PAGE FOUR Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations or that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rales and Information, see us. Ollvef Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insuranoe and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.O. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Fer Special Appointments. St Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Wear Suits Itcarly to $18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, 1J.G, riionc 774. P.O. Box 88 I EDSON COAL Ileccived few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Go LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 88. Cartage, Warehousing, and distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. sPure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered DaUy. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 218. P.O. Box 895. ciated. THE DAILY NEWS Ttiqrs.iay, Au 1 , BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM THINK. THIi NT LOVE LOOtE VALVE. Its Hit) DOME- 'm BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE FINE FOOTBALL to Nil But Play Was Close XOO SOME. AT OCEAN FALLS on Tuesday by Score of One McSwan of Ocean Falls refereed Ihe first match and Fred Roberts of Prince Rupert the second. Local Lineups The locals lined up as follows: First game S. Hawthorn; O K. Lord and J. Marks; P. Cam eron, W. Murray and Hunter; J. Andrews, E. Warren, E. Erskinc McDougall and A. Mitchell. BRIER l?-'NC TO JOLLV riri Im tOME FLOWER! (LI I'LUOtT VOO IVEL Be.N . I II r.: ' 7 T TO rn-Jw trs I mP mTi 1 r- ...... iV-QUTWimuiMix MOORp : SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE .Second game Hawthorn; Hunter anil Lord; Tinker, Murray ami Kelsey; Warren, Wes4-wnod, Eivkine, McDougall ami A. Mitchell. II. Astoria and V. Lamhic made the trip as snares, Fred Huberts 1. I Prince Rupert Lost Second Game mk-hir inaiiaser. s inn; i rrx:(M mil wu uicuiui'ii the Prince Ruerl visitors by the Ocean Falls hosts A trip by speed boat li miles ip the lake, a dance nn Tuesday night which The two football jaiues playl!aSJ,,',.,,nMI lJUp at IJO between Ocean Falls and Prince Ilupert at Ocean Falls were an even, fast aim clean as were ever seen in the. paper town, all those who saw them agreed. The; first match on Monday resulted in a tie score of one all, while Ocean Falls won the second by one to nil. The local players re turned home last night on the steamer Princo Rupert. In the first pa me Prince Rupert scored through McDougall who made a fine shot after some, nice combination work was performed by Erskine, Warren and Mc Doupall in bringing the ball up the field. This was fifteen min utes after the opening of the second half, the first half being scoreless. Ten minutes later Ocean Falls' equalizer came, the inside right scoring on a cross from the left wing. The Second Game The one and only score in the second game was made with about twenty minutes to go when a shot; from a corner was miskicked and accidentally glanced into the goal. Prince Rupert played hard, from then On but was unable to score. The locals undoubtedly had Ihe best of it in the first half as did the Ocean Falls men in the second. Both sides missed scoring chances and for l'rince Rupert Warren, Westwood and 1ex. Mitchell just missed by bit ing the bars . The Prince Rupert men were andicapped to some extent by Ihe strangeness of the field which s a small one. The stars for the locals were McDougall, inside ight, O. K. Lord, full back, and Steve Gawthorn in goal. Wesl-wood, McDougall and Marks re ceived minor injuries in the course of the games and other players were stiffened up. The facl that some 1,200 peo pie witnessed each game, shows that soccer enjoys a large nteas ure or popularity in the paper own and that the opportunity to see outsiders perform was appre and a routing send-off on the departure of the local players for home were features. The men returning last night bad no thing loo good lo say about the hospitality extended them. They hope thai it may bo their pleasure lo return Ihe compliment al a date not loo far removed in ihe future. Sport Chat j Judging from Ihe crowds of kiddies that may be seen almost any day now at McClymont Park, the Gyro Club playground euip. menl and Ihe city's swimming pool were, not provided any sooner than they were needed. The place has become the centre of attractions for Ihe juvenile pop ulation of the city. The baseball