.Saturday. Jim' J 00 Some folk don't gel all "he wear worth on' or tun 'lull l pnilde ill lli opinion oT Dainty Dornlhy There ar sonic tiicn ami wumeii "f li'T ai'iiiiiinlaiiri In- ay are very neglectful wliea it come In lakioy tin :'ury of their ward- .10 Sli believe Unit our .. iiik nf i In- big- niivlnix ing lii'lim .yr 0 ..)(, .stfii'il. You'll be In. 1 1 dr agree willi hpr i:' V'1 i iiivrt ikhIp our phone a BOX392 PRINCr T-fR,uPERT I . j SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Eastern Canada United States ' Triangle Tour to JASPER NATIONAL PARK One way via Vancouver. W rir or rnl : City Ticket Office, 628 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260. Sterling Furnace COAL DtllttrW In Bulk, At $10.00 per ton. ThU if t ii-ry niriiir frnf rial. II tlvt'i t '-l'n hoi fir tn.1 l MillrH fnw fnni il. linker, lark iml dirt, lunm r iho Uiini hrtunr planu In iim rltv am now mr It wub rnllrrlx HlKln lorj lulu STERLING STOVE COAL, rllvfiTl In Ptrkl At S12.50 per ton. We are al0 Anl fdr th Jirnnai LADYSWITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Off Mat Hoial Cfilral. fhoAa It I ! Danka lland ng!oj Iliiluiul arrival during Huh week have been light ami' Hip price offered for holh AniPriran ami Canadian first ami second Ha. fish liavp rruiaiiiPil firm in conseipienrc. Incoming skipper rpinrl I hnl while Hip weather ha mil been at all hail on Hip ippi sea fishing bank the fish have been earre anil several jboals liavi been landing ItiPir jlighl ealrti'e fet Seward . II doe mt pay Hi A larger fishing ciinoiicr I o bring meagre rsili-lip In Prince lliipfl. Hip di. lanee lii'lim proliihilive. Also Hip majority nf tin- i.irge American eluioner fishinjr on the tlftrlll-ji'i n bank n "bunched" and (hi farl cause Ilia l"Cnl lialihul 'landing in Uncinate. Deep ia -itipjuTH wrp very iil.-.i-i-.l in loHrn Ilia I the lialilml I. mi in-aty for I'aniflc w.ii. m l.ciwppn vjinmla uml llm ii mill Siaii-n m in hp rHllficl. I'm lino Iii-imi a Iioiip of cnnlpn-imii willi Iho lialihul fiilirrmn Tur a loiift IIiiip (lad ami imw I liu I, urhon i lit lp al lal laken iiy tt 'III iiVPrniiiPiil, Ihu run. -iTViiiK Hip liuliliul tiilyi Hip ii'riiiui i n ninirvi' of lifaf-i n m In IIiohp Piifrapil in Hip. Iianpl mill iiuil ilanspnnlK Iip nf llu iinliilry. - -Fish Business Iiuriny Hip wi'Pk If! . Hon i. LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT. PROCLAMATION OF RITURNINO OfflClR PBOVINCk OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In th PRINCC RURSRT CUtural Oiatrkt in WIT: rmi.li TI:F l hrby ti-n lo lh Klmtnr .f tlwt llrrlurtl liUlnrt afure Mlil thai I har- rrmu'd III NJriy" Writ iim iii-iKl. ami .iflni rtatx ll loth day ot Mir. . r.mnmiNliiif iik-li raliu Ihr follow In l)Uflloi iiaiiirljr Do u apro of In aala f baar bi in flaaa In lkana4 pramiaaa ollhoul a kr undar Oofarnmant cenlrol nt raaulallonT In 1 uliiniiml arcirduif l law lu lh Kk.i.r niiallflrit In ol for IIh rlrrlliili nf a mpiilxr of llir rllatlr Awinlily ror nw nr-uirai ni'iriri arorr-aia; inn. fiirlhrr. Ihal in irfmllriir lo tlw al1 Writ I IniII nlull Im umMHl al rlalil ii'rlix-k lu ttw forrnmin Ami alMll I rlnurd al wvrn n'rhirk In Iho altrriK-m on Ih fiilh div of Jul. 10ft. for tiklnt and rrrrirlnc the vnle nf Uir aald (JrrtorA In rarh .lhnr niinn or Um Mrriorai liKlfirl aforruld Al lh rrrltvr .larr follow inr ry ruLLinu uivii:uni. Rinkly liar i iimrr Inlet 'Or.rlftn lllavaiwrt ilnnTnm Jl'llWl) l..