rsday August 14, 1924. mr "H tr z-a m e a n mar Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. w open for service under management of Mrs. M. Haven. Meal to pend yoin summer holidays. Reas onable ink'. Good home rooking. Comfortable rooms, lulling, Boating, Bulbing in Lakelse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace August TAXI Clearance 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Motors I Operating Taxi and Laiim h Service between Terrace uud Lodge landing, insuring gueM- or (jtiick. comfortable (rip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the. valley For reservations and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. KITCHEN CABINETS, TABLES, CHAIRS Y. every item of KiUhcu Furniture the housewife desires ready for your selection at tempting prices. LINOLEUM FOR YOUR KITCHEN FLOOR W e are celling linoleum now al SI .00 and $1.25 per sq. yard Our Hlork of Linoleum is not limited there are. many . n- and color schemes to please the must exuding III and the sale-price saves you money. Barrie's Home Furnishings Ian en I Phone 123. I d most popular medium priced paper, and since it is iiw made in Canada no duly it is the biggest value on Mi. tuHfket. The makerset the price. Ours js the same k the (lealer in TrifotJio or Montreal. l1 petrtcs 65c and $1.25 Lui espondenee Cards, (iuld I'Jdge $1.00; Plain 75c Oin Pound Paper and bl) Envelopes $1.75 i Selc t the f alitniery that reflects yourself. Particular pcjpfc use Highland Linen. McRAE BROS., LTD. lie Stock Lasts 3 X $ $17.00 per thousand 2$ 6, $17.00 per thousand 2 x ,8: $17.00 per thousand Hpricij; Pickets $1.00 per hundred Sidewalk Strips $1.00 per hundred Chimney. Drlck (hard brick) 5c each 4 Lath, Shlplap, etc. Prn-te Rupert Lumber Co. Ltd Phone 361 Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. . Hayners, Undertakers. Phono 351. Simpson's Shoe Shop Is open again. Shoo repairing neatly done. Fifth Avenue and McBride. tf All classes of exhibitors are urged to make their entries for the Exhibition now. ' tf - Mrs. Dibit and Miss Winnie Dibb were among those who re-1 turned from Ihe'south la.t T. A. Kelly, the logging man of Moresby Island, was among (he arrivals from Jhe south .yesler- Iday on his way to the camp. He Was accompanied by Col. J, M McMillan and V. G. Splan of Vancouver. They sailed for the Islands on the Prince John this morning. J, C. lleRae who has been on an extended holiday to California and oilier points, returned home last niKbt on the Prince Hupcrt. Dr. F. P. Kenny, the local dentist, relurned last evening af I ler having attended .the big con I s en I ion of members of his pro fession in Vancouver. See President Henson bring in the tide al Tugwell on Sunday with bis speed-cater Poinseltia Yacht Club picnic, boats leave club floats at 10.30 sharp. Warning All members of the Yacht Club are requested to hold I themselves in readiness to parli Icipale in the welcome lo Stuart IMacLarcn upon his arrival. -Alex Mcllae, Secretary. Mrs. Harry Lipselt arrived from the south on the Prince I Hupcrt last evening. Her family remains in the south. Gertrge A. Clothier, resident ! milling engineer, is .sailing for Victoria on the Prince Huper this evening. Wonderful conjuring trick with a coffee pot will be per fornii'd by Syd Hunter at the Yaclit Club picnic on Sunday to Tug- well. Jloal.s leave club floats at I O.JO sharp Sunday morning. Mrs. Helen Nuclch relurned to Alice' Arm on the Prince Rupert lasl night after having spent a day in the city making preparations for the trip she intends to make with her family al ai a:ly dale to Europe. G. A. Young, provincial government road superintendent for Allin district, who arrived in Hie city on Tuesday from Stewart, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for his headquarters in Alice Ann. WIRELESSREPORT 8 a.m. DIOHY ISLAND Cloudy, calm, barometer, 30. 18; temperature. 08; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Clear, calm; barometer, 30.13; temperature, 51; sea smooth. HULL HARISOH. Drizzling, calm; barometer, 30.01; temperature, 58; thick seawards; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Amur, Stewart for Tacoina, 300 miles from Tacoma; 11 p.m. spoke steamer Venture 'entering (Jueen Charlotte Sound northbound. Noon DIOHY ISLAND. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.