II The police theory lliul Mi:Coy 10I Mrs. Morse oecause sue .1 . ..r .......... II :l I.... ... 1 r 1 1..... I ,1 IIUI liil..:r iiuji'nii'i t ...... 1 111! 1 1111 III . (71 I II M . -.11. '-. ...... iu Y..it..rr..i. . t-i-i i vi-.h m.i.i.ijrt tun ncvrrai wiuicsses. CANDIDATE TO OPPOSE OLIVER Convention to be Held Undor Name of "Cltlien's Party" to Nominate ..ll.lrfjy ill.! 9UUKIIb 1" llliij im. . . . ..... .I. i!l.:iluii- and Provincial Parlies, 7 I 0.1 t.lchl Uiii'il a call for a coil- veiillon to be held tonlghl to Mti:oy was one of the most r;ir crti iin riiiiiiiiii nit uri irr .".... Ul III. n AKIiKII Win MONEY THEFT noldent on Steamer Prince Ru pert Leads to Arrest of Man; Trial This Afternoon Walter Wilson of Ladncr who 1 n 1 'I I la NKLSOX, H.O., eculives of the ..:.. . . i . i .in.it i.r miv iiiimni i.uiihiik ih ffl in Ihe slnleroom. They eon-'eastbmind train lonigni uu u ..- Iaino.1 a fishing license made out cago, wnence " " , lo II... nonwi..! u, li U slated on business. Mrs. GifforU, ami by the police, was locale! shortly son Hruce, have been acconipany-an-rwards Mr. 'iffonl on the Paci ic by Ihe purser, of the-1"'!? stratum wearing a pair of trous- coast cruise their guests - bcit h i.i.i. . .....ii. i i... Kit. Mrs. N'ora .oni Pulerbaugh '"'"'" " flud " esiwnnu ftlllll.l nt. crs, i were dent f ed by of Hollywood, na bis. Only $4 was -laughter Elizabeth, accused at thai time'and Mr. Harry brandy, of Pasa- .nil., uu ni.v:ilt'll ill lilrtl. iiiiii; " - . but he was removed from' the .dena. Capt. C V Howbeci, or ui .. ,-. ...li. i... ...... t ..., Hii.ii'i. u skinner of tno Aug. 14. 1. - i.wn iiioiniir fllivfM in Iho by- I'lie conical will be fought un der the 11 n Hie of the "Citizens Parly," and candidates will be known us "Independent." C. II. Sewell, chairman of the Farmer-Labor party presided and II. Clifford Irving, secretary of the Conservative Association, ctcd as secretary of the meet-, ing. "iritinrp bi iii'i-an runs uy j'io-, .- vlnrlal (instable- Collins, who yacht; Geo. Hose of beatllc pilot, t was a passenger, and locked up. and A. W. Haggos or Vancouver, Subsequently, Ihe officer f)md. boatswain. Itw-ttie loe or Wilson's sboe. The party have been making a II Is alleged Mutt Wilson entered leisurely lour of tho 1 aoino Weshvood'H worn while bo was coast and, called into port on theii sleenitin. i.m.i ...... i ii. n i uav north about two weeks ago. ' r'"r1 nini iLiuut vii iiiv 1 1 u u n .-.- ( 1 ONLY TWO HALIBUT BOATS IN TODAY T in weather lias neeu mnu winn: iu Ihe north and fishing and exploring base been thoroughly en joyed.. The Yacht The yacht, which is one or tho ri.i.iui iim Pacific, coast, is Halibut Sales Llnht on Fish Ex- f(n feel long and has a beam of change Today 115 fi..t 15 inches. She is powered ' Lin. iiv.1 r.n horse power Fair ....... , . Only Iwo fish boats Arrived to. hunks-Morse seml-deisel engines day. Ihe Mlll-tflllif'K Will. K llllll Tl. ...... I. uiuinlmig 11 P PO 111 1)1 III 1 ft t i 0 11 told blorage at tbu The Canadian Oovcrn-ment steamer Thiepyal, Capt. IJeech, bringing Squadron Leader A. S. C. Stuart MacLaren and his companions ol the Hritish round-the-world Night to Prince Huperl, should arrive here tomorrow evening. The Thiepval reported her position lo the Digby Island wireless station at midnight Tuesday night as CIO miles west of Prince Rupert. KinCHIKAN, Aug. 11. Ex main ports from Alaska to the states is on the increase, the value inning July this year being nearly hair a million dollars higher Ihan for or I Ihe he Canned '.anned salmon salmon alone alone was was valued valued at $2,101,7 1 and copper ore $1.-320,111. Fresh halibut valued at 00,701 .was sent ' 11,111 fpi'- ; RAILWAY INSURANCE EXPORTS FROM ALASKA INCREASING IN VALUE This Year Output for July Worth Half Million Dollars More than Last Yoar HlUer, fish meal and fish oil was army worth about $230,000. Pelts plans HE ID VISITING CITY W. D, Kccson of Montroal Is Here Today In Course of Tour Over C.N.R. System W. D.Ieeson oT Montreal, C.N.R. director or insurance, ar- course or a tour at inspection " oT Ihe system. He is by Mrs. Keeson, II II. C. Champ. They will sail tonight on the 1'rinr.T Rupert for Vancouver. anie fine price, direct for Los Angeles. ,ucd at $ii,i. p-mment consent. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Ambulance floor for hire. Suitable for Servi dances, -banquets and wed-ding I HMcl'if lift T iliP'i I'l Anywhere at Anytlrn j,.,;,,.,,,, jtuiltlins. parties. For apply, lo Boston noji rates, Stana Mar.MlfM PRINCE RUPERT and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. WATT VIDECK, Prop. J Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XV., NO. 1 91. PHINCR nrPEIlT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1021. YttUrdiy't Circulation, 1450. Strttt UM 41, PRICE FIVE CENT8. y i itif l mTTV nrniH 1 mnr imi rvr 1 rvi rxrnr ttvf 1 vr KAINtt AINU bLKiVlAJN I UN 1MULUUV 1UVAI Jib LSlf A I Mb It 11 IU1 M IS I nil M W I WU M I 71 111 1 1 VI 71 V K H H H K H I I 111 H k 1 1 1 fl V Illll-HI illLI TnL llLflluiiu l iinvLi iui Liiii niiu mm U j uuixu un iniuni luuiii !? it nn J -m mm ra m -wr m a m w mm r I ILK I IgftlCI iriuiucio Woman and Wounds Two Men, Los Angeles LOS ANTiKLKS, Aug. It. Norman Selby, known in Hie II 1K 1 I lift v wifj w.. I S .... ...W.MMll.llI Mrs. Morse was the wife or a wealthy antique dealer who r.t.. . .11. iir.ii Uliu liiiiui livincr with Mrflov will) ll.i oumn " w - 1. ttt rti fit- o li or li 1 n I ifr:i1 vi'i f i ill 111 11 t-r iiiuitvi v a --.-- . Shortly after the body was discovered, .McCoy appeared in brokerage office brandishing n revolver and proceeded to rob 111111 11...... zi. - tz - : - t-.lt-.. 1.. II. ll.t.rl. 9t t 1: U ... M U 1 1 U I I ( t Scliapp, the lie then !!! IIAAn lldlllTllT HI. IjIHIIIIII. 19 itniNirincr Itefnrc Sllnendiary , ' . 10 11 1.1- t 11... 1. t ii.t. r t rovmcini poiicp couri im ut;i-j titit ttt nrntttnltmrv Irifll nil Si. m liargf or liavliiK sioien n ...I. ...I. f lt...nuniu fillji n it lll HI Ullll.' If 111.., ' 1:01k book, Hie inoperty of il- 1 a m VmIu'iiiiiI of Anvox. The Ihefl is alleged lo have nken place on the steamer LOS ANGELES YACHT HERE Belonging to R. L. Qlfford. of Pasadena and Chicago Is In Port Hie palatial seagoing yacht Conqulsta, of Los Angeles, owned 'rince Itupert early last Sunday by it.- i.. -union 01 i .. . . .ui.i..,, r.f iim Illinois hnirincer- imrning wuen uiai esei was " - , ,,-Kvnn,, Pri,,P llin.erl and ing Co.. Chicago, arrived in poll J 1" - ----- , . , wanson Hay. On rising iu the Ibis morning nom jveicn.Ka. nnrniiur in nnnannii win in unu mv - 'mud lhal his trousers were Hoat nousc auer ui.i.3...(s a ivU.ino. imrMimr will. H.n rash north as Silka and bkugway. the . o'."- - , i.. i,. ...I. The above photograph taken at the meeting of the Canadian Mar Association at Chateau Froulenac shows from, left to right: Sir James Aikins, Lt.-Goernor 01 Manitoba; Hon. Chief Justice Martin of Montreal, and Hon. Chief Justice Harvey of Alberta. Premier Oliver Would Leave Unstained Reputation When Stepping Out Of Present Office VAXCOUVKR, Aug. It. Disavowing any connection with allegt'd wrong doing in connection with the North Vancouver election, Premier Oliver, addressing the Lau'rier Club before leaving last.night for Nelson lo conduct Ihe hy-election cam- paign, decla'red that if any wrongful acts had been perpetrated the guilty should be punished. He suggested that the charges were propaganda and asserted that his greatest ambition before rounding out his political career was lo finish his work for freight rate equalization. Above that, "my one ambition in life is lo have my career draw lo a close so that my reputation, when I am gone, may be as unstained as was the man's after whom thi" -c'lb is named." THIEPVAL DUE FRIDAY NIGHT