in Hecate Straits and it solulely necessary for is wh in honor : of W. 3L "fcf' kI Kw Hjfep The Daily News PIUNCE nUI'EHT - BRITISH COLL'.MHIA. Published Every Afternoon, cxr;pt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Thin! Avenue. 11. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - looms . i ..... (. v j , i Vessels nfnanl u . . - . . uesL , ? , "uI w;V1 "'jhas recently been transferred ' Pn',:av''r,nP lnn-'people until midnight when de. ' " ,, e" """Pr . . . . Hphlfiil refreshmenl ........M.I iwaver rassasre, jye s were served supervision of Sirs. . . '' iJack- lirinfr 1l.e evening Art "Our lu-s must make this island when crossing I lie straits With their vnTiiflhle ! f. r,l l ! times musl seek refuse behind it to avoid the loss nf (heir raft. 'We are convinced that if Wrfir Kasson rendered several iniiiral selection on his saxaphone which were much apprecialed. body will lake the matter upjEdson Board of Trade earnestly with the minister of marine Ihrotiph his local repre. senfvillve. t:apt. Saunders, thai al Iast an unwaicliH light will be COAL BUNKERS Analous That They Should be Built Here Al the meeting of the Hoard of Placed on Honila Island. Such a Trade last nit'hl some rorresnon. Iitrhl will be or preal nssilance dence with the Kdsftn Hoard of to Hie trade of prince Huperl, BsPrade in regard to coal hunkpr nutnertiu fishinjr boat, which .here was read. The Alberla town make your cjly their home port.lU anxious I.. imti bunkers al and the Prince John will be ben-'ihis point and wishes the. rn. Med thereby, to say nothinpr of (operation of the local board of Hie in?, wlijrh repair and buy trade, which m ben? Riven. "Now Feeling Fine and Able to do my own work" Airs. Walter Grieves, Coe Hill, OnL, writes t "1 wa in luch a weakened, run-down condition that 1 could hot take care of my houehoId dutiei. I wai unable to ileep at night, and the doctor told me I wat anaemic, I commenced a treatment of Dr. Chaie't Nerve Food and to-day 1 am feeling fine and able to do all my own work. "My little girl had eczema, and different remedies took no effect whatever. We got a box of Dr. Chaie't Ointment and that one box relieved hr." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 0 eta. box of 60 piU, Kdmii.ii, Hales A tot., Ixd., Toronto Asks For Literature, Pictures and Charts and Offers Services to City hat y(ur service, and believe tha with you co.operalkin we rai Jndiahly be of some aianrc to ym; henc our request, and if you ran let us have such ma terial we will do our lw-.t to put it ' to pond ur. MUCH HAIJBUT IS SOLD TODAY Nearly Two Hundred Thousand Pounds Purchased from a Dozen Boats ' ' 1 A dozen boat bnnisrhl in verv rlose o jno.oort iound of Itali but today which was disposed of al the local fish exchange for price ratif-'iiiir from eleven t. tewlve rents a pound for first clas and six cent for mtoiiiI. t he sales were; American Yansee. 50.000 al It. 30 and 0 lo Cold Storage. Senator, 30.000 at 1 1. to and (5 lo (iohl Storage, Venus ;.000 at 1 l.f.O and ft lo I'lielfir Fisher)'. Heliahce 15,000 al 11,00 and 11 to llo, Fisheries. Volunteer al 12.10 and 6 lo Hooth Fisheries. Canadian SI. St. Chrislopher, 9.000 11.70, and 7 lo Cold Slorajre. Alii 7,000 al 11.80 and 7 tjold Stnratce. Prosperity A. 17.000 at 11.00 UOd 7 lo AlJin Fisheries. -Mtth 2,000 at 11.70 and 7 l( Cold Moratre. s. at I l.f.O and 7 to Cold Slorape. Annie May 1.500 al 1 1 .CO and 7 lo Hooth Fisheries. Lillian SI. at 1 1. in and lo Allin Fisheries. DR. BANTING MARRIED li TO MISS ROBERTSON Famous Inventor of Insulin Weds Handsome Lab. Girl. TOHOXTO, June 7. Dr. F. (I. llanliiiF of insulin fame was married this -week lo Sliss Mar-lion Itnberlitou of F.lora, Out SlisH Hobcrlson is Hie daughter of Dr. William Hobi-rlson. of lilora, and Sirs, (lr.) .1. (I, Caven HH Kloor. Street, Hast, is an aunt. Khe is an fxrepllonully liandsoinu Birl, lull, slender, blue-eyed and fair haired, and with a diiuide smile that would banish Hie blues al any lime or place. She lias been for two years in the radium iind X-ray laboratory of Dr. W. II. Hichards al the Toronto Hon- eral hbpilal and more recently al llm Physicians and Nurireons' buildinjr, Jlloor Klreel West. Dr. Hauling is to lake a trip lo Motilh America In I he tu-ar future tin medical businns. lull his honeymoon will pieicdt tint t journey. When you buv advertlain- von buy ClftCULATION. and oee that you gel it. tt PA01 TWO. " THR UAH A" MCW8. - 7 ? ' X-RAY INDICATED GANGER, RELIEVED RAILWAY OFFER BY "FRUIT-A-TIVES" TOCO-OPERATE Splendid Fruit Medicine Perform Another Miracle. The inmlccUMo Iue of "Fruit-a-titri can lst be appreciated hen it completely relieves tome diogrrou, ilea.Ily malady that is iMppior the health a ( strength f thesnfferer. After muting this letter, it is ay to understand why Mrs. (ifoterwa to write about "Fruit-a-tlrri" in the hope that her expe-rierxe kouM guide others to try this wonderful fruit medicine. "For years, I was a sufferer with chronic Dyxpepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; the stomach pain were dreadful ahd finally my health broke down completely. After fite X-rays had been taten, I was advised that my condition strongly resembled Cancer of the Stomach and an immediate operation wa necessary. Dreading an.opejation, I consulted other physicians but grew steadily worse. I had almost given up hope when I decided to try "I'ruit-n-tivps" recom-mended by many friends. Immediately my condition began to improve. Pains disappeared; soon Dyspepsia and cmtirlion were things of the pat. After a few months I was perfectly well again and have been In the best of health for over yearnow." Mrs. AXXIE GLOVER, 16 Henry Street, Ottana. Just try "Fruit-a-llves" let them prove their real worth. 2.V.and50e.a box, at all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, I )u I. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Daily edition NEED LIGHTS HECATE STRAIT 98 86 Saturday. Juno , I924. I he supplies at your." The application. ak for liphl jin addition to the one mentioned! al Hreaker Point at the entrance lo (impania Sound and at the' .entrance ti Otter laasre. iiean Sound. Petition Asking For Them En- Endorsed by McCroskle dorsed by Board of Trade ! ('.apt. K. MrOrokie. harbor Last Night 1 master a Prince 'Hubert, in a letter to the president if tlie Caul. Harney Johnson. nn lie-'tward of trade, say he ha had half or the Derate Straits Tow-ithirty, year experience in rom-insr Co and forty-five other in-!"and id ther "waler and he lereled are asking for the e. fully rttlorrs all that Cant. II lalili-limcnl of lipids on several J"httun say. point in Hecate Strait. In a The matter was referred to the letter read at the board of trade port committee of I he board of mrelinjr la! nisrht. President Mc-!'rade with instruction to lake Lend in Hie clralr. he say: 'Hie matter up at nnre with 'the "A lijrht on Honila Island wa I roper -authorities. promised many year ajro and.j spcakinp from personal expert- PARTY WA HFIIi rrtIU I YlhD IILLV enee. the subscriber is tronlv t opinion U,at a 11,1 should b'ej AT NORFOLK ROOMS iiiiuup(i on i ii is isiana iorui- with. Honila Iland Is one of! . .iii,,i.i..i i u , ... , A deiunitftil party was held i.h.-i iinmunnii lan.imarhs ,, ;,,, , v,.,f,u Al tlie nw-elinp of the Ixtard of trad" last nrpht the f.illowm.i letter . read front W. J. Hlark IKurlean manager for the Can- jadiati .National Itailway depart- niem oi colonization ciihi ieeiop. menl: "vVe are interested in senirins al as early a dale a possible copies of all literature you have decribins Prince Huperl and it adanta?e or atlraelion as a seaport and - stiippin?. commer cial, market or tourist centre. alo any jrnn.1 churl or picture dealing with thexe features, ej:.. puhtio huildiiips, eold slorajre, plants, scenic beauties, etc., jo short what you would reijnir if you wen? poinir to advertise your city in flreat Hritain. Picltires hnvinsr old hislorfc scenr would also be appreciated, and we would like to have the most recent Issue of ono of your daily, papers llwt inishl contain a history of the development of Hi. city. v "The Colonization ami Devel opment Department of the Canadian .National Hailways i not only inleresled in hiewlinjr agricultural settler but aln in in-teresliu? capital and expoitint; Hie commercial and industrial Piihilities of the cities and lowtis of the Dominion. We arr CIGARETTES KiW and Extra. Fine 20for259 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrllush, Mrs. V. Neilsoti J. V. SchfKBOver and J.-It. Wil liams Ittirklry Hay. Central Charles Kwich. Ilultm; and Sir. IL Tull.wh am M. Mr. Letnl, Vanmurer; .lume Gaplm?. W. Conlon, James Hwnph and Let's ee, what is llmt TIIK tetesl lapyear ld l J. SI Hockln, .Mr. Harold K.ffhat the ne; whf does (he pen- Jones and A. SI. Slarralt.' Vancouver; V. A. Clinen. Nanainnt; G. A. Cuddy. Seattle; :. A. Pro- cunier, Sunnyside; Sir. and Sir. 4. . Devlin. Wmnipeir; .Mr and Sir. I.. H. Peacock. Odarvale; poinsr shall Iniy the rttiK afhl e the family in the yrar lo flMW. IX lh okl day the jrlrl were! all pvwkI, ye rliaperi wire! llMn ronWemt fiecMssar' wher-as to day they are a tMire. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert S. C. IlrMirke. SiiiMhef; K.; g Clark. J. JohnsitH, K. .Maxwell' june 7, 1914. md II. .IfWifnts, Hwekley Hay: 3. y y ln,,,,,?. Hie new MrCrlmriMMi, Surf Inlet. ipre.nteni ,f ... Inieruati.rtia: AFTER EATING DISTRESS The Man in the Moon SAY3- THMitK is rensonahi'- optimism and unreasonable optimism. Reasonable is expecting the weather to be fine on Sunday or ;l.ontthorfmen' I onto, has re- Uurned from lh annual ronven and all forms f stomarh tr..ubleihnn f fl Vnkm i( va.trwivw. such us Kn pain, acni. s.iur. iHlvnrlllM -....intn at burninir sloniam are ail rlieve,! , M (WMIIfl),tor in iwo mmuies i.y lauins: J.-hM,,,., .hl. MW, -i,. to-l'o sd( tiy -- rupait. ifor IkmIs. The appeal rnri by J. Y. lloelelir atf wilier- a(rainl lti deri-Hii of Hie fivr MtnH of ff lion ase(ng tt full vnlne their land at lUrw Itay betd umter tease was iHmie hy Judlre Voiinp yesterday nflerniNin. HateltoH and Prince Itntwrl the elevator to be IhjiII thi yearplayet two kat.all tmiiies - IhiI unreasonahle npliwif ijierrtay. TIk- My fruii up the that of a ytnmg man ej peeing line wn ImiHi. Hie swre of the hi wife Ui be jut a tiiff at'firol mhm- wm 51 to 8 and f the breakfast a she J at dinner ! second, 17 lo H. 1'lie (i.tck bnu when visitor arc prosenl. lher. a pitcher, were the win. ntiiB for the visiting I'D Hie In know bow n man team. 1 rould loflk haet with reverence! - on his -pafnletr niStlier. Til I - absent nimd.-d salesman when afcNf tf lit had a wife re-, plied Hint he wo sorry but lhy were Jtit out of wlvs altbouab he had sornethihsr Jut a good. I11K person who i mil of dale i Hie one whri thinks every person wrwng except himself. BAD BLOOD PIMPLES AND BOILS Banished By BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Mm irvfie A Vtitwi. surur. 'int , riM i ttwHiihi would m iMi, I'll hi .f llw eirlenre nut Is-n-ni i have ilerlvrd from HuriVuk tthmd Hnu-r Sih frw fiMifjilii tru I irtsiliM llh had t.kwMl lilrti iiul i.n mi 1 ttln In r.,i..,.r!'r' In nlui- f pHTl'U-l. ls.lU ind some of II. fnrlt. Ml.l..- ll.e I '"".-" ",""""u ' - ihh iiww ni io an. members of Hip Provincial party I alnml . n anylH-. and the stand for, but toy ' memory js'r,"n' r,' b'min rHd nrn urn horrid. """'mi ".inn ri i". roller iiy .r T oim. 1y frtnI idrlsed me to one ACCflHDIXtt to some lllllliori iltunlrk IUiskI tilllr. I ntw tmtile lies, polities eotislsls fit misre- tni ' 1"'"' un liresvtilin? the olj.Vr side nndl11.,!V,""rn 3 tmU" ' " ",,"'l"','r rr publishing only those things thai i i r,m,t nt. ti.n.n. month md i favor ourselves. hop inyntx" trrilrtfrt ik at fl TIIK Presbyterian general a. ti mib tx-nrii rrHnd " I liurdwk lilmst HHier l n.aniirriiirHt liv Tl T UllliiiM r semiily has a Vice moderator. Toninw.. ont. Blue Ribbon Tea Rich, strong, full -flavored tea is the most satisfactory to use, and BLUE RIBBON possesses these qualities to the fullest extent. You can undoubtedly make more cups of tea of equal strength with a pound of BLUE RIBBON than with any other tea. TRY, IT - -JR. . i-i Y! I To hep your prints, a Kodak Album You'll enjoy nil over again the wttk-t-ri'H'if), the summer vacntion ami the fun you h l ".-t around the Iiouk, as wll when your trmfsrp stored, safe, clean, ami In ortltr, in i r aH)um4 Precious now, your Kodak nl' " l)e priceless la'ter. At fur Kfldak counter you're sure tom: s jdu 4ll like. We bat optrarxl clis -rrKMt of them 1eH-lcaf mi additional pair-' KTtwl In a variety ef attractive cwrf ! ... aunpk te sttiik. Koildk Allum 1 1 20c. up Ormes Ltd. SUMMER urn STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sad fr, m PRINCE RUPERT rir VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami mlrrfiteiliute jmmiiI- fu. i Mondih Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX lii.o'V I ' FOR STEWART Prulnv S.S. PRINCE JOHN for VANCOUVER via (juer ( Islnmls June tt. PA3SCNQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, Ijvs l-niiie MufK-rt ;. hu pM fr I'MliT ii:oiui: n T- nirto, tU piMiitt tolrrn Ctn.di, I'euvl suim. AatNov all ocean itkamship linii. Oil, ritk Offl... lit Thlr Aft, rrlM. H !. M I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicet Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver Victoria, and Seattle - -June 14, 21, 25 July 2, 5, 12, 1G, 23, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 9, 16, 20, 27, 30 July 7, 11, 18, 21,- 8.8. PRINCE88 BEATRICE. For iutedale, Swan.on Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocec Palls. Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and van-souver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all 8leamthlp Llnea. Full infortnaliou from u r nDnulDn oi.l Ixinl Corner of 4th Street and Sr. Avenue, Prince RupfrUBJ UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., ITD. Nillinrn f rami I'rlin'n liiiwrt. . 9 pM. of VANCOUVtR, VICToaiA, Iw.nton Bar, ind Al.rl TumIi m. tr VANCOUVIB, VI0T0NIA, AUrl May, nd winian a, ilu""' fr ANTOX, ALICC AHM, ITtWART, Wlltl llltnd, w6H, ef PORT SIMPtON nd Nut Rl.r Cnn.rlM, frld.f A.M. .g, 12a fnd J. a.fn.l.i. Ai.nt. frlnc. ""M"'