players of the city are apparently Jaking the ip and getting down to practice which they need so badly in pre paration for the Exhibition week ames, II is not up to the flay ers, altogether, however, and Ihe Fair iioard should make it worth while for Ihe proposed games will undoubtedly be good revenue producers. The Alice Arm basohal team scored its fourth straight victory over the Anyox recently by a score of 12 to 11. Having de fealed everything .thai offers in Ihe gas town, I tie Alice Arm hoys are now rarin' to try conclusions with Maple Hay, Stewart, Ketchi kan, Princo Rupert or anything else jn the north. The recently established Anyox Miniature Rifle Club is going strong with both men and women taking part in the weekly shoots for medals and buttons offered by Hie president. The member ship of the club now stands at twenty and the officers are: Hon orary President, H. S. .Munroe, president, J. Beckeit; secrctary-treasurer, L. F. Champion; range captain, R. O, Cutler.' exe cutive committee, C. Parmiler and H. Huck. Most of the mem Iters are using Ihe H-S.A. marks man rifle and some good scores have been turned in, the leader being that of President Deckel I 91. 80 FOOTBALL TENNIS SWIMMING Wrestling Nels .Jepson of Edmonton vs. Jack Hums of Spokane for the middleweight championship of Canada, Monday, August 18, Empress Theatre, tl There is again talk in the oily', community service circles of staging a baseball game between Ihe Gyro ami Rotary Clubs for some worthy object. Some such. game was proposed earlier in the year but no suitable day could be found so it was called olf. . -r W. Holmes, a printer who has arrived in the city from Edmonton to take a position here, was at one time champion trapshnol-er of (be province of Alherta. He has already become a member of Ihe Prince Rupert Gun Club and look pari in the shoot last week. The conditions being did not make a high score but it is expected he will be topping the list before very long. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League St. Louis n-'li New York 1-2. Detroit H-f , Philadelphia, 1-8. Chicago 0-1, Host on C-i. Cleveland 5, Washington i. National League New York 2, Pittsburg I. NO FOOTBALL GAMES TO BE PLAYED THIS WEEK IT IS DECIDED The football schedule has again been change and, in view of the fact that several of Ihe players had a strenuous time of it this week at Ocean Falls, it was de cided last night, to postpone the opening games of the second half of the .Stuart Shield series which were to have been played tonight and Inmofrow night. The replays of the Gilhuly Cup lies will lake, place next week and Ihe. Stuart Shield series will be resumed Ihe week afler. The present schedule is being re drafted and will be issued, in a day or so. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Satunlay and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. un til G.30 p.m. and on other week days at 2, 1 and 0.15 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave the Salt Lakes float sharp al 7 p.m. tmi ECONOMY iUY VJ0 (AlttMCKA4CSl5T20t) Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowhoats and canoes for sale and hire. Princo Rupert Hoalhouse. S9 Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea. than WANTED WANTED. Furniluro of every description. Highest prices paid. Princo Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phono 652. FOR RENT FOR RENT.- Two large apartments down town near Post Office. .Apply Stork's Hardware, tf FURNISHED HOUSE for Rent for few months. Modern. Apply P.O. box (599, Cily. 187 FOR RENT. Palmer House Tor cheap rales and home comforts tf FOR RENT Four room, modern, healed apartments. Apply Smith & Mallctt, Ltd. If FOR RENT Modern apartment, furnished. McCalTery A Gibbons, Ltd. MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rent. Wcstcnhaver Hros. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. Modern four room house, furnished. Phone Red 700 from 12 noon lo 1 p.m. ,. . .. .. . .19 i WANTED. -- House work. Phone Hlue Keep It Quiet I or garden 717." ' 197 FOR DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, phone 127. AUCTION SALE8. Goods Hought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 136 and Red 442. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone GIG. Your" car is as old as it sounds GOODYEAR TIRES for Fords from $8.75 to $17.00 Renalrlng, Vulcanising, Gas and Oil Modern Wrecking Equipment. KAIEN GARAGE Our Work Speaks for Ilseif. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Friday, August 15 High 1:27 a.m. 22.2 fl. 1 1:1 1 p.m. 20.8 " Low 7:51 a.m. 0.1 " 20:10 p.m. 3.8 " Saturday, August 16 High 2 : 1 2 a.m. 22.0 ft, 1 1:53 p.m. 21.0 " Low 8:35 a.m. 0.7 " 20:52 p.m. 3.7 " Sunday, August 17 High 2:55 a.m. 21.3 fl 15:29 p.m.' 20.7 " Low 9:11 a.m. i.rt " 21:33 p.m. i l.O." Monday, August 18 High 3:37 a.m. 20.3 ft lfi:0l p.m. 20.2 " Low 9:52 a.m. 3.0 " 22:15 p.m. 1.7 " BOARD AND ROOM HILL FARM, TERRACE Hoard and residence for the holidays. On Iho bench overlooking town and airy on the warm days. Farm fare. Good cuisine. Tennis. Splendid accomodation for children with playing-field, elc. Entire charge of children when desired. Lanfe-a." A French, Hill Farm, Terrace, 11. C. HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block rrom Post Offico, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. HOUSE FOR SAI.Er C rooms. Good condition. Apply Ilox 200, Daily News office. FOR SALE. Gas boat "Nadine." Price $150. One quarter cash. Halance easy. Apply caretaker, Yacht Club. 191 FOR SALE. Beautiful singing canary with cage. Apply 132 Fifth Avenue East. 192 FOR SALE Gas launch "Nancy" Price $975. Half cash. Halance easy. Apply caret nker, Yacht Club. 191 FOR SALE. Sixteen rooni rooming house and store; all furnished.- Full sized basement with new hoi air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE. Launch "Regal R," 38 feel long, 10 feel beam, 11 h.p. Regal engine in good running order. Owner selling al a sacrifice, lloat now at Ocean Falls. Enquire F. J. Cameron, Ocean Falls, 11.(2. 192 OR SALE. Waterfront lots, ono and two acres, surveyed; good anchorage, Jap Inlet, Porcher Island. Apply Hox Ml Dally News Office. FOR SALE Ford Runabout De livery; In good running order; $200.00 cash. Also several oilier good buys In used cars. S, E Parker, Ltd. tf FOR SALE Two used Ford en gines; suitable for conversion for marine use. $50.00 each. S. E. Parker, Ltd, FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition; $250.00 cash. S. E. Parker, Ltd. PLEASURE BOAT FOR SALE 28 feet long, 5 foot beam. C I.. Heindcl, Cold Storage. If FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exchange. If CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLF80N Graduate of the National Collego of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15.' Hours: I0 lo 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appolntinent. Phono Hlue 85, Taxi 67 Phons (Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: 21088 BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel, u flowed- VY nT DOYOOOOIT? 1. UU 3t?3'.7Sii:t ftWAHOXOOTHINKilu I 1923 BV INT'L FlATURt "ill! I, till 60e MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays anf days, closes at 3.15 D.m From the East Mondays, Thursdays and J u mays, p.m. To Vancouver- Mondays, mall closest Tuesdays, Mall ctoegtlll ihursdays Saturdays Saturdays . C.P.R. Aug. 2, From Vancouva Sundays ........ Mondays Wednesdays . Fridays C, Li, Fridays C.P.R. Aug. 8, II 18 To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays ... J Sundays From Anyox, Alice Arm- It) I r" Tuesdays Thursdays )l To Stewart and Premier- Sundays ... . M Fridays 7 J From Stewart and' Prei4 j Saturdays iv Tuesdays . 11 To Port Simpson Sundays 3l Thursdays Vl From Port Simpson- Tuesdays ' Saturdays -U To Alaska Points . Aug. 8, 11, 18. 22 inji.ft From Alaska Points r Aug. 2. 5, 13, IC, To Massett, Port Buckley Bay-Monday mall closes. .Jf'J From Massett, Port Clew Buckley Bay Wednesday mail due 1 To Skldegate, Q. C. enj q South Island Points Wednesdays, mad cIo? p.m. From Skldegate, Q. C. South Island Points-Saturdays, mail ilne n1, ' To Naas River Points snr Simpson . Thursdays i From Naas River Points- I Saturdays . Ml I. BOX COLLECTION Graham & Allln Aves. 1st Av.& Eighth St. (II h Ave. & Fulton SI 8th Ave. & Thompson si I lib Ave. & Shcrbrooke Ave Ilhl Ave. ti Conrad St Oth Ave, & Hays Cove nth Ave Ave. & Hays Cove Circle Ave. ...., A .V VJW. Cotton St ed Hint. I semenls s Daily News PM. I 0 15 II JO t 2.25 '1 2.30 2.35 ( - 10 VI 2,15 ' 2.50 2.55 V..., . r.H, A .t. Mn1ti.i,n St. 3.UU Pro. Gov. HIdgs. Prov. Gov. Wharf G.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. & 2nd SI 3rd Ave. A. Fulton St 3rd Ave. A fllh St. IV NOTICE JS(H,1"U copy !?rxw hlllllll ! ". I nfllcfl f ; I ... i ... I., alllu ure ( . 1 p.m. luiiny i " j. anrllnn 111 lOtnOrrOW" . "v u sue. ' . ii