NEW COLD STORAGE PLANNED FOR CITY Preliminary Plans Laid forEreo tlon of $25,000 Building 'at Falrvlew Preliminary Rvil-icll P7l)iJVC ATI S Arrival Here, Once More oh Native Soil Jt is fitting that the people of Prince Rupert should have prepared a rfgbt royal welcome for Squadron Leader A. S. C Stuart MacLurcn and his companions of the British round the world flight who arc due here within -'18 hours on the Canadian (lovernment steamer Thiepval. This port will be the first land under the Hritish flag which the intrepid though perhaps unfortunate airmen have trodden on since they boarded their airplane and flew away from Hong Kong nearly two months, ago. They, have had wonderful .. adventures exceeding only the adventures - . " of the steamer Thiepval itself Cnil MI? 00 A C (which has been between here and nr.FlU TlmjAllLi IJaI,a" for U,e l)ast fbur '"o1' TAHIAPI ADrW11'6" W,,cn S(luadron LeaJer 1U lflilvLrillljll J,acLare1 al bis companions step off the Thiepval this week- end, they should be made to feel Great War Veterans Welcome 1 1 t they are "home again." No British Flyers and Offer .doubt the admiration and spirit Them Courtesies During Visit Here The following wireless sage was sent Ibis morning by Fred I'yle, president of the loeal Ureal War Veterans' Association to Squadron Leader A. S. C Stuart MacLaren, commander of the Hritish round - the - world fliffht. who is on his way lo plans have been j,rjnc,, luper( 0 u,e Canadian made by several local business-;(;oveI.nn)ent j,eunier Thiepval men for (ho erection of a .small cobl storage plant and ice. fac tory at Fairview. It is said by them that it is a business that is "The (Sreal' War Veterans' Association extends you and your officers of the Hritish round-the- world flight a hearly welcome on likely to pay well in viPWM.iMhcje occasi0n or your visit lo our large ainount or trade that comes cjty am oirer!? you (1C freedom here now. )of our cu, 10oms during your IT t lie plant goes ahead it is aiv" . . . . hi likely lo lie a comparaiiveiy smau unit at first costing in neighborhood of $25,000. HALIBUT TREATY IS FORMALLY RATIFIED the SIGNATURE OF KING Three Months' Close Season Finally Provided For OTTAWA, Aug. II. Formal ralirication or the halibut treaty; l.l ... r 1.. .....I II. o tTnlln.II , ,. il II I I'llWCl'll UUIUlUCl tlllU till. Vlllll.l rived in tho city on his special- . . , , ,. ..,. car yesterday aHernoon and is T " " a..p,.,H-. ii.o .iv h. n...:of King Oeorge has been received. v i from London. Hon, Lmest La acconu.anIp. IH ippinte signed the treaty on behalf ftl NVa,,ling(on. lL .11U1I11M1 ttl.U . , . I . nr provides iin u ciu si-unuii ui tliree nionths on Iho PaciMo Coast ihalibul fisheries. C. C. Merchant Marine Freighter Here With Cans For Islands And Will Load With Salmon DEADLOCK EVACUATION OF THE RUHR LONDON, Aug. 14. There Is a deadlock between the French and German dele-, gates In regard to the time limit for withdrawal from the Ruhr. British Intervene tlon may however save the situation. IWacdOnald urges Hcrrlot to accent a com" promise. BERLIN, Aug. 14. The delegates are backed by the German cabinet and "OUT OF POLITICS; BACK TO BUSINESS" Gen. A. D. McRao returned last night on the Prince John from atun River, Graham Island, where lm is interested In tno iWnllaee Fisheries cannery -and of hero-worship in which they will be held will ensure the reception planned having that ef- mes-ifpct .' Squadron Leader MacLaren, set out from KnglaniV with his Iwo companions on March 25 on a-rouiiif the world rpule: laid -out over 23,25 1 miles. It was estimated that this could be done m 2S2y4 flying hours. MacLaren hoped lo reach London on June 28. He was delayed several times before he reached Ihe easb coast of Asia. In Iturma he took over a substitute plane, sent in from Japan, which was originally intended to be used from Japan t eastward. iJefoVc starling he arranged lo have a second reserve plane and motor await him in Canada, but owing to the acci-.1 dent in the North PaciHc, his plans Tor the continuation of the flight were necessarily abandoned. 