-'8; temperature, 01; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Clear, light northwest wind; barometer, 30.17; temperature, .01; sea smooth. HULL HARBOR. Drizzling, calm; barometer, 30.03; temperature, 08; thick seawards; 8 a.m. spoke steamer Princess Ma" quiuna al Halfway River bound for Port Alice; 0.30 a.m. spout steamer Princess Louise abeam Rivers Inlet southbound; 10:45 a.m. spoke steamer Venture in Milbank Sound northbound. HEMORRHOIDS Do not uffer another day vrtOi Itching, WleeJIng, or rrotrudlnj Pllat or Hemorrhoid!. No nurglcal operation required. Dr. ChRFo'j Ointment will relievo you ut oneo anrt utTord luitlnir bnrlU. 60e a box; all dealer, or I'Mmanron, Dates & Co Limited, Toronio. Kumple lx fr THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE KILLS m Flies and other household Inacda Hartnleaa to humans and animal. PlfaaaM odor. Wool stain. Mad by v. R. Btatr t Co. Ltd. VancaaTtr. B. C Mrs. J. II. Hijdileh i home after a short business visit to ancouver. Mrs. J.H. Morin and son are ailing tonight on the Prince Hupcrt for Victoria. Dance in' Hlks' Home evening of Labor Day under joint auspices Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council and B.P.O.E U. M. Urell, the local fish buy er, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Alert Hay en route lo Bella Coola. -- .1 P. Wheeler, field super visor for the Soldiers' Settlement Hoard, ami Mrs, Wheeler arrived on last night7s train from Telk- wa and left on the Prince John Ibis morning for Skidegale. , R. F. McXaugltlon, district pessenger agont of the C.N.R here, has received word of the leath at Winnipeg of E. J Stone, secretary of the Canadian Railway passenger association Mr. and Mrs, . Martin Miller and daughlerviMjss Marian Mil ler, arrived torn , Georgetown lasl evenins. .aij,4 will leave to night for Lakelse Lake on a boll r " ' '' ' day trip. - Mrs. L. Ripslein and family arrived from artcouver on the Prince Rupert 'yesterday after noon and dro registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Mrs. Rip slcin is a daughter of William Goldblooin 6! Mircily. M. Slieady,' a 'former railway contractor of this city, arrived on the train yesterday afternoon from Edmonton 'where he now lives. He is renewing former acquaintances here and is looking afler his. property interests. Mrs. Harvey Davies and daughter arrived in Hie cily on last night's train from Houston and sailed this morning to make the round trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on. the Prince John. . Col. J. T. Crabbs of New York, president of the Granhy Consolidated Mining;' Smelling & Power Co., and Mrs. Crabbs will be passengers, south on the Prince Rupert tonight. They have been spending several Weeks in Anyox, their stop there being extended through Mrs. Grabbs having broken her let in, a fall. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Wanebo of Ketchikan are registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Mr. Wanebo who is secretary of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union at the north ern town, arrived on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon to meet Mrs .Wanelio who has been undergoing surgical treatment at the local hospital. They will return north on the first steamer. FOR "CHOLERA INFANTUM " THE FATAL DISEASE OF CHILDREN MOTHERS SHOULD USE Thla raluable preparation haa been Ex -Aid. and Mrs. R. A. McLeod have arrived from Anyox and will spend a fortnight in the city al llieir residence on Ambrose Avenue. J. C. Johnstone of Williams, Ma II son 4 Gonzales is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Victoria. His small son will ac company him. Mrs. Sebastian Volk of Barrett Rock Light left on last night's train for the East bound for London, England, where she will visit her former home. Peter Black, jr., is sailing on the Prince lluperl tonight for Vancouver where he will lake up ludies at the University of Ilritisli Columbia. Miss F. A. Johnstone, who ha been visiting in the cily with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. S. 1). Johnstone, West- view, is returning lo Vancouver ort the Prince Rupert tonight. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miller, Misn Marian Miller, and George McAfee, Georgetown; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Browning and Mr, and Mrs. O. Wanebo, Ketchikan; H. Morris, Juneau; J. Marshall, Winnipeg; W. Goetz, Thomas A Kelley. W. C. Splan, J. M. Mac Millan. Mrs, L. Ripslein and family and W. S. Woo, Vancou ver; I. 1). Patterson, Woodstock Out.; M. Slieady, Edmonton; Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Wheeler, Telkwa; Mrs. . Davis, Houston; Charles A. I). Burk. Atlantic City; Mrs R. E Henshaw aim daughter Longbeach; E. C. Seeley, Seattle Morton J. Murphy, Mathcson Ca.; R. E. Allan, Hannall; W. H Pierce, Port Essinglon; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McLean and son, B. L. Mcintosh, H. T. Douglass, W. Ashfield and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schoonover, Buckley Bay. Central Nellie E. Bates, Loveland, Col.; Hugh Boswcll and A. Rowan, city; M. Van de Bogart, Smith crs; P. R. McGuire, (1. C. Bentes and S. B. Van Fands, Ketchikan; B. Adams, R. King and C. R. Me-Lennan, Vancouver; W, West- wood and Dan McKenzio, Anyox Rev. Andrew G. Anderson, Mount Vernon, Wash.; A. Goofs, JS'cvy York; N. A. II Oy and E. 'Nord strom. Buckley Bay; Miss V. B Kemp, Kitwanga. PRINCE RUPERT WAS UNABLE TO SEND ANY MESSAGEBY WIRELESS arJ The steamer Prince Rupert rived from Vancouver and way! ports last evening several hours! late, having been detained by fogj between Ocean Falls and Mill- hank Sound. Several boats found themselves close together when the fog lifted. Owing to the conformation of the country the vessel was unable to get in touch with the local otllce by wireless until after the newspapers went to press, so everyone was expecting - the boat to come in on lime. Following were the passengers: For Prince Rupert J. Kelsey, Percy Tinker, Mr. and Irs. Sawle, I). Sawle, F. Kingston, Mr. McDougall. Mr. Waine, P. Cameron, S. Erskine, H. Astoria, O. K. Lork, W. Westwood, Mr. I McKenzie, Miss Osborne, ' Mr. Katsuyama, Miss Ada Retz, Miss C. Dewar, Mrs. C. Scolt and child, .1. Marks, S. Gnwlhorn, Mrs. Smith, Miss Ross, Miss McKin. ley, Mrs. Birdsell, Miss Bagley, Mr. Hunter, W. Andrews, Mrs. M. E. Gordon, Y. Izawa, Mr. Higashr; Fred M. Roberts, W. Murray, S. Takamash, J, Lazobe, K. Wong, AKx Mitchell, W. Lambic, R. W. Collins, Col. McMillan (Cassiar), Misses Robinson, T. A. Kelley. Dr. F. P. Ken-ney, J Burl, Mrs. lloll, MIsT Gil-more, '.. M. Allen, Miss R. Gait. Mrs. Gait and child. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McLean, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Goodwin, Miss W. Dihh, Mrs. F. Dibit, M. J. K. Allen, Mr. I and Mrs. A. J. McIntyreriiMr. and Mrs. Labeau, Miss Labeau, Miss Farlshave. Misses McKay, Miss E. McDonald, Mrs. R. W. M-ward (Prince George), Mrs,, Mc-Mamauy. Mix .1. II. Hiblitch.i Miss Morris, W. Gibson, G. Hodgson, J. C. Mcllae, W. C. Splan, Mrs. Harry Lipsett, A. T. Anderson; Mrs. Ripslein and children. J For Anyox Mr. and Mrs. .1.' on the market for the patt 80 years, B. Murdock and child, Miss M. and has no equal for off.ettlng tha Bardison. J. Mahoney, Mrs. F. 0MitiD?' lTBin and diarrlloe Steele, ' G. S. Bigbic, R. GrlJMh,' cholera infantum. ,, Put up only by The T. Milburn Co.. Mrs Ingram and children, Limited, Toronto, Oat. Messrs. l'avola and' Conn. I This Sign Signifies Service IMoik Film Fill your Photographic needs at the sign of the yellow box Kodaks, Brownies, accessories, film finishing you'll find the complete East- man line at our Kodak counter. 4 jt.a Make your photographic headquarters at our Kodak counter Ormes Limited The Rexall Store Phones 200 and 82 Third Avenue. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. KTt-m 5TOamHwuwcKi, r n aa. Making wash day pleasant Jtul tat Rinso Vehert ya mci to use bar toap for toak'mg. boiling, of in your Iraihing machine THE hardest part of wash-day, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, has given way to the new method of soaking the clothes clean with Rinso, This wonderful . new soap1 gently loosens the dirt and a .thorough rinsing leaves things white and glistening as you never could get them before. Only spots where the dirt is ground in, such as neck bands, cuff edges, and the like need a light rubbing, and a little dry Rinso rubbed on these spots quickly makes the dirt disappear. Rinso is soli by all grocen ' and department ilorct Rinso x-j MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX