:ju clause, in the new American itiitn iff ratitiri bill are breaking out (iangs t "political ruffian" tonight forced several moving l-i lure showing Aiut't-i(iii films lo close. The ruffians ulso bruke ts a .Saturday night dance which was attended by member of the foreign community. When the dance was ul il height, they took possession of the floor anil made a niimber of biller anti-American speeches. .Several American women funded. ARE CHOOSING Experts Looking Over Ground Preparatory to Building Blo-leglcal Station Or W A. Clemen, who was recently appointed lo take charge of (lie liiologoal Malum nl Dv ..fill,-.. It,. Ii... Niltiuilllll 111 coinpaiileil by J engine r of Hie fbdierlcx depart-. lorn' are hem today lo choose a wile foe the piopoei new bio-logical slullon which Is lo be ?-tuhlihed here. They are con-Terring with John Dybhavu. meiiilicr of Hie bioloiclral board and will probably arrive at a lie kioii today. Or Clemens wa until recently a iiiciiiIht of Hie talT of the University of Toronto. GETTING ROAD WORK STARTED! Preliminaries Being Done nW and One Camp Will be In , Full Swing Next Week I' W. Anderson, provincial govcrmncul road Miperlntenden'. reports thai some little diltieully I being experienced In gelling Hie Ivalcn llaud road work under way owing lo the wet nature of the ground and the uecesiy oi tutting a trail up from -Hie sail vxster lo suitable ramping ns-uuiid At lb" present lime llieie I a imall gang ilolnu Ibl work and, with oilier equipment uiTivitiK on the Cardcua lomor-luw it Is expeeted "'"t ca,,,n wdl be iu full swing by Ibe end of the week. BRIDGE ON BELLA COOLA RIVER WAS WRECKED RECENTLY iiiwi.nl M.....U on Hie n new bridge, INCOGNITO VISIT l.K TOU0UKT, June 7 The Prince of Wales, using Ihe lu-fognltu of Karl of Cliesler. nr- Vlslt. v 'MAN WHO HELD UP BANK MESSENGER Murder or Manslaughter Henri Ceroiix. Hank of lafca uirciii:er in a hank iwr lliai iliey iihu ni-niirrreii ami trr discharged. Kerafinl will be Iried again in September! The jury wa divided u. I" whether I hey should convicl for murder or manslaughter. ANOTHER JAPANESE CABINET RESIGNED TOKIO. June 7,. - Japan I once more in political luriiHil. 'The Kiyotira iMbinel ha rcliicil and ithe lak of formiiiK a new one will prove dirfirull. Later today the Kayiuira eablnet jwa ciiininandcd by Hie Prince II cr'ii I to retain olllce for tin time liointr. Manson and Kergin Address a Friendly Alice Arm Audience at Which Two Hundred are Present A LICK AIlM, June 7. An audience of Slltt voters which Tilled McDonald Hall to rapacity was addressed here Thursday evening by Hon. A. .N4. Manson and II. I'. Kergin. Tor two and a haU hours .tanon discussed Ihe issues or the present campaign and why Ihe Liberal government should be returned. lie had Ihe audience wilh him throughout and mere was no uiMuriMiicc of any kind, lie gave a history or Ihe .Mrllac parly me party made al Ihe Vancouver uiuo mil tor political reasons given u Vernon selling. He ipioled from Searchlights mid showed Ihe inaccuracies in that publication Mr. Malison said he bad no quarrel with Ihe Conservative party a a party. II had produced able nvn but today wa saddled willHIowser, a act which doomed It In the eyes of the people. 