1 Organized Himself ; MacLaren organized the exped-; ilion himself, being given olllcial permission although it was a private undertaking. He enlisted Ihe help of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, Ihe Vickers interests and 1). Napier & Company, which firms .furnished him out with machines, engines,, fuel and oil. Preferred Amphibian MacLaren differing from most long-distance airmen, preferred an amphibian machine that is, a flying boat wilh a" land under carriage, which can be with-, drawn above the keel line. This made possible easy water landings. MacLaren arranged lo discard the under carriage altogether on the Japaa-Prince Rupert section. HOP OFF ONCE AGAIN DELAYED C.G.M..r. freighter Canadian Trooper of the n.C-Califcrnia ieft again this morning for Clax- 0,3. Flight From Iceland service arrived in port at 12 o'clock noon today from Van- t,m ne expects to bo back to-j Greenland Postponed on coiiver bringing 15,001) cases of cans for Lockeport and Lagoon mor,.0w and will then proceed to Account of Weather Hay canneries. The cargo will bo transferred Jiere, to the. stewarl where ho has mining in- steamer Prince John. Tho Trooner will take from here 15.000 ivnwi REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug. to 11. cases of salmon from Queen Charlotte Island canneries, the, "Out of politics and back to'-'Tbe departure of the cruiser goods having arrived during the past week 011 the Prince John. 'lmslness," is the remark that Richmond to take a station 150 Unless it is decided lo hold her for further shipments of salmon Oen .McRae made in the courso mues on lccianu ami awau mo Ihe same month last year.: from the Islands, the vessel will sail for the south .sime? time !uf a conversa l-'islieries products led all others, tomorrow morning. She. IihhI nla,lif(.s(tl a total value being $3,351. 112. .PROPOSE TO FLY FROM l.noo Ions of coal to -discharge nt 'FRISCO TO HAWAIIAN IDS. Ocean Falls and wills, alsn'lbad however, however, and and SAN DIEGO, Aug. 11. Lieut. James 11. Ioolillle, the famous aviator, has announced wilh his partner, Lieut. brouuh $1411,000, reindeer meat John II. M'acReaily, for a non-stop a'l7,l05 but timber fetched only flight Troin San Franc! trancisco I'uun.N of halibut which she sold for fourleeu guests -and eight or al 11.50 urn! lo Ailin vui...kI.. n-i. r!.nuiji will nro- M 1,652. Palladium shipped Honolulu during tho full i" .....mi . in 11 r Lll-W, I IIU VJltH" " . . . t . . . . '""i the Nuba 3.500 pounds to imi.tv innvn imrL tonight sailing through Prince Huperl was vai- period next Mayj ir the war de paper there. ation here. He still passing 01 me unueu siaies keen interest in round Ihe woriu flyers pianncu jtlio the provincial provincial political situation, ,nr nils evening ua8 Deen post It nfight have been I'oncit until tomorrow. Word has inferred from' remarks he Jet Been receivea iromi uie cruiser 'This is (he first call here or, ,rop lhal it was the intention or Ihe Canadian Troi).er .which vasl(. provincial Party to Join jirought from the Atlantic to thelforces will; the Conservatives al Pacific Coast service last year, least for Ihe contest at Nelson; She was buill at North Vancou-ngninst Premier Oliver. Gen. lo ver anu is pracucany a sisicr. McRao has led the I'rovtnciai moon iiaieigu on tue orecpiauu coasi that the. barometer is falling and a gale is blowing. ZANNI AT RANGOON RANGOON, India, Aug. II.- ship lo the Canadian Volunteor'party since Its inception and Was Major Zanni, Argentinean tyer. which is well known herp Capt. delented in the recent provincial .arrived hero today from Calcutta Gilbert commands the Ti'oopei-. Jgeueral election at Vancouver. jon his flight around the world.