opinions whatever whatever' used lo be considered nol nol onlv only a . i TITS DAILY ITEVTS T!iurdn, t f it t COMMUNISTS DECREASE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES LONDON. Ocl. 10. Membership of the Communist parly in European countries is diminish-, iug rapidly, according lo tatis-tics recently published by Justice, the English Communist organ. The membership decline in Europe is shown by the following figures: 1920 1021 Belgium ... , 1 ,000 51n Denmark 1.200 700 England I0.00 3.000 France 130.000 50.000 (iennany ..... 360.000 350.000 Italy 70.000 12.000 Norway 97.000 16,000 Sweden . ISjMIO 12.000 Czechoslovakia 300,000 130,000 The total membership of the party, outside llnssia, which was given as 1,061,000 in 1920, dropped lo C71.H2 in 1922 and 590.-990 in 192 1. The paper add that the only countries wliere the Communists still retain an important place in the wokihgla movement i in (iermany, Czechoslovakia and France. In Germany il is only I he subsidies received from Russia that keeps the party slrength at normal, the jiaper aild. ENGLAND STILL. LIKES BEEF. LO.NTKIN, Eng. Modern Englishmen are living up lo Ihe title of beef-eaters which their habits in the pre-Vietorian era assigned to them. Londoner are big meal eaters, particularly of beef, and last year an average of 37.9 ounces of meat a head whs sold each week in London. The city's meat hill in 1923 amounted to $175,000,000. IS YOUNGEST OFFICIAL OF CANADIAN PACIFIC . HMijjjjjjMMMiijjjjjjjjBijjjjjijfjjjjMflMMMMMnaijjJV ""eM LEO SOLLOWAY Leo Solloway, recently appointed Asiatic Freight Agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway with office at Montreal and supervision over Oriental and Australasian traffic via Pacific Ports. Born in Vancouver In 1895, Mr. Solloway hu the distinction now of being the youngest official In Canadian Pacific service, a distinction which he has won through fourteen years' service in the freight department of the Company. He commenced work as stenographer in the steamship department of the General Freight office in Vancouver in 1910, no remainea - , in . mat . w department mi.iuTN, ' untw'ISilS when he enlisted for active with the 72n(1 Hishluide'rs. i nereiurneairom overscan in the a 1 k;.i .,.;i.n.. ii i i r 'suitable, bul,vlhe;.nnly life for of 1917 and attached to the I'fffrl. In fhos tlays, if a girl steamship export department in Van- ... . . . laninmili.tillbtO fftUVPf Until 118 wk.n 1 I I 1 I nail opinions on anything more important that her dresses, she was considered a freak by oilier girls, and heavily sat on bv the married women. "The war offered the ppor-lunily at Ihe psychological mo ment for women lo find her free dom. Now all the problems that she has to face arise from the fact that she stilt is obliged lo conform lo certain standards that were intended for a totally different creature, Ihe woman of. yesterday. j "One of Ihe most striking dif ferences between this generation and Ihe last is the way in which women say what they mean with 'what used to he masculine directness. They once seemed lo make a jmint of saying whal they did nol' mean, I never knew why this was so. "Altogether this is a hopeful age. Things are moving in the right direction, towards mora freedom and a more sensible outlook. The enrse of the age U lack of seriousness. I believe women will do much toward : prilling the world straight again." Inspector A. E, Acland R.C.M.P returned on last night's train' afler having spent a week in the; Interior. a ur,. r, n . to the British Ministry of Shipping, acting as assistant to the agent of the Ministry at the Pacific port. In June 19 Id, Mr. Solloway went to Montreal as chief cjerk to the Asiatic Freight Agent. Two years later he was appointed chief clerk to the General foreign Freight Agent, and last May appointed as Acting AsUtic Freight Agent which office has been confirmed by promulgation. Special Showing of "BILL1E BURKE" DRESSES rn TWILL, FLANNEL and SILVER SHEEN Tastefully designed In lalest styles. Prices range from $8.50 to $22.50 DEMERS' Phone 27 P. "). Bos 327 BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 192S. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer fluid, .$7fl.d2,203; Lode flold, .Sfl'in; :.:,::; Silver, $o:t,5:V,itr)5; Lead, fr.8, 132,(10 1; Copper, $l7!UHoyW; .me, 7. 0i,75(l; Miscellaneous Minerals, 11,108,257; Coal and tJoke, $2n0,tli8,l W;. i$J!K Stone, llrick, Cement, etc., $:!), W5.83 ; making ils Mineral Production to lhflT, 102.1 show an S- Aggregate Value of $810,722,782 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1923, $41,304,320 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal ami the fees lower than llji-n any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the Hrilish Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of vlin.jj. guaranteed by (Ifown Grants. f i Full information together with Miuiitg Kf ports and Maps, may bo obtained gniyi?! addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria. British Columbia, i a!. j Ten Years Ago ! In Piinc Kupart I .