'The mistakes of Ihe Dowser Hella'iexime were nol errors or jndK-.. I. ...... i i.i.l bul deli I ll.i.iMi 1 1 pprnr. l-'iir r-...ln lliver Ciu'd the big bridge, ment ii..... i ii...,.....i.iii.ir'e a it years H owser bad fought , " " " L.V:.i Vv 'all constructive legislation while a in opposition, road Anderson, sui-erinlendcnl,- report artrr It visit lo the dl- Kergln's Challenge Irlcl A huge Dee. coming down Mr. Kergin iu a short address (he streaui. became entangled lnHUe a brier account or his (lie piling ami lore much nf it stewardship. He told what he had livvijy rendering Ihe span unsafe done and was trying to do and ami practically useless. Thn'.rererrcd lo several charges thai government has repairs well In. hud been tjirculalcd by Ihe 'local hand despite Ihe facl (hat il will opposition parly in which he was bjacllcally mean tho building of .alleged lo have benefitted fluaiw cially in Ihe letting of road ami brldun coulracts. Ho discussed these and denied Ihcm in toto Jlc cballeuged any member pre- Ui.nl In lake the tdatform and Unbuilt any evidence to the mudl- Vtved on l rida) for a three, days ence. The challenge wag noi ac cepted. FISH LANDINGS Fares In This District During Month Totalled $232,200.24 More Than Hair American I'M' landings for Prince Itu- I perl and Ihe Skrena Itiver divis ion for Hie period between April Orp a rriAal PlUn 1 -'0 and May 2.. loialleu ?2a:,:.'ou.- STATION SITE, not yet convicted KS i . . I inneclor of fisheries. Of litis jury uisagreea as vo wnevner,, - ., total $108,001. (It Canadian rih and iiiifiiii ii llc cod. -iW $ytmr J-w llalibul unburn UrbfT mv,73.4U lied tiprinci., 138,000 i . lbs I7t755.t0 While pr.nn. 10.- 000 lb 2U3.no Total I08.00I.O American Hlaek eo.1. 3,no lb... UM.00 Illalibill I..H 1.2UO lbs.. U3.013.20 lied Sprint?. 8.100 lbs U72.00 Total VISIT EXHIBITION CANADA BEATEN BY AUSTRALIA ItniSltANK, June 7. --The 'first real lesl or the Canadian soccer team against an all-star Australian eleven resulted in a win for the Aulralians by Hi rev goals to two. The game was played here lids afternoon and was a great encounter. Fifteen thousand spectators witnessed il. AMERICANS FLY represented $ i t.t ay.-'O MO.YTIIF.AL, June 7. -- Tlid. Tlr? jt.ti,i,.j figure were jury in me inai oi .4iuciii j fojj.; ' ScrHfiui. chained with murder ofi Canadian n... L? 1 1 .... i- ..r ll. lloelie. ...I... I a Ullack coil, G.300 IUk. "570.au 21.I3J.20 MONDAY. June 7. 'Two Iitii. difd members of the IVniadiau Mainiriirliirprs' AHsiicialioil sail 4 4 I SHANGHAI TO AMOY SHANGHAI. June 7. Three American flyers IcU Saturday inornlng.nl.G.lS Tor Ainoy, a dis tance oT 650 miles aud were later reported to tf arched nafel. PRINCE RUPERT The Latest In Restaurant. Fish, and Meat lie sStton BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Poultry pest of Food Good Service. PRINCE RUPERT Private Dozes for Party Use. Market Phone 671 "Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XIV., NO. I3 I'lUNCH HUPKHT, D.li,, SATUHDAY, JINK 7, IHSM. VitUrdty't Circulation 1TM. Strait ! 42( PRICE FIVE CENTS. JAPANESE SHOW ANTI-AMERICAN FEELING COMMUNISTS BACKING RAILWAY STRIKE IN LONDON ISSUE STATEMENT Anti-American Demonstrations in Japan follow Passing of the Exclusion Bill; Theatres Raided TOKIO. June 7. Anli-Aineriuii feeling here lias reached iiirn u a i tip nr . i . . r .. ... ii i nii.n V III IIP IIP it tenons neigui ami neiiioiiirauoii oi opposition to uu- r"" llllllll I riljljlj If I HbBM faBLaBLHlBHHaHlLaB " (BlBr BBaVlaBBBBBBBIIa SZvA ' .avPil ' ..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaVH 1 ti .aaTtujari 4aaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaBVaT ffafeVWPWPI v w x awawaawawaiaMaaMawawwawfcw. Little (ieorgo iMtscelles is Ihe latest arrival to fall heir lo Ihe privilege of calling Ihe King "grandpa." 