-kfpnrl lawn Kill Va-it . ixvanlc , ! MIA iMInnd INrl Cli-mcBla flirt Sltnii I'rhwr linirt QiiM-n cimrMlf City Hrfuie lUf aiHl(.M kllfrl llHirftwi llarlMMif TIHI Taw Hill nf whlrti all irri arr lurrliy 'Oulml lake iKilirr and lu (uvrrn Ihrm-m-Ivm arriinliiiilv iiivki undrr my hand at I'liMCE ni'l'f HT, ft. i . ttil iM'vrnirrnih day of May. I ED. II. MOIlTIMF.n. luiurnlnc niflrrr Nabob always stands! should be 1 for Qualify j j of lialihul lia.4 Jippn iiiarkolPil on I tin. Fish lUfhanup. HanAi'liaii wpre IiIkIi at R.5c ami 7c and low at 11.3c ami (if!. American wen- high a H.ie ami Hp. ami low al t:ie ami r,p. Arrival wpre: Canadian linlnliiii. llaiuu-o. II. A It., Allianrp, point May, Hone. pil, l iliPr, Srruh, Tnjilow, Sein. inolp, 'Ihrlnia ll Kaien. Minnie V.. H.S.T., Kaipii, Siljan, nuiiii, .MiiiriiPfnf, Fanny F V. anil F., Traiiip. ItPvfillp, HayKPou. American - SadiP K. TpiIiIv J.. I'pliran. Lincoln, Tyro, SuiikpI, Mihln-il Xn. 2., Ilmla, Alaska. Ilravo, Jtalf if . Carolpn. Daly. firolh, llpliancp and Ki(Jvohl. Salmon Arrivals SmiiP. ty.OOO iiinimls of rpil kinx f alrnoii ha hern landed (hi tvi-pk. Saliiioii IionI nrrivintr fupludi-il Hip In plow, Spniiliolp. hari'ii. Siljan, I'aillinp. W. anil II. ami llu!l. I'ricp were sleady oroiiml 1 2,5c ami I2.iV. 4 S rJ.P. Seml-Delsel An Innovation in proppllin IMiWPr for Miiall Imal i to he pfiiotiiralri liorfly in (hi purl I iy I In- inlrodiii'liriri of lln new Skiiildia hor.'P iwi'r Pini-ioi-p piitfinp for which Akprlicrff. Tliomiofi A Ho. I. Id are I In' Inral H(tPiil. Many nihanlat'C" are rlairncii for Hip new mall jiowpr pint-ipip pfialiiP. oftp of wliirli I Dial it ran lie inlnlteii in any rla of Imal, hpiutr particularly -iiilaMi- fur Hip CoIiiiii-hia rivpr lyjip. It N very pruio-iniral on FiipI, hurnltia rrildp oil. and IIhtp jir no clpclrical rnn- Irivnnrr lo hollicr willi. One of tliri pntriiip i lo tip inlallPi in a lioal which will lie upI for locnl ili'inonlraliii)r jiiriop hy Hip AffPiil. TIip mwpr unit will iIuiiIiIIp Iip a iniiilar onp for iiorlliprn river flhlnir. whprf wpI Uvpallicr romlilioii are oflpn pii- rounlpn'il. 'I'Iip Skamlia pfnl pip i of Swpilih luauiifacliiri' liciilif . rnnirurlcd Iff l.ypkll, SwpiIpitI TIip C.nnndlan chmripr K. t.lp-cii vh IiiwpiI Into ort early In Hip wcpfc willi a lirokiMi Ihrii-l hearing. Gave Pliers Mug-Up flapl. A. (iKon. fkipppr of Hip AniPriran .-rhooiipr Alaska, ar rivr-il In jmrl on Thurilay tnorn iuu- with lO.OOii pniiml of hall tint nflrr an ntin'iicp of some lvo inoiilh. Durinir thai limp Hip Alaska olil llirrc mall trip ill Scwaril roiiilitijr of .M,non Ih. all lohl. WhilP Hip Alaska was al Scwaril Hip lallrr part of April Hip four AniPriran rouml-llip- world flier arried. Caplain HI pn rxlemleil Hie hiipitalily of 'hp Imal l Hip hirilmen who all went nhoard and oiijoyeil a hot liiuir-up. Darton Builds Boat A nlfly looking hull I lieiu IrnnitriieliMl at I lie Pillinv yard for S. harlon. The Imal, which I open with "n ranopy top, hipaiiro IH fepl wilh n flvp font jheiiin and i nf Hip standard V ndloiii lyir. II will hp pnwpred with n 5 horse power Oil