turday, August 9, 1921. Eakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Nmv iiei for service umlr management uf Mrs. M. Haven. Ideal place lu spend your summer holidays. IlcAs-onable rates, timid home cooking. Comfortable rooms. Pishing. .Donling, Malliing in Lukclse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace August Clearance Motors Oi'faling Taxi and Luiiit.h Service between Terrace iiml lytlgo landing, assuring guest- of quick, comfortable " trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the valley. Por Veservallons and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. Buy while Stock Lasts 2 4 $17.00 per thousand 2x6 $17.00 per thousand 2x0 $17.00 per thousand Fence Pickets $1.00 per hundred Sidewalk Strips $1.00 per hundred Chimney Brick (hard brick) 5c each Lath, Shlplap, etc. Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Ltd Phone 361 "COUCHES LEATHERETTE AND TAPESTRY COUCHES $10 and $15 t BED COUCHES AND DIVANETTES To Clear at a Sacrifice Regardless of the former selling price we have marked down all our Leatherette and Tapestry Easy Chairs at the -one prlco $25 Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123. A most popular medium priced paper, and since it is now made in Canada no duly it js the biggest value on lb'1 market. The makers sel lhe price. Ours is the same ' the dealer in Toronto or Montreal'. l'apclries , . . , . . . G5c ami $1.25 Gnrvospwudeiicc Cards, (Void Edge $1.00; Plain 75c One Pound Paper and ot) Envelopes $1.75 Select I lit slalionery lh,dt reflecls yourself. Particular l'foplu use Highland Linen. ' TVTr K ? rrftvo i nrn Local and Personal .. a - -.. g B.C. Undertakers. Hayners, Undertaker 361. Phone 41. Pboua If I'rince llupcrt Annual Exhibi Hon, September 9 to 13. tf Simpson's Shoe Shop is open again. Shoe repairing neatly none, lifth Avenue and Mcllride. . island on August 17. . tf t'he Oyro Cliib has decided to hold its annual picnic at Digby .Miss Katherinc Morgan arrived in. the cily from Surf Inlet on the Venture last evening. hi. Andrew's Society. Regular monthly .meeting tonight at 8.30. All classes of exhibitors arc urged to make their entries for the Inhibition now. tf The funeral of Mrs. F. O. Daw son will take place Tuesday next from the Presbyterian Church at 2.30 p.m. Rev. H. R. Grant, D.I) ofllcmling. No more dil l, soot or Ashes from coal. Convert your slove to gas range by pulling in an Oxo- gas burner . See displayed in II II. Hemming' window, or phone Mack 120. 187 Lnion steamer cnlurc. Cant A. Johnstone, arrived in port at 7 o'clock last night and sailed at 8 o'elock toy Ibe.Naas River. The vessel was in port again this af lernoon southbound. H. II. Little arrived in the cily iasi nigni irom nazcuon on business. .Next month .Mr. Little will be coming here to lake ii his dune as manager of the local branch of the Union Hank of Canada succeeding A. T. Hro derick who has been upcrannu aled. r. H. I'enn, manager of the Uelmont-Surf iiilet mine, and Mrs. I'enn, ami 1. W. Racey, as sislanl manager, and Mrs. Racey, arrived in the city from Surf In lei last evening-and are register ed at the I'rince Rupert Iloiel Preparations have actually commenced in the Fair liuilding for Hie holding of Hie annual exhibition. The new eleclric wiring will be leste.i by t ho city utiliities department shortly. C.lUl. steamer Princess lleal-rice, Capt. Thomas ClilTe, was late in leaving Vancouver this week and is not expected here ing, .1. A, Maughan of Edmon Ion is booked to sail on the sel. ,ev A committee consisting: of D. of their son, Hugh L. Keenley side, lo Miss Kalherine .Pillsbury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pillsbury. The ceremony will ... THE DAILY NEWS AGE THREE f L 1 "CLARK" Kfmm V.r '4 Clark's BEANS with Tomato Chili or plain Sauces Enjoyable kEsSj Jack Johns is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Mrs, R. H. kinner is booked to ail tonight ojifthc l.'iince Rupert for the south; Mr Mini Mrs. Tlmni.is MnMenlcin are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. , (!. L (Julick, local manager of the Swift-Canadian Co., is sailing tonight on the I'rince Rupert for Vancouver on business. . Provincial Constable Arthur Collins is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Ocean