'Although not yet an entry on the "bonniest baby contest," well he might be. Engineer Reports Favorably on Queen Charlotte Islands of fairly clean quality. II wasi- - lesled by -Mr. Clothier in aj There are million tif yard of blacksmith forj-'e and wvh ad-(black sands on Mysselt Inlel and judged lo be an excellent black. (alous the north beacli half way smith coal. 'Tried out in a cook down the east ciwl. The company ed Tor Lnulaud on Friday lo viil stove, il was found to be a little is starting iu at Massed with u Ihe Umpire exhibition. nam io siari oiu. once boiuk1 u jhmmi such piaiu aim, u ine ex- ave out a wonueriui own witu .peronciii proves sansiaciory as fairly heavy ah. Samples have it is expected it will, a couple been sent to Ihe Department of more plants will be pul iu 6u the Mines for analysis. 'east coast. 'The seam located prarlieallyl Mr. Colhier wu nol able lo on the beach and production finish his inspection Work on his could be handled very cheaply, last trip to the Islands and ex- i i DevclopiiiK tonnage, il would be peels to leave at the first or next Tine working proposition. veek to visit the vicinity or Black Sands Jedway and Lockeport where con. While on Ihe Island. Mr. siderable prospecting i going on. 'Clothier inspected tlC operation' or the P.H.C. Mining Co. with IMCIIDrCMTC MIIDnCD Ihe gold sands al Massed and INoUlUjLNlO lllUnUcK round thai some really worth j AIR AMI AN PRQIHFNT while experiments were being nLunnnin iiwiwliii conducleil. Mechanical audi chemical smelling processes arc! MILAN. Daly. June 7. It is being combined and posihililics'reporlrd Hint the president of Ihe are good thai Ihe work can be' Albanian National Assembly ha carried out lo show a profit. !been murdered by the insurgents. CLIFFORD ROBERTS Of the Lecture Staff International Bible Students' Association Will Lecture on The New World Begun "Millions Now Living Will Never Die." tn Westhoime Theatre, Tomorrow Nighi 8 p.m. The world desires peace. . II must have peace before there can bo prosperity. Hatred, the. narrow-minded patriotism of one nation which distrusts m plans, tho downfall of others for its own aggrandisement", must lie replaced iu the minds of the people by the Oolden Hole. London Strike Likely to Last Some Time as Small Unions Joining Communists Issue a Statement in which they I Welcome Spirit of Revolt among Workers i 1 LONDON, June 7, -The railway companies are refusing lo make any coiicosioii: demanded by the striking shopmen. With some of Ihe smalter unions showing a diositiou to support the men, the strike will likely be extended The transport workers union, which embraces the omnibus workers, absolutely refuses lo support the strike: There is also a threatened strike for better pay on the part of the workers at the amusement park of the Umpire exhibition. .Minister oT Labor Thomas Shaw, speaking in the House of Commons, said the government would give the fullest protection jlu men working during the dispute. Later Despatch : . LONDON. June 7. Hritish Iffl I TAMO 1171 1 I communists today showed Iheir In 1 1 J. II II 1.1 II II. I nanii in toe railway shim- which is continuiti? lo spread while Hie jpcuple are awaiting a further statement of Hie ftovernmenrs in. tcnlions. i The communist party of Oreal j Fathers . ltrilain Ins issued a statement declaring, that the workers have trbil vainly -i-prrttietrliffiSK . - i:...i ii. i. ...... I STEAMSHIP SERVICE IS POSSIBILITY Hon. H. H. Rushton Coming Next Week to Look Over Port Facilities Hon. H. H. Rushton of tho FIJI Islands Is expected to arrive here on Wednesday