Hrie In a ri lie molor of Hie complete unit iiowef plant ysleiu. When eoiiiplPli'il he will he capalde Of liillliiK up nlioiil H mile per liuiir. ii Would You Believe It ? Finiry a man crawling nlmiR Hip Iml lom of a creek lu hi en Hitisiasin lo ciilch ft trout, ami Instead (if ralrhinx the trout CatrhliiK cold. Would you helievn II f Well, sir, Hint I exactly what happenod (o none other than 'I'omuiy McMeekiu, the man who put the "why" In Krocery Fleet Hccrel service ORenl jjlean. ed I lie fncl of the unloWiinl op. culrenee nml liee I the lory: llearitix o iiiilrh dialler iihout what oilier fellow were doing in the amateur flslihiK mini'', Tnin my iieciiieit i mil ne wa jui as frond a man al II lis lliey. After Calefully lliiiiklitd the mailer fiver ami Jioldiuir a "hand nl luipe" colUeiillon Willi Hill Wrnllmll ami Alex. Flntile, II vn passed unanlinoiuly that, they would take piAsago on the launch TBI DAILY KIWI. rxni rivm Torn & AI In Silver Creek. Away they wciil rlullerfil up willi hrViks, line nnd eat. Arriving at wader, ami cuiimenci'il to pile up Irouliii? rcroril. The flh In (hi particular er-(inii of Hip country did not eeiu very pfeaPif willi lis- cla of bail in un and refused fo ln played for uckpr. TIip "hiiinl of hope" had waited for iTiiIIp a wIiIIp hut Hip" fact of "mdhiiif: loin(f'' (oil Tommy' troal and Iip decided fo wmp up Hip cri'ek and try hi luck In more dilani walpr. Away Iip went kicking ii Hip foam like a harponnpil iimle and Manning the Walcr with hi daintily hailed hook. However, lie had not got far lie fore he disappeared completely, which 6 really alarmed hi male. Ini-meilialrly they went in pnri-h and IliPrp fnund Toininy on Hie lied of Hip ci-ppk willi hi wading liool full of water calmly ron-lcrnj!al invr Hie hcatiiy of Hie lipaven. Upon lieinif rpucupj from hi predicament Tommy ex- ilaiiiei thai while he crawled op Hip tiollnm nf Hie creek filr rjuile a dislaricp lie had not even een a Kollywo?. After a rrnod deal of argument Hill anil Alex vrnt him hark lo the hoal and there induced him lo chaiife hi faf- The power hoat Eijppii, owned and skippereil hy Waller Shaw. left porl early fn Hie week for Mice Ann. The F.ileen lia. jul coiopleleil tier spring nverlianl. (Jooil progre 1 being made at Hie ,. M. McLean shipyard on (he RJ foot lialihul schooner in course of const rui i ion forShruh- all V Jensen. 'I'he hull t lieing caulked ami the deck laid. The fid horp power Skandia engine i . ..i : - ... C I lading already haying reached the. cily. : XnrlnaiiMoorhousc, Hie hud- ding waterfront electricnl genius and assisianl to Hay Love, luH been confined lo hi home thi week sulTering wilh a severe nl lack nf "elect ricili." However. frequent ndiiiinislrntion of hot lemonade have restored the invalid In a perfect state of . A Motorboat Tragedy When the engine start to splut ter. And you're sore nml Atari lo stutter; When your hack i badly aching, And ymlr hearl i nearly hreakM Ing; When the spark 1 getting weak, Vou ean'l find the tool yoti seek; Then she die and jynue lo rest After you have ilone your-best; When you ll wilh face in hand Anil envy those mi land, riiat's the tlmeTlhe molnrhnal Ha securely fixed your goal. I. I.eelalre ha tecenlly pur chased the old houseboat (ln.it which I now tiioored nl Ihet tent and sail factory. New Electrical Plant A line hundred liiilit eleelricftl several" feel of rope hart become gaily entwined around die pro peller- anri had tnil Hip box of1 Hip scene nf slaughter. Hip three trick nn the blink. All sorts of iiipii in Hip hri'iil gn rruf In the 'stunt were IriP'l Including rnrv-shore, all nriim1 wild rubbering knt lied nti Hip end nf slicks and iioldingr the kiiper over Hie ide hy (he lieel in frantic effort lo free the pro- peller from the nlislrortiori hut Without avail. It became uece-ary to lieach Hie imal lo cut the rope away,' Thi wa alisfac-lorily accomplilieil and the pood old timer I none the wore for the niiahap. I'he Canadian clinnner W.T.. Il'ipl, -lacfiiisen, which ..ha recently roihpleleil her aiinliul overhnul At the dry dock, left fdr Hie deep ea fishini ground on Tliiirday. Why Wasn't It7 ' l'leailre I lakPli in anhoiinc' IriK that Willhiiif Hhriiliall. of Mlioked cod fame, won Hip llerhy Kweep-iake of 2fl.uoo" hepr par-dun, we meant $20 recently pulled ofT h the (treat War Veteran. Hill will a I way lake a chance and had taken one in the Vel' weeplake. Having leiriiorarlly forgotteii hi expenditure in thi direction he wa xralifled lo learn Iiy lelephone! on Vedneday thai the had won lli.- $2(i pri.e. The only remark IiipiiI. Accon)inf io the laletjill paed wa "Why wan i it Heel radio liroadcasl, TiMiimy ex-20,(I(I0?" plained that IJi'e' i-reek water! crawled into his wader and pul led him under. Another 20 Miter Cordon llulge'r is Hie latest motor hoat enthusiast In go in for a fal clipper. When com pleted Hie .pi'Pil'of 20 miles per hour I In tie attained. The hunt, which 1 heiiifr huill Iiy W. Pil-liiifr, measure (1 feet Inns: hy a i foot ft inch beam of the opert standard Y.-holloui pattern, and will le powered willi a rt hori-e power Chevnilel enpine. The schooner l.lvinjrloiie, 1 Capl. Tony Martinson, I having) her engine rehored and i otherwise unders-oiiig a thorough over haul al the dry dock. - Two Icelandic .families arrived from (Island on Tuesday lo per manently reside in Prince tlupert. having sold llieir ranches re- cenlly. I'he cily Is doing considerable repair work In I be dock and rail way portage al Shawallans Lake. I'he launch Joy Itird, (lipl. J. Hook, lowed over a scow of old lumber on Monday. The lumber Used in -Hie work is Ihal recently removed from the old garbage' wharf sile in Hie icinity of See- lion 2. s 1 " ' " " A Great Idea The fleel secret service i responsible for the following information on the Canadian schooner Cape Spencer. Capf. Dan l.arsen, in which Tom Dyh- ,.it..-.i ... arrne irom .-w. or.i .,,. inPn.slo,. ( lie schooner ii the near fuiure, Ih- ion or js jn ir, ror ona(nP ronair, ami fore and aft. The propeller in front of the boat would pud il : and the propeller behind would). (Conlinuod on pago six) ! LIQUOR-CONTROL PLEBISCITES ACT moutli of MeNichol tireek pending Voclition or riturnino' officer repair to Hie Akerherg-Tlioinson I n. ..T.. MIUm,a Wharf. 'the lioliseboal will he1 In th SKtENA Electoral oiatritt, used hy present owner a a ' wr Ibis fact ha been a source of sludy and worry to Tom, evidently. II apejiar Hint Hie mechanical conl rivnnce on hoard are not Unite a up to date as Tom would like lo see I hern. For one thing, the smoke from Hie hurtl ing finish in the morning annoys those sleeping in the fo'c'sle ami Hie installation of a fan on the flywheel to lifow il out through I In porl holes, i tint working satisfactorily. Another thing on Trim' mind i Hie speed of the vessel nn.l after much thought lie is of the opinion Ihal more eould he gained hy installing a double screw arrangement. Hi idea seem lo he In have an engine 'k-i....... ... i... l 1 1 1 ... i r . . . . . r.ir lura ui hit r.in 1.1 iii,io I iiuirn.iu tli.11 I haw rvrelitHl lilt fcajPnty'A Wrll lo ui rilrrclrd, and twarlnir date Uix lOlti day id .Mar, IVil, niiiiiiiRiidtnir inc to rause lli foilirn Iuk qnf.?llon. iiaiiifly. Do you appro of th aala of bar by . i . . i . . . ... th olaia In llen nrmlaa wlthou Plain I lieing Ilisiaiieu III Hie; bar undar Oo.arnmant control and I i.. I.. i .. ... i i raulatlon? '" " "'. ri ..worn auo , (..nnmurd arrortllns lo law to th- (ipet'iiteit hv the H.l;, Packer Kiertor nuaitrifd to vote fur Hi fiction , . i : -in . , . . . , .fr iiiHiitifr of Iho LrHlatlvp ArmblT Mil. Hie ilyitllmo Will 1m III 1 hv for tlM Klerloral imirlcl afomsald; and. I fortlnsr. Ihal la obodlenro to Iho aald Wrll Iiiiwei' iti'i-iviol fi'nin l)n tu-iwnnl inriviu iioiii powii ine Pieem imjii shall iio ion at una orimk in the dentil plalll. The coutrael I nifn"ii" swl nhall.bo rlono.l at ovon ,, , . , . ,10'rlork In iho artornon im ilio oih day i the lltlllils llf . II. I.dve and of June, mi, fur taklnr and rorolrlni (liwir jn Wo, I, loll Id elKi'loinl'in f.i ; l,m In" -ioi-iurs lu Mrn fsil iieoige vv a.l.ieil I eief.iriri.1ll nn,iH uivMUm nf the Klocmral UlMrlrt aforr- I he joti. Funny Experience The Canadian sdiootier Itlilg- roppor rity oiiiino .Mines leader, Capl. Sallow, is the F.toiyn latest craft hf the home Meet (o .vet In the spolllghl or publicity. While fislilng in Hecate Strait rcri'tilly, Ihe englhe was henrd In .suddenly lahfir And llinnglils nf a ten font thick nolnpil galtnperi through Ihe mind of the dough. Iy rrew. Upon invellgnlif)n, however, it was discovered that aid al Iho roHTUvo l.no foMowliif llltoUI CodarvAle elation iih'titanna llauall IlilOllllll kllwanirs kitluiat klMutiikaltim KHdnx . Lome Crook ruiimu divisions. I lltlo l auvon Miirlrotown .Now lUirllnn rarmr fori Esuinirinn Rrino IUisswikmI Skoona crosslnc snilihort Kotith llairllmi surf Inlet Swansoii Bay Tolkwt Torrare usit (If vvhlrh All porsotw ato. hereby r qnlroil to tako notice and to rovern them Ml... ..iwillnal. iiiven under iny hand at liaielion, B.C.. Ihlt Twrnilelh day of May, f. JAS. TllRNBL'tt., Utturnioi Officer. - r r -. mm Best Value in Canada fsAlLINGsV j to edrope j I MAKE RESERVATION'S NOW j ! FROM QUEBEC 'TO CHCRBOURO-SOUTMAMeTOM-HAMBURQ. Jnw I. July l Kmprfsa nf Franr' July i, July 30 F.tnrrrsi nf Scotland TO LIVERPOOL Jww J7, Jnly Montroyat TO SOUTHAMPTON-GLASGOW July Mi.nttanrler " FROM MONTREAL TO BELFAST-GLASGOW Jttn 19, July U Marbura Juno it. Julr II .Mrtamma July a, July SI Marlis-h TO LIVERPOOL June SO. July Is . Montrlare Juno MldltlTAl Jnlr I. .Vnr. I Mmiiralm July It. Aur. Mimtrniw TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP June t. Julv .1 MlmwdosA July B. Aur. Mrllla Apply to AtenM Terywtir or j. j. tUKilax, utn. Ai, C.P.R. Station. Vancouver, Teltphon &ynour J610, Can. Pac R. TraSc AUU. CANADIAN SERVICE FROM QUEBEC TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Cai-onla. .June t, July i. Aur. 1, SSodI. 