-.a October 16, 1914. At a meeting yesterday afternoon of organizers und collectors for Ihe Patriotic Fund. C. T. Heward, treasurer, reported that 72000 hail already been raised. The rmmey will be ent to the renlr at Victoria. Mayor New-Ion reported thai Ihe city employees would contribute a further 500. This together with other collection will bring tin; lolal lo y.noo. ' 4 i'Slrong as I have always been m my faith in .Northern llrilith Columbia, I return even more lliinly convinced than ever that we have assets there of incalculable value and thai Ihe future is roseate wtlli promise despile Ihe lowering clouds which n? present darken Ihe horizon of our hope and aspirations," say Hon. Dr. II. K. Young, provincial ecrHary and minister of education, on his return from a Inp lo the Allin district. Five nil tanks are lo he constructed for Ihe Imperial Oil Co. on a site at Mays Creek jus' aWive Ihe dry dock. Jlerrs Lid. have Ihe contract and Mr. Wlne-land will superintend the work which will employ 75 men. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert I. M. Ark ley. J. K. Ilayne, II. S. Hase, P. (!. llibb, P.. If. Ponlifer and H. L. .Smylh, Vancouver: K. A. Forrest, Ocean Falls; Mrs. M. A. Taylor and II. O. Cunningham. Port F.ssinglon; II. C Crawford, Stuart Lake; NeU Olson, Ketchikan; II. M. Macintosh, Prime lieorge; II. S. Crusnwc llcr. Mc-Hride; F. II. Aiken, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wynne and child, Prince Itiiocrf? V. Wall P. Ii P. Kt Ayrtiarf, Ivtnionlon. Central David Davie and K. Tunnell, Vancouver; It, I'yne, Winnipeg. 'UNIQUE CARAVAN OF BONES FROM QUARRIES Utah Fossils Tslls History of Millions of Years Ago SALT LAKK CITY, Oct. 5. The world's most unique caravan is what University nf Utah offi cials term Ihe recent expedition lo Hall Lake City from the .l.n- en, L'lah, fomil quarries of 25 norse-ilrawn wagons loaded with Ihe remains of i.. ,fifi,iiin jfi prehistoric riiiiuric ant in ine museum or me liislilulloir. Millions of years ago Ihesn inoiislers roninml llm .., ril. ..... IH HI 111111,1 wilh their addition, the university! hopes lo have one of the most complete museums in the coun- lry. In addition lo Ihe complete head of n carnivorous di U rarity of Inestimable value, fhe bones ready for shipment are those or a hronfosauros. epm. tosanrus, slegosaurus and ilirdo- dacus. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "Hupcrl Hrnnd" Salmon. A few tins in the pantry are nlwas-; handy Slock a supply on your boat --Ihul"- a good Met SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. or Dr. Karl Douglass of the-Carnegie Museum of Pittsburg". Pa., have labored lo secure Ihe Micei-mens. With greal industry llmv have chisled the hones from Ihe sandstone, cpaled them wilh n concrete preparation and crated them. , YOUNa PHILOSOPHERS mm A lawyer was always leciorln his olllre boy, whether he needed ii or not. One day he chanced to iu. llie following . ."......... conversation Kit irii.iiniin he lie aiu- 'mals which are lo be assembled i 'he boy and one employed I Ii a f . I r mt in . f irf . "How mnch does he pay ymif asked Ihe tatter. "I gel $l?.nf)0 a year." rpoli.,1 Ihe lawyers hoy; "fm n week and the resl In legal advice," TIMBER SALE x C65S. ntnA ... ii . . i imii lairr iiian iii,n 1 ........... " J"lirrhii.i'lj;: 'V'i'iTI- ": .rt..r wim approximately Vmm.i Ari; c.ii C i n,t mono i 500 pounds of hone and drawn 'ir . Vpr'ISJl? r. uy lour norses, in all fhe total Two it ynr lll l ,ii,flt fop r. weight of the boM lo be trans- "TS ,'tlI.r, of th, f" porieu is csumatcu at 60,000 7,'nc. iiupVri.'B.c' D"lrlrl 2 Dubarry's Fine Perfumes and Toilet Luxuries Appeal irresistibly to people of g... i.,-i.- .,! . f . PERFUMED BATH SALTS IN TABLETS & CRYSTALS Tonic, invigorating, refreshing awd I.-... ;Ut -r-FLOWER SCENTED BATH SOAPS FACE POWDER MANICURE OUTFITS DAY CREAM NIGHT CREAM TRAVELLING OUTFITS Contain, in compart ami convenient form. ev. r T Luxury likely to be required on n boli.biv: p.-rimiw i Powder, Night Cream. Toilet Honp. Hn'h Dn-fi K K j and Tooth p;.stc ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Third Ave. A Sixth SL pound. ; For some lime University l'lah workers under Ihe direction The Rexall Store Phones 82 and 200 , A CLEANER PRINCE RUPERT Sclenlmts I,. ,M f Cut " IIO Sllell I lillle u .kklcli- Uay. rtHy hae lunni mat were formerly 'Hie worthless waste Into i source nf profit im .ni ment. ' 1 Mams readers wllUifSt h m sympalliy wilh lhee sfa' : as they cnleninlnin Jim nil- ' ashes and clinkers, rep re-.! much good money all k1""' smoke. They must feel lh.. " unnecessary nrotiorhon of coal hill represents costly blsh. Fortunately (hp ppnplc if Prince Huperl are bc 'i if more nnd more ocquainti'd vvih I h fuel thill thrre is a c puaranfeed by the hlgpesl dr.i " in Prince llupprt, (,ai loavr-markably little ah. clink' " rock, Wilh llm round Hint tt-.t Iripn are being maile'lolhrt Ur." nnu Imekyards. 'Ibis coal U rnlUI "VANAIMO- NVFI.LINO roN" 'nnd has h'-m proved 'lo bn llm III'lRT by ,l" heavy demand (hat Is being mnU daHy upon llm local .j:k To ho sum II till vm nr a (T'l'IrifT lhls snme "NANA1MO WFb i.l.MHON'' coal yn tild onh-r direct from Albert A Mcfaffrtf Ltd.. who urn sole, ngen's hf"5' Their phone, numbers are Hfl and 501.