Falls on relief duly. R. Kslon Phyfe of Hartford, Conn., and Dr. W. H. Phyfe of Patterson, N.J., who have been in the cily for the past week on business in connection with their realty holdings here, are making the round trip to Stewart on the Prince Runert today and will pro ceed south to Vancouver on that vessel tonight. Misses Myrtle E. Hangs and Dorolhy RaVniusSen, of San Francisco, who' have been visit ing at Jasper Park for the pas week, were round-trip passen gers on the steamer Prince Ru perl lasl night for Stewart. They will proceed to Vancouver on the steamer 1his evening- en route home STEAMER DELAYED BY FOG YESTERDAY Prince Rupert Arrived In Port at 7 O'clock Last Night With Many Tourist Running into fog at Boat Bluff south of'Swansun Hay and a rain off the mouth of the Skeena River, C.X.H. steamer I'rince Riinerl. until tonight or tomorrow morn-lcaptr D. Donald, from Vancouver es- and wayports, was four hours late yesterday and did not arrive hero until 7 o'clock last night. The most of the passengers ar riving were tourists en route b. hluarl, W . Held, Thomas Mc-'eat. A good number , arriving Clymonl and J. M. Campbell was from lhe east hoarded the vessel appointed by lhe St. Andrew's here and, after making the round Society last nighl In assist Hie trip to Stewart today, will go civic committee in connection ('trough lo Vancouver tonight, wjlli the arrangements being The steamer brought the fol-niade for the reception here next lowing passengers: week of Squadron Leader A. S. For Prince Rupert II. Mar-(. Marl.iuen and the British shall, T. H. Seoll, William Wart. round-the-world riighl parly. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON. liAV.V.A. basket picnic o Digby A. M. Ailkeu, Thomas Louden, II. M. Mai thews, F. Smith, Mr. Cas- sey, .mjss J. Heme. 11. J. jIf( ire-go r, C. McKeniie, A. firaut, Mrs. Island, Sunday, Aug. lu. Free ice- Medd and child. Mjss A. Mul- cream, pop and candy for kids, ford, MiSs M. Hunter, Miss Beat-Eveiyone welcome. Band of 102ndjrice Hunter, Mr. Langfield, Mrs. H.C. Hattalion in attendance. (Batcher, Mrs. A. II. Ludwig, Mnjor Hon Is leave Fishery -wharf, west J- H. Johnson, Miss A. McNabb, A. or Prince Ruiei;t )oathouse from !-Iolliffe. O. Arcand, J. H. Me-O.UO a.m. Adults 50c. l87.Keovn, C. I. Knnpp. Wilier Mar- shall, P. Bryant, C. A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Keenley- Miss M. Palerson, Miss E. Nel- side have arrived in the cily from son, C. Mauhling, E. Jolliffe. P. ancouvei; lo attend lhe wedding W. Baldwin, Miss Helen Harvey, Mrs. J. Peterson and child. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Hyde, J. S. Raine (Calgary), Miss Ward, .Miss Ur-quhart, Mrs. V.. W. Keenleyside; take place in lhe Anglican Church ,Miss M, Keeulcyside, Master Ir on Monday evening. vine. R. W. Felt. Mr. and Mrs Burrows, H, E. Bunion, A. A. Me. P. W. Haldwin, local auditorfor Lennan, W. Waddell, E. Colverg, the Canadian National Railways, Miss Jackson. Miss Williams, Vancouver, arrived from, lhe Miss Hrooks, Miss Ashburn, Mr, tm Hi on the Prince Rupert- last and Mrs. Elsey. 11. Cassier, J. L. 11 li lt. lie was iieniiinSiiniiK.I liv Ha 1 11 10. (i. .Mirhlo. Miss M nnnn Mrs. Haldwin and family who For Stewart H. H. Etlorshauk. are making the round trip to Mrs. M. httersliank, S. A. Etter-Slewarl today. Mr. Baldwin's shank, Jack Wood, Mrs. R. assistant, W. Wadjlell, is also Wood. H. D. Clegg, R. Wilmol, II. with him. J. Hende, .F. J. Itnwlands, Mr. ICoales, W Beaton, M-s. J. . Pronl, Miss M. Proiit; Mrs. p. W CCZEMA epeV'n-f'i'.N "nldwin and . -cliil.l'ien, It. Mo-Init when Dtinald, MV and Mrs. R. . )'.k4.V!9,,,V,I: .Bilker Mis- SI, .iff,... Ml.0 ri mint 1 10 ua samm mA ukln 1 li . . . - . " L turn'; it Si.toTie.Sd rdS '". Mr. and Mrs. fieorge, Mr. m ally heal.i the skin. Sample box Dr. nnd ' Mi's Jndrews W,,IM Ml Min mnninp anler, Chune's Ointment Ire e It you tat nUon this , ,, , nnd nemllo. stamp fur ixvunjte. ene. a 31. Mailier. Dr. SlailNT. -Mrs O Eaptr oxt nllilealevs er K)liimni utr. tt tU. u;i,m, .HM-v ,;'; '' ' ' FANCY DRESS DANCE HELD FOR CHILDREN Colorful Affair In Elks' Home Last Night was Complete Success The children's fancy dress dance last night at the Klks' Home in connection with the