4 i:armnla Ana-, ft, sovt. 1. Oct. 1 . FROM MONTREAL TO PLVIkOUTK-CHERBOURa-LONDON AnionU. .Juno tl. July , Auir. 3, Oct t Ausunl. .Juno in. .Mir . Sopt. , OrL It AniUnla. .Jul If. Atir. in. Son fit. OrL ti TO GLASOOW C.nndra Junf 13. Jul II, Ati(. 9. rp. i Saturtiia.Jiino fo. July IS. An, u. $oi. If .iiin-iiia . . j my i. Ai.r. i, fy, sri. fn rnum na.w tunh TO OUEENBTOWN AND LIVERPOOL srjlhla Juno It C.ariiianU juy j Samaria (lloston1 July i Laoonia Julv if TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON Aduliama Juno Ix. Julv il. tut A Bomirarla . . . Juno fn. July if. Ant. IS uaiiroianra July f. July sn. Vnir. jn TO LONDONDERRY AND DtllQaUl Colmnhia Juno It Assyria Juno i CalifornU Juno fs Cainoronla July .$ TO PLYMOUTH-CMERBOUHO-IONDON ?aila jnno tl l.tnratrla Julv s Motioy orders and draft at Inwoai rain. Full Information from Atonta or i.omiiany a "iiiih, off oastinxs si, w, Vanrouvor, H.f:. N O T I C t. , I.N TIIF. MATTF.II nf an ai.ptloallon for Iho Imiio r a rmvlsUmnl Corilflrat of imw ior loi lour.een (., biota, seven loon (17). Tow nine uf lolkitl.i. Man Kin Samfactory Proof of IIh los of Iho Coi tlflralo of Title rnvorlnf tho abote land harlnr boon produced In mo. It la mv In-leitlon to Untie arter Iho otplralloa of one month from Iho rirsl publication horrof, Provlslmial Cortiriralo or Tllln to Iho above land In the name of oin Andrea onnbrak. Tim nrlrmal Certificate or Tltl s i.aieu me ym July ins, anil is hum bored to 1 11. Land He th. try Office., rrlum RuporL iilti February, 1t(. II. F. MACLF.On. PeiUtrit c( Titles. O CoD O R msmr 1 w" l j yn i wi f. - 1 liaiTOOimcia (BULL DOG SIZE) C i nanuf actured by Ctrvrral CiiAr Company Limited. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA LllilTtO Sole Oitfribuforj NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agent PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Cash & Carry Seme of Our Regular Prices Creamery Ilulter print, per lb 35o Ontario Cheese, per lb. 25c Candian Kraft Cheese, per lb. 40c Ktrietly Fresh F.ggs, per doz ... 30c Milk, per case, any kind SS.50 Borden's Fagle Brand Milk ... 20c Jelly Pywder., per doz. 90c Matches, per carton ... 35c Campbell's Soup, per tin 15c Lihby Pork and Beans 15o Pure Jam, I lb. tin .... 75c Bulk Cocoa, per lb. .... 15c Fresh Cround Coffee. 3 lbs fnf ..' t. ... '$1.00 Ml tie White Beans, 3 lbs. for ... ... 25c Jap Hire, 0 lbs 75c Corn; FJuke. 3 for ..... 35c King Oscar Sardines,' per tin '. . 20c Bacon. Lest, per Ih 41c Laying Hens , Brown and While Leghorns $1.50 each. Phone Blue 428 Orders cf $5.00 Delivered. Farmers Market 7&r. Don't' let the fly aviators volplane around your dining room during the daytime and make, a hangar out of the lop of your head when night comes. They are germ laden engines of destruction. If you want to swat Vin go to II -we'll sell you att the swatters you wand But It's timo lo think of screens find this hardware store. Screens GOo to $1.2$ Screen Doors, black gal vanlzed ,, $3.50 to $8.00 Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Qoods COS 3rd Ave, l'hnne 3