next to look over the port In connection with the possibility of establishing a steamship service to the Islands from here. He has already been to see Sir Henry Thorn-ten at the suggestion of the local board of trade and the board of trade has been notified that he Is coming. WOMAN CONVICTED OF in onier io secure, uamwin s au tomobile. NINETEEN REPORTED KILLED IN EXPLOSION WILKIHAltllK, June 7 Nine, teen men are reported to have been killed in au explosion al Looinis. colliery yesterday. In IS ecl.lon where the disaster oc curred, soma arestill c;itoinbcd. NOT SAVE BOYS of Alleged Murderer Declare Money Not be Used to Defeat Justice l l j -i I 17 f x 4"","l"lo"l"V""""""lu- CHICAOO, June 7. Their mil uoiu ana uoui lriininv rvosutcis l.1 ira"c,u",i '"" nu ,ioIls wn, nol he used lo - I irau irau neci.ieu neciiieu to to sinse siriKe omy omy aner aufr vaihn ,ih,., Lrd.l r .,1ili ..! Itichar.1 II wa evident orricials of the na- Locbf ctlfes,e(, 8a)cr, of ii,. A good proposition for further development work and one tional union or railwayman did er( j.'raiiks, from the gallows, a which will mean a great thing for the coal if il develops into iyl intend lo acl. It said Ihe jojnl laicinenf, by u,0 niillii u-lonuage is a coal .'eani which was opened up on Skidegate Inlet, parly welcomed this frrowint; Bin, fa(,ers -ay.s. Only such de- arross ii urn niaie i.iiiick iai lan uy a man nameu (lunmu say s spirit oi muu. (i. A. Clothier, resident mining engineer, who recently made anj inspection of the pro-pect. After they had uncovered (he seam, which is believed' lo lie i an old one, (iurdou and his partner did some work on it and opened up eight feel of coal containing probably four or five feel fene as every human being is entitled to will be provided for Iheir sons. Assuming the facts lo be as t published, then the only pro-., ceediug they favor i a solemn' investigation under Ihe law touching the menial responsibility oT their sons. Under no cir cumstances will the family or the accused boys use money lo ileTeat justice. 1 1 .. X ELEVATOR CO. FINANCING Public Issue of Stock to be Made In July Copping Suggests I' Al the meeting of Ihe hoard of trade last night a letter wai read from C A. Lopping iu regard lo the Prince Hupert drain aud Klevator Coufpauy Ltd., which i capitalized at two million dollar jaud arrangements for the finan-Icing of which are said to bo ....... .....I:.. i.. I .....i.... . ...... FIRST DEGREE MURDER ping who i Ihe promoter, says: j"Prinled matter is now being Killed Dr. Baldwin and Threw drawn up for the public issue. Body Over Embankment In Trunk which il is proposed to make in July." 'The board of trade is keeping LOS ANOllLLS. June 7. Con. dosp louch with this concern viclion by jury or first degree ,"""1 ' co.operaling so far at nmrder wilh recommendation possible without committing it- tor lire imprisonment was award-,'!' ' PletJgiug its members. ed Mrs. Margaret Willis, ' who murdered Dr. Hablwiu on April tt. slurred the body into a trunk .and threw it over tin embank. ment. 'Tho slate charge that M..o Willi., .ill... I 11... (.'ii5.. ..iiiis i uiiiiiniii w um . iihu. Extend WIDESPREAD FIRE AT FORT MCMURRAY North and South 100 Miles and Seventy in Width FOHT McMUIlllAV. June 7. w Colonel J. K. Cornwall, who Is here from Ihe north today aboard Ihe steamer Alhabask'a, report that nearly the whole country Is on fire from McMurray to IQO miles north and from 50 to 75 miles east, and west. Ho says ll Is the worst fire in 35 yoars. Tip has been little ruin in that dhtrlct.