Elks' Flag Day festivities was al colorful and successful affair. There were about 00 children in attendance garbed in all manner of novel and picturesque cos tumes. ' The task set Mayor Newton. Ci. E (iulick and Mrs. C. R. Cullip in adjudicating the winners, was np easy one but the following. decisions were reached: Host dancing couple Miss Irene Mitchell and Miss Annie iilchrist. lhe former wore a Japanese costume and the latter an orange creation. Hest original couple Keith McLeod as Isaak Walton and Ian Murray as Charlie Chaplin. Hest dressed girl Miss Edilli Kergin fn a red and green crepe paper dress, ' . Hest dancing girl. Miss Dorothy Murray in an orange crepe paper dress. Thfs young lady also rendered two exhibition Russian dances which .were per formed with remarkable precision and skill. lhe prizes were presented to the winners by Mayor Newton who also referred to the object of the Flag l)av celebration.' L. M. Fuller was in charge. After the gathering of children had dispersed, the floor was opened lo some 75 couples of adult dancers, the, proceedings keeping up till 2 in the morning. G. Folsoin was master of cere monies, 11 H. Skinner and W. E Williscroft were on the door and lhe serving of refreshments at midnight was supervised by Mur. docli McLead. Music was fur nished by an orchestra consisting of Miss St. Cyr, A. A. Easson and Alex. Mitchell which was later augmented by V. Halagno and W. F. Browne. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert E. W. Westervelt. Buckley Hay; II. II. Little, liazeltou; Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie. Prince George; A J. Oilman and H. I. Hreek, New York Cily; Mr. ami Mrs. W. Watt and A. M. Ailkeu, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Peon, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Racey and Miss Kath-erine Morgan, Surf Inlet; C. A. Rogers, TIios. Louden, P. W. Baldwin, W. Waddell, Major J. H. Johnson, Mrs. E. W. Keenley-side and William Harker, Van couver; J. A. .Mauglian, lulnion- t on. Central II. W. Jenkins, Smil tiers; O. Davis and L McDonald, Porl Es-sington; Mr. and Mrs. J. Game, Inverness; Waller E. Hull) and T. W. Parker, Vancouver; J. Mur-dock, Alice Ann; J. S. Raine. Victoria; H. Murphy, T. B. Seolt, P. Bryant. Walter Marshall, J. R, McKeown, C. I. Knapp, C. Mauhl ing, E. JolilTe, G. Arcand, A, Jol- litfe, H. E. Burdon, A. A. Mol.eu nan, John Specie, Ocean Falls; R. Hooper,- Winnipeg; JA I. Moore ami O. Crate, cily; A. J. at kinson, Port Simpson. Joe Jackson, of Texas Creek mining fame, returned to Stewart on the Prince Rupert lasl night after having spent a week in the cily on business. HURLBUT CHUMS Welted Shoes of the heller class for Children. Made on orthopedic lines, allowing for the ( natural growth of the feel. The best Footwear for the infant, child, growing girl, lillle gent, youlh or boy. Agents lu I'rince Rupert Family Shoe Store No. 1A Autographic Kodak, Special Pictures 2XA x 4tt inches With Kodak Anastigmat Icns.6.3 and Kodamatic Shutter This model represents the latest achievements in photographic refinement. The most exacting amateur finds in the No.lA Autographic Kodak, Special, every aid to good pictures. Unusual photographic equipment such as the Kodak Anastigmat lens.G.3 and Kodamatic shutter with accurate automatic speeds ranging from 12 second to 1200 second is contained in a case of exceptional beauty genuine sealskin leather covering, and nickeled appointments. You ought to see this Kodak. You'll find one at our Kodak counter Ormes Limited THE REXALL STORE Phones 200 and 82 Thi d Avenue Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. How to Stay Married! He deserves the best Give Him Electric Bread What's in a Name? When it's "Cascade," there's all the difference between just ordinary "beer" and the most wholesome, satisfying drink a thirsty man could wish for. "Cascade" is brewed, bottled and guaranteed by British Columbia's model brewery. Get the Name Right- Get Satisfaction eBeer without aPeer This advertisement is not published or displayed by tlio Liquor Control Board -or by the Government of British Columbia. rhis;"advertisement is not published or displayed I'ly th?. Liquor flonfi'iil Tinned ni v IIih ftrivotMimunt n't Unilitt